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SA Body Analysis in Stepney | Sport & recreation

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SA Body Analysis

Locality: Stepney

Phone: +61 457 762 595

Address: 11 Henry St 5069 Stepney, SA, Australia


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24.01.2022 REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS? If you scroll through Facebook or Insta and admire body builders, fitness models, or seasonal athletes PLEASE remember there is a high chance they do not look like this all year round......but only a small portion of the year. Please see below scan from one of our regular female athlete clients. ... Note the Increase in Body Fat Mass and Body Fat % ? This is the transition between on and off season of a female athlete (Women's Figure Competitor). Body Fat Mass up 14.1kgs between comps. Granted there are some athletes that choose to stay relatively lean all year round, but our point is please don't strive to attain the unattainable. Many models and competitors are only at their peak for a couple of weeks once or twice a year. Set realistic goals for YOU. Let us help you! What are YOU made of?

23.01.2022 LAST CHANCE to book at Birthday Prices! As part of our 5th Birthday sale, we have reduced the prices for many of our body scan appointments at our Studio. The link to these special prices will expire MIDNIGHT Wednesday 2nd Dec & even if you ask nicely, the prices will return to normal ... DON'T MISS OUT Book NOW:

21.01.2022 The New Year Sale you have been waiting for.... Kick start 2021 in the best way, a body composition analysis for just $30. 2 days only! 2 & 4th of Jan. Stepney Studio just 3 mins east of city.... Limited spots - BOOK NOW 10% off all personalised dietitian plans for those that scan on these days to ensure you hit your goals for 2021! What are YOU made of?

20.01.2022 It's "Hump" day! If you've been on track thus far this week, and you have the hump day blues.... remember not to give in to the tough days.....keep going! What are YOU made of?

19.01.2022 We have been very privileged to follow Bec on her incredible journey the last couple of years. In just 18 months, she lost over 32.3kg of Body Fat and managed to gain 2.7kg of Skeletal Muscle Mass Her PBF dropped 24.8% and her Visceral Fat Level dropped 16 levels! ... If you're interested in tracking your progress to keep motivated like Bec, find our more here: What are YOU made of? #progress#motivation#inbody#musclemass#fitspo#goals#bodypositive#adelaide#ichoosesa#fitness#health#bodycomp

18.01.2022 It's our 5th Birthday To celebrate, throughout the month of November ,we will be rolling out a series of special offers for our clients (both new and repeat clients!) Note! Not all offers will be available all month long - there is a quota, so please book early so you don't miss out!... Our first offer is one you should jump onto QUICK before the boss changes her mind! Book a 2 person private appoint with a friend, colleague or family member and we will reduce the price from $88 to $72! THAT'S JUST $36 each! Book here: To add some extra icing on the cake, everyone that scans with us in November is entitled to 15% off our Dietitian plans (not valid with any other others). Scan with the best and let us help you become your best self What are YOU made of?

18.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS! During the peak of COVID I feel that most people either took the opportunity to improve their health or completely abandoned it! Adrian is one of our clients that focused on the Gains!... In just 4 months since late March Adrian has packed on a huge lean 1.5kg of muscle mass and even managed to drop his Body Fat Mass by a 100grams. Anyone who is training to gain muscle mass knows its super rewarding when you gain muscle but not fat! Adrian even managed to hit the InBody Health Score of Super Impressive!!! Adrian trains at CrossFit Proficient. Congrats to his coaches too! What are YOU made of? Learn More:

18.01.2022 WOW! Amazing what you can achieve with consistency and commitment! Training with friends can support you to reach your goals. Tag your training buddies! What are YOU made of? ...

17.01.2022 Hi team SABA!, We have some earlier appointments still free tomorrow morning! Be quick as they usually book out ... To book: Team SABA : Keeping you accountable! @

17.01.2022 Have you been thinking about setting some health or fitness goals? NOW is the time! What are YOU made of?

16.01.2022 Bookings at our Studio are open for this week. Don't miss out. Book today! What are YOU made of?

15.01.2022 P R E C I S I ON - M E D I C A L L Y G R A D E D - P R O F E S S I O N A L B O D Y S C A N S Private and Group Appointments available at our Studio in Stepney.

15.01.2022 How is your body composition post ISO? Find out! What are YOU made of?

14.01.2022 5th Birthday Sale back on! We paused during lockdown, but are re-opening our studio from Thursday with big specials for all appointments up to and including 7 Dec! There are a variety of specials on offer (see link below) Here's just one........ Save $10 off personal appointments! Yes you can sit down one on one with one of our awesome analysts and have your scan, full explanation or compare your results to last scan for just $44! What are YOU made of? PS you may be asking why wait until Thursday to re-open? We just wanted to make sure that their was not continual growth in COVID community transmissions :-)

14.01.2022 Anyone else feeling the cold? One problem associated with the colder weather is keeping your water intake up! Drinking your water requirement can be tough when its cooler and youre not so thirsty, so think outside the square.... Herbal / fruit tea - there are some great calorie free of low calorie flavoured teas on the market. Infused water make your own! Stock up on citrus and dehydrate or use fresh citrus (or other fruits) in your water. Infused water can be great to drink hot or cold. Bubbles! (no not those bubbles!) carbonate your water for a bit of pizzazz! What are YOU made of?

14.01.2022 This week you can see us at: Tuesday 11 August Goodlife Noarlunga SABA Body Scans at Goodlife Noarlunga *All Welcome*... Spot in a SABA Session $44 or 2 pack holders can use their 2nd scan Book: Tuesday 11 August (12pm to 7pm) SABA Scanning HQ Stepney Personal or shared private appts (pricing within link) Book: Spot in an Open SABA Session $44 Book: FIRST time clients Book: REPEAT clients 3 Packs available on request at the time of your session from just $110 Thursday 13 August Anytime Fitness Spot in a SABA Session $44 or 2 pack holders can use their 2nd scan Book: Thursday 13 August (10am to 7pm) SABA Scanning HQ Stepney Personal or shared private appts (pricing within link) Book: Spot in an Open SABA Session $44 Book: FIRST time clients Book: REPEAT clients 3 Packs available on request at the time of your session from just $110 Friday 14 August (9:30am to 12;30pm) SABA Scanning HQ Stepney Personal or shared private appts (pricing within link) Book: Spot in an Open SABA Session $44 Book: FIRST time clients Book: REPEAT clients 3 Packs available on request at the time of your session from just $110 Saturday 15 August Zone Health and Fitness Salisbury Plain Spot in a SABA Session $44 (or 3 packs for $110) Book: Packs available on request at the time of your session Saturday 15 August (8:30am to 12:30pm) SABA Scanning HQ Stepney Personal or shared private appts (pricing within link) Book: Spot in an Open SABA Session $44 Book: FIRST time clients Book: REPEAT clients 3 Packs available on request at the time of your session from just $110

14.01.2022 Did you know that muscular imbalances can leave even the best of us at risk for injury? A study done with the Orlando Magic organisation, looked at bilateral muscular imbalances by analysing cross-sectional data from two major quadricep muscles. Mangine et al., found that differences in muscular architecture (including cross-sectional size) between left & right legs, may increase the risk of lower extremity injury to their athletes, ultimately affecting game time & fitness. ... Muscular imbalances are just one parameter our InBody570 technology can measure. This data can be particularly useful for athletes and monitoring unilateral injuries. If you are interested in learning more about your body composition, you can make a private, shared or group appointment to see one of our analysts. Studio Bookings: We also visit sporting clubs, workplaces and health and fitness venues.....get in touch via PM! Our Segmental Lean Analysis and Body Balance Evaluation can help you flag any potential muscular imbalances. For more information on the Orlando Magic study click here:

13.01.2022 BROTHERS IN ARMS! Darren and Peter visiting our studio once again, with both brothers improving their muscle mass (especially Peter with a massive 1.9kg of muscle gain since March!) Now the cardio kicks in for Peter (Darren is a year round a cardio freak!) as the guys prepare for Surf Boat Rowing season with Glenelg Surf Life Saving Club... Looking forward to seeing you both when you complete pre-season and wishing Glenelg Surf Boaties all the best! What are YOU made of? Learn more:

12.01.2022 We are currently at Anytime Fitness Gawler Green! Anyone welcome to drop in for a scan. Just a few spots left, PM us for free times, or drop in if you are prepared to wait for a gap!

10.01.2022 Where do the calories in your food come from? It all depends on the foods MACRONUTRIENT profile! There are four different types of macronutrients; carbs, fats, proteins and alcohols. They all have a different calorie content and they are all used for different reasons in out body. Most foods are made up of a combination of these macros, so foods high in fat are usually higher in calories when compared to high protein or carbohydrate foods.... Carbs: are our body's preferential fuel and energy source , foods like bread , pasta, potatoes are high in carbs (sugar is a carbohydrate too!) Protein: is important for muscle growth and repair, plus many other cellular processes! Chicken, red meat, eggs and legumes are popular sources of protein. Fats: are important for management of hormones and uptake of minerals. Foods like butter, olive oil and avocado are high in fat. Alcohol: is the fourth macronutrient. Yep there are calories in alcohol! Not typically mentioned as a macro because it isn't necessary for survival like its counterparts, but still contains 7 calories per gram (or ml). Take a look at your next plate and have a think about which macronutrients your calories are coming from!

10.01.2022 As life starts to normalise, albeit with a few changes, Challenge's will start to resume. SA Body Analysis - SABA set the standard in professional challenge scans with full explanations and free end of challenge reporting! ... We have the most stringent hygiene protocols so you can trust us to keep your venue and clients safe. Please get in touch for a no obligation chat on how we can take your challenge to the next level! Gyms | Fitness Centre | Workplaces | Pilates | Yoga | Sporting Clubs + more PM us or email [email protected] Ph 0457 762 595

08.01.2022 Are you struggling to build muscle??? Did you know that in addition to regular resistance training , you should be aiming for 2g of protein per kg of your fat free mass each day to help build muscle mass! Take a look at the protein content per 100 calorie serves of these popular animal-based protein sources.... While bacon is absolutely a yummy protein source , if you're trying to keep your calories down maybe consider swapping it out for a leaner option! Fat free mass is one of over 40 parameters we can measure, so if youre unsure of yours, come see us for a scan and we can help you with your goals Stay tuned later this week for plant based protein sources next! See more

07.01.2022 Sarcopenia is a natural part of aging From the age of about 30, most people will typically being to lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade In 2015, the American Society for Bone & Mineral Research found that people experiencing Sarcopenia are 2.3 times more at risk of a low-trauma fracture from a fall (think broken hip, collarbone, leg, arm, wrist etc.)... But its not all bad! Dr. Thomas W. Storer, director of exercise physiology at Brigham & Womens Hospital says; its never too late to rebuild muscle & maintain it Progressive resistance training is the key to any muscle mass building regime, but protein and your diet also play a huge role in building muscle mass! But did you know that as you age, youre more likely to experience something called ANABOLIC RESISTANCE - this means your bodies ability to break down & synthesise protein is lowered Meaning as you age you actually need MORE protein! Not only does our InBody technology help you track your Skeletal Muscle Mass, but we can help identify any muscle deficiencies in upper and lower limbs too If you would like help setting some goals around your skeletal muscle mass, ready to set yourself a baseline measurement or just wanting a check up - it is a perfect time to make an appointment to see one of our analysts in our studio You can read more about sarcopenia here:

07.01.2022 Who doesn't need a little more happiness!

02.01.2022 What's happening on THURSDAY 26 NOVEMBER What a week! Even though we can re-open sooner, we want to do the safest thing for our clients and staff.... Unless the situation changes (again!) we will re-open our Studio for scans on Thurs 26th Nov. We will not be offering Group Sessions for people unknown to each other - again just to be sure! You can still book in a private group session with family and friends (up to 4 in accordance with our COVID plan.) Bookings are being re-activated and you can re-book here: Clients that had previously booked at the studio and had to be cancelled will be contacted for priority booking. If you had a booking at a gym, fitness or health venue, please be patient whilst we re-connect and confirm what will occur. You will be advised if you were booked into our system :-) PLEASE STAY AT HOME IF YOU ARE UNWELL OR BEEN ADVISED TO ISOLATE BY SA HEALTH. Stay safe everyone. xx

02.01.2022 Doing the Max / Maxine's Challenge? Or perhaps another online challenge whilst gyms are closed? We are allowed to trade and have re-opened our Stepney Studio with strict hygiene protocols and no groups! Precision body scans are the best way to track your journey and to ensure that your exercise and nutrition plan is working for YOU!... So right now you can get a one on one appointment for the price of group scan! Just $44 or a 3 pack for $110! Bookings: What are YOU made of?

01.01.2022 Not long until gyms open! No need to try these out for home exercise variety

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