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24.01.2022 Myths about mortgage brokers Wary about engaging a mortgage broker to see you through the loan application process? There are numerous myths about mortgage brokers that have put people off using their services. Here we debunk some of the more common myths so you can see how a mortgage broker can help you secure the best possible loan for your next property purchase. 1. Mortgage brokers are aligned with one particular lender...Continue reading
21.01.2022 "You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens"
20.01.2022 Looking to invest in property to create wealth, security & freedom? Sometimes you need to be creative to find the right solution! Private message me to set up a meeting to explore your options. (we'll cover your borrowing capacity, loan structuring, property options, repayment options, rates etc)
19.01.2022 Ain't that the truth...
18.01.2022 What caption would be best for this picture?
17.01.2022 Quick tips for working out a propertys market value When you are searching for the perfect property, it can be challenging to work out exactly how much you should be paying. Rather than relying completely on the word of others, you can develop your own strategy for valuing a property, so you have a better independent idea of how much it is really worth. 1. Make a comparison search... Property sales are in the public domain, so you can research your chosen area and make a list of five comparable properties that have sold within the last six months. To ensure the properties are comparable, make sure they are within a kilometre of your target property, and that they have similar features, such as the same number of bedrooms, bathrooms and car spaces, and a similar land size. Also make a note if any property has additional features such as a pool, or whether it is more conveniently located in relation to amenities such as schools and transport. Do not include properties that have not yet sold, as the advertised price is not a true indication of how it will sell. 2. Rank your list Once you have a short list of comparable properties including the one you are planning to sell or buy, rank each property in order from Most Desirable to Least Desirable. Try to be objective in this exercise, looking at the land size and location, rather than whether you prefer one garden to another. Proximity to schools is a plus if you are valuing a three or four bedroom home, but less of a concern for a one or two bedroom home. Buyers tend to be drawn to properties with newly renovated kitchens and bathrooms, so keep this in mind when ranking your properties. Your ranking from most to least desirable might not tally with the ranking from most to least expensive this will give you an idea of what features are important to people buying into the area. 3. Adjust for market movements Now you have placed your target property within a list of five comparable properties so you can see where it stands in the price range between the most expensive and least expensive properties. However, the market may have shifted within the last six months from hot to cold or back again, since the first property was sold, so you will need to adjust for current market conditions. Once you have adjusted, you should have a clear idea of how much your target property is currently worth, based on its place in your ranking list. 4. Check your figures You can back up your research by checking the median house price for the suburb in question. The Domain real estate website will also show the discounting percentage for a specific area, which is the average discount below the agreed listing price. For example if a house listed at $1 million sold for $900,000, then the discounting percentage is 10%. Contact us today if you need assistance assessing the value of a particular property.
17.01.2022 Pros and cons of debt consolidation with your mortgage If you are struggling to keep up with multiple credit repayments credit card, car loan and mortgage one option for simplifying the issue is to consolidate all the debts into your mortgage. However, there are also potential negative consequences for consolidating all your other debts with your home loan, so you should consider this strategy carefully and ask for independent advice before making a decision. So what are... the pros and cons of debt consolidation with your mortgage? Pros Shifting from multiple payments to one payment When you consolidate your debt, you only need to make one regular payment, so your finances are more organized and you dont have the stress of doling out minimum payments to multiple lenders. Once you have streamlined your repayment plan, you may even be able to increase the amount of that one repayment. Lower interest rate Multiple debts is equivalent to multiple interest rates, yet when you consolidate all these debts, you are only paying interest on one loan, which is generally at a lower rate than before. This is an automatic saving. With one interest rate and one regular payment, your monthly payment will probably be much lower than usual, giving you the option of increasing the amount of your regular repayment to get on top of the loan faster. Cons Reduces the equity in your home Unlike your car and the items you purchase with your credit card, your home is an investment which will appreciate in value. Your goal is to increase the equity in this asset for your own financial security. Yet when you combine your home loan with your other debts, you are reducing your equity without any increased value of assets to balance it out. Risking your secured loan Another difference between a mortgage and your other debts is that a mortgage is a secured debt if you cant pay it, the lender can take something from you in lieu of the debt. In contrast, if you cannot make your credit card payments, it will affect your credit rating and your ability to get another credit card but it wont have a significant impact on your overall security. Consolidation loans are also secured loans. When you consolidate all your debts into your home loan and then cannot manage to make the repayments, your home is at risk. More costly in the long term While your minimum monthly repayments may be reduced in the short term, your long term debt may be increased. For example, if your car loan was taken over a five year term and then consolidated into your 30 year home loan term, then the interest on the original car loan will actually be increased so you are ultimately paying more for your car. Debt consolidation can be a valuable tool for some borrowers, but can be difficult for others. Contact us today if you would like expert advice on whether debt consolidation is the right strategy for you.
16.01.2022 "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain."
16.01.2022 Tip: Paying an extra $20 per week off your home loan cuts 3 years and 2 weeks off your mortgage. It's time to log onto your online banking and increase your weekly mortgage repayment today... you'll be glad you did! (*example based on a $350,000 loan at 6% average rate)
15.01.2022 Fill in the blank: If I had a $1,000 to give away, I would donate my money to _______
15.01.2022 Did you know a lot of home owners overpay on their mortgage? Could a better deal put an extra $250+ per month back into your pocket? We offer a free Loan Comparison Service to see if switching could save you hundreds per month. Private message me today to get a free loan comparison!
14.01.2022 Simple strategies to pay off your home loan sooner Of course you want to pay off your home loan as efficiently as possible to build equity in your home and avoid excess interest payments. Yet you dont want to sacrifice your quality of life for the sake of making crippling mortgage payments each month. There are some simple strategies to help you pay off your home loan faster, without becoming too stressed about a tight budget. ... Place any lump sum payments into your mortgage account If you receive an annual bonus or a healthy tax return, place the extra money into your mortgage account. These lump sum payments can drastically reduce your loan term. Pay the same amount when interest rates drop Dont let your bank reduce your regular mortgage payment when the interest rate drops continue paying the same amount, and this will reduce the interest, eventually cutting down your loan term. Offset your loans with a savings account pay wages into offset As your savings account earns interest, this amount is subtracted from the interest payable in your loan. When you reduce the amount of interest you need to pay, you can cut down on the length of your term. Shop around for a better rate Always stay alert for a better rate or a loan more suited to your requirements. You can delegate this task to a mortgage broker who will let you know if another lender can offer you a better rate or who can negotiate on your behalf with your current lender to improve the terms of your loan. Increase your repayment frequency Simply by making payments fortnightly instead of monthly, you will be making one extra payment a year. Again, this cuts down on the interest you need to pay, shortening the length of your loan term. Avoid additional debt While you are working hard to reduce the amount of interest you are paying on your home loan, you dont need to accrue additional interest payments through credit cards and car loans. Minimize your debts so you can concentrate on paying off your home loan, as this is the asset which will appreciate in value. Examine your budget Have a close look at your weekly or fortnightly budget and see if you can cut down costs anywhere in order to make a small increase on your loan repayments. You could save $50 to $100 a week through simple strategies such as grocery shopping once instead of twice a week or cutting down on takeaway meals or having a no spend day once a week. That small amount of extra cash can be diverted into your mortgage payment, where it will add up to huge savings in the long term. Contact us today if you need expert assistance in finding simple yet effective ways to reduce the length of your home loan.
14.01.2022 Questions to ask your mortgage broker When you are going through the home loan and mortgage application process, your mortgage broker can help navigate you through all the paperwork and different loan options to find the right loan for you. While the process might seem overwhelming, you might not know which questions to ask. When you ask your mortgage broker the following questions, you will have a better grasp of why your broker selected this loan as the best fit for your ...circumstances. You also need to be confident that you feel this is the best loan for your circumstances, and if you have any concerns you can discuss these with your broker before signing on the dotted line. Do you have a license? A mortgage broker is required to have a current license in order to practice in the finance market, and this license should be displayed on their web page or in the office. Without a valid license, your mortgage broker is not qualified to give you advice on your mortgage. What can you offer me that the bank cant offer? Amazingly, not all brokers have an answer to this! A good broker will explain their services thoroughly and these services should include finding the right loan package for you, then setting up the loan on your behalf. Their services should save you the time and stress of comparing loan packages for yourself and then organizing the loan directly. Which lenders are on your list? A good broker will have access to a wide range of lenders, from the largest established banks to the smaller lenders. The broker should also be experienced in interacting with all these lenders, so they know how each one determines a loan application and how long they take to give loan approval. With this experience and background, the broker will be able to give you accurate updates about the progress of your loan application. How do you determine that this loan is the most suitable for my needs? Your mortgage broker is legally obligated to find a home loan that is suited to your circumstances. Ask your broker to explain the thought process so you understand how they felt the features, rates and fees were right for your circumstances. For example, if you want the freedom to make overpayments on your loan, you need to ensure that your mortgage broker has chosen a loan that allows this without a penalty admin fee. How long will it take to process the loan? As mentioned above, different lenders have different procedures for processing loans, and some will take longer than others. Your mortgage broker should know how long it will take to process your loan application so you can work with a realistic timeframe while house-hunting. You dont want the right house to slip through your fingers because your loan wasnt approved on time! Contact us today if you are looking for expert guidance or advice on how to find the right home loan for you, whether it is for your existing property or your next purchase.
13.01.2022 Don't let this happen to you! Get a broker to find the right loan & get approved. Message me to give you a professional take on your situation.
13.01.2022 How to choose the best home loan for you Taking out a home loan is a huge financial commitment and it is particularly important to choose a loan that suits your needs, so you can make repayments on your terms without worrying about hidden fees or excessive interest. Yet it can be bewildering to navigate all the different loan options available and pinpoint the loan that is best for you. It is important to keep in mind that lenders are determined to minimize their risk so for... every benefit they offer to make the loan seem enticing, there is always another fact protecting their investment. So you need to look at the loan package as a whole rather than being drawn to one particular feature. Choose the right structure for your circumstances You need to consider your financial needs and your plans for the property as you want the loans features to cater to your circumstances. For example, you will require different features and flexibility from your loan if the property is to be a family home rather than an investment, your first home or second home, or if you are planning to renovate. You also want a loan that is compatible with the size of deposit you can afford. Most lenders will only agree to lend 80% of the value of the property unless you agree to pay lenders mortgage insurance (LMI) which can be expensive. Additional payments without fees One key feature to look out for is the ability to make additional payments at no extra cost. This enables you to make faster progress on your mortgage, and gives you the flexibility to pay more if you happen to have extra funds, such as an annual bonus from work. A home loan that penalizes you for making extra payments is apt to be more costly in the long term. Flexibility to adjust interest rate It is also useful to know that you can adjust your interest rate or split your loan at no extra cost if your situation or the market changes. You dont want to be penalized financially for seeking out a more suitable loan structure. Communication Ultimately, you need strong communication and a trustworthy relationship with your lender to ensure your home loan matches your needs, and that you can change your options as your circumstances change. Alternately, you can discuss your loan requirements with a mortgage broker who will stay one step ahead of the market and help you find the home loan that is the best fit for you. Contact us today if you need assistance in finding the right home loan for your property.
13.01.2022 Like to know how much you can borrow? Message me today to get your free borrowing capacity report!
12.01.2022 How Do I Pay Off My Mortgage Sooner? Pay more, more often. Want to pay off your mortgage early? Then make bigger mortgage repayments, more frequently. Youll own your own home sooner and save a bundle on interest. E.g. paying an extra $10 per week on a $350,000 home loan (@7% average) saves nearly two years off your mortgage and $34,382.65 in interested expenses ... Act now you pay most interest up front Most mortgages are structured so that you pay off most of the interest in the early years. If you are serious about wanting to reduce the interest you pay on your Home Loan, youll act now. Get rid of car loans and credit card debt Youre generally paying a higher interest rate on small loans (e.g. a car) and your credit cards so it makes sense to eliminate those debts first. So, put a rein on your credit card usage and then tackle your mortgage. Make sure youre paying off the right mortgage When you entered the mortgage market, you might not have been as well informed as you are now. Or the market might not have been as competitive. Stay in close contact with with us to stay informed you have the right loan. I can can let you know if there is a new home loan product that will save you money over the term of the mortgage. Flexible mortgages Most debt-retirement strategies depend on you being able to pay off more of your mortgage sooner. Read the fine print or talk to us to see if you have the flexibility you need to reduce your interest charges. Pay more and pay often Assuming you have a mortgage that lets you pay extra, you should pay more and pay often. The interest charged on a $ 300,000 home loan at a rate of 7.15% over 30 years with monthly repayments is over $420,000. By paying off an additional $50 a month, youll reduce the interest bill by $39,000 and your loan term by 2 years and 4 months. You could look at making repayments weekly or fortnightly rather than monthly. Over 30 years the savings add up. To learn more, talk to us today today. Information source: MFAA
12.01.2022 Is that you today? :)
10.01.2022 Did you know that your borrowing capacity can vary by over $200,000 + depending on which lender you use ... So if your current lender isn't giving you the funds you need - get a 2nd opinion ... you may just get the loan you want with better terms ...
10.01.2022 Haha love it... have a fab day Like & Share the laughter
09.01.2022 HaHa love it ... Like & Share - tomorrow LOL
08.01.2022 What's your best tip for staying out of debt?
07.01.2022 Did you know if a home loan interest rate varies by 0.5% (on a $350K loan), that's a saving of $41,875.00 over the life of the loan? My free loan comparison service tells you how much you could save! Message me for a free check up today! PM me...
06.01.2022 Quick tips for working out a property’s market value When you are searching for the perfect property, it can be challenging to work out exactly how much you should be paying. Rather than relying completely on the word of others, you can develop your own strategy for valuing a property, so you have a better independent idea of how much it is really worth. 1. Make a comparison search... Property sales are in the public domain, so you can research your chosen area and make a list of five comparable properties that have sold within the last six months. To ensure the properties are comparable, make sure they are within a kilometre of your target property, and that they have similar features, such as the same number of bedrooms, bathrooms and car spaces, and a similar land size. Also make a note if any property has additional features such as a pool, or whether it is more conveniently located in relation to amenities such as schools and transport. Do not include properties that have not yet sold, as the advertised price is not a true indication of how it will sell. 2. Rank your list Once you have a short list of comparable properties including the one you are planning to sell or buy, rank each property in order from Most Desirable to Least Desirable. Try to be objective in this exercise, looking at the land size and location, rather than whether you prefer one garden to another. Proximity to schools is a plus if you are valuing a three or four bedroom home, but less of a concern for a one or two bedroom home. Buyers tend to be drawn to properties with newly renovated kitchens and bathrooms, so keep this in mind when ranking your properties. Your ranking from most to least desirable might not tally with the ranking from most to least expensive this will give you an idea of what features are important to people buying into the area. 3. Adjust for market movements Now you have placed your target property within a list of five comparable properties so you can see where it stands in the price range between the most expensive and least expensive properties. However, the market may have shifted within the last six months from hot to cold or back again, since the first property was sold, so you will need to adjust for current market conditions. Once you have adjusted, you should have a clear idea of how much your target property is currently worth, based on its place in your ranking list. 4. Check your figures You can back up your research by checking the median house price for the suburb in question. The Domain real estate website will also show the discounting percentage for a specific area, which is the average discount below the agreed listing price. For example if a house listed at $1 million sold for $900,000, then the discounting percentage is 10%. Contact us today if you need assistance assessing the value of a particular property.
05.01.2022 Benefits of a mortgage offset account An offset account is a bank account linked to your home loan. Rather than accumulating interest within the account, the money in the offset account is offset daily against your mortgage, reducing the interest payable on your mortgage. For example, if you have $20,000 in your offset account and a mortgage of $400,000, you will only be charged interest on $380,000 rather than the full $400,000. This can drastically reduce the length of you...r mortgage and the amount you need to pay in the long term. Tax free interest As you are not earning compound interest from the money in the offset account, you are not liable to pay tax on that money. Instead you are increasing the equity in your property. Flexibility As the mortgage account is like any other transaction account, you can deposit and withdraw funds such as your salary without incurring access fees. As the offset amount is calculated daily, you can keep a lump sum in the account for emergencies while reducing interest on your loan. However, some lenders do place restrictions such as minimum transaction amounts and withdrawal fees which could end up costing more than the interest you save. Is the offset account for you? The people who benefit most from offset accounts are those who can keep a significant sum of money in an accessible account over the long term. If you are instinctively a saver, an offset account is preferable to having to pay tax on interest, as you are making significant gains through equity. It also gives you a flexible alternative to paying extra money directly into the mortgage, as you can still access the funds quickly and without penalty in case of emergency. Even having your salary deposited into your offset account ensures that for one day at least you will reduce the interest payable on your mortgage for that day. However, if you are only keeping a small minimum balance in the offset account, the interest savings will not be so significant. Talk to your mortgage broker or financial advisor about whether an offset account would be suited to your current circumstances. And before opening an offset account, make sure you are fully aware of any fees or conditions that may have a negative impact on the long term benefits. If you would like more information about how an offset account could work for you, contact us today for a personal appraisal.
05.01.2022 Spend 10 minutes on the phone with me to see if you could save $250 or more per month OFF your home loan repayments. Private message me now for a free loan comparison!
03.01.2022 "Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about."
03.01.2022 Pros and cons of Guarantor Home Loans As it becomes more and more difficult to break into the housing market, many families are considering the option of a guarantor home loan generally used when parents provide their house as guarantee for a childs loan. Basically, if you havent succeeded in saving enough for a deposit, another property can be used as equity in order to secure the loan. This is a serious financial step and not one to be taken lightly, so lets look at t...he pros and cons of making this decision for your family. The pros Enter the property market sooner. If you are impatient to be in your own home, or if you are confident that your financial situation will become healthier further down the line, you only need a smaller deposit to have your loan approved. Avoid Lenders Mortgage Insurance If your deposit is less than the 20% threshold, you are usually liable for lenders mortgage insurance as risk protection for your lender. However, when you have a guaranteed loan, the additional cost of this insurance could be reduced or waived. Access to lower interest rates The security of the guarantee will give you greater flexibility and choice when you are applying for a loan. With a smaller deposit, you could only secure a loan with high interest, making it even more difficult to make any progress on repayments. However, some lenders will not approve interest only repayments for a guaranteed loan, as you need to pay off the principal to remove the guarantee. A temporary measure Once you have repaid a certain amount, you will have enough equity to remove the guarantee so your guarantor is no longer liable for your loan. The cons High risk to the guarantor. There is one primary con to the guarantee home loan. If you default on your repayments, your guarantor is liable for the portion of the loan they have guaranteed. This means their own home is at risk. Your mortgage broker can help you calculate your repayments in advance, so you can be confident that you will be able to stay on top of the loan. You can also take the precaution of only using the guarantor for a portion of the loan, so you can free your guarantor from responsibility as soon as that portion is repaid. A guaranteed loan can be a great way to help a younger family member embark on the journey towards home ownership. However there are significant risks involved, so this option should not be undertaken lightly, and you should always seek independent financial advice. If you would like to know more about whether a guaranteed loan is the right option for your family, contact us today for a free consultation.
03.01.2022 Is this your bank? Then it's time to take advantage of our Free Loan Comparison Service. Some clients discovered saving $300+ per month by switching to a better deal. Private message me today to see how much you could save by switching.
03.01.2022 Pros and cons of a reverse mortgage A reverse mortgage allows a home owner aged over 62 to borrow against their homes equity while still maintaining ownership of the home. You can receive a lump sum or regular payments, and the loan is due to be repaid when you die, sell the residence or move permanently from the residence. The amount of the loan will depend on the value of your home, current interest rates and your age the older you are, the more you will be entitled to b...orrow. So what are the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage? And what factors do you need to take into account if you are considering this option? PRO A great source of retirement income Your home is your largest personal asset, and you can channel this asset through regular payments. If you are on a small fixed income through your pension, it can make sense to release some additional income through this asset. CON Value of your property is reduced As these payments are being made from the equity in your home, so you gradually lose equity in the property. This means that your heirs will inherit a property of reduced value when you die. Alternately, if you need to sell the home to move elsewhere (such as into an aged care facility) you will need to repay the loan while still having enough equity to fund your next home. PRO No monthly mortgage repayments While you are living in the home you are only required to pay the costs of taxes and property maintenance. CON High fees Fees are usually higher than a traditional mortgage, further reducing the equity in your home. PRO You can continue living in the property and leave it to your heirs One of the myths about the reverse mortgage is that you can be evicted from the property if the loan exceeds the property value. This is not correct. You can live in the home for as long as you wish and still leave the home to your heirs but they become responsible for repaying the loan balance, either by refinancing through a traditional mortgage or selling the home. CON The loan is due when a maturity event occurs Maturity events include the death of the last surviving borrower, or when the home is no longer your principal residence or you vacate the property for more than 12 months. It will also become due if you fail to maintain the property or fail to pay the relevant taxes or insurance. This means that the loan could become due during a crisis time for your family when you actually need financial resources rather than having to confront a huge loan repayment. While a reverse mortgage can be a fantastic option for some retirees, it is not for everybody and you should never embark on this type of financial commitment without independent advice. Contact us today if you wish to discuss whether a reverse mortgage is the right option for you.
02.01.2022 Tip: Watch your credit card limit! Even if your balance is zero, the higher your limit the lower your borrowing capacity.
02.01.2022 Top tips for young property investors It is possible for people to launch into the property investment market in their early twenties in fact, this is a great time to start, when you are first launching into your career and dont yet have any other financial responsibilities such as a family to support. However, buying an investment property can never be an impulse decision it takes self-discipline and applied knowledge to start building a profitable investment propert...y portfolio. Set a budget and save The first step of course is to start saving for your first deposit, which is usually at least 20% of the purchase price (can be lower, check with your broker). You will need to be focused and realistic, and quite single minded in order to save a sufficient amount. Your best option is to set a budget and create a clear financial plan that will help you remain focused and prepared once you do buy your first property. Think long term While some of your peers will be looking into short term gratification visiting pubs and night clubs, booking overseas holidays or buying a new car - you need to establish a mind-set that focuses on the long term rewards of building your investment portfolio. Learn from the experts While you are saving your deposit, take this time to educate yourself about the property investment market and the best type of property for your first investment. Read articles about property investment and monitor the real estate section of your local newspaper, so you can build a vision of an affordable and profitable investment property. Consult local agents and mortgage brokers as soon as possible so they can offer their insight into the market. Seek advice from a professional accountant, who can oversee your savings plan and advise you on your first home loan. Consider a family guarantee If you have the option, you could ask a family member to act as guarantor of your bank loan. The guarantor allows the equity in their property to act as additional security for your home loan. This strategy could potentially reduce the amount of deposit you need to save. You can split the loan into two portions, so your guarantor is only guaranteeing one portion of the loan. That way, you can pay off that portion first, so you can release your guarantor from the agreement as soon as possible. Invest, dont gamble Gambling is a game of chance where you can hope to win big but you are perhaps more likely to lose it all. Investment is based on knowledge and experience, so you make decisions that will be profitable in the long term. Learn everything you can about the property and the market, so you can make objective, beneficial decisions.
02.01.2022 Looking to get approved for a home loan? But ... Started a new job? Short term casual employment? Commission Income? Bonus income?... No problem... we know which lenders will approve you! Message me now to give you a professional take on your situation.
01.01.2022 Why do you need a mortgage broker? A mortgage broker is an independent person or business who specializes in finding the most suitable home loan for a customer, based on the customers individual needs and circumstances. Basically, like any broker the mortgage broker liaises between you as the property buyer and the banks or lenders who will lend you the money for your mortgage. So why go to a mortgage broker when you can contact the lenders directly? ... Open communication Unlike banks and other lenders, the mortgage broker isnt looking to sell you a specific product whether it suits you or not the broker wants to give you a full view of the market and find the right product for you. This opens up communication, as the broker needs to find out as much as possible about your requirements in order to select the most suitable loan package. And when you have questions or concerns, your broker will answer these directly. The brokers communication skills work both ways as they have an ongoing relationship with the lenders, they can negotiate to tailor the loan for your needs. Your broker will also know how long each lender generally takes to approve a loan application giving you a realistic timeframe, so you know when you can start house hunting in earnest. Wide range of options on offer Some lenders will work exclusively with brokers, so they can offer you options that would not be available to you as an individual. Different lenders will differentiate their products with honeymoon rates and special deals, making it more difficult for you to work out who is offering what you actually need and want. The broker will also help you make realistic comparisons between different lenders, so you have a better understanding of what features you are looking for in your own loan agreement. Convenience Your loan agreement is an important financial commitment, and there could be a huge cost difference over the long term between two loans that seem right on the surface. It can take you a great deal of time to navigate the mortgage marketplace, making comparisons and calculations and filling out loan applications and if you take a wrong turn, it can be a costly error. A mortgage broker can navigate the market on your behalf, saving you valuable time and money. If you would like to know more about how a mortgage broker can secure the best home loan package for your needs, contact us today for a free consultation.
01.01.2022 Did you know that you can obtain a home loan even though you are in a probation period with your work?
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