RuralScope Pty Limited in Foster, Victoria | Consultation agency
RuralScope Pty Limited
Locality: Foster, Victoria
Phone: +61 419 912 879
Address: Ruralscope 3960 Foster, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 "Leaders set boundaries about whats ok and whats not ok. Leaders make these clear to all." Jo Eady
24.01.2022 We use a range of psychometric assessment tools as part of leadership development and pathway programs we facilitate across rural and agricultural industries, businesses, teams and individually. We'd love to hear from you if you are DiSC and DiSC advanced accredited. And this pic is a mini peek of a DiSC participant report.
23.01.2022 Leadership in action Confidence Empathy Calm... Connection Intelligence Leadership Care Engagement See more
23.01.2022 Sneak peek of an online module for the @graingrowers 2020 Australian Grain Leaders Program. #covid19 means we cant meet for our scheduled Face to Face meeting so we are creating some on line learning modules. Development is going well and were looking forward to having participants trial it soon.... Taking learning online requires the skills of an educational instructional designer - who would have known that my experience over 20 years ago as Senior Exec Officer with @tafeqld would be back in fashion for me now. Have to say with the advanced technology available now, Im hopeful we are creating dynamic and user friendly learning experiences for our participants. Stay tuned - proof is in the pudding!
22.01.2022 Did you see the quote I posted yesterday about how leaders develop and maintain networks of integrity??? Well - check this out. These 10 came together 4 years ago from North to South and East to West for the Aust Grain Leaders Program @graingrowers and theyve never broken up!... Right now over on messenger - they are checking in with each other, sharing some love, support and info in a group they maintain. All it takes is for one of them to message a pic and a question like hows the season looking over your way? and the catch up is off and running. Being a part of proactive networks is a rich experience and this group is testimony to being able to maintain them online. Networks are built on integrity and these leaders have it in spades.
22.01.2022 Love these cards from @suzchadwick This Xmas gift is headed straight to RuralScope HQ..... after I unpeg them from our walnut tree! I'll post some of my favourites between now and the New Year coz I think you'll like them too.... This one's my fav!
22.01.2022 We are currently working with a number of primary producers who are feeling the impact of closed borders due to Covid19. There is no doubt the closures are now impacting rural communities and families. Here is Jonathan Dyer and his wife Tiarnee from #kaniva #Victoria on @abcnews_au... tonight highlighting the impact that not being able to access essential specialist health services in Adelaide (due to the closed #southaustralia) will have on one of their young daughters. During this crisis, we encourage you to find your voice, share your views and become part of finding solutions to issues affecting your rural communities and family. Shout out to @aussienerdfarmer For doing just that. We are lucky to have first met and worked with Jonathan in @graingrowers Australian Grain Leaders Program.
22.01.2022 How is Covid19 impacting you? How are you finding the non face to face connecting? We are doing more and more Zoom and Virtual sessions because we can't travel to our clients or them to us. We are loving the technology.... So this pic typifies where we Zoom to you from! South Gippsland, here in Victoria is known for its glorious rolling green hills. I stopped today on the way to a local meeting to show you. It's the middle of Winter so it's green green green. Smack bang in the middle of this photo is the dairy farm where I was born and spent my childhood. High rainfall, winding roads and gumboots, gumboots, gumboots. We'd love to see a pic of your part of the world. Grab your phone, take a pic and share one in the comments.
21.01.2022 Another fabulous @dhoiberg Column @ruralweekly SLAY THE NEGATIVITY... Key messages: Always assume positive intent Be constructive in your communication, relationships and behaviour And check out the Den Scale. Thanks for another fantastically practical read @dhoiberg
21.01.2022 And if youre wondering what type of leaders we really need during this global pandemic, take a read of this.... I know whats happening is unprecedented so its more important than ever that we refresh our leadership thinking and doing
21.01.2022 Our focus this month is on planning (and as it turns out... Opportunities.) We plan all the time here, always scheming up ways to support leaders to be the best they can be. But we set aside November to do a SWOT - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. And one opportunity has popped up that's needs some testing. Always love seeing if there's a place across our clients and networks for a new offering. I'd love to know what you think.... After loving the work of Dr Brene Brown, I became a certified facilitator in her The Daring Way. Up until now I've incorporated the principles into the leadership programs and exec level coaching I facilitate and I know from feedback it adds an edge. I'm wondering if there'd be interest in some Gifts of Imperfection or Rising Strong or The Daring Way programs across the rural / ag sectors. They are all personal leadership development programs with great application right across life and work. Shout out if you might be interested. And enjoy the rest of your magical November.
21.01.2022 Ohhhh ahhhhh after 20 years we are doing a refresh of our logo. Wed luv you to tell us which one you like the look of. Just comment 1, 2, 3 or 4.
21.01.2022 We didn't get to the sunny Gold Coast this week! Grrr Covid19. Was looking forward to a week with @graingrowers Australian Grain Leaders 2021 and @innovation.generation You can visit these emerging leaders at insta - it's a great group. @tom_ferg_ @nellienell10... @zoestarkey22 @dani.whyte @becca_kelly23 @jamesvenning0 @barunga_grains @charlie_bensen John Sanderson Chris Gillam and Alisha Chinner Instead, we are in chilly Victoria. And we are re-jigging this national leadership program calendar to engage and collaborate more virtually. Our Project Team met today and we are super excited to be working on a national field day with a difference. Will post more when we know exactly what this is going to involve. I'm super keen that this group of fabulous emerging leaders will benefit from this initiative. We may not be able to come together face to face right now, so virtual is the next best.
20.01.2022 We believe strongly in the power of mentoring and the role it plays to support others achieve their vision, progress through tricky spots and at times stay sane! Our Director, Jo, has spent the last 9 months working with this amazing entrepreneur, Jenny Yu as she has developed her Melbourne based landscape design / architecture studio @jfstudio_landscapearchitecture They connected through @rarebirdshq mentoring program and its been a delight to see Jenny step into the role o...f directing her business to win a substantial tender and pull together a work team and commence a large scale project. A focus of their time together has been to develop a strong foundation for Jenny's business. Today, they said their farewells as the program concluded. Good luck @jfstudio_landscapearchitecture it's been great to see you and your business fly. And all during the Covid19 Lockdown and restrictions.
20.01.2022 A couple of days ago we posted about updating our logo here at RuralScope. We were floored by the feedback we received. So, heres the backstory to what were doing and why and a huge thank you for your feedback and encouragement.... We honestly wouldnt be doing this without your input. Ill be sure to update as we go along.
19.01.2022 Fabulous to see graduates of our programs in the news.
19.01.2022 "Leaders attend to fears and feelings - in themselves and in others." Jo Eady. This one is closely linked to courage. If you don't recognise, acknowledge and work with your fears and feelings then it's highly likely you'll end up in 'stuck' land for a while. And your team or those around you will too. Fears and feeling will help you and others unlock and lead well.... And the link to courage you ask?? Courage is needed to recognise our own feelings, especially when they are not as we'd hope. And then to have the courage to do something about it rather than ignore them.
19.01.2022 Today in Perth an Ag Board is holding a strategic planning day. Pre covid, I would have been in Perth working Face to Face with them. Instead Im right here at RuralScope HQ in the office, South Gippsland, Victoria. We are doing things differently. And yep, Im a tad nervous about it. Its the first time ever I have facilitated a grouo without actually being in the room. ... Over the last couple of months, weve been getting ready. Ive completed phone consults with each Director, written up a summary of themes and questions, shaped the agenda and set up engagement guides and templates for outputs. Ive also had one on one phone sessions with the Chair to support them to be able to lead todays activities. The day is centred around 3 key questions. I sent across an inspiring message (at least I hope it was) to start the day off today. In a couple of hours, Ill dial in to hear the Chairs Round Up of the day and add some comments. Fingers crossed the days been a positive and productive one. We do lots of facilitation for #ausag. In fact we love it. Working with people and then working with people to develop ideas, plans and actions resulting in real benefit and change sees us work closely with industries, businesses. Photo credit Josh Spires @drone_nr
17.01.2022 "Leaders are honest and act with integrity". Jo Eady Im often asked about the importance of integrity in leadership. As well as the common understanding about being consistent, being authentic and doing what you say your going to do etc.... I also talk about showing up intact. This means showing up as a leader with emotional and physical wellness. The big difference I see this make is that individuals can then stand comfortably in their own skin and wont be swayed by the ungrounded influence of others. These leaders run their own race and are happy to stand apart and be seen as different.
16.01.2022 LEARNING ONLINE Not all leadership / learning programs should go 100% online. Weve been asked a lot about how easy / costly it is (or isnt) to quickly put a learning program online lately due to people not being able or wishing to travel because of Covid19. ... If youre a coordinator of leadership / learning programs, you might be interested in our thoughts. We are advocates of blended delivery and always have been. This means programs are delivered via a mix of elements like face to face, online and one on one or group coaching sessions / calls etc. This blend also meets the needs of extroverts and introverts as well as talkers and readers and means that elements can be selected and blended to suit budgets. Today, we started work on converting a national leadership program into a blended delivery platform that doesnt include any in person / face to face activity. Its definately not going to be 100% online. There are lots of learning apps available. Today weve found a new use for Trello and we are super excited as to how this program is shaping up. The proof is in the pudding, Ill let you know how it goes when we trial it in August. If you have questions about facilitating programs online, please get in touch. Theres much more available than Zoom.
16.01.2022 Following on from my post 2 days ago, check out this on the front page of @the.australian today. From the small Victorian rural community of Kaniva to Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Canberra. We are following Jonathan and Tiarnee Dyer and their 2 year old daughter Mabels storywith professional and personal interest.... It really is a positive shout out for kitchen table campaigns and how those without positional power can influence action and hopefully change. @aussienerdfarmer
15.01.2022 Some Friday Fun Does this calf have leadership skills? Look at this face.... I know Im not supposed to have favourites but out of a paddock of black / black and white calves this one really does stand out! And out of all of them, this one seems to have the curiosity gene in spades! Will it count as Leadership if it finds a way through the fence into the garden, leading the way for others to follow?? With another week of not travelling to facilitate leadership programs and initiatives across the grain and cotton industries and beyond due to Covid19, I think Im starting to go slightly mad.
15.01.2022 Say hello to these lovelies. They love being in the house paddock and we love them being here. Theyre enjoying daily grain on these chilly Winter days.... Nothing beats a visit and chat with them for some stress release.
15.01.2022 For all our grain growing clients and their families - please use it or encourage others who might benefit. Don't just go through but grow through life. And congrats Grain Growers Limited on this initiative.
14.01.2022 Hello to you and to 2021. Luved this when it popped into my feed from Denis Hoiberg "Your words will shape your destiny."... "Thoughts shape words, words shape behaviours, behaviours shape actions and actions shape outcomes." Get yourself a word for 2021 that will be your theme to shape and drive your behaviour.
14.01.2022 About 8 years ago Brendan Taylor - Grain grower from Warra QLD was an enthusiastic participant in the Australian Grain Leaders Program we facilitate for Grain Growers Limited. I recall at one of our Face to Face sessions that Brendan committed to tweeting about ausag from the tractor cab as part of his leadership project. It was seen as a very innovative way to advocate for agriculture and to share how and where our food comes from. Fast forward to 2020 and its videos from t...he tractor cab. Youre a fabulous advocate Brendan. @agforceqld @GrainGrowersLtd See more
13.01.2022 Last day of Winter! And we have excess surface water here. And a 1 minute leadership tip to close off Winter and get this week off to a great start today... ** Tick more off of your to do list than what you add today. **... Good luck for a great week.
13.01.2022 "Leaders light the way for others via care and compassion." Jo Eady And add courage to this and some connection too and we have the 4Cs.
13.01.2022 A fabulous opportunity
12.01.2022 HAPPY FRIDAY + an invite to RCS "Leaders celebrate their own wins and achievements as well as those of others." Jo Eady Not sure about the word wins in this quote.... Building others up, being part of their cheer squad and helping others recognise progress (not perfection) is what I was going for.... And heres our 3 step RCS process for you if you want to see how this works for yourself. 1. Recognise the wins, highlights, successes from this working week. 2. Celebrate these, even if its a whisper to yourself saying "well done." 3. Set a couple of intentions for your next working day / week. And you can RCS in your team too. Hope you have a great weekend too. And a special shout out to family., friends and colleagues in lock down. Please reach out to say hello.
12.01.2022 I'm about to lock the office door for the last time for 2020, but before I do, I want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone in the RuralScope community who has supported our business this year. It has certainly been a very different one. We have learned to operate differently and to care and connect and work with you - our clients, stakeholders and participants and mentors without seeing you live in person. We have really missed you. We've had highs and lows, with the one ...constant being a continued interest in creating and supporting both current and future leaders across Australian agriculture. We love what we do and working with you. And I also want to say thank you to our business colleagues and those of you who champion what we are about. Your support never goes unnoticed - off and online. We are very grateful for you and this community of amazing people dedicated to creating vibrant leadership for the future of ausag. Together, we make great things happen.
12.01.2022 OK, lets talk #iso planning... This is what Sunday nights have become here. And honestly I dont think Ill ever get used to it. We are in Stage 3 lock down which means we can only leave home for essential food, medical care, work if we cant work from home and for care giving.... And Im grateful that I can leave home for my walks. So, this is how Ill kick off the week. Getting some fresh air beyond home. This is definately the health challenge of a lifetime. Thinking of you in Stage 4 @dianne_rankin @nic_agcareers And so many rural businesses here in Victoria providing essential services beyond their usual gigs @affirmationfarm Sending inspiration (and now masks) and @fernandfrost well being products (and now sending masks) @theyogastylist yoga sessions (and now doing yoga online) Looking forward to a Meet and Greet for @startupgippsland Mentors for #southgippsland this week too. Whatever youre up to this week, hope its a great one for you.
11.01.2022 I think this is great - and yes to never seeing a photo of a farmer (and I have to add usually male with hat) standing in a paddock with a pitchfork ever again. Agriculture is so so much more. Great writing John.
11.01.2022 It's the end of the financial year today. Do you have any end of year rituals and routines? It's a perfect time to pull up, identify wins from the year just gone and set some new goals for the year ahead. When you do this, you can give yourself a Leadership reset. This helps you refocus, re-energise and improve your chances of achieving success in the new year.... So how about it? John, who we've worked with since January has achieved his goal of being appointed to 2 not for profit Boards. Now he's set a goal to gain his first corporate (paid) Board. He's reset and re-energised and contributing to #ausag strategic directions and decision making. We pleased to have supported John and here's what he shared today. "Jo has been terrific, She seems to know when to push, when to encourage and I have complete confidence in her coaching. I have a much better understanding of myself, improved confidence and a much better ability to sell myself, which has flowed through to three new roles. Coaching has given me the step up in my confidence and ability, and a much better understanding about how the recruiting process works. Jo is very good at what she does and has gotten results for me. "
11.01.2022 Theres some great info in this case study about farm succession. Take a look and pass on or print a copy and share at your next family meeting. And watch out for Mike Stephens PHD report on the same topic, based on his previous work, the results of his study will be well worth reading. Well pass on info and post about it via our Socials when its released.
11.01.2022 Our #agleadersinaction profile last month was Lachie Seears @boonderoopastoral And now heres a great job opportunity to work there. #lucindale Check it out and share where you can.... We currently work with Lachie and know this would be a job with loads of learning, opportunity and support.
11.01.2022 Emotional adaptability = ability to bounce forward. Take a read of this latest article from @dhoiberg and see what you think. I far prefer the concept of emotional adaptability and councing forward over resilience.... What do you think??
11.01.2022 It's almost time.... A friendly reminder that Applications close for the 2021 Australian Future Cotton Leaders Program on Friday 4 December. This will be the 7th program and there are currently around 100 graduates contributing to and leading across the industry. This include 3 Directors on the Cotton Aust and 1 on the Cotton Research and Development Boards and many with roles in Cotton Grower Associations and beyond. ... Graduates often comment about the value of learning from others, applying their skills in real life / real time and the networks they build. For me as Facilitator, I enjoy supporting participants to increase their knowledge and awareness of their personality and communication styles. And then to enhance their productivity, outcomes and achievements when they implement change. This program is open to all across the Australian cotton supply chain. Please repost and share this opportunity with others if you can.
10.01.2022 A great overview of farming + community in the gorgeous #stgeorge #queensland
10.01.2022 A job opportunity with a business we work with. Please pass on if you know of someone who might be interested.
09.01.2022 CONNECTION - COMPASSION - COURAGE These 3 words describe the 2017 Australian Grain Leaders perfectly. Here they are @innovation.generation... In Adelaide. (sadly not all are in this pic) Individuals CONNECTED quickly to form a close knit group. And although the 12 month program ended, today, they maintain this connection online via an active Messenger group. Each showed COMPASSION for the others job, business, goals, circumstances and leadership experiences and journey. And COURAGE abounded as they worked on topics and projects that required them to step outside their comfort zones, to be vulnerable and and try something knew. @graingrowers is the host of this program and we count ourselves lucky to facilitate it. Expressions of interest are open for the 2021 program. Check out or DM for more info.
08.01.2022 "Leaders develop and maintain networks of integrity." Jo Eady Just like relationships, our networks need time, care and energy to develop. Face to face and online networks are important.... Now is a great time to think about how you can nurture your networks.
07.01.2022 Fingers crossed, the intervention of Prime Minister, Scott Morrison will assist 2 year old Mabel Dyer from Kaniva in Victoria. One of our mantras in our leadership programs is that one size fits some (not all). And wholehearted leaders are responsible for seeking / creating / finding people centred solutions rather than imposing a cookie cutter approach. We are following the Dyers issue / story with great professional and personal interest as this is exactly what they are s...eeking - a people / values centred solution. Good luck Jonathan Dyer
07.01.2022 How great is this initiative with Farmer Tom Ive followed Tom via social media for some time and think the engagement with Ag occurring with this program and model are fabulous. Do we have an Ausag equivalent Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia-PIEFA AustralianFarmers And in times of Covid19 the model still works. Happy to donate some of our time to support this initiative for Australia.
07.01.2022 Heres a fabulous opportunity with a great business.
06.01.2022 I just received this message from one of our mentees in the Cotton20 program were coordinating for Cotton Australia.. Thrilled to hear this first session and enterprise visit went so well. Very lucky to have mentors and mentees giving 110%... " Gday Jo, Just a quick message. Im on my way home from my meeting with my mentor and it was excellent. He was a complete open book. We were on the same page with everything we discussed and I picked up a lot to go home and work on. We will have another catchup at home soon. Im planning on developing a lot of the ideas I got today and then I will revisit them with him to discuss any issues Ive come across. Otherwise we would easily just be able to spend a whole day talking all things Ag!"
05.01.2022 August is shaping up to be a pivotal month for us here at RuralScope. Are you on track with your month? Are you finding Covid19 is impacting or influencing your activities and directions? We are working hard to pivot some of our programs. Weve established an online learning platform. And Im loving redesigning and redeveloping leadership content, materials and activities so that the learning experience will be productive for our clients. Grateful to have @empirecollectiveau...stralia helping us out. We love mentoring, our cotton industry @auscotton mentoring program is in full swing, weve commenced mentoring with @startupgippsland and are about to with @rarebirdshq Please consider offering your time as a mentor - happy to share our experiences with you or answer any questions. Its rewarding in so many ways. We have on boarded new leaders into our REACH Executive Coaching program and itll come as no surprise that all are working on creating future direction / career plans. Spring is in the air here. The August winds have started and weve had our first Spring storm. Were all looking forward to more sunshine and warmer days soon. Luv to hear how your August is going...
04.01.2022 Each of the 2021 Australian Future Cotton Leaders complete their own leadership project - individual, enterprise, community or industry. The project creates a focus for their own investigations and skill development. Each participant sets up their own project goals, timelines and activities. In our recent Face to Face, we facilitated a module on Leadership Wellbeing. It was a hit. ... Tomorrow, @farmerjoe2707 kicks off his project, Clear Mind Mondays. This will see an activity shared across the group for everyone to action each Monday. Its going to be good for the mind and body and it'll be fun and motivating as participants accept the challenge to clear their minds weekly. Leadership in action. We'll let you know how it all goes. Good luck in leading this @farmerjoe2707 we're here with you every step of the way.
03.01.2022 Im convinced! We are forever developing our leadership skills to become better people and better participants and contributors in industry. Lifelong learning is definately real. Theres no better time for self reflection. With 3 months left of 2020, take a look at these Guideposts for Wholehearted Living from @brenebrown and be honest with yourself...... What do you need to let go of? What do you need to cultivate more of? For me its about letting go of perfectionism and cultivating self compassion. What about you? Id love for you to share. PS, I also want to use this activity in our leadership programs, so Im keen to see if it resonates / is easy and makes sense for you.
03.01.2022 Monday Holiday Fun..... Some time ago, I introduced you to Reddy - leader of the pack who was displaying fabulous leadership skills. Curiosity led him up the track, past the swing and into the garden today. Luckily, he acted alone!!... He's definately learned the value of getting out of his comfort zone and that the grass can in fact be greener on the other side. Two good lessons as we head into 2021.
03.01.2022 We are huge believers in the early bird catches the worm here! It's a great day for it. Can't help but think how much planning went into making this day a reality. Ohh and some rain and sunshine.... Happy Wednesday in your neck of the woods.
02.01.2022 Heres another great Rural Weekly read from @dhoiberg with another great message. "We have a simple choice - to accept it, move forward and grow or be stuck." Please take 3 Mins to read this article - its a ripper and please repost or pass on to others in your networks.... I choose "growth" every time even when its tough. And I offer a hand to those who are stuck when I can. Looks like this is your last article @dhoiberg.?? If this is the case, thank you for these fabulous monthly reads.
01.01.2022 E-LEARNING Hey Jo, how long and how much will it cost to put a Leadership Program online? Hi Jo, should we put our leadership programs online? How do you think we should offer capacity building if we cant facilitate face to face forums? We are in the middle of investigating some online learning apps, options and programs so we can get clear about how to answer these questions.... So far weve checked out programs like Teachable, Thinkific, Learndash, Udemy amd Kajabbi just to name a few. Well post again soon with honest feedback as we have one corporate client who has asked us to create and facilitate an online leadership program. Woohoo. We are pushing the envelope here to manage the balance between sound educational methodology and meeting out clients needs. We reckon were up for the challenge. Fingers crossed. Leadership online here we go!!!
01.01.2022 Fabulous to see TJ Mooney in the news and great work Georgie Somerset President AgForce Queensland Applying for exemptions is the key message. Great job in raising this issue Tim - enjoy working with you in Grains Social Leaders Program with GrainGrowers.
01.01.2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS Our day has been all about Family Fun and... Food. This is a shout out to all our colleagues and clients and especially to you if you are working today. MERRY CHRISTMAS
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