Russell Allert Digital in Brisbane City | Advertising agency
Russell Allert Digital
Locality: Brisbane City
Phone: +61 419 824 248
Address: Bracken Ridge 4017 Brisbane City, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Having solid processes will define your business and elevate you above your competition. Jennifer Bourn shows us how she put together an automated sequence that let her gain back 50% of her time and allowed her to grow her business. She shared this secret with me earlier this year. (Video)
25.01.2022 Think about a time when you were shopping online and been tempted by free shipping if you spend a certain amount. You went on to buy one thing and now, if you spend an additional $10, you could get FREE shipping (instead of paying $7.50). Quickly you search for something else you may need so you can "save" yourself that shipping, while (irrationally) spending more to get it. ... That's the power of "free". And that's also the power of loss aversion - that is, the feeling of loss (losing that $7.50 in postage) is greater than any gain you may feel. It takes many positives to over-weigh a negative. Now, think about how you can apply this to your business. Can you offer free shipping for a minimum amount? If done correctly, this can lead to more sales & increased margins, while making your customer feel better about their purchases. The trick is setting the correct minimum price for free shipping, and to be able to set that you will need to know the average purchase amount. Then you want to set your free shipping threshold just above that amount. For example, say the majority of your customers spend $19.50, you will need to set your free shipping threshold at $20. This forces your customer to make a decision - do I pay $7.50 for shipping or do I see if there is something else I want? This could lead to another product entering their basket. Have you tried this? Will you?
25.01.2022 Lurkers are everywhere. Just because your post only gets 2 likes doesn't mean it wasn't appreciated... or read. People are funny creatures and not all of us are the same. Some 'like' like there is no tomorrow, while others just read and lurk. ... That's why Facebook introduced "pausing to read" into its algorithm last year - it realised some people - a lot of people - don't engage using like, comment, or share. So, don't get disheartened, you may just have some lurking fans out there.
25.01.2022 Content Marketing is a long-term strategy. All the content you produce will eventually pay off, but in the mean time you will be disappointed if you rely on it to keep your business afloat. So, why bother? ... Because you want your business to be around in 1 year, 2 years, 5 years time. And this is what content marketing - or, if you like, creating content - will do. It allows your traffic and your sales to keep growing over time. It may seem like a lot of work to be bothered with, but your future self will thank-you for the work you put in now. Are you looking to create more content in 2018?
24.01.2022 Stop chasing customers and clients. I find the more you chase, the less they come. You need to learn to let go and build something people are attracted to - something people want to be a part of. ... This isn't the same as not marketing. Of course you need to market. But there is a big difference between marketing and chasing. In business, as in life, there is such a thing as trying too hard. Instead, be useful, helpful, kind, and generous. People notice these things and it makes you stand out in a crowd of chasers. Build something that others find valuable.
23.01.2022 Let's talk about Email Sales Funnels. There is nothing fun about them. They are generic, boring, designed to sell (or upsell) and lack any real personalisation (starting them with Dear {insert name here} is not personalisation). ... This is why they tend to be the favourites for larger companies. Not to mention, larger companies have the budget and resources to drive large numbers of people into the top of the funnel (for ever-diminishing returns). If you are a small business and lack a large amount of resources, then take another approach - reach out to individuals. Yes, this will take some effort, but if everyone else is sending them boring, generic emails, how well will yours stand out?
23.01.2022 The path to a successful business is long and is best traveled one step at a time.
23.01.2022 Was I successful? Was it good? Did I do well? You cannot answer any of these questions unless you have a frame of reference. What was your goal? ... Was it to sell 10 units in a week? And you sold 12. Then you were successful. Did hundreds of people give positive feedback on your blog post? Then it was probably good. Did that one customer really appreciate the extra effort you went to? Then you probably did well. Before you ask the question or try and understand how you did, you first need to set the reference of what "good" or "successful" is. Without that guideline the question is pointless. And so is any answer.
21.01.2022 The more marketing spiel you hear from a business, the crappier the product will be.
21.01.2022 Do you have a plan for 2018? It's important to map out what you want to achieve, and how you will achieve it, for the year ahead. But it's also important to allow yourself some wriggle room so you can take opportunities when they present themselves. ... Plan, but make sure you are not locked in so much that you miss unexpected opportunities.
20.01.2022 Are mentors still worth seeking out and having? I take a look at whether mentors are still relevant today and join four people on their personal experiences with mentors. Do you have a mentor?...
20.01.2022 If you had a business time machine and could go back 12 months and change something in your business, what would you do that you didn't? Now think about 12 months from now - what can you do *now* that will stop any regret and make you wish you had that business time machine?
19.01.2022 Almost always your first business will not be the one you continue with. I see this a lot. Not that your first business will necessarily fail, it's just that it will most likely evolve or pivot or, yes, maybe fail. ... Business isn't a one-shot, do or not, game. You can play the business game over and over, and you can even change the rules half-way through. That's what is great about modern business (thanks to the internet) - it allows you to test and change over and over, until you get tired of it or it works. If you don't like the game, that's fine. Put it back on the shelf. But don't think it's a one-shot deal.
19.01.2022 Podcast Club! Like a book club but with podcasts. The first episode of my new baby is launching tonight at 7pm (Brisbane time) so tune in if you like. There will also be a recording if you sign up. ...
19.01.2022 The other day I decided to cull a lot of people from my RAD Ads group (I give advice and talk about digital advertising there). I did this because I wanted the group to be smaller and more engaged - I only want people there who want to be there. In business you want to focus your time on those that care about you, just as you care about them. You want to build the tribe (to borrow a phrase from Seth Godin) you and they want. ... I have always believed small is under-rated and that you can have a viable, thriving business that services a small number of clients if that's what you want. Don't be afraid of saying no to some people who don't fit - you are doing yourself and them a huge favour.
18.01.2022 You need to outsource the stuff you suck at. I have started podcasting recently and I tried to edit the audio myself, but it took up so much of my time it just wasn't worth it. So, now I pay someone else to do it for me. Focus on what you like to do and what you are good at in your business and outsource the rest. ... Think of the opportunity cost. That's when you could be doing way more productive work in your business rather than spending time on something that will take way too long to do with lower quality. Know your strengths and outsource your weaknesses as soon as you can. Your business will be better for it.
18.01.2022 Building relationships should be your number one goal in business. Building relationships with suppliers, clients/customers, other business people, mentors, support network - anyone who intersects your business life. And not in a selfish way, either. In a genuine way that encourages sharing and helpfulness. ... Genuine connections are imperative in modern business and have never been so easy to make. Start using your online tools to make connections and to network (as much as I hate that word). And, if you can, bond in real life too. Make 2018 all about building relationships.
17.01.2022 50% of your time should be spent on marketing. At least in the beginning. Without letting people know your business exists you will fail. ... If you don't have the required marketing skills, then you need to go out and get them. There are plenty of inexpensive courses around. There are even YouTube videos and blog posts available (for free) to help you. There is no excuse for you not to learn these skills. At the end of the day, you either need to learn how to do it yourself or pay someone to do it for you. There is no getting around it in modern business.
16.01.2022 If you are in the business helping other businesses then make sure it is about them and not you. I see too many cookie-cutter approaches from B2B business owners, Want to get more clients? Take the time to understand what they want and are going through.
15.01.2022 I was standing at the train station and spotted a 5 cent piece on the platform. I thought about picking it up, but then realised it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth my time or energy to be 5 cents richer. Especially as the train was coming. ... Now think about the content you produce - blog posts, Facebook posts, videos, tweets - is it only worth 5 cents? Will anyone bother to stop and pick it up? Or is it really not worth bothering to read or watch it? Especially if something else is coming along. (And those that do, are they your target audience?) Now, if it was a $50 note on that platform, I would have stopped and picked it up. I would have even chased after it if I had too. Make your content worth the $50, not the 5 cents.
13.01.2022 Some people will never agree with you. Others will resent you for your choices. More still will be indifferent. ... Let them all go. As a business owner you need to focus on the people who matter to you and who love you. Forget the rest. Other people run their businesses differently. Other people don't have your vision. Other people lack the knowledge to make informed decisions. Smile politely and stay on course.
13.01.2022 Want free unique images you can use for anything?
12.01.2022 ** Facebook has made a major change to its conversion ads. ** Do you want to sell something on Facey? Then have a read!
11.01.2022 There is such a thing as a part-time business. And it's okay to have one, and be happy with it. Growing for growth's sake, or because someone told you that's what you need to do, is silly. ... If all you want is part-time income, then create a part-time business. It doesn't need to be anything more.
10.01.2022 Do you have a mentor? A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser who provides you with the advice and training to tackle what lies ahead in business. The benefits of having a mentor are great, but you need to find the right one - one that is compatible with you and can offer you wise words and advice when needed.
10.01.2022 Your business doesn't exist in a vacuum. You have other joys in your life, other hobbies, sports, family, even TV shows. What can you draw from these other aspects of your life that could impact your business?
10.01.2022 What would your customers do if your business disappeared tomorrow? Would it matter? Would they, could they, seek out an alternative? Being unique is someone's life is an important position to be in. ... If your business went away tomorrow you want your customers to be really bummed.
09.01.2022 Don't mix up negativity and having an opinion. The former is bad in business (and life) as it will stop you from achieving your goals. The latter is desirable as it allows you to structure you beliefs and form your goals. ... Saying you dislike something is not negative as long your reasons are sound and you are true to yourself. And it will help develop your business. So don't be derailed by those who disagree with you just because you dislike something.
08.01.2022 Selling Vs. Being Useful Yes, you can just sell. You can convince (& trick) people to hand over money for what you have. Or you can be extremely useful to them. What you sell or the information you give away can be so useful they are compelled to hand over their money - no convincing needed. ... The former generally only work in the short term. While the latter works forever. People wise up to tricks and scams. And at the same time, they also remember how someone made them feel, think, or how useful they were. And they will talk about it to others. Which is your business?
07.01.2022 Don't forget what each platform is for. Facebook is less a content platform and more of a promotional one. Yes, you can put content on here (I do!) but it shouldn't be your primary channel for content. Meanwhile, your website is all content and very little promotion. Yes, SEO can help you promote your website to others, but that's due primarily to the content on it. ... Guest posting is content, but is all about the promotion (and some about building your reputation) as it's function is to drive people to your website. I use Twitter primarily as a networking tool. Yes, it can be a content or promotional platform, but I think it works better for networking. Understanding a platform's main function, or what YOU use it for, is important as you will be able to 1) get more out of the platform, and 2) not waste your time by misusing the platform. Are you struggling on certain platforms? This could be why.
06.01.2022 Do you have a Value Proposition for your business? And, if you do, is it a good one? What is a Value Proposition?... An innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers. The problem is that most business owners and marketers fail to consider the customer when developing this. The whole point of a value proposition is to be able to stand out to people, and yet very few businesses do the work of finding out what their customers actually value. Two thing to consider with value propositions: 1. Make sure you have one 2. Build your value proposition on something your audience cares about. The first one is easy, the second one is more difficult, which is why most don't do it. What's your value proposition?
06.01.2022 When you surround yourself with "yes men", you will only ever hear your own voice.
05.01.2022 Remain platform agnostic. By focusing on the platform and the algorithm too much you run the risk of putting the cart before the horse. While I agree it's important to understand the platforms you are posting on, that means very little if your content sucks - or even if it's just average. ... You should be focusing on the content itself and tailoring this to your audience's needs and wants **first**, and then worry how the platform works. Too many marketers and business owners focus on the platforms or nothing at all, rather than first looking at the content.
04.01.2022 Business is an iterative pursuit. You don't just wake up one day and you have a business. You need to work at it to make it happen. And there will be good days and bad. Mistakes made and boons achieved. ... And you will need to take those failures and successes and build on them - step by step.
04.01.2022 Design the business YOU want. It's all well and good to use other businesses for inspiration, but they are not you. Don't get caught up in the whirl of thinking you need to grow big and powerful just to survive. ... Business, despite what business publications tell you, is not always about being the biggest you can be. It's about crafting something that fulfills your dreams and aspirations, and gives you the life you want. That's why you started it, after all.
03.01.2022 Make sure you are focused on the right metrics. Facebook Likes are nice, but are they the metric you should be focused on? Likewise, comments on your Instagram post are nice too, but is that all you want? Just comments? ... Or are you wanting sales too? If sales are what you are after, then why not make that a metric you focus on. Or perhaps, you want to make your existing customers happy enough to want to refer you. Then, number of customer referrals might be a better metric. Think about your end goal and then think about a metric that represents that. Don't fool yourself into believing that likes and comments will change your business.
02.01.2022 Stop talking about price. When you mention price in your ads you are doing two things: 1. Start people thinking about price, and... 2. Get people fixated on price Unless your business model is based on price (think $2 dollar shops or budget airlines) then you need to stop leading with it. Yes price can be a factor, but you shouldn't lead with it. That is, you shouldn't make that your sales pitch. Quality, service, value, opportunity - these are all better options. Let your ad and sales page sell your product based on the above factors so when price is finally mentioned people will think it's a bargain. Are you focused too much on price?
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