South Australian Baseball Scorers Association | Sports
South Australian Baseball Scorers Association
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25.01.2022 ANNUAL LEVEL 3 REVISION Following the SABSA AGM (online meeting- see the Facebook event or website for more details) the annual Level 3 scorers revision session will be held. All SABSA members on the email list should have received a copy last week. Everyone else is welcome to check it out below and have a play at home!... ---- The scorebook sheet has the Away team pitchers at the right side (they should be at the top) to enable this exercise to fit on one page. Goliaths pitchers are Philip, Thomas and then Peter. The object is to complete all the batting and pitching stats for the game using the following notes to complete the missing plays. 1. The pitcher for the David team is Simon and he pitches for the whole game. He gives up 6 runs in the top of the 5th inning. 2. Inning 1. Philip is replaced by Thomas after completing the first 3 batters. (colour in earned/unearned runs and transfer batting and pitching stats. 3. Inning 2. Andrew lays down a bunt that goes between the pitcher and the 3rd base line. The catcher runs into the field and collects the ball. He throws it to the 3rd baseman and the team completes a 254 GDP. Colour in the run and transfer the stats. 4. Inning 3. After Judas fouls the 3rd pitch into his feet, he is unable to continue and is replaced by Kane. Kane swings and misses the next pitch. Complete play and transfer stats. 5. Inning 4. Matthew hit the ball safely out to 7. Matthew reaches 1stbase and Jude gets to 3rd. The fielding side throws the ball to the 2nd baseman and they appeal that Jude didnt touch 2ndbase on the way to third. Jude is given out for missing the base. Complete the play and stats. 6. Inning 5. While James is at bat, Thomas pitches the ball and the umpire call Balk. He then pops up to 1st base and is out. Record the pitch and play. Complete stats. 7. The rest of the game is straight forward. Peter comes in in the bottom of the 7th inning. Record the W/L/S (if there is a S). NB the away team pitchers are written on the home teams sheet on the right hand side.
25.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following game will be scored live by SABSA tonight: Wed 4/3 6pm- Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Northern Districts Baseball Club... BaseballSA
25.01.2022 [Updated- extra game added] DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following games will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 19/1 3pm -... Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Glenelg Baseball Club Sun 19/1- 3pm East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club v Goodwood Baseball Club (note- both games will be scored by the same scorer that is doing 'the book'- the scorers will use their best effort to multitask and keep live scoring as up to date as possible!) BaseballSA
24.01.2022 Super League Grand Final is tonight! Check out the live stream below if you can't get to the diamond. Good luck to the Seahawks & Marlins!
22.01.2022 SABSA is seeking expressions of interest from people keen to attend scorers training. Please register your interest by Friday 7th August 2020. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST HERE: Details required: x Your Name x The club you are affiliated with x Level of accreditation you already have (None/Level 1/Level 2) x Your scoring experience: (i.e. None, number of seasons at Juniors/Age level, CABS accredited Level 1/Level 2, etc.) The number of responses will be used to determine the method of delivery and group sizes. We are considering delivering this training using Zoom but if numbers are large then alternatives may need to be organised.
21.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING- 25 October 2020 3pm- Adelaide Angels Baseball Club. V Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
21.01.2022 SA National Showcase game 3 starts at 11am! Huge thanks to our amazing scorers who are making sure each play is captured this week! Game 3 GameChanger link:
20.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following games will be scored live by SABSA tonight: Tues 11/2 6pm- Goodwood Baseball Club v West Torrens Baseball Club... Tues 11/2 6pm- Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club BaseballSA
20.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following game will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 9/2 3pm -... Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v West Torrens Baseball Club BaseballSA
20.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING Good luck to all Div 1 teams for the last home & away round! The following game will be scored live by SABSA today:... Sun 8/3 4:30pm - West Torrens Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
18.01.2022 SCORERS PLEASE NOTE: The Official Results Sheet RULES in the Local Playing Rules & Conditions have been UPDATED. Previously, scorers only needed to list the players with Prescribed Points who participated in a game on the Official Results Sheet. This has been amended slightly.... Now, ALL PRESCRIBED POINTS PLAYERS who are LISTED ON THE TEAM SHEET only for DIV 1, DIV 2, Women’s Div 1 and Juniors MUST BE LISTED ON THE ORS. Juniors already do this, so it’s no real change to our junior teams. The biggest change will be for Men’s D1 and D2 BSA needs to know all of the players with Prescribed Points that are listed on the Team Sheet as it is the Team Sheet that the Prescribed Points rule applies to. BSA doesn’t get a copy of the Team Sheet, so scorers need to ensure this extra step is followed when filling out the ORS please. New rules can be found on the Baseball SA website:
18.01.2022 Super League tonight! And a double header Live scoring links here: And if you can't get to the diamond you can watch on the Super League Baseball - Adelaide Facebook page.
18.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING Tuesday twilight games begin tonight! The following game will be scored live by SABSA tonight: Tues 7/1 6pm -... Kensington Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
17.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following game will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 2/2 3pm -... Adelaide Angels Baseball Club. v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
17.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following games will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 1/3 3:00pm - ... Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Woodville District Baseball Club Sun 1/3 2:30pm (Game 1)- Goodwood Baseball Club v Sturt Baseball Club Sun 1/3 5:00pm (Game 2) - pending finish time of Game 1 Goodwood Baseball Club v Sturt Baseball Club BaseballSA
17.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING Tuesday twilight tonight! The following game will be scored live by SABSA tonight: Tues 21/1 6pm-... Adelaide Angels Baseball Club. v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
17.01.2022 Enza and Laura arrived in Victoria yesterday, where they will be scoring the Australian Youth Championships over the next week
16.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING - 15 December 2020 6pm East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
14.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING Please see below links for GAME 2 and GAME 3 (if required) of each Semi-Final on Sunday, 15 March 2020: Kensington Baseball Club v Port Adelaide Baseball Club... Game 2- 11:30am Game 3- 3:00pm (if required) West Torrens Baseball Club v Goodwood Baseball Club Game 2- 11:30am Game 3- 3:00pm (if required) Sturt Baseball Club v Henley & Grange Baseball Club Game 2- 11:30am Game 3- 3:00pm (if required) BaseballSA
14.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING - 11 October 2020 3pm - Adelaide Angels Baseball Club. v East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club
13.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following games will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 12/1 3pm -... Port Adelaide Baseball Club v Henley & Grange Baseball Club Sun 12/1 3pm**- Glenelg Baseball Club v Sturt Baseball Club Sun 12/1 3pm**- Goodwood Baseball Club v Northern Districts Baseball Club **Please note that live scoring for the Glenelg v Sturt and Goodwood v Northern Districts games will commence sometime after the games start. The IT scorers for these games are scoring the Giants game so it will depend on what time the Giants finish, and then we need to allow the scorers some time to travel to the game locations from West Beach! BaseballSA
13.01.2022 Our scorers are ready for Game 2 of the ABL Championship Series
13.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING- 8 November 2020 3pm Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Glenelg Baseball Club ... BaseballSA
13.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following games will be scored live by SABSA tonight: Tues 18/2 6pm- West Torrens Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club... Tues 18/2 6pm- East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club v Sturt Baseball Club Tues 18/2 6pm**- Goodwood Baseball Club v Adelaide Angels Baseball Club. [note: the live scoring for Goodwood v Adelaide won't start until about 6:45pm] BaseballSA
13.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING- 1 November 2020 3pm Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v West Torrens Baseball Club BaseballSA
12.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING Baseball is back for 2020! The following game will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 5/1 3pm -... Southern Districts Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
12.01.2022 Please see below Covid-19 update from Baseball SA. All competitions and training activities have been postponed effective from midnight Monday 16th November 2020 for a two week period. This includes: SABL Seniors... SABL Juniors Super League Little League Select Program High Performance Training Use of the Indoor Training Facility and Gym Use of the West Beach diamond’s SABL Club trainings Metropolitan and Regional See more
12.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following games will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 23/2 4:30pm - [UPDATE: Div 2 finished late, start time for Div 1 approx 5pm]... West Torrens Baseball Club v Sturt Baseball Club Sun 23/2 3pm - Port Adelaide Baseball Club v Goodwood Baseball Club Sun 23/2 3pm - Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club BaseballSA
11.01.2022 Super League Baseball starts 7:15pm this Wednesday night. Welcome to the Northern Marlins, Western Rays and Southern Seahawks. Join us at the diamond or online ...thanks to Spacequake Sports #SLBA2020
11.01.2022 Today we were updated by Premier Steven Marshall with the latest on the COVID-19 restrictions in South Australia. As you are aware we are now facing some of the... most challenging times most of us have ever seen before. South Australia will be implementing a circuit breaker from 12:01am Thursday, 19 November 2020 for the next six days aiming to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our state. From midnight tonight, a series of wide ranging, comprehensive restrictions will commence. Official Directions will be published and instructions will be provided in further detail later in the day as the situation progresses. More information will be available at Baseball SA will continue to keep you updated on the latest information delivered to us from SA Health and the Office for Recreation Sport and Racing. At this stage we simply ask you to obey all restrictions and directions set by government, stay abreast of the information as it comes to hand and stay home. The Baseball SA staff will be working from home over the coming 6 days and the facility will be locked down. You will be able to contact us on email and phone as normal and we will be working normal hours. Baseball will be there when we come out of this and we will look forward to returning to the diamond as soon as we can. Until then, enjoy some quality time with your family and house mates, play some board games, do some cooking and enjoy some time in the garden. Regards, Sarah Kelly General Manager
11.01.2022 Thank you to all of our wonderful scorers!
09.01.2022 SABSA are sad to hear of the passing of umpire and BUASA life member Fred Halligan. We pass on our sincere condolences to the Halligan family and umpiring community.
09.01.2022 SCORERS PLEASE NOTE: The Official Results Sheet RULES in the Local Playing Rules & Conditions has been UPDATED. Previously, scorers only needed to list the players with Prescribed Points who participated in a game on the Official Results Sheet. This has been amended slightly.... Now, ALL PRESCRIBED POINTS PLAYERS who are LISTED ON THE TEAM SHEET only for DIV 1, DIV 2, Women’s Div 1 and Juniors MUST BE LISTED ON THE ORS. Juniors already do this, so it’s no real change to our junior teams. The biggest change will be for Men’s D1 and D2 BSA needs to know all of the players with Prescribed Points that are listed on the Team Sheet as it is the Team Sheet that the Prescribed Points rule applies to. BSA doesn’t get a copy of the Team Sheet, so scorers need to ensure this extra step is followed when filling out the ORS please. New rules can be found on the BSA website:
08.01.2022 If you haven't already listened to BaseballSA's podcast, The Change Up, be sure to give Episode 4 a listen where SABSA scorer, Enza Henty is interviewed Also available on Buzzsprout, Spotify and Google...
08.01.2022 REMINDER- the SABSA AGM will be held online TONIGHT at 6:30pm. Message this page if you don't already have the Zoom link.
08.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING - 19 December 2020 2:30pm - Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Southern Districts Baseball Club 5:00pm - Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Southern Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
08.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following game will be scored live by SABSA tonight: Tues 25/2 6pm- Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Port Adelaide Baseball Club... BaseballSA
08.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING It's Semi-Finals time! Please see below links for GAME 1 of each Semi-Final:... Sat 14/3 3:00pm Kensington Baseball Club v Port Adelaide Baseball Club Sat 14/3 3:30pm [update- 3:45pm start time scheduled] West Torrens Baseball Club v Goodwood Baseball Club Sat 14/3 3:30pm Sturt Baseball Club v Henley & Grange Baseball Club BaseballSA
07.01.2022 There won't be any Div 1 games scored live tonight. We'll be back with live scoring on Sunday BaseballSA
06.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following game will be scored live by SABSA today: Sat 25/1 3pm -... East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
06.01.2022 Super League tonight! Marlins v Rays at 7:15pm Live scoring here: Live stream available on the Super League Baseball - Adelaide Facebook page if you can't get to the Diamond.
06.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING- 12 December 2020 3pm Kensington Baseball Club v Goodwood Baseball Club 3pm East Torrens Redsox Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
05.01.2022 SABSA are saddened to hear of the passing of Peter 'Dodo' Ditrich. Peter was a much loved umpire and we're sure all scorers who had the pleasure of working with him would agree that he always brought a smile to the diamond and the scorers box. We will certainly miss Peter and his catchphrase 'If no one else says it, have a fantastic day'. Such a small gesture and comment, but one that had a huge impact.... Vale Peter Ditrich.
05.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING- Tues 8 December 2020 6pm Sturt Baseball Club v Goodwood Baseball Club 6pm Northern Districts Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
05.01.2022 Baseballs most bizarre rule Why? Here is a great article from the MLB regarding the dropped third strike rule.
04.01.2022 Please see below update from BaseballSA regarding COVID-19
04.01.2022 Super League tonight! Live scoring here: And if you can't get to the diamond, you can watch on the Super League Baseball - Adelaide Facebook page
04.01.2022 Woodville District Baseball Club require a scorer this season for their Div 5 team. Any scorers out there who can assist? Please contact Jo on 0414725970 if you can help.
04.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING Tuesday twilight games tonight! The following games will be scored live by SABSA tonight: Tues 21/1 6pm* -... Goodwood Baseball Club v Glenelg Baseball Club [*note- the live scoring for this game will start late, around 6:30pm] Tues 21/1 6pm - Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club v Kensington Baseball Club BaseballSA
02.01.2022 Congratulations to Enza Henty for her selection as the Scorer in the 2019/2020 Baseball SA Team of the Year! In the 2019/2020 season, Enza was a Division 1, Super League and Adelaide Giants scorer. Further to this Enza is the current Secretary of SABSA, recently scored at Nationals and enters Division 1 games into the TASBS computer scoring program. Well done and thank you Enza!
02.01.2022 Jump for joy! BASEBALL IS BACK! Winterball is starting on 20 June 2020! Get your team nominations in by next Friday (if you have nominated earlier, you will ne...ed to re-nominate). Visit SA Winter Baseball Association for more information. Let's get back on the diamond!
02.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING The following game will be scored live by SABSA today: Sun 16/2 3pm -... Goodwood Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
01.01.2022 SUPER LEAGUE BASEBALL IS BACK FOR 2020! New season, new format! We're in for a great season of Super League at West Beach! Check out what's in store for the thi...rd SLBA season via the link. LINK:
01.01.2022 DIV 1 LIVE SCORING- 18 October 2020 3pm- Henley & Grange Baseball Club v Golden Grove Central Districts Baseball Club BaseballSA
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