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24.01.2022 Big update! 1. Production buildings: Barracks, Factory, Harbour, Airfield, now produce all the mobile units in-game, each with their own unit build queue of 10 maximum. The Headquarters now produces Production structures. This gives much more flexibilty in unit production. 2. Chat system: finally players can now communicate in-game. Click the 'chat' button in the top bar to bring up the Chat window. Players can type directly into the text field for Global Chat (seen by or click on a player's name to chat to them privately. Let's.... let's not do the Nigerian Prince thing, guys 3. Revamped Alliance system: Used to be automatically-inclusive alliances - Player A and B ally together, if player B allies with player C, Players A and C become allies automatically. This sometimes caused all players to end up allied to each other, which was no good, because this isn't a World Peace simulator. Now, Player A and B can ally together and if Player B and C become allies, A and C remain un-allied until they choose to do so. It's all about choice these days folks 4. Bunch other little bug fixes etc. Enjoy!
22.01.2022 Resources system update! The game now features three resource types: 'Cash', 'Raw Materials' and 'Fuel. ... All units and buildings now cost differing amounts of all three resource types, so players will need access to all three types to be successful. 'Resource Zones' reflecting the real-world location of mineral and hydrocarbon resources have been added to the map and can be viewed by toggling on the 'Resources option in the new View box in the lower left of the screen. 'Resource Structures' extract resources from their relevant zones and make them available to the player. Lumber Camps produce Raw Materials and can only be built on forested areas. Farms produce Fuel and can only be built on existing farmland. Mines produce large amounts of Raw Materials and can only be built on Mineral Zones (yellow rectangles). Oil Derricks produce large amounts of Fuel and can only be build on Oil and Gas resource zones (red blobs). Tax Offices produce Cash and can only be built on urban areas. Remember: just like in the real world, vital resources are distributed unevenly across the map. Where you choose your starting location and where you decide to send your troops should be influenced by where the valuable resources are. So jump on and check it out!
21.01.2022 Battle other players on interactive maps of the real world. Start a base on your hometown and declare war on your neighbours. Free to play indie massively multiplayer real time strategy game on desktop, mobile and tablet. Check it out now!
21.01.2022 Major 'Resources' update! The game now contains three resource types: 'Cash', 'Raw Materials' and 'Fuel'. Everything costs varying amounts of these three resource types to produce. The game map has been updated to include a Resources layer, which can be toggled on to display where usable resource zones (Mineral Zones are represented by yellow rectangles and Fuel Zones are represented by red blobs). As always this feature is intended to reflect the real world, so those mining... sites and oilfields are located in the game roughly where they are located in real life. Some locations have access to a lot of these resources, some don't. Pick where you want to set up your base carefully. Additionally new Resource structures have been added, which will only work in their relevant areas: 'Lumber Camps' can only be built on forested areas and produce Raw Materials. 'Farms' can only be built on existing farmland and produce Fuel. 'Mines' can only be built on Mineral Zones (yellow rectangles) 'Tax Offices' can only be built on urban areas and produce Cash. The Headquarters also produces cash, no matter where it is located. Jump on and try it out! More updates will be coming soon.
20.01.2022 Take over the world! RULE is real-time strategy on real-world maps, for mobile, tablet and PC. Check out the Kickstarter!
16.01.2022 The RULE Kickstarter is steaming ahead - now at $3850. If we hit the target of $10,000, those funds will go towards replacing the current maps with a global gameplay map, covering the entire world. So no matter where in the world you live, you and your friends can play that location as a battlefield. Everyone could do this at the same time - you could start an empire in Europe, then zoom out and check out other factions in South America. Eventually you could actually fight th...em. RULE's got nearly 900 players now - if everyone contributed just $10 the Kickstarter would be fully funded and then some. Click the link to see the campaign:
16.01.2022 The RULE Kickstarter has been successfully funded! Merry Christmas, everyone. Stay tuned in the new year for updates on RULE's development and get ready to start taking over the world!
15.01.2022 New update: We have tweaked the building system so that structures can be built anywhere in a player's current territory. Under the old system structures could only be built within a two-kilometre radius of the player's headquarters, meaning your powerful empire was really only the size of a small town. Now you can spread out your structures to the very edge of your borders. A Vision Radius (blue circle) has been added to all units. Enemy units inside this circle will be rev...ealed to the player. Just like in the real world the 'fog of war' is often a commander's greatest enemy - now you can use reconnaissance units like the Scout Helicopter and Transport to find out where the enemy is. Units with powerful long-range weapons (such as the Tank and Artillery) often have short vision ranges and cannot fire on hidden targets. To use them most effectively, skilled commanders will send forward reconnaissance units (which often have short-range, weak weapons) to spot targets for the heavy guns. This will require careful coordination and will make light scout units much more valuable in combat. The Outpost building acts as a cheap stationary reconnaissance unit (with a ten-kilometre vision range) that can be quickly built inside a player's territory and gives you a means of checking out whats happening over your borders without trespassing. These structures will likely be one of your first lines of defence against a possible invasion of your territory. More updates on the way soon, stay tuned
12.01.2022 Check out this free-to-play browser-based multiplayer real-time strategy game played on interactive maps of the real world. Zoom down to your hometown and wage war on your neighbours!
10.01.2022 Big news: the RULE map has expanded to cover all of Australia. Jump on and start taking over this wide brown country. Expect a few resets/changes in the coming days but this is a major step up, people. Previous maps have been single cities. You can now conquer an entire country - if you're determined enough...
09.01.2022 Help RULE expand - contribute to the Kickstarter! Your hometown can become a virtual war zone as well! Follow the links at to get to the Kickstarter page. Every little bit helps.
08.01.2022 Got a whole lot of updates to the demo planned for the coming weeks/months: - Production buildings: Barracks, Vehicle Factory, Harbour, Airfield - Player and group chat... - Players list - 'Surrender' function (to restart your base from scratch somewhere else) - Non-insane alliance system (alliances will be on a player-to-player basis, instead of an inclusive join-the-club basis. This will stop the entire map eventually allying up together and all warfare ceasing. This is not a game about world peace) - bunch of other bugfixes, improvments to stability, etc
07.01.2022 Check out the huge territory across the Great Lakes region in the US established by ‘zikaboiii’
04.01.2022 Hi everyone - I haven't just taken your Kickstarter money and bolted (very tempting idea, though). We've been working on something big. How big? About 7.9 million square kilometres. That's how big. ... Stay tuned
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