Runnymede Farm in Uduc | Farm
Runnymede Farm
Locality: Uduc
Phone: +61 431 257 237
Address: 348 Rodgers Rd Uduc, WA, Australia
Likes: 1674
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25.01.2022 When you're walking along & a spider web pops up in front of you #spring #feelinggood #grassfedbeef
24.01.2022 And we're irrigating again, more than a few weeks later than usual due to the extremely kind wet & cool November. The laborious, time consuming art of juggling water is a full on job, but one which gives us so many opportunities. We're working away at making this irrigation system more water efficient, biology friendly & less totally & entirely life consuming, but on evenings like this it's not such a chore! #floodirrigation #workingdogs #grassfarmers
24.01.2022 When you were supposed to take a hay sample whilst out setting fences but you forgot the bag time to improvise. It's been a busy week It's national ag day today. A day to celebrate those who produce our food, the massive amount of people whose jobs allow us to produce the food & all of those who consume it. Agriculture is an critical part of life, let's all do it well & support it well. #innovation #nationalagricultureday
22.01.2022 Ladies we have a log layer. Oh no, that wasn't me. Who was it? Don't know who. Red chicken. Yellow feet. Beady eyes. We have ourselves a Rouge chicken. #pastureraised #groundlayer #chickensmakingbadchoices
22.01.2022 An insight into the birthing process of a small square bale. The things we do for our horsey friends!!!! These little babies are a manual lift and stack job. Anyone's whos done it before probably wouldn't be volunteering to swing by the farm for a visit in the next week!!! #hay2020
21.01.2022 First lot of cattle arrived for summer finishing today from @beermullahbeef - (red animals, blue tags in video). We reduce our stocking rate significantly over winter as we become quite waterlogged, this means we can still let out higher country have recovery & the lower areas not have pressure on them until the ground starts to dry out. We carry our breeders, keeper heifers, and a few finishing stock and then bring in more cattle for the summer period. These cattle come from producers who share our values of land regeneration, high welfare standards & a passion for grass based systems. #pastureraised #grassfed #lowstress #agriculture #beef
21.01.2022 The little fella who had a rough start being born into a drain last week is looking pretty bright! A heifer (first time mother) who lost a calf the same day has taken him on & is mothering him beautifully. She hasn't got much milk which we've working to try to fix & he's been a bit wobbly health wise but they're out a paddock now looking good. Fingers crossed this will work out for both of them. #calving2020 #planb #knowyourfarmer
20.01.2022 Our main tractor didn't survive the hay season. . Then a secondary tractor ripped a lug off doing main tractor work with the only new set of tyres for her having to come from Victoria So it is up to the wild & wonderful & somewhat clunky old Massey to finish up the hay season. She's a basic old girl but she does the basics well. We've raked more hay than usual thanks to a very kind growing season & a super hot cattle market that's means mouths to graze are a bit too... pricey. Today was ear plugs in, sun gear on, wrestle some wild steering, enjoy the hum of old machinery that still just gets the job done kind of a day. #masseyferguson #hay2020 #springtime
17.01.2022 Our first farm picnic happened yesterday! The weather was a little wild at times but that didn't stop the wonderful team from @dirtycleanfood from putting on a fantastic show, the dedicated lovers of fine (food, farming & company) from making the trip down & sensational @northstreetstore from putting on a spread that delighted all of our senses & included beef & eggs grown on ground we sat upon. The farm tours were a hit, with the hens, dogs & cattle handling the sudden population explosion like champs & we just loved sharing our place & process's with you! All of this magic was captured by the talented, beautiful & dedicated @tayareidphotographer who rolled around in mud & chicken shit to capture moments that truly show the beauty of the people, the animals & this gorgeous part of the world. It was wonderful to have you all here & we're looking forward to the next one already. I'll try & dial up some sunshine!
16.01.2022 Chicks chillin' on the weekend, living life like chickens should. Free to roam, roost, scratch, hunt & pose! #pastureraised #happyhens #uduc
15.01.2022 Have had a delivery from @dirtycleanfood yet?! As farmers we already wear a lot of hats, & the marketing & distribution one sits pretty heavily sometimes when we really want to be tending to our land & animals. To work with a company who are as passionate about farming systems that build soil, biodiversity & community as we are, who are dedicated to getting quality produce to quality customers & are so good to deal with on a human & business level is very refreshing. ... They are the only stockists of our eggs in Perth outside of Saturday farmers market & will deliver to your door! Not to mention the huge range of other food grown with including our grass-fed beef. Check it out! #regenerativeagriculture #perthgoodfood #youarewhatyoueat #pasturedeggs #pastureraised #perthfoodiescene
14.01.2022 Crap (!) Photo but exciting message for all those who have been struggling with the flies - first summer dung beetle smacked into me riding the bike today! These critters will bury our cows dung - Taking away breeding ground for flies, depositing nutrients in the ground and making delicious nutritious air tunnels for our plants & biology. If you have livestock of any kind be aware that ivermectin based dewormers have a massive negative impact on these little guys. If you ca...n, manage your way out of chemical wormers, if you can't, use a product that's gentler on these wonderful little beetles. #dungbeetles #healthysystems #regenerativeagriculture
13.01.2022 'A dog is one of the few things in life, that is exactly what it seems' - unknown Our beautiful Bacon is really crook at the moment & we're not sure she'll make it through. Her liver is failing & her prognosis is not good. We manage life & death decisions on the farm everyday, but this one is really hurting. Those who knows me know I've got a lot of room in my heart for dogs, but I've always said if I could only have one dog for the rest of the rest of my life it would be B...acon. Give your pooches an extra cuddle tonight xx I thought we had so many more years Bakey. #notreadytosaygoodbye
13.01.2022 When our life's hay..... Our social feeds are - HAY! This champion group is small square lift team 2020. One of numerous loads and unloads of this setup today. All neatly stacked in the shed with Allan's (in the red shirt) expert guidance. This year is Allan's 50th consecutive hay season & he's been a crucial advisor & operator for us this year. He's seen some crack hay teams in his time but nothing beats this one. He didn't say that but I'm sure he thought it. ... Special thanks to @pilbaraworkingdogs for stopping in to talk dogs & regen ag & staying to sweat, itch & strain on the hay job. You're an absolute gem & Adam goes better than ok too. Team work really does make this dream work. The people we have in our life are pretty damn special. & Itchy. #hay2020 #haydone #teamwork #soretomorrow
13.01.2022 Nobody told these cuties what curiosity did to the cat!
12.01.2022 Our new egg cartons will debut this week! We started off with stamped cartons, moved to gluing labels on with a hot glue gun (many ouches) & have now (finally!!) move to pre labelled cartons! I absolutely love the design put together by the wonderful @seedstudio_design, based on an original painting by the incredibly talented, charismatic, creative (not to mention outrageously good looking) Fremantle artist Ross T Calnan - also known as Papa Bear. ... The goal was to make an everyday item something to be admired & appreciated, just like our eggs. To have a piece of my papas art reflecting the chaos & beauty of the farm that I see & smile at every day makes me ridiculously happy! I hope you all like it as much as we do. The Bacon, Blythe & hens photo will still be around, but I won't be too sad not to have my face in so many fridges #pastureraised #runnymede #fresh
10.01.2022 Thanks for all the Bacon well wishes everyone. Such a beautiful community we have we are so grateful. She is comfortable and still quite active & bright. She's still receiving a combination of modern & herbal medication to give her a shot no matter small. We'll keep trying for her as long as she she keeps telling us she's got fight left in her. Xx
10.01.2022 Safe to say the clover has been pretty happy in this spot! All of our seed mixes go in as multi species but often one species loves conditions more than others. This will be carefully managed as we graze as the highly digestible high-protien forage can cause rapid rumen bacteria growth and excess gas production leading to a potentially deadly bloat. The cattle love it & they will be like kids in a candy shop! They'll go into sectioned strips with a full belly of lesser qual...ity feed & be monitored & removed for a break if anyones 'gassing up', indicated by distension of the rumen on the left flank. #pastureraised #grassfedbeef #clover #springtime
09.01.2022 Pretty darn excited that our beef is going to be heading out to you in these home compostable vacuum bags by @groundedpackaging from now on. Made from cassava root and corn derivatives blended with a copolymer this packaging is helping us kick single use plastic to the kerb. Next beef packs will be available on the first weekend of October! #grassfed #compostable #innovation #continualimprovement
09.01.2022 Our smooth sailing streak for 2020 calving came to an end today with the morning discovery of this lil fella calved into a watery ditch & his first time mother near by with a uterine prolapse. He was vigorously rubbed down with a jacket to bring him back to life and we got him warmed up. His mother was walked back to the yards where she required an epidural by our vet to get insides back inside. Some stitches & antibiotics & she should be ok. We milked her to feed him & he'...s looking like he should pull through. Another heifer had trouble this evening & after a fair bit of assistance had a dead bull calf. Since the day both these heifers were born I had imagined them being with the herd for the next decade. Having cows that calve unassisted is one of the biggest attributes that helps prevent cows & calves suffering. Both of these heifers & their calves would have died without intervention & will not remain with our breeding herd. Farming can be a tough gig. With the joys of new life comes the responsibility of managing a herd for the best welfare outcomes & being elbow deep in it when things don't go to plan. #calving2020 #grassfed
09.01.2022 The Winter Solstice is the time of ending and beginning, a powerful time - a time to contemplate your immortality. A time to forgive, to be forgiven, and to make a fresh start. A time to awaken - Frederick Lenz A perfect quote for this long, dark night thanks @allingtonfamilyfarm Bring on more sunshine. ... #wintersolstice #alongnight #thereisaseason
09.01.2022 The babies are growing up! Time to start thinking about baking the next batch. December joining will see our 2021 spring calves on the ground. The keeper heifers from last years calves were selected yesterday & moved from the young feeder herd into the breeder herd. Very happy with these girls, the girl pictured is a #pharocattlecompany Parker daughter out of a moderate Runnymede cow & has hit 490kg at 14 months old. What a ripper. Hopefully the mother of many future Runnymede solar powered, grass pruning, carbon sequestering, protein building superstars. #grassfed #beef #regenerativeagriculture
08.01.2022 Celebrating her first revolution on earth. 24 hours old this morning - calf spam! Sorry not sorry. She has been joined by two other speckles in the last day - but she is by far the best poser! #speckletacukar #calving2020 #springtime
06.01.2022 Awesome to have @scoopandpour visit the farm today, having great friends who are passionate about quality Australian produce is pretty special. Our top quality, nutritious, delicious, grassfed beef packaged in HOME COMPOSTABLE vacuum sealed bags is being delivered to Perth this Wednesday afternoon if you want to get your hands on some - link to our website in our bio. Know your farmer, know your food. Direct from our farm to your family.... #grassfedbeef #regenerativeagriculture #perth #wagoodfood
05.01.2022 Checking calves with the beautiful Poco pony yesterday. Calving is about 80% done & we are really loving the mix of rain & sun! Blythe had a weekend off horsing around, thanks to everyone for taking care of Dad & sister Taeg at the markets - it can be a intimidating gig! Also massive gratitude to those who tended to the farm which is also a very big gig. For these reasons we don't get away often, but dang it felt good! ... #calving2020 #regenerativeagriculture #recharge #springtime #bestofthewest
05.01.2022 Whoever said watching grass grow was boring had no idea what they were on about. Doesn't get much better than letting the cows into a section of this! #grassfarmer #regenerativeagriculture #letthegrassgrow #grassfedbeef
05.01.2022 Early morning herd checks. Not sure this is his best angle!! Welcome Summer, I'm not recognizing you yet as I got around in a jumper, jacket & beanie this morning but I'm sure the familiar traits will kick in soon! #grassfed #calves #summertime
04.01.2022 Beautiful beans in with his beautiful young hens. These girls are lovely group who have started laying really quickly with the long daylight hours and coolish days. As with most animals in nature, spring is the time of abundance! #pastureraised #pasturedeggs #maremma #regenerativeagriculture
04.01.2022 When you're fixing a trough that someone decided to take a swim in and everyone insists they're perishing and must drink at this trough instead of going for a drink at the other trough 50m away I've got tough bosses. #bossycows #hardongear
04.01.2022 Everyone's a little braver with a friend by their side #workingdogs #redangus #farminglife
02.01.2022 Getting ready for a 'big' move tonight onto a new winter woodchip pad in a different paddock for our oldest flock. The winter woodchip wagon wheel system has worked well, this will probably be our last wet season move before we're back on irrigation for the summer. Any area of the farm only supports hens once a year so that it's got plenty of time to recover, utilise nutrients & come back healthier & happier. #pastureraised #regenerativeagriculture
02.01.2022 Miss Bacon. Part seal, part polar bear, part wolf & such a good dog. ... #maremmasofinstagram #bacon&eggs
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