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25.01.2022 Whoaaa just added up the money raised on the 30 pubs trip so far. You ready? $7670.00 Still have tonight at the Roo Baa and the sale of the bonnet and the aucti...on of three wall posters at the Rushworth Hotel today and a few straggler donations I have to chase up. But I reckon I will make the $10 K mark by the end of the week. I am pretty chuffed got an email from Moira just today and she said the money has come in at a very needy time. Meeting up with her tomorrow to get her to surf and sign the bonnet. The NBCF have been in touch also and thanked me. Good result I reckon can I sleep now? hahahahhaha More later Bren See more
18.01.2022 Wow how life can change in an instant. Monday I was a happy go lucky wild traveller doing my pubs crawl thing. Tuesday I met a seven year old girl who wan...ts nothing more than for her skin to stay on. Another 5 year old who is to weak to be operated on because she is so undernourished. She has feet the size of dinner plates and arms no thicker than a broom handle. So while some people wait impatiently for their latest Mustang to clear customs these girls wait patiently for a cure from their pain. No complaints no anger just smiles and happiness. Does that put it into perspective? Don't want to know? Don't care? All I ask is for you to LIKE and SHARE two clicks, not hard. Bren See more
17.01.2022 2 hours in Moira's kitchen! I wish everybody in the world could spend 2 hours in Moira's kitchen as I just have. Some people think they are having a bad day bec...ause they can't afford a new Maserati! A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! I thought I was having fun and being a martyr driving around Victoria doing a 30 day glorified pub crawl raising money for my two charities and I am pretty chuffed at myself raising nearly ten thousand dollars but I am just a fool. A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! Grant the owner of the NewMarket Hotel where I stayed on Sunday night paid me a big compliment saying my posts are very honest and revealing of how I feel on the road. He has been following my trip and further complimented me that he found me trustworthy and an honest person and we had a great conversation. I came away feeling pleased with myself. A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! I saw a Ferrari the other day at one of my stops and admired the car then the driver got out to pump petrol and it was obvious that he had a very damaged arm that hung by his side, but you know what struck me the most? His unhappy look on his face. And I can only guess as to his situation and I am kicking myself that I didn't ask. But to me it looked like he had an accident and with his compensation payout he bought the car to cheer him up, well I can tell you it ain't working. Made me think of Alan Kempster who I met at Yarrawonga a few weeks ago who has no right arm or leg from a bike accident many years ago. But you know what he does have? A great attitude a big smile and a zest for life. He is my hero of the trip he calls himself half a man but you know what if every man was half the man he is then the world would be a better place. A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! All I could think of the whole time I was in Moira's kitchen was that I wanted to slap some people in their faces for being such lazy ungratefully shits. A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! I was losing sleep last night because I was wrestling with all the upcoming problems of editing and producing the doco about the pubs trip I have just done. Right now I don't think that doco will ever see the light of day. Why? A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! So my problems of making the pubs doco happen are minuscule compared to some. So where to from here? I have no idea I can't pay my rent for December and have to move out by January. I even borrowed money to pay my cameraman's wages for the doco who then ran out on me because I insulted him at some stage but he won't tell me what. But you know what I am happy I have my health my life and most importantly my dreams, many of which I feel are no longer relevant as my skin stays on longer than 12 hours. I thought I wanted a Tucker car, a big house, my own TV show credibility, respect, whatever. You know what ? I would be happy for world peace and skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours. A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! Now if any of the pubs out there who supported me on my trip feel I have lied or taken advantage of them please let me know and I will reimburse any out goings they cost to host me. At this stage the money raised and paid to the NBCF and Moira Kelly stands at $7670.50 and I hope to break the 10K mark by the time all the donations come in and the bonnet is sold. A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! I am going to take a bit of a break from facebook for a while to gather my thoughts and see where my life is heading. A girl I just met wants skin that stays on for longer than 12 hours! Bren
16.01.2022 Okay collectors here is the Bullet bonnet from the 30 pubs doco up for your bids And I will deliver it to anywhere in Australia So come on anti up and put in your bids all money going to NBCF and Moira Kelly Thanks Bren
15.01.2022 Okay sorry I have been a bit off the radar but heaps happening after the 30 pubs doco and coming down from that took more than a week. Then having to move (read living in the bullet) because I could not pay the rent. Then somehow a miracle occurred and I have bought a house in Portland, but wait it is more than a house its on 3.5 acres a 4 bedroom house with a separate 70 square restaurant on the same block with high way frontage and heaps of potential to set up just about anything we want. Yes "WE" Kerri and I are setting up house together in Portland. Kerri is quite an accomplished artist and plans on setting up an art gallery/studio/ art workshop/ coffee house while I get back to business of wheeling and dealing cars and what ever and finishing off a few doco's. We are moving in on Sunday the 27th December and will post some pictures then. Until then have a great Xmas and New Year friends and I look forward to a great 2016 for us all. Bren See more
12.01.2022 Hey FB friends did you know there are 5 episodes of my 300 days around the world trip on youtube or got to brendan edgerton to see heaps of my mini docos Cant get on mainstream tv but can here so please LIKE and SHARE and help me got out there Just got approached by a bloke named Andy at Torquay who asked for a picture of the Bullet he complimented me on the 30 pubs doco saying how good it made him feel when he watched it and he wished that he ...was me. And felt that I was real and genuine and that the 30 pubs doco was way better than all the stuff on commercial tv. So I will just keep banging away at it till I get my break. Contact your tv network and say you want to see more of me, otherwise you will just get fed the same rubbish that you get now. At least LIKE and SHARE this Thanks Bren
07.01.2022 Well its day 30 of the trip and WOW WOW WOW what a trip it has been. I thought the trip was about pubs and sheds and me in the Bullet getting around Victoria, I was wrong! Turns out the trip is about people and what a great country we live in. I am not one to watch television so I don't keep up with world news very much or who's in or out of politics but let me tell you this, Australia is a great country with a lot a great hard working honest people in it. I though...Continue reading
05.01.2022 So not many people read my long post about Moira's kitchen! Too long? Too close to the bone? Too lazy to press like? Or maybe I didn't spell it out f...or you, I just spent two hours with a 7 year old girl that Moira has rescued from Gaza last week. Her skin comes off from her whole body twice a day, she has no eyelids and no ears and has to be bathed twice a day and creams rubbed into her whole body at great expense in both time and money. (Normally kids with this disease die at six months old) But you know what she does have? A smile that melts your heart as it did mine yesterday, she doesn't want a Maserati or a fancy house or new clothes she just want to be free from the pain and irritation of her skin peeling off. I have no photo as it is unfair on her but if you don't LIKE and SHARE this I don.t know what will make you. I have the bonnet from the Bullet up for bids. All of the money will go to NBCF and Moira Kelly and I will deliver it personally anywhere in Australia Sorry if have come across a bit hard but everybody should spend two hours in Moira's kitchen and see and feel what life is like for some not so fortunate More later Bren See more
04.01.2022 still alive and well