Saambr in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Sport & recreation
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Address: Elizabeth Road, Griffin 4503 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Mosquito Treatment - 27 Jan 2020 Members, MBRC will be conducting an aerial mosquito treatment from 6am on Monday 27 January for all southern blocks and northern blocks due to rain and tides the area has experienced. The blocks to be treated include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffen, Mango Hill, Lawnton and Deception Bay. Northern blocks to be treated Monday include Uhlmann road and Burpengary East.... So unfortunately both Jim Gibson and Sid Bray fields will need to be closed to flying tomorrow. For further details please click the link to the SAAMBR Website. We appologise for any inconvenience this may cause. SAAMBR Committee
25.01.2022 Members, With the recent opportunities that we have had to either complete or take on new projects, so it is a timely reminder that any heavy model aircraft requires to be certified by a current accredited large model inspector prior to it flying. For the record a heavy model is a model aircraft with a dry mass, (excluding fuel, but including all batteries if electric powered), of greater than 7Kgs but less than 150Kgs.... If an incident occurs involving a heavy model that does not hold current or any certification, it is not covered by insurance as well it puts our club and members at risk. The club is fortunate to have a number of current MAAA certificated inspectors, all of whom are supportive and available to members for certification if needed. The process covers all aspects of the aircraft not just the build quality, and this can and is designed to ensure a model is safe to fly under CASA MOP's.. So if you need an aircraft certified, then please contact either a committee member or an inspector to arrange certification. SAAMBR Committee
25.01.2022 As of 12 June, Jim Gibson (Burpengary East) and Sid Bray (Griffin) sites are open to members and visitors. Social distancing requirements remain in place... SAAMBR Commitee
24.01.2022 All, our yearly Airshow will no longer be a public event, we will be encouraging visitors from any MAAA club to visit on the day and fly. A BBQ will be there for friends and family. We hope to see you there. SAAMBR Committee
23.01.2022 Due the current weather conditions we have postponed the intended night-fly event tomorrow..... A new event will be created once the new date has been confirmed.
22.01.2022 As of today the Queensland Government has imposed additional restrictions within South East Queensland, and these may remain for some weeks to come. The committee have discussed the new restrictions and we want to assure all members, that both fields will remain open under these new restrictions. Visitors to our fields during these new restrictions will not be allowed. ... A decision to either continuing or delaying our planned open flying day (6 Sept) and AGM (12 Sept) will be taken this week by the committee. Once a decision is made, a separate email will sent to all members providing the proposed outcome and recommendations. With the new restrictions, it is a timely reminder that we all need to continue safe practises and maintain social distancing at all times. If you do feel unwell or concerned with the new restrictions, please do not come to field, seek medical advise or stay home until you are well again. If further restrictions are imposed then the committee may need to take the decision to close our fields. Further updates will be provided to members if and when this occurs.
21.01.2022 All. Please note that this was discussed at the meeting last Saturday. Also note for clarification the supporting comments. SAAMBR Committee
21.01.2022 Anyone else see the Spitfire that flew over North Brisbane yesterday afternoon?
21.01.2022 Delay of Night Fly event Due to the forecast of storms tomorrow the decission has been made to delay the night fly that was scheduled for tomorrow. We will look to reschedule the event to another Saturday night within the next few weeks.... SAAMBR Committee
20.01.2022 MBRC Mosquito Treatment Sid Bray field will be closed for flying on Sunday 10 May, and Jim Gibson field closed on Monday 11 May due to mosquito treatments. MBRC will be conducting an aerial mosquito treatment starting at 7:30am on Sunday 10th May for all southern blocks due to recent high tides. The areas to be treated include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffin, Mango Hill, Lawnton and Deception Bay. The treatment will continue for all norther blocks from 7:30am on Mo...nday 11th May. Blocks to be treated include Burpengary East, Uhlmann Road, Beachmere, Ningi, Donnybrook, Toorbul, Elimbah and Bribie Island. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. SAAMBR Committee
20.01.2022 Jim Gibson & Sid Bray fields will be closed for flying on 22 October 2020. MBRC will be conducting an aerial mosquito treatment starting at 7am on Thursday 22nd Oct due to recent high tides. The areas to be treated include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffin, Mango Hill, Lawnton, and Deception Bay in the south. In the north the areas of Burpengary East, Uhlmann Road and Beachmere will also be included in this treatment. SAAMBR Committee
19.01.2022 SAAMBR Members, As you all are aware we were able to reopen the club from the 2nd of May, albeit with recommended restrictions in place to support the health of our members and communities. The committee feels it important to keep our members updated on decisions and next steps for our club, hence this update. The committee has been reviewing further lifting of restrictions that have been recently released and have made the decision that from 12 June that we plan to reopen th...e clubhouse and allow buddy-box flying to resume from this date. This date will still be subject to final endorsement with Qld Government Health Authorities and it also aligns with the recommendations made for Stage 2 sporting clubs to resume restricted activities. All members will still need to follow current social distancing recommendations, but it will allow us to use the clubhouse, make tea and coffee, sit at chairs under the awnings, all whilst maintaining the 1.5m separation. The committee has also agreed to lift the number of members allowed at the field at any point in time, members partners and guests who wish to visit. BBQ's will be allowed to resume from this date, with cooks or servers wearing gloves whilst working or serving at the BBQ. Club meetings remain suspended until further restrictions are announced. In support of the separation and restrictions that are in place for the current and future stages, we ask that if a member or guest feels unwell, that they please stay home and not visit the field. We do not want to put anyone in danger or be a contributor to a potential 2nd wave of illness. Best to always err on the side of caution please. We look forward to seeing all our members enjoying our great facilities again, and the return of our normal operations and events over the coming months. SAAMBR Committee
19.01.2022 Reminder that the Queensland F3A and Pattern competition is on this weekend at Jim Gibson field. The Uhlmann Rd field will be closed on both Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th to members and guests who are not competing directly in the competition. The Sid Bray will remain open for all SAAMBR members and guests during this weekend.
18.01.2022 Temporary closure of SAAMBR flying fields Members, Due to the recent announcement from our Prime Minister we must close both fields as of sunset Thursday 26 March. We have also received a direction from Moreton Bay Council requesting us to also cease operations at our leased fields.... The front gate and clubhouse access codes will be changed and these will not be shared at this stage. There is to be no access to the fields without direct authorisation of the Club President - no exceptions. At this time we must follow health directions and ensure we protect our members and community. Please stay safe during this period so we can return to enjoying our sport again once the conditions are lifted. SAAMBR Committee
18.01.2022 Reopening of SAAMBR Club Fields The SAAMBR committee met today to discuss the recommendations received from the MAAQ and the Queensland Chief Medical Officer. On reviewing the recommendations and considering the age of our members and the conditions available at our fields. The Committee have recommended that both fields reopen from Saturday May 2, with the following conditions: ... * Social distancing to be maintained at all times by members Members should refrain from attending the field if they are feeling unwell * The number of members who can attend a field at any time will be matched by the number of pit bays at each field estimate is between 12-15 members at any time. If there is a spare bay then this can be used by a member. If all bays are full, members must remain in their cars, until a bay is vacated. Alternatively, members should return to the field at an alternative time when a bay maybe available * Maximum three pilots to be flying at any time, with social distancing being maintained at all times in the pilot areas * Attendance will only be allowed by members who are actually flying their models no social visits or BBQ will be allowed * The clubhouses and toilet facilities will be closed and are off limits to all members * All seating and tables at the clubhouses will remain locked away at this time * The club opening hours will remain unchanged * No buddy box training is permitted at this time *No attendance by visitors or public to the fields * If you require food or drink whilst a the club, you will need to bring your own items and take any rubbish home with you when you leave * All club meetings and events are currently cancelled until further advice is provided from the State Medical Officer allowing these to be held * The club will continue to provide hand sanitiser to maintain hygiene at the field The committee will continue to review changing recommendations as they change and keep members informed as much as possible.
18.01.2022 SAAMBR Members, Just a reminder that we are having a night fly this Saturday night at Sid Bray field starting from 5pm. The club will be putting on BBQ for attendees, so please feel free to bring your family and enjoy the night.... If the weather looks like effecting the eventing we will make a call on Friday and let all members know. At this stage it looks like it will be a great evening. For noting, we will be following COV restrictions on the day. See you there.
18.01.2022 Further to our email yesterday regarding the MBRC spraying, MBRC have just confirmed that spraying will also need to take place at Uhlmann Rd. As a consequence, both Jim Gibson and Sid Bray fields will be closed for flying tomorrow. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our members. SAAMBR Committee
16.01.2022 Just a reminder that Southern Cross Air Force (SCAF) will be holing their end of year event at Jim Gibson this weekend. All SAAMBR members are welcome to attend and be involved in the weekend's activities. SAAMBR Committee
16.01.2022 Just 5 sleeps until the SAAMBR Open day - 6 September. Some SAAMBR members and MAAA visitors have asked if there is any specific program of flying plan for the day. The club's approach is to have the day as open as possible, no specific program, just come and fly and enjoy the weather and BBQ. Flying time will be from 9 am until sunset on the 6th.... The only rule of the day is bring a smile, and perhaps no Bixlers please.
14.01.2022 SAAMBR Member, As we have not been able to secure a reliable caterer for the SAAMBR Xmas party and be able to maintain any social distancing requirements for such an event. The committee are now proposing to hold a club BBQ to celebrate the end of a very arduous 2020. The BBQ will be held at Sid Bray field on Saturday the 12th of December starting at 3pm finishing around 9pm (weather permitting).... The BBQ will also include a night flying event with family and friends invited to attend the BBQ. The SAAMBR club will provide the meat (and some non meat items), sausages and soft drink for all attendees, so you will only need to bring some salads etc and any additional drinks that you may need for the afternoon / evening. No need to confirm numbers, we will / can cater for all attendees. SAAMBR Committee
14.01.2022 MBRC will be conducting an aerial mosquito treatment from 6am on Thursday 27th of February for all southern blocks due to rain the area has experienced. Sid Bray field will be closed for flying due to the treatment. All Northern areas will continue to be monitored for a trigger in the salt marsh areas and further advisories will be sent if additional treatments are planned. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by the treatments
13.01.2022 MBRC will be conducting an aerial mosquito treatment start at 12 pm on Saturday 8th February at Sid Bray field Griffin. The treatment will continue from 12:30pm Sunday 9th February, at Jim Gibson field Uhlmann Road, Both fields will be closed for flying from the start of the spraying times until the end of each day.... Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
12.01.2022 Jim Gibson Field will be closed on Tuesday 10 March MBRC will be conducting an aerial mosquito treatment from 12pm on Tuesday 10th of March for all northern blocks due to high tides the area has experienced. The blocks to be treated include Burpengary East, Uhlmann Road, Beachmere, Ningi, Donnybrook, Toorbul, Elimbah, and Bribie Island.... Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. SAAMBR Commitee
11.01.2022 Fantastic news coming out of the MAAA Annual Conference that Chris Gratton of Calvert RC Aeromodellers was awarded an MAAA Service Medal for his dedication and of aeromodelling over the last 20 plus years. Chris has worked tirelessly to develop at his own expense one of the best aeromodelling facilities in SE Queensland and to make it available for use by all. Over the years Chris has also promoted and run some great airshows to promote aeromodelling including bringing Ali Machinchy and Mike McConville down under. Well done Chris, your contribution is truly valued and appreciated. We'll bring you some photo's of Chris's great facility when the MAAQ team visit to give Chris his award. Special thanks goes to Darryl Gunst who assisted in collating the long list of achievements and contributions by Chris over the years.
10.01.2022 IMAC competition scheduled for Jim Gibson field (Uhlmann Rd site) on 8 & 9 August 2020. This field will be closed to all non-competing members on these days. Sid Bray field will remain open as usual over this weekend. Members are welcome to participate in the IMAC competition which runs both days, if you would like to do so please contact either Josh Bayes or one of the SAAMBR Committee.... For those that may ask, this competition is run by the ASAA and will follow current restriction policies for our sport and community.
10.01.2022 Over the past few months, the committee has been working hard on continuing to grow our club and improve our facilities. With our aim of providing the best field possible to our members and guests. The committee has been applying for a number of grants that have recently been available to our club. These include the MAAA, Community Gambling Fund and MBRC. The amazing news is that we have just received written confirmation that SAAMBR been successful in both the MAAA and the... MBRC sporting grants. The Club has been awarded: MAAA - $5,500 towards the proposed toilet upgrade MBRC - $50,000 towards the toilet facility and a warning system for both fields when spraying is to be conducted. These funds will become available immediately to the club to enable planning and execution in the coming months. Members who are able to assist with the toilet upgrades will be welcome as it will be a big task for our club to complete. The committee propose to have a meeting in the next few weeks to discuss the details and timing that the club can take to complete the projects. SAAMBR Committee
09.01.2022 Mosquito treatments will conducted on Saturday and Sunday the 2nd and 3rd of January. Treatment on MBRC blocks will start on Saturday 2nd Jan at 5:30am for the southern blocks due to the recent high tide and rain. The blocks to be treated include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffin, Mango Hill, Lawnton and Deception Bay. This will continue for all northern blocks on Sunday 3rd Jan, blocks including Burpengary East, Uhlmann Road, Beachmere, Ningi, Donnybrook, Toorbul, El...imbah, Meldale and Bribie Island. Apologies for the late notice to our members and guests. SAAMBR Committee
08.01.2022 The committee propose to delay the SAAMBR AGM which was scheduled for this coming Saturday to be now postponed until October 17 starting at 3pm. The AGM will continue to be held at Jim Gibson field. The delay is due to delays in receiving the completed audited financial report from our auditor, and considering current SEQ COV-19 restrictions. The committee have discussed the potential impacts of the delay and believe it is the right thing to do given the current circumsta...nces. If any member has concerns with the delay please contact one of the committee members. SAAMBR Committee
08.01.2022 The committee has been reviewing the current procedures and recommendations underway to help restrict the spread of COVID-19, known as the Coronavirus virus. At this stage our club is OPEN and will remain open, unless significant recommendations are made restricting the number of people at gatherings - normal club operations will continue at both fields. In support of current recommend practises, all members are requested to keep high standards of hygiene by... * Washing their hands before and after flying, as well as avoiding personal contact with others whilst at the field. * Hand sanitisers are located at both fields as well as soap to allow members to thoroughly clean hands and faces. Luckily we have an abundance of water, so washing frequently wont be a problem. * If there is any member of the public who visits either field, please make sure you stay at least 1.5m away and explain to them the current precautions and encourage them to stay at a safe distance at all times. Inform the visitor that the clubs facilities are available for them to wash their hands prior to leaving as well. * If you are feeling unwell or show any symptoms, then please stay at home and avoid the possibility of any potential transfer to others By following these procedures hopefully we can remain operational for our members to enjoy the blue sky and fresh air on offer. SAAMBR Committee
08.01.2022 MBRC mozzie spraying will on Friday 20 November, the Sid Bray field will be closed to flying for the entire day due to the spraying. The treatment will start from 7am on Friday 20 November and will include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffin, Mango Hill, Lawnton, Deception Bay, Beachmere and Burpengary East. The tide has not inundated the northern blocks at this point, but the team will continue to monitor, and additional notifications will be sent as required.... We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our members. SAAMBR Committee
08.01.2022 Sid Bray field will be closed for flying on 11 March 2020 MBRC will be continuing its aerial mosquito treatment for all Southern blocks on Wednesday 11th March, start time is currently planned for 1pm but this is dependent on the completion of the treatment in the north and the environmental conditions. Blocks to be treated include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffin, Mango Hill, Lawnton and Deception Bay. For further details please click the link to the SAAMBR Facebook page or website.
06.01.2022 Members, Due to MBRC mozzie spraying, Sid Bray field will be closed for flying tomorrow the 29th of October, with Jim Gibson field closed for flying on Friday the 30th of October. The treatment will start at 7am on Thursday 29th October in the southern blocks and will include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffin, Mango Hill, Lawnton and Deception Bay.... The treatment will continue from 7am on Friday 30th October for the northern blocks and will include the areas of Burpengary East, Uhlmann Road, Beachmere, Ningi, Donnybrook, Toorbul, Elimbah, Meldale and Bribie Island. Please note that this is part of our lease conditions with MBRC that the fields are closed on days of treatments. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our members.
06.01.2022 MBRC will be conducting an aerial mosquito treatment from 7am on Monday 24th of February for all southern blocks. The blocks to be treated include Rothwell, Clontarf, Kippa-Ring, Griffin, Mango Hill, Lawnton and Deception Bay. Northern blocks to be treated Monday include Uhlmann road and Burpengary East. All other Northern areas will continue to be monitored for a trigger in the salt marsh areas and further advisories will be sent if additional treatments are planned.
05.01.2022 The SAAMBR committee have met this afternoon to review the recommendations that have been received via the MAAQ regarding the relaxation of conditions which currently have our fields closed. A separate email to all members will be sent out later today to clarify the position for the club and what actions will commence... Regards Greg Petherick President SAAMBR
04.01.2022 All, just to confirm that the SAAMBR Open day is on next Sunday the 6th of September at Jim Gibson field. The day is open to all MAAA members who wish to attend. We are not expecting any public to attend the day, only pilots and support crew who all need to be current MAAA members. We will be having a BBQ on both days and if members and or visitors wish they can attend both Saturday and Sunday. If you have any questions regarding the event please contact [email protected]. Thank you
03.01.2022 All SAAMBR members, Given the ever-changing conditions we are currently facing, we want to reiterate what our club members should be doing to enable our club to remain open. Firstly, we are to always follow the current Government and Health official directions to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. This includes all recommendations for self-isolation if required and maintaining the recommended safe distances from each other.... If you are feeling unwell, then please stay away from the club and remain at home as per current recommendations. Effective immediately, the use of the kitchen facilities and BBQ areas are not permitted. You will need to bring your own drinks and food if you require these at either field, nothing is to be cooked at the club facilities. Do not use the clubs coffee cups, please bring your own and then taken it home with you to be cleaned. If you are a smoker, then please maintain a minimum distance of 30m from any fellow member and or club structure. If you wish to fly during this current period and want to avoid contact with other members, consider coming to club on weekdays or afternoons when it maybe quieter. Please also remember that you are not allowed to fly at either field unless there is another member present whilst you are flying, this is part of our by-laws and are there to protect all our members. No public or visitors should be encouraged to come to the club as this time, if they do happen to visit, then please calmly discuss with them the need to maintain a safe distance and that visitors are not currently allowed at the club. The committee will continue to review State and Federal recommendations and we may need to impose even stricter conditions, or even temporarily closing our club. As new recommendations develop further updates will be provided to all members. Lastly for the foreseeable months, there will no club meetings scheduled, if you wish to raise a concern or an issue at the club then please contact a committee member ASAP. SAAMBR Committee
01.01.2022 Please note that the SAAMBR AGM will be delayed from early August 2020 until September 12. The AGM will be held at Jim Gibson field and start at 3PM. Social distancing will be required and we will hold the meeting in the Pitts areas. If you have in please bring a chair to sit on. ... SAAMBR Committee
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