Russian Orthodox Church in New Town, Tasmania, Australia | Religious organisation
Russian Orthodox Church
Locality: New Town, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 422 551 262
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25.01.2022 English translation below Каждый святой храм это частица неба на земле. И когда ты в храме, то, смотри, ты уже на небе. Когда земля измучит тебя своим адом, т...ы поспеши в храм, войди в него, и вот вошел ты в рай. И если случится, что на тебя нападут целые легионы демонов, ты беги в храм стань среди святых Ангелов, ибо храм всегда полон Ангелов, и Ангелы Божии охранят тебя от всех демонов мира сего. И ничто не сможет тебе повредить. Преподобный Иустин (Попович) Every holy church is a piece of heaven on earth. And when you are in church, you will feel as though in heaven. When the earth has tortured you with it's hell, hurry to church, enter it and you will have entered Paradise. And if it happens that you are attacked by legions of demons, run to church and stand amongst the Holy Angels, for the church is always full of Angels and the Angels of God will protect you from the demons of the world. And nothing will be able to harm you. St Justin (Popovich)
24.01.2022 Let us pray for Patriarch Irinej of Serbia.
24.01.2022 A message from His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia.
22.01.2022 UPDATED VERSION Помен блаженопочившем Патриарху Српском Г.Г Иринеу у Саборном храму Светог великомученика Георгиа у Кабрамати. Memorial service to the newly reposed Patriarch of Serbia His Holiness Irinej at the Metropolitanate Cathedral of St George in Cabramatta.
20.01.2022 In Serbian the same sad news of the loss of the spiritual father of all Serbs, at home and in the diaspora.
16.01.2022 Revised timetable for this weekend reader services: Saturday 21 November : Vespers 5:30pm Sunday 22 November: Typika 7am ... We will return to normal Sundays next week 29 November at 930am
08.01.2022 The NATIVITY LENTEN FAST starts TODAY Saturday 15/28 November and runs to Christmas Eve - December 24/January 6 inclusive. The Nativity is Thursday December 25 by the Church calendar which is 7 January 2021 in the new civil calendar. Fasting rules: Monday’s, Wednesdays and Fridays are strict fasts, Tuesdays and Thursdays oil is permitted and fish is permitted on Saturdays and Sundays. No dairy or eggs or meat should be eaten if you are fasting fully. Please consult a priest regarding any concerns and if you are diabetic or have other health issues fasting strictly may not be appropriate. .
08.01.2022 Reminder re priest serving tomorrow and Sunday:
05.01.2022 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: the temple is ready. Our priest is flying as we write. Christ beckons each of us and offers His love and mercy. Please come for your salvation: Russian, Greek, Australian, Arab: all Orthodox believers have in our temple a spiritual haven. Vespers 5:30pm today with Divine Liturgy 9am tomorrow. Please come and join us, whether you come every Sunday or haven’t come for months or years. You will be warmly welcome.
04.01.2022 Након скоро шест месеци немогуности посете свое пастве у Виктории због затворених меудржавних граница, Епископ Силуан у прати Архимандрита Петра (Радуловиа) допутовао е у Викториу. Bishop Siluan arrives in Victoria, after almost six months of not being able to visit his faithful.
03.01.2022 Saturday 14 November: Priest Dionisius Halim Pannikhida 5pm Vespers 5.30pm + Confessions ... Sunday 15 November Hours 9 am Liturgy 9:30am with confessions before Communion for those unable to come Saturday Sick communions to home or hospital or nursing homes - please call or message via this page to Fr David to request. Cemetery pannikhida 3:45pm Sunday Please note numbers in the church will be limited by Covid-19 regulations and you may be directed where to stand including in the choir loft or be asked to stand in the narthex or outside by church volunteers. Please comply with directions that may be given. Please leave seating for the elderly and infirm. Your prayers for this visit and support is requested and please come and receive the Body and and Blood of our Saviour.
03.01.2022 Appropriate to have the pannikhida for His Holiness Patriarch Irinej. We will have a pannikhida as a parish for the first Saturday a priest comes in December at this stage we hope Fr Mark on 6-7 December
02.01.2022 петак, 20. новембра 2020. године у 7:07 часова у Воно ковид болници Kарабурма у Београду упокоио се у Господу егова Светост Архиепископ пеки, Митрополит београдско-карловачки и Патриарх српски г. Ирине (Гаврилови). О свим другим детаима у вези са сахраном егове Светости Патриарха авност е бити ускоро обавештена. Вечан му спомен и Царство Небеско! Дана 27. августа 1930. године благочестиве родитее Здравка и Милиану Гаврилови из села Видове код Чачка - и са ...има сав род српски - Господ е благословио роеем мушког детета кое е на крштеу добило име Мирослав. У родном селу завршио е основну школу, а после Гимназие у Чачку и Богословиу у Призрену. Затим дипломира на Богословском факултету у Београду. По завршетку воне службе поставен е за суплента (професора) Призренске богословие. Пре ступаа на дужност професора октобра 1959. године у манастиру Раковици од стране Патриарха српског Германа прима монашки чин, добивши монашко име Ирине. На дан Свете Петке исте године у цркви Ружици на Калемегдану е рукоположен у чин еромонаха. Док е као професор службовао у Призренско богословии упуен е на постдипломске студие у Атину. За управника Монашке школе у манастиру Острогу поставен е 1969. године, одакле се враа у Призрен на место ректора славне Богословие. Са те дужности е 1974. изабран за викара Патриарха српског са титулом Епископа моравичког. За Епископа нишког изабран е 1975. године. На Светом Архиереском Сабору Српске Православне Цркве 22. ануара 2010. године изабран е за Архиепископа пеког, Митрополита београдско-карловачког и Патриарха српског.y. Memory eternal to His Holiness. See more
02.01.2022 Please remember St. Nektarios of Aegina, a great healer and intercession before God for us.
01.01.2022 Our first priest to serve in 9 months ihas been made possible with the borders opening last Friday. Please come on Sunday 15th November from 9 am. Vespers and memorial Pannikhida will be served on Saturday 14th at 5pm.
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