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Rylstone Artisan and Produce Markets in Rylstone, New South Wales | Market

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Rylstone Artisan and Produce Markets

Locality: Rylstone, New South Wales

Phone: +61 410 577 667

Address: Rylstone Memorial Hall, 73 Louee Street 2849 Rylstone, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 It is with regret that we wish to advise that due to our new health safety restrictions due to the Covid-19 outbreak our Markets for this Saturday (Easter Saturday) 11th April will not be held and will be suspended until further notice. Now on a happier note report on last months Market. We were happy to see the return from illness of Joe & Lesley from Falcon Grove Oils, so pleased to see you almost back to your happy self Joe, missed your ribbing it was soooo quiet .... Lesley put her absence to good use and unveiled her new Balsamic range and a new Chilli Dukka, yes I can attest to their great flavours, in fact I had a hard time working out which I would try first, finally my choice was the "Fig Caramelised Balsamic". Dont forget to check out their website under receipes for some great cullinery tips (think Joe had some input there). Next comes a heartfelt message to our boys from the Rylstone Coffee and Cars Group - we and many of our visitors missed you!!! You would be surprised and I hope pleased at the number of people who asked me where you all were and hoped you would be back when we all get back to "normal" once again. Think Debbie from her Coffee Van missed "her boys" too.. When we are back to normal and up and running once again dont forget to come and check out Richards wonderful Garden Art, Jan with all her wonderful Lavender products and growing tips, our new stallholder Kerrys stunning art (her Owl drawings in particular were my favourite) all you other favourites as well will be waiting. I bet the Nannas table will have some new goodies as well, I have no doubt the ladies from Nannas arent bored during their lockdown those needles & crochet hooks will be flying. Harold dont know what you will be doing in your spare time! please dont forget how to make Apple Pies will you, my freezer will be devoid of pies by the time we return . Ok I know I havent mentioned everyone, but you will be sick of reading by now anyway . Anyone with any questions please feel free to message us and we will endeavour to answer if we can, in the meantime everyone please stay safe, stay home, but above all stay well and anyone who needs help or just someone to talk to please dont hesitate we are here if you need anything and when we can all hug again there will be plenty to go around. May we also wish you all and you families no matter where they are a very Happy Easter - yes very different to what we have ever known, but blessed all the same. See more

25.01.2022 Our next market is Saturday,10th October. We hope to see you there.Our next market is Saturday,10th October. We hope to see you there.

25.01.2022 My apologies, not sure what is going on, but here goes again. So far I have been unable to add the photo of Council Newsletter update, sincerely hope you dont see multiple copies.

24.01.2022 What a great day we had at the Markets on the 8th, most stallholders reporting good sales, even tho the cold weather and Long Weekend kept some stalwarts away. Yes Audrey did sell out of all her pies yet again!! Advice to all - if you want one come early Ian isnt sure which one he likes best the plain Apple or the Blackberry & Apple. Brendas pies, quiches & sausage rolls were devoured rapidly at lunchtime and Brenda always happy to hear of filling preferences you may have... for her pies. The Bush Band had feet tapping yet again as seen by the pics below (thanks Jo for photo my phone didnt see the light of day this time was too busy - mostly talking I think ). About 20 of the car club boys again arrived to hold a get together down at the showground and made full use of the Rotary BBQ and Debbies coffee van, I think they are going to arrange their meetings several times a year just so all you car enthusiasts can drool over their beauties. See you all second Saturday July, wrap up warmly, scarves beanies gloves and if you dont have any or just want some new ones, Im sure you will find something to take your eye on our stalls See more

24.01.2022 Something a little different this time. As many of you will know, sadly on the 3rd of July, Betty Carter passed away quietly in the Rylstone Aged Care Facility after a short illness. Many of you will have know Betty far better than I, but from my short acquaintance with her I found her to be a wonderful caring person with a great love for her family & friends. Betty was a competent sewer and she & one of the Pink Ladies would bring her beautiful Red Poppies to sell at the Mar...kets for Rememberance Day (I will always treasure mine Betty thankyou). Betty was born in Southport, Lancashire, England 30/05/1921, she trained as a Primary School Teacher & commenced work just prior to the outbreak of WW11 in 1939. She was a competent Sailer (among many other attributes) & she & husband Nick competed throughout Europe. They came to Australia in 1987. Bettys accomplishments are many, too many to mention here, surfice to say she will be greatly missed by all who knew & loved her. We at the Rylstone Artisans Markets send our deepest sympathies to her family & thank you for the very small part we played in her wonderful life. See more

23.01.2022 Christmas Stallholder Countdown this time goes to the lovely Dianne, drop by and see her embroidered bath towels, hand towel and face washer sets, the baby bibs and gift sets are just lovely and if she doesn't have one to suit she will try to find it and sew her magic for you. There are lovely baby cardigan and bootie sets and beautiful little dresses and also lovely dress up outfits and party dresses to warm the heart of any little girl, don't miss spending a few minutes to check them out especially if you have a new grandchild on the horizon or a little grandaughter in Christmas party mode.

22.01.2022 Firstly apologies - yes I'm late sorry, but I've been having "babies" (Alpaca Babies that is no no no not human ones ) and the days, despite Daylight Saving just aren't long enough. Yes, next Saturday 10th October is Market Day, looking forward to seeing you all. We not only have our new Stallholders from last month again joining us, but we have more new ones for you to check out. Beautiful Stirling Silver & precious stone Jewellery, Bees wax candles, art and more. Miln's of Mudgee again joining us as is Dave with his special sauces as well as all our regulars so see you there Saturday.

22.01.2022 At this stage we wish to advise that we are planning the return to our Markets next Saturday the 11th July, but as you all must be aware, things beyond our control can cause changes to these plans. We suggest you check the official Government Website or our Face Book Page on Friday to make sure nothing untoward has caused our resumption plans to change. You will notice a few changes within our markets, but we must adhere to strict Government & Health Department rulings and w...e request everyone be aware of this and help us by, for the time being at least, abiding by these changes and any instructions given to you by a member of the Committee. We want our Markets to continue to thrive, but we are also very mindful of the safety and well-being of our stallholders and our visitors. We know our stallholders and many of our visitors have been eagerly awaiting this news and hope we can live up to these expectations and continue to be able to open our Markets each month from now on, but always remembering that a lot of this does depend on us and we must be aware of social distancing, personal hygiene and spacing rules at all times. Looking forward to seeing as many of our friends and visitors as possible next weekend. See more

21.01.2022 So a big welcome to yet another horrible smoky morning in Rylstone/Kandos, firstly can I please send a huge, grateful thankyou to all those firefighters out there risking their lives to keep us all safe, we are forever in your debt. Now to our markets - reminder this Saturday 14th is our day, but also this month we are sharing our day with Rotarys Christmas Party down on the Showground. This is where you will find our wonderful BBQ team, so a little further to walk, but thin...k of the exercise!!! Santa due to arrive at 1pm I believe, so make sure all the kiddies are there to greet him. We have quite a few new stall holders this month, Prudence has some wonderful homegrown garlic, Sandra will be there with homegrown produce & eggs, Rachel also new to us, with leather made goods & gifts. Our own Jan is back from sick leave with all her wonderful Lavender products & gifts, Peter back from his recent photographic trip, cant wait to see his new photos, Brenda of course with her pies & goodies, but also dont forget her lovely Gingerbread Houses & Santas. Michelle will be there with her georgous candles & holders for those special gifts or just to indulge yourself. Check out Elises natural Bee products as well. Bad news tho, Deb wont be there with her wonderful Fruit & Vegies, unfortunately for us she will be down in Ben Bullen selling her cherries & other goodies, so if you are lucky enough to be going that way, dont forget to stop at the railway line. I know I havent mentioned everyone, but hey, you are sick of reading now so just come in & say hello Did forget one I must mention - check out Keryns printing, get those special bags, T-shirts, pencil cases, coffee mugs, wine glasses, etc printed while you wait, she can print just about anything you want on most surface & its fun to watch too. Signing off now until Saturday hope to see a really big day for the end of 2019, but if you cant make it on Saturday, may all the Committee & Stallholders wish you & your families a wonderful Christmas & safe New Year. May we get relief for our fire fighters, water to douse the flames & safety for all. See more

21.01.2022 Rylstone Markets Saturday 13th July 2019 -

20.01.2022 Good morning all. This is a further update as it seems still needs clarification. This is the latest update and Order from the NSW Govt. Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 3) 2020 under the Public Health Act 2010 "I Brad Hazzard, the Minister of Health and Medical Research, under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010, make the following Order. Dated 29 May 2020.... 14. Markets that are not predominantly food markets - PREMISES MUST NOT BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC." Sorry all, but this is the way it must be for the time being. Will await further updates.

19.01.2022 Chilly, misty morning hello to all . I promised to let you know who the recipient's were from the funds raised by the Mother's Day Cake Raffle run by those talented ladies from the Cake & Sugar Artists of NSW Inc. drawn at our Markets in May and won by the very lucky Lola Yates of Rylstone. Hope you your family and friends enjoyed it Lola The funds were divided between the "Can Assist Group" in Mudgee who provide financial assistance, practical support and accommodation to country people in NSW affected by any type of cancer and the Kandos Museum in Kandos. Well done ladies and thank you.

18.01.2022 Found - Chestnut Mare. Windles Lane. Please message me and I can put you in contact with were she is being looked after.

18.01.2022 At this stage we wish to advise that our Markets next Saturday the 8th August are going ahead, but as you must all be aware, things beyond our control can cause changes to these plans. We suggest you check the official Government Website or our Face Book Page on Friday to make sure nothing untoward has caused our opening plans to change. If you are on our email list Keryn will send out another email on Friday to advise if there are any changes, so please check. If you are a ...visitor to our Markets and would like to join our mailing list we will have a form at the front door for you to enter your details, this way our plans are always there in your inbox. You will please note that there will be sign in sheets, also at the front door and everyone, Stall holders and visitors MUST sign in, this is the Law. Please follow any directions given to you by a member of the Committee remembering that many of our Stall holders and visitors are over 70 and many have health issues and we want everyone to stay healthy and SAFE. You will notice a few changes within our markets, but we must adhere to strict Government & Health Department rulings and we request everyone be aware of this and help us by, for the time being at least, abiding by these changes. We want our Markets to continue to thrive, but we are also very mindful of the safety and well-being of our stallholders and our visitors. We know our stallholders, and our visitors, as indicated by the number of phone calls I have been receiving, have been eagerly awaiting the Markets and hope we can live up to these expectations and continue to be able to open our Markets each month from now on, but always remember that a lot of this does depend on us, we must be aware of social distancing, personal hygiene and being aware of the spacing rules at all times. Our stall holders are looking forward to seeing as many of our friends and visitors as possible next weekend. See more

18.01.2022 Rylstone Markets Saturday 14th March 2020 -

15.01.2022 The stunning town of Rylstone is a small town in New South Wales, Australia, in the Central Tablelands region within the Mid-Western Regional Council local gove...rnment area. It is located on the Bylong Valley Way road route. About 3 hours drive from Sydney or the central coast. Rylstone has much to offer. Fantastic cafes and shopping. Mexican and Yum cha and crapes brings a huge hit in town. The top Pub with a very tasty pub menu and home delivery for dinner. The Globe hotel with restaurant. The Rylstone club with cocktail nights on Friday plus a huge variety of mouth watering food. Dun swamp (you can hire water equipment) Fern tree gully an amazing walk through rain Forrest. Windermere for boating and water sports and great fishing. Kandos Rylstone’s twin town has a fantastic museum. Also local wineries. This little town has much to offer and offers the Street feast during the year and Bull Rama which is a bull riding competition with food and bar. The local show has lots to do rides, stalls, shows with cattle and horses, The swap meet Rylstone oval. There is much more to see and do. Please call kerrie to book your very own self contained unit On 0428530140 See more

15.01.2022 Just checking in with all our wonderful stall holders and friends of Rylstone Artisan Markets to make sure you are all doing ok, staying well and happy. Please if you need anything and we can help give one of us a call or an email, even if you just need a chat, thinking of you, stay well stay safe Diana, Keryn & Beverley B

15.01.2022 Checking in with you all, stall holders, loyal friends and visitors, to make sure you are all doing ok. Please dont forget to get in touch if you need anything, even if it is just a chat. Please all take care as we anticipate an easing in restrictions and remember we are not out of the woods just yet and remain vigilant at all times.

15.01.2022 Dont forget when you come to visit the Market this Saturday and get that Christmas Shopping finished, bring the family and enjoy the Rotary Christmas Carnival as well.

14.01.2022 Keep watching our page, the next Event is a drive to Ryleston to the Markets, 14th November, meeting at the Club Rooms at 900am, travel as a group, come along e...njoy the drive. Scout for bits and pieces at the markets, have lunch in Ryleston and make your own way back to prepare for Mudgee CARS N COFFEE on Sunday 15th. Come one, come all, enjoy the morning looking at and talking cars. Many cars, trucks and motorcycles of interest on display. Talk to the owners, who knows, it could be your next interest. ENJOY!! See more

14.01.2022 Hi all just thought I would share a picture sent to us by the lovely Carol from Folkologie, thanks Carol !!! lovely photo tho & the weather man does say it will be warmer & rain gone on Saturday I sure hope he's right all come rugged up tho, just incase, and all our stallholders coming from Lithgow and Bathurst way please take care on the roads remember you are all precious.

13.01.2022 The Christmas Countdown of our Stallholders this post goes to our ever present Audrey & Harold. If it is those special little gifts you are after, old friends, Grandchildren, babies & toddlers and don't forget your doggie friends to mention but a few, check out Audrey's lovely range of tea towels, knits. (babies and toddlers), dolls, dog coats (which she will make to measure if required) plus too much more to mention, but above all remember her Apple Pies/Apple & Rheubarb/Apple & Blackberry are a must. They sometimes have small size pies on their stall as well as the wonderful family size always available. I always keep one or two in the freezer and will let you into a little secret...Harold has quite a lot to do with the baking too, but don't let on I told you that he is very shy

12.01.2022 Please find the following Dates for the Rylstone Artisans Markets for 2020. A new Flyer will be available at the March Markets. February - Saturday 8th March - Saturday 14th April - Saturday 11th May - Saturday 9th... June - Saturday 13th July - Saturday 11th August - Saturday 8th September - Saturday 12th October - Saturday 10th November - Saturday 14th December - Saturday 12th Hope this helps otherwise just remembere 2nd Saturday of the month Also for all Rylstone Coffee and Cars interested parties, see ya boys

11.01.2022 Wendy will be there and tells us she has been very busy in the kitchen again with Tomato, Pineapple & Passionfruit Jam, Peach Chutney and Spicy Peach Vinegar. Also this month Raspberry jam and Tomato Chutney. So make sure you get in early to grab your favourite.

11.01.2022 The Committee and Stall Holders for the Rylstone Artisan Markets would like to wish all our friends & many followers a very Happy New Year. I know this is a worrying and stressful time for us all, many of us have been or will be, directly impacted by the fires that ravage our land, but this horrible time will end, hopefully the rains will come and all this will be but a terrible dream. On a positive note our December Markets proved to be a really great day. We had many new st...all holders, albeit some of them going to be part-time participants, but great to see them and look forward to your next visits one and all. Firstly our very own "Lavender Lady" Jan made a very welcome return from a horrid winter of illness, glad you are so much better Jan. We had Rachel from Western Culture with her gorgeous leather goods, Jan was there with her lovely Artwork and Christmas decorations plus other novelty items, Sandra had her fresh farm produce including fresh eggs. Prudence was back with her fresh home grown garlic and will be back as often as her new life allows. We also had the lovely Rylstone Cake Group in attendance with lovely Xmas fruit cup cakes. I can attest to their quality and they got a tick of approval from Ian & Keryn (which says a lot as they are both fruit cake conisours) I wasnt lucky enough to win the Xmas Cake in the raffle tho big congratulations to the winner. Keryn was flat out doing her, "while you wait" personalised shopping bags, Xmas T-shirts, wine glasses, coffee mugs etc, come along this year and watch her with her computer, printer & heat press and see what is possible in a wide variety of items, she can print almost anything on most things just ask her and she will advise you. My thanks go to Audrey & Rachel for allowing me to use their photos (I was slack and got busy and fell down on the job half way through ). Sorry this has been such a long post, but so much to report and I almost forgot to remind you, please remember there is no regular market in January, but will return the second Saturday in February. Also there will be Stall Holders at the Regions Australia Day Ceremony which is scheduled to be held in the Rylstone Showground on the 26th January, BUT PLEASE CHECK PRIOR TO THE DAY due to the ongoing fire situation there is still a possibility these celebrations may have to be cancelled. See more

10.01.2022 Rylstone Markets Saturday 14th December 2019 -

10.01.2022 Hi all, just a reminder the Rylstone Artisan & More Markets return from break this Saturday 8th February. My first job (threatened with death if I forgot) is a special message for the Rylstone Coffee and Cars boys & girls. Debbies Coffee Van unable to be here next Saturday as she has a prior booking, but she said to assure you she will be at the Rylstone Show & will be back at our Markets next Month - March. Dont worry tho boys Diana is working on Carl, hopefully he will set up inside for all your coffee fixes. We have a new stallholder this month - meet Richard, our newest stall showcasing Garden Art. Not sure just what but hopefully unless they forget (my offsiders, that is) will take some pictures for me to add to my next post. Thats right both Keryn & I will be AWOL this month, so please any titbits I need to know about please feel free to email me - no phone until after the 26th. Or before that email is fine. To all visitors and stallholders have a great month. Oh and I almost forgot a little bird tells me that barring any issues Joe & Leslie from Falcon Grove Olives will be back in March with I believe a couple of new products as well. So glad to hear you are finally on the mend Joe life has been so dull without you.. See more

10.01.2022 Hands up who’s heading to Mudgee region this long weekend?! So much to see and do in Rylstone & Kandos! Hot off the press are our new Street Maps Rylstone ...main street businesses will be open all long weekend eagerly awaiting your arrival! Safe travels and see you all very soon! #mudgeeregion #rylstone #kandos #gulgong See more

10.01.2022 Stallholder No 2 in our Christmas Countdown goes to Jan "the Lavender Lady" Jan has the most wonderful array of Lavender products, just perfect for tucking into gifts or stockings. Drop by and see and talk all things lavender with Jan, she has even taught me how to become really successful in growing them if this year is anything to go by, something I have failed to do for many years. Don't forget our next market is coming up fast next Saturday 14th November, see you there

07.01.2022 Hi all just a reminder next Saturday the 12th is our next Market Day. Hopefully the Sun will be smiling on us as the Winter Chill starts to bite, but if the weather man is correct make sure you wear your Woolies. We have a new Stallholder joining us this month, meet Paula with her beautiful Calligraphy and Art, I know I for one have a job for her and can't wait, so if you have something special you want personalised in Calagriphy I suggest Paula is a must to talk to. We do ...have several of our Stallholders AWOL which is a bit sad, but all assure me they will be back on deck again next month, good news to all you who missed her last month Brenda will be back with her pies & sausage rolls etc and of course Harold's famous Apple Pies (with just a little help from Audrey) will be there. Rug up, put on your scarves and of course I do know where you can get a beautiful Alpaca one if not come & ask me and see you on Saturday. See more

07.01.2022 This one is a plea for help, to find one, or two even, kind souls in the Rylstone area, or even Kandos, that can spare half an hour once a month to take over putting up two banners on the fence of the Community Hall, one at the junction of Lue Road & Bylong Valley Way and one a little further up Bylong Valley way. You put them up on the Monday prior to the Market Saturday and then take them down Saturday afternoon after the Markets. This is not a hard task, but one that Keryn no longer has time for, in fact if it were possible to see her little nose above water, little own her head we would be so pleased. If you feel you can help or know someone who could we would be ever so grateful. Just leave us a message and we will get back to you. Thankyou

07.01.2022 Because of the uncertainty during this topsy turvy time in our lives we have not printed any brochures with this years Market Dates, so for all our visitors who are wondering the Markets are always held on the second Saturday of the month. We put up a post the week prior, but as the Government can change things at any time please check again on the Friday and if for any reason the Markets not going ahead we will always advise. The next date is the 12th September. Hope this helps

07.01.2022 Information for all our stallholders and friends of the Rylstone Artisan Markets. Sorry not sure what is happening to my FB tonight, but my first post has disappeared & now you are being inundated with the photo. As you have seen from the photo of our recent Council Newsletter, Community Halls are still closed. Please be patient a little longer, we have not as yet "tested the waters" with where the easing of our restrictions are going to lead and none of us would like to see a bad result. Any updates are available on the Council website or your next copy of the Newsletter.

07.01.2022 Last Saturday was our quietest day since last July, but still some happy stallholders. Firstly a big get well soon message to all our sickies. Harold you really must stop beating up your wife seriously Audrey get well soon, we missed you, but you should really be proud of your boy, he did done real good!!! And I believe sold all of his pies, not to worry I got in early and secured mine, thank you Harold for making the trip alone, but just as he was getting into his stride ...his granddaughter arrived to keep him in line, you lucky Grandad . Anyone who missed the market today you missed a real treat, blocked the doorway he did, Craig from Craft Works Distillery at Capertee, one of our new stallholders with his Whiskeys and he was very free with his tastings too, if the Markets had gone on all day we may all have been a little merry, but seriously tastings are a must for any lover of the wee drop and even tho I'm not his mother, I think Ian bought me a Mother's Day pressie or maybe it was just his own birthday present . See more

06.01.2022 Hi all, yes its that time of the month again!!! Saturday 8th June is Market Day again for Rylstone Artisans Community Markets. Yes Debbie will be there bright & early with the coffee van, Rotary to feed that Inner Man & Peter & Bush Rock there to get your Feet a Tappin & if this cold weather keeps up we sure need him. See you all there on Saturday.

05.01.2022 Everyone who has been waiting patiently for our Markets to reopen. MARKETS ARE DEFFINATELY ON TOMORROW 9am-1pm. See you there.Everyone who has been waiting patiently for our Markets to reopen. MARKETS ARE DEFFINATELY ON TOMORROW 9am-1pm. See you there.

05.01.2022 Hey all you guys from the Rylstone Coffee & Cars group, its just as well Eddy, Glen & Blue didnt let the side down last Saturday what was your problem, was it too hot, too smoky or just too far to walk for your sausage sandwich because the Rotary Boys moved further down the Showground for their Xmas Party & Santa. Debbie has moved her coffee van closer so you dont have so far to walk . Not a good excuse boys sorry you will have to come up with a better one and it was ...a busy weekend too, lots of visitors for the last Market for 2019, the number of people that asked where you all were was really astounding so please know you were really missed. Had a lovely chat with the three boys that came and they werent worried about a bit of Ash on their beloved cars. Hope to see you all back Second Saturday February you have really become quite an attraction you know. On a serious note - The Committee & Stall Holders from The Rylstone Artisans Market wish you & your families a very Happy Christmas & safe New Year. Please all drive carefully and hopefully see you all again in 2020. See more

05.01.2022 Dont forget all you loyal followers & new visitors alike, tomorrow Saturday 10th August is Market Day, rug up & see you there. Brenda will have the oven on for your hot sausage rolls & pies, the ever loyal Rotary Boys will have the barbie fired up & Deb will have the coffee & hot chocolate ready. Think its going to be a cold & windy one, so on with the scarves, gloves & beanies hall will be warm.

05.01.2022 Wishing all our Stall Holders, Supporters & Customers a very Safe, Happy & Blessed Easter.

05.01.2022 Just a reminder to everyone, sorry, but there are no Rylstone Artisan Markets held in January. Everyone feels it is far too hot and many people still away on holidays. The Markets resume second Saturday in February. Depending on the fire situation, which thankfully seems to be more under control at the moment, there will be some of our stallholders attending the Australia Day Celebrations which are to be held this year at the Rylstone Showground, but if the situation is not looking good firewise please check to make sure these Celebrations have not had to be cancelled.

04.01.2022 Pleasant surprise yesterday as well as a much nicer day than last month . We had so many of our Stallholders missing due to ill health and a few with prior commitments we thought we might as well all go home, but no it was a great day all stallholders more than happy with their sales. Of course Audrey sold out of her famous apple pies quite early in the morning, Brenda, you were sadly missed by many, some even expressing disappointment as they had come down especially to bu...y pies, I told them better luck next month. I believe there was a great turn out at the "Cars & Coffee" boys get together, visitors again coming down from Mudgee and over from Bathurst. Check out their face book page for photos, I only got the chance for a quick look out the door, but they all seemed to be deep in conversation & no doubt bragging just a little . We also had several requests for stalls so keep in mind to check these out next month, especially November/December for those extra little Christmas gifts - oh dear me did I say that - frightening isnt it yes it is just around the corner. To all our unwell friends please get well soon & hope you are all feeling much better. See more

04.01.2022 Rylstone Markets Saturday 8th February 2020 -

04.01.2022 Hi friends, yes it's countdown time for our next market Saturday 14th November, also countdown to Christmas, so I am going to hi-lite one stallholder each few days to assist you. Guess I had better start with our President Diana and her wonderful Alpaca products - new hat ladies, Silk & Alpaca tops, scarves, Berets, gloves (fortunately not needed now) but still lovely gifts and much more to choose from Stay tuned next stallholder in a few days.

03.01.2022 Oh Boy!!! Wasnt it a bitter day? Today Im giving out Gold Stars a plenty, the first ones go to our wonderful boys & girls manning the BBQ from Rotary, Davids x 2, Graham & Margarets x 2 they had the worst of that bitter wind, but did they go home - no they fed us to the bitter end, thank you so much we appreciate you & guess we dont tell you often enough. Then came Debbie in her trusty Coffee Van & Debbie & Warren in their fruit & Vegie Van & you know I didnt hear one ...complaint from any of them. The next Gold Stars have to go to the boys (& girls) of the car clubs, they also faithfully held their meeting and welcomed anyone who wanted to look under a bonnet or inside their immaculate babies. I did note (as I slowly froze thats how I know how cold they all were) there is a slight amount of rivalry going on between Ford & Holden and yes zippers can be a problem!!! . Despite the horrid wind & later in the morning, bitter cold, we had a great day. All stallholders reported great sales, poor Keryn was flat out printing messages on coffee mugs, shopping bags & personalising pencil cases. Next time you visit the Markets I suggest you pop past & see all the great things she produces using her laptop, cutting machine & iron, there are some great gift ideas ranging from the kiddies at school through the tea/coffee drinkers, shoppers, Tshirts of all sizes to the water/wine drinkers. Your imagination has no bounds and she will take orders for you too. Lastly, but not least we want to send a get well quick message to our Stallholders Wendy, Debbie, Josie & Peter hope you are soon on the mend, we missed you, also our members working hard at Mudgee Field Day hope your day wasnt has horrid as the weatherman was predicting. Also safe trip to Jo swanning around the U.S.A jealous of you, but still missed you. Also note last photo - yes there are some of our Stallholders who sleep under the tables as well as above, but thats what happens when you have grandchildren. See more

03.01.2022 Wishing all Mothers, Mothers to be, Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers the happiest of days this Mothers Day. I know things are not what you all had planned or wanted for this day, but hold your memories and the love of your family close and all will be well.

03.01.2022 Good Morning All. This is just a reminder for all those needing & top up of fresh fruit & vegies. Keith Debbie and Brendon will have their van at the rail line at Ben Bullen this Easter Saturday and Sunday. As this is an essential food need and as long as you obey the rules get some much needed fresh air and refresh you supplies. Again wishing everyone a safe happy and blessed albeit very different from normal Easter stay safe and well.

03.01.2022 Hi Everyone, yes rain or shine the Markets are going ahead this week-end. Have a great day everyone, please all stay safe and abide by the rules and above all have fun.

02.01.2022 Our next Market is planned for Saturday 12th September See you thereOur next Market is planned for Saturday 12th September See you there

01.01.2022 Hello all, yes the Markets are again up and rearing to go, tomorrow the 12th September is the day. We have several new Stallholders for you and are really looking forward to welcoming them. Richard & Pru with his beautiful garden art are back from holidays and we are excited to see what new goodies he has on offer. Dont forget to get in early for Audreys Apple Pies as they run out fast. Unfortunately we will still be missing our stalwart "Boys on the BBQ" from Rotary (will be so glad when we can put this Covid bug behind us). Please remember to stay vigilant and follow the rules. Looking forward to another great weekend.

01.01.2022 Fantastic, cant wait to see you all. Pop on down to the Markets this Saturday and as well as great food, coffee and lots of gifts to peruse, there will be some stunning cars to check out as well.

01.01.2022 Rylstone Markets Saturday 13th July 2019 -

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