West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL | Non-profit organisation
West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL
Phone: +61 8 8346 4855
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25.01.2022 KARAOKE with Krystal. Friday 25th September (Fancy Dress if you wish) TIME: 7.30 to 11.30pm. PS: Bring our Microphone OR disposable cover will be available. BAR OPEN - MEALS from 5.30 pm ( please phone 83464855 to book a table & meals)
25.01.2022 Important Reminder: Father Christmas will be visiting on Friday 18th December @ 7pm ( he will be following COVID regulations) Present for children under 12 years of age. PS: Please phone RSL 83464855( if necessary leave message) to book a table & meals.
25.01.2022 Very enjoyable Country & Western night at RSL. Many thanks to Malcolm Doyle, Murray Mac & Doug Freer.
25.01.2022 WOW !! What a magnificent happy afternoon with Thats Showbiz thanks Robyn & her very professional group. Also a big Thank you to Lindy Hip Big Band singers.
24.01.2022 On behalf of your committee, have a Merry Christmas and a safe, Happy new year...........JL
23.01.2022 We can hardly wait to see you on Saturday !! Everyone welcome!!
23.01.2022 YES !! We are now back "Singing & Dancing" BOOK a table + MEALS.
23.01.2022 What an amazing Karaoke night @ RSL !! Thank you Krystal & all who attended. There will definitely be more to come!!What an amazing Karaoke night @ RSL !! Thank you Krystal & all who attended. There will definitely be more to come!!
22.01.2022 WOW !! Event Calendar & our new outside Noticeboard is really filling up !! Hope to SEE you soon at one or more of our events.
22.01.2022 Hurry, only a handful of tickets left!
22.01.2022 Thank you Krystal for another magnificent night of Karaoke. Krystal will return to RSL on the last Friday of the month, from February to November 2021.
22.01.2022 Beautiful vegetable bouquet skillfully crafted by our Chef Joe for a function at RSL. Thank you Malcolm for forwarding these amazing photos.
22.01.2022 A great night.............if you werent there here is a taste of what you missed.
22.01.2022 West Croydon History Group next meeting Tuesday 22nd September @ 5.30 to 7 pm @ RSL. Everyone welcome.West Croydon History Group next meeting Tuesday 22nd September @ 5.30 to 7 pm @ RSL. Everyone welcome.
22.01.2022 New Banners at RSL, thanks to a Department of Veteran Affairs 2019-20 Saluting Their Service Commomorative Grant Program. Lest We Forget.
21.01.2022 #'Happy Feet'Thursday Here we go again! The weeks just fly by.... So come along tonight and join us at West Croydon & Kilkenny RSL, Rosetta St Start around 7....15pm - finish at 9.30pm Cost $5 For 2 hours of Fun/Line Dancing The Club has meals and the Bar is open till we start dancing, so make a night of it!! See ya there ***Oh, Bring water to drink as the bar does close before we start dancing**
19.01.2022 a compliation of some of our songs, language warning
19.01.2022 Date for your diary. Set up from 7.30 am. Car $10 or Car & Trailer $15. Phone RSL 83464855 to book a site. Sausage Sizzle & soft drinks available.
19.01.2022 There is a strong rumor that the man himself may pay us a visit on the evening of Friday 18th December to hand out treats to children under the age of 12. PS would be a good idea to BOOK a table on the night, phone RSL 83464855.
19.01.2022 Updated Event Calendar for 2020. PLUS will be updated as necessary. Hope to SEE you !!
18.01.2022 How good is this !!
18.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Just a reminder RADIO HITS is a sell out show. NO further tickets are for sale, plus NO tickets will be on sale at the door.
18.01.2022 Just a taste of whats to come !!
18.01.2022 On the lighter side............................
18.01.2022 Today students from the Islamic College, St Margaret Marys and Kilkenny Primary School joined members and friends for a Remembrance Day Service at West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL. Lest We Forget
18.01.2022 SATURDAY 26th September come & enjoy an evening of original music with AKA Tomlin band, Dominic Anthony Guida band, Catmandudes and special guest singer and host Harry Kerylidis at the West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL. Meals available and bar open. Phone RSL 83464855 or Gloria 0403212536 to book tickets & meals.
18.01.2022 Members and Patrons of West Croydon & Kilkenny RSL At the end of 2018 we were impacted by the fallout of the Rosetta St upgrade. The management team were in turmoil, our secretary manager resigned, the regular dances by ACS relocated to another premises, TIDC dance school reduced the hours they used the old hall and the caterers gave notice. This could have finished the Club but it didn’t. We fought back; Joe and Ivy came on board as your new caterers, we got some events happ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Adelaide Outlaws Square Dance Club held their 2020 Christmas dinner at RSL last night. Catering by Ivy & Joe. Dancing, NO bar open.
17.01.2022 WOW !! GEIR returning to RSL for this amazing show. SATURDAY 9th January 2021. Tickets now available.
17.01.2022 This was written by a UK veteran but I think it applies to all soldiers the world over
17.01.2022 Magnificent night at RSL with the amazing Inferno !! SEE you all again in 2021.
17.01.2022 On the lighter side.........................................
17.01.2022 WOW !! Children enjoying a supervised school holiday Lawn Bowls session at RSL today.
16.01.2022 Stand Up / Sit Down Bingo Night @ RSL Saturday 14th November from 7.30 pm. Fund Raiser for RSL kindly organised by Toop & Toop - Thomas Crawford. The night will consist of: Two rounds of stand up/sit down bingo (last person standing wins) One round of Question/Quiz Bingo... One round of traditional Bingo playing for a line and then for a house A raffle There will also be live music by Krystal during the break, and karaoke for any persons brave enough We have some amazing prizes on offer which have been kindly donated by some of our most popular local businesses, and also a few cash prizes. MEALS available from 5.30 pm. Ticket prices are $10 per person or $7 per person for group/table bookings of 4 persons or more. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Thomas Crawford on 0448 888 816 or [email protected] Tickets also available at RSL or phone Gloria on 0403212536. See more
16.01.2022 At our last AGM nobody stood for the vacant position of Assistant Secretary. Chris has been battling on alone with some assistance from committee members, but this situation cannot go on. Chris is willing to do another year but he needs an able bodied back-up who can take over when required with a view to becoming the secretary manager in a year or so. The position calls for a member of the club with at least twelve months of continuous membership, who is computer literate and able to do light manual work. If we fail to find anyone we will have to consider the complete restructure of the clubs administration. If you are interested please approach the Secretary, President, Vice President or other committee member.
16.01.2022 West Croydon Local History Group meeting Tuesday 22nd September 5.30 to 7 pm @ RSLWest Croydon Local History Group meeting Tuesday 22nd September 5.30 to 7 pm @ RSL
15.01.2022 Still a few spareTickets for tonight's Band. Phone Gloria on 0403212536 to BOOK.
15.01.2022 YES !! our weekend functions are on !! Meals from 5.30pm on Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights. Plus Karaoke- Friday night from 7.30 pm & Mixed Grill Band from 7.30 pm on Saturday night. Phone RSL 83464855 to book for both nights, plus for meals.YES !! our weekend functions are on !! Meals from 5.30pm on Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights. Plus Karaoke- Friday night from 7.30 pm & Mixed Grill Band from 7.30 pm on Saturday night. Phone RSL 83464855 to book for both nights, plus for meals.
14.01.2022 Great night @ RSL with Father Christmas visiting & children receiving a stocking filled with chocolates.
14.01.2022 BANDS / KARAOKE @ WCK RSL in July / August. Saturday 10th July. -# Rock N Roll Band RIP IT UP. Friday 23rd July. # KARAOKE.... Saturday 14th August. -# GEIR (Elvis Birthday Tribute ) Saturday 21st August. # Lindy Hip Big Band. Friday 27th August. # KARAOKE. Saturday 28th August. INFERNO & SYMPTOMS OF THE UNIVERSE. MEALS available from 5.30pm on ALL nights as listed above. Thats ALL for now folks !! See more
14.01.2022 How good is this !! A ONE off Show for 2020 !!
14.01.2022 Important information BOWLS SA MEDIA RELEASE: ALL BOWLS ACTIVITY CEASE PLAY https://www.bowlssa.com.au//media-release-all-bowls-activ/ We all need to kee...p playing our part to help stop the spread: If you have COVID-19 symptoms (even if mild) get tested and stay home! Wash/sanitise your hands regularly. Keep 1.5 metres distance from others wherever and whenever you can. Wipe down/disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Download the COVIDSafe app to protect your community and help us to find the virus faster.
13.01.2022 Just a reminder to all of our valuable members and patrons. SEE dates we are closed below. MEALS will not be available from now until Friday 8th & Saturday 9th January 2021 for Geir ( Elvis) show.
13.01.2022 Absolutely wonderful night with Mixed Grill !!
13.01.2022 On the lighter side...........
13.01.2022 This evening we remember the service and sacrifice of Private Benjamin Ranaudo, 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, who was killed in action by an anti-pe...rsonnel explosive device north of Tarin Kot, Afghanistan, on this day in 2009, aged 22. Benjamin joined the regular army in May 2006, and was allocated to infantry. At the completion of his initial employment training at Singleton, he was posted to the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment in Townsville. He deployed to Timor-Leste in 2006 as part of Operation Astute, returning to Australia in October. He completed the basic reconnaissance course and was posted to Reconnaissance Platoon in May 2008. He soon completed a combat first aid and protected mobility vehicle drivers course. He deployed to Afghanistan on Operation Slipper as a member of 2 Platoon, Combat Team A, part of the Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest we forget. Ian Smith Chair Anzac Day Committee Photograph of Benjamin Ranaudo: Defence
12.01.2022 A guide to veterans radio programs (none of which can be heard on the transceiver shown as that has a range of 30-76MHZ)
12.01.2022 Melbourne Cup luncheon @ RSL,in line with COVID Regulations the buffet will be served by Ivy & Joe.
12.01.2022 A great night.............if you weren't there here is a taste of what you missed.
12.01.2022 Meals available from 5.30 to 7.30pm on Thursday, Friday Club night & Saturday prior to Stand Up/Sit Down Bingo.Meals available from 5.30 to 7.30pm on Thursday, Friday Club night & Saturday prior to Stand Up/Sit Down Bingo.
11.01.2022 http://rslsa.org.au/wp-cont//2020/08/Winter-Signal-web.pdf
11.01.2022 North Adelaide SANFLW premiers celebrating their mad monday at the RSL.
11.01.2022 WOW !! What a magnificent happy afternoon with That's Showbiz thanks Robyn & her very professional group. Also a big Thank you to Lindy Hip Big Band singers.
11.01.2022 This is most important..............
10.01.2022 On the lighter side........................
09.01.2022 That's Showbiz: Come along and be entertained by Robyn,Tony and the crew in an enjoyable afternoon with a Christmas theme. Time for some fun and toe tapping dancing plus singing for all ages to sit and enjoy !! SUNDAY 6th December from 2 to 4 pm ( club opens @1.30pm)- FREE Community event, afternoon tea and tea / coffee will be served. Phone RSL on 83464855 to reserve a seat & for catering purposes.
09.01.2022 What a busy Saturday at the RSL!! Special 1st birthday, yummy Indian buffet served to guests by Ivy & Joe. Followed by another special 23rd birthday with Lawn Bowls, followed by 8 Ball. Saturday evening an extra special 50th Birthday celebrated 5 months late, with Band " Gone Vinyl"... Happy birthday to all. See more
08.01.2022 What a great show Geir put on last night...........
08.01.2022 Wow !! Yet another amazing Band @ RSL.
08.01.2022 What an amazing afternoon !! Planting of Lone Pine by MP Steve Georganas, CSC Mayor Angela Evans and WC&K RSL President John Lawrance. Followed by an amazing afternoon tea ( kindly organised by our caterers Ivy & Joe ) as well as music / singing by the SA Army Band. Great display of Classic Motor Cycles and Vintage Cars. Local artist Steve Glass presented his magnificent Artwork.... Thank you to all who attended and made the day so successful. See more
08.01.2022 WOW !! What an amazing FREE Community Event this will be !! Bring the whole family along. Hope to SEE you on the day. Phone so we have numbers for catering OR leave a message on FB.
07.01.2022 What a great night @ RSL with Lindy Hip Big Band. Also starring our magnificent bar staff & catering team.
07.01.2022 WOW ! WOW! and another WOW! How absolutely amazing was the show @ RSL last night. The Cross Town Ramblers really excelled & will definitely return in 2021 when we can put on our dancing shoes.
07.01.2022 Why not come along & join Lara at the RSL !! Art Classes commencing Tuesday 21st JULY. Tai ( Aussie) Chi recommencing next week. Phone Lara on 0422118036 for more information.
06.01.2022 Music Festival Saturday 26th September 7.30 pm. Bar open and Meals from 5.30 pm. Please book - RSL on 83464855 or Gloria on 0403212536.
06.01.2022 Now that Winter is officially over !! Thursday 8 Ball is looking good !!
06.01.2022 Come along & join Lara at RSL for Art Classes. Contact Lara for more details. Acrylics, pastel and sketching with graphite, charcoal and pen. Still life, landscape and portraits. Also animals, wildlife and domestic.
06.01.2022 On the lighter side.......................
06.01.2022 Friday 25th September- Karaoke with Krystal 7.30 to 11.30 pm. ( theme Fancy Dress) Saturday 26th September- Music Festival 7.30 to 11.30 pm. Bar open & MEALS available from 5.30 to 7.30 pm. Sorry NO Dancing at this stage.... Please book for show & meals - phone RSL on 83464855 or Gloria on 0403212536. See more
05.01.2022 Thank you - Thomas & Jennifer Crawford, Vincent Doran from Toop & Toop, plus all the people from the local community for attending. The Stand Up / Sit Down Bingo fund raiser at RSL was a roaring success. Along with the amazing raffle & bingo prizes the night went off with a bang !! Standing up was allowed for a short time until your numbers were called, then last man standing was the winner !!
05.01.2022 Today the 27th of July is Korean Veterans Day when we commemorate the more than 17,000 Australians who served in defence of South Korea during the first open co...nflict of the Cold War. History Out There follower Brad sent this outstanding photograph from Ipswich today of local Korean War veterans accompanied by the great servant Keith Payne VC. Those who served in the forgotten war are remembered and very much appreciated. www.historyoutthere.com #keithpayne #koreanwar #koreanveteransday #history #historyoutthere See more
04.01.2022 Lest We Forget.
04.01.2022 Menu for Thursday 17th & Friday 18th September. Please book if group of 6 or more, thank you. PLUS- Friday Special.
03.01.2022 Yes Folks we will be back in 2021, on Australia Day. The Kings of Retro return to the West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL for a fun filled afternoon of Music, Mirth and Mayhem.. Tickets $20.00 from the Club or Ring Gloria, "SEE POSTER FOR DETAILS"
03.01.2022 WCK RSL MEALS on Thursday & Friday night this week. Private function on Saturday night.WCK RSL MEALS on Thursday & Friday night this week. Private function on Saturday night.
02.01.2022 It seems like a long way ahead but if you looking for a Christmas get together, party with the Crosstown Ramblers show at WCK RSL - only $10 per head, Great meals available - Social clubs welcome - BOOK NOW Call Gloria 0403 212 536 - last 2 shows were sell outs, don't miss out.
02.01.2022 How versatile is the RSL!! Saturday - TWO year old Birthday Party & Today - North Adelaide SANFLW premiers celebrating their mad monday at the RSL. For Hall Hire phone - RSL on 83464855.
01.01.2022 Art & Tai Chi classes at RSL. Phone Lara on 0422118036 for more information.
01.01.2022 Future Karaoke nights with Krystal. Friday 25th Sept, 30th Oct & 27th Nov - 730 to 11.30pm.Future Karaoke nights with Krystal. Friday 25th Sept, 30th Oct & 27th Nov - 730 to 11.30pm.
01.01.2022 The Beamers had a great night at West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL. Thanks to Gloria and Chris, the band, and the people who came and enjoyed a (socially distanced) good time!
01.01.2022 Just a taste of what's to come !!
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