Anaconda Whitsunday Trail Fest in Airlie Beach, Queensland | Sporting event
Anaconda Whitsunday Trail Fest
Locality: Airlie Beach, Queensland
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25.01.2022 How exciting. Our new flags have arrived for the event and they look so good. Now is the time to get in and register for event, to be able a run in the beautiful Whitsundays. Head over to our website to register for your nominated event.... Look forward to seeing you all in September. #WTF21 #WTF58 #WTF28 #honeyeater11 #beatthecreek #kidsbeachrun #whitsundayrunningclub #lovewhitsundays #anacondawhitsundaytrailfest
25.01.2022 Chris is taking a little relax time, while he completes lap 10 of course. Let's do a little competition. As we continue to follow Chris on his journey. How many Kilometres do you think Chris will do, before he has to pull out or be the last person standing.... Remember, each lap of the course is 6.7kms Put your guesses in the comments below, the person who is the closes to Chris Kilometres. Will be entitled to have 20% off their entry fee for next year event. #WTF #whitsundayrunningclub @cmurphyrun @run_whitsundays #WTF21 #honeyeater11 #WTF58
23.01.2022 Congratulations to our first competitor, who not only has signed up to run WTF58 on Sunday 12th September. They have also signed up to run the Honeyeater challenge on Saturday 11th September. Who else is going to take up the challenge, of running both the Honeyeater challenge and WTF28 or WTF58. I am sure there is more then one person, who willing to take on the challenge.... #ultrarunning #WTF58 #WTF28 #honeyeater11 #beatthecreek #kidsbeachrun #whitsundayrunningclub #lovewhitsundays #anacondawhitsundaytrailfest #WTF21
23.01.2022 Chris coming in strong to finish off his 100km challenge What a legend to set this awesome task. Congratulations Chris "Groot" Murphy... #honeyeater100 @cmurphyrun @run_whitsundays
22.01.2022 Chris is in the top 3 in the last person standing. Thank you AAA Racing & Coaching for the photos and videos. To keep everyone updated on how the race is progressing. It appears that Chris is up to lap 29. He must be tired and sore. But he continues to look relaxed and comfortable, as he heads out.... Keep it up Chris. We all want to see you take home the number 1 spot. #whitsundayrunningclub #lastpersonstanding #WTF
19.01.2022 What a great way to start father day off, by going up to Honey Eater lookout this morning. Today would have marked a week out, before the big event. It was unfortunate this year that the event had to be cancelled. But it has given us time, to think of new things. To bring the event to you all next year bigger and better. Even though the event has been cancelled for 12th and 13th September. Why not still think about coming to Airlie Beach and still take trail, and while you ar...e here. Why not take on one of the tours the area has on to offer. If you do the trail, take plenty of photos and tag us in the photo. #WTF #WTF21 #honeyeater11 #WTF58 #whitsundayrunningclub @run_whitsundays
19.01.2022 Good morning trail runners. As Christmas is only around the corner, it good time to think about putting in your Christmas wish list, in for some new trail gear. WTF team, has decided that all competitors competing in #honeyeater11, #WTF58 and #WTF28 must have all the relevant gear on our check list to be able to compete in the event.... If you do not have the relevant trail gear when you check in, you will not be able to compete in the event. We have have attached photos of the minimum requirement, of the trail gear you will be required to have for each event. You can also visit our webpage at for all the course profile, and event information. #whitsundayrunningclub #WTF #lovewhitsundays #trailrunning
17.01.2022 Are you ready for this one?
17.01.2022 Chris relaxing with his trophy after finishing his 100km. #honeyeater100 @cmurphyrun @run_whitsundays
16.01.2022 Well done Chris. You have done us proud at WTF. #whitsundayrunningclub #WTF
16.01.2022 What a great write up about Chris and Barry's achievement. So who is keen to take on the WTF trails in September 2021 and have the opportunity to run and compete against Chris. #WTF #whitsundayrunningclub #lovewhitsundays... #WTF21 #WTF58 #honeyeater11 #kidsbeachrun #beatthecreek See more
15.01.2022 Chris has been lucky enough to be invited to compete in the big backyard event, in Tennessee next year. After his enormous effort, in October this year. Hopefully the borders are open and international travel is allowed, for Chris to be able to compete in a once of the life time event. Against some of the worlds best ultra competitors in the sport of ultra running. The team from WTF support you all the way Chris and everyone from the Whitsunday Running Club.... #whitsundayrunningclub #lovewhitsundays #WTF #WTF28 #honeyeater10.5 #WTF58 #beatthecreek #kidsbeachrun
15.01.2022 Good morning trail runners. It is Matt here, your event manager for WTF. I decided to go on a little adventure and explore some trails south of me. So I picked the leap trail.... OMG did not not disappoint me either. I was not sure if I was rock climbing, trail running or orienteering as I headed up the trail. Took some extra trails, so I did get a little lost. I even experienced a little fall and left a little piece of myself behind. By those are the joys of doing a trail. So get out there and explore the wonderful trails we have around the place. Tag us in your photos, so they can be shared. @run_whitsundays #whitsundayliving #WTF #theleaptrail
15.01.2022 Chris and his beautiful wife have reached the lookout at 7:55pm. They will be on there downward run back to the car park. #honeyeater100 ... @cmurphyrun @run_whitsundays See more
14.01.2022 Wow, Chris is about to head out for lap 34. How far can this machine of a man run for. Thanks for AAA Racing and Coaching, for keeping everyone updated on all participants.... #whitsundayrunningclub #WTF #ultrarunning
14.01.2022 The flag is looking good at the Airlie Beach Anaconda store. With event being 3 months away, now is the best time to start stocking up on the required gear for your chosen event. So head into your nearest Anaconda store, to start putting your gear together.... #WTF21 #WTF58 #WTF28 #HONEYEATER11 #BEATTHECREEK #KIDSBEACHRUN #WHITSUNDAYRUNNINGCLUB #LOVEWHITSUNDAYS #ANACONDAWHITSUNDAYTRAILFEST
14.01.2022 Hello Trail runners. For all those who had registered for WTF 2020 and have asked for a refund of your registration. Due to the event being cancelled . Your request has been completed, so you should see a refund back on your card that you had use to register for the event. Please contact the event manager at [email protected] if you are having any issues.
13.01.2022 The legend of a man, has reached lap 14 and still going strong. Chris is looking relaxed and ready to have a power nap, before he is next lap. Come on Chris, we want to see you reach the number one spot.... #whitsundayrunningclub #WTF @cmurphyrun @run_whitsundays
12.01.2022 Chris has brought home the gold medal for the Australia team for the Big Dog's Backyard run. Not only did Chris end up running for 46hrs of the 6.7km course, he also set a new Australian record for event. He was also in the top 15 people remaining to continue to run in the event world wide. Chris, you are a super star in all our eyes. You deserve a well earn rest, after your mammoth achievement.... #WTF #whitsundayrunningclub #ultrarunning
12.01.2022 What an honour and a pleasure to have watched this moment in history. When Chris took on this challenge to run 100kms and to get 5000m elevation. What is most impressive, most people would have only ran or walked up to Honey Eater lookout once and felt exhausted, let alone watch Chris run up it 10 times. Just think of the mental power that he has to achieve such a goal. And to have the physical strength to run for 16hrs 45mins.... Chris did have the support of his family during this run yesterday, not only from his wife and kids, but also from his running family from the Whitsunday Running Club. Most the club members ran with Chris at least once on his round trip. Which gave him the continuing strength to go on. If you would like the part of our running family, like Chris is, go and have a look at our running club website and become a member. We support runners at all levels and love to see new people to join. Again, Congratulations to Chris "Groot" Murphy, on completed his 100km 5000m elevation challenge last night. #honeyeater100 #whitsundayrunningclub #runwhitsundays @run_whitsundays
11.01.2022 Hi everyone... we wanted to provide you with an update on the 2021 entry opening. It seems we underestimated the complexity involved in confirming the limited ...number of entries available in each distance. Short story is that it's going to take us a wee bit longer to work through the details and ensure that everyone who had entered the 2020 event and still wants to be on the start line in 2021, will be. For this reason 2021 entries will now open on Thursday 3 December 2020 at 11:00am AEDT. We know there are many of you are super-keen to snap-up the few remaining entries and plan your 2021 Blue Mountains adventure... we hope you understand this decision and ask for your patience while we work through this necessary process to get it right. We'll keep you informed and ensure you have all the detail prior to Thursday 3 December.
09.01.2022 Good morning and happy Queens Birthday long weekend, for all you QLD trail runners. With great news, we have pulled out the start/finish arch to give it a good clean before the event in 2021. We are proud to announce, that event will held over the weekend of Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th September 2021. So clean off those trail shoes and start training. ... We will let you know, once registrations are open for the 2021 WTF event. #WTF #whitsundayrunningclub #WTF21 #WTF58 #honeyeater11
09.01.2022 If you are all wondering how Chris is going. It appears to be a little wet and cold down in Brisbane, as Chris prepares to headed out for lap 32. Lucky Chris has his amazing moustache to keep him warm . What an amazing effort from Chris, not only has he ran 32 laps of the 6.7kms every hour, but for him to be part of the Australian team to do it.... Chris is also supported by is loving wife, and some awesome pit crew from the Whitsunday Running Club. Bring home the number one spot Chris. #WTF #whitsundayrunningclub #ultrarunning @cmurphyrun
08.01.2022 We would like to send our support to one of our committee member, @cmurphyrun who will be taking on the Clint Eastwood BackYard Ultra "Last One Standing", in Brisbane. With them starting at 1am Friday morning. He has to run 6.83km, every hour on the hour until there is one person left. What a massive effort he has taken on.... Good luck Chris and we all look forward to follow your progress as you compete in the event. #whitsundayrunningclub #WTF @run_whitsundays
08.01.2022 A beautiful morning to go for a look through the trail. Should have brought along some dry socks, due to a bit of water over the crossings How is everyone's else is training coming along. Are you ready to take on the trail ... Tag us in your photos, so we can share in your training and achievements. #WTF21 #WTF58 #WTF28 #honeyeater11 #beatthecreek #kidsbeachrun #whitsundayrunningclub #lovewhitsundays #anacondawhitsundaytrailfest
03.01.2022 Here at WTF, we want to send our support to our running Hero Chris Murphy. As you are all well aware, Chris took on the last person standing challenge back in August this year in Oxley Brisbane. Where each competitor has to run 6.7kms on the hour, every hour. Chris ended up becoming third over all for the event, but he still received his first DNF for a race. After such a huge effort from Chris, as he must have impressed someone, he had received an invited to participate as a...n Australian team member, to compete in the Big Dogs Backyard Ultra Run, again at Oxley where he ran the last person standing. Chris takes on this challenge as an Australian team member on Saturday 17th October. If any of you lovely runners are in Brisbane this weekend, go say hello to Chris at Oxley and give him your support. Also share any photos that you might take, if you see this legend of a man. #WTF @cmurphyrun #bigdogsbackyardultra
02.01.2022 Hello trailer runners. I hope that you all are continuing to train during these tough times. We decided to take a well deserve break, and head over to Whitehaven beach on Saturday and do a gentle 10km run along the beach.... First 5kms was fun, but the return 5kms was tough with a 20knot breeze we had to run into. What fun challenges we had. If you are visiting the Whitsundays, why not take some time out and head over to Whitehaven beach and check out some of the great walking trails they have over there. @run_whitsundays #whitsundayislands #lovewhitsundays
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