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SA Bushfire Garden Revival | Gardener

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SA Bushfire Garden Revival

Phone: +61 413 565 469


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25.01.2022 OUR AUCTION ENDS IN JUST UNDER 2 HOURS Have you got your bids in? Please dont forget to have a read of the auction rules and guidelines before placing your bids ... Happy bidding!

24.01.2022 Where would community groups be without support from businesses? For SABGR it means we can deliver on our promises; to revegetate, rejuvenate and revive fire scarred communities. To bring some color back into residents' lives. Over the years we've been blessed to have the backing of many businesses, whether it be for our Open Days, our fundraising efforts or online auctions. Today a big thanks to Neutrog who provided us with enormous support for the Cudlee Creek Open Day we held last Saturday.

24.01.2022 OUR AUCTION ENDS IN JUST UNDER 1 HOUR Have you got your bids in? Please dont forget to have a read of the auction rules and guidelines before placing your bids ... Happy bidding!

23.01.2022 We have so many businesses to thank for their support in making the Cudlee Creek Open Day a massive success; but starting with Mount Barker District Council Commonwealth Bank Kiwanis International Kiwanis Club of Brighton Inc. #supergrateful #grantfunding #cudleecreekopenday #volunteersrock #gardentherapy #bushfirerecovery

23.01.2022 5 more sleeps til our CUDLEE CREEK OPEN DAY..... We can't wait to meet you all. If you haven't registered yet that's ok. We will be closing email registrations as of COB Tuesday 8th September as we can't guarantee we will be near technology as we put the finishing touches on the big event. If you have not requested your registration form or RSVPd by then you will need to text Michelle on 0400 598 508. See you all on the weekend

23.01.2022 Our favorite thing to do is support local businesses/community groups so today's shout out is to the Encounter Centre, Victor Harbor where we paid a visit yesterday & bought hundreds of their beautifully presented native plants & vegetable seedlings. The Encounter Centre was formed in 1974 and today it serves as a community based charity reliant on dedicated volunteers who help to run a variety of activities , in particular for those living with disability. Why don't you visi...t the Encounter Centre at 42 Armstrong Road where they have modern machinery in the wood workshop, a garden centre and large meeting rooms for hire? We think this is the closest charity on SA's mainland, to our Kangaroo Island bushfire affected residents, Rebekha Sharkie MPis the centre's Patron. The native plants and vegetable seedlings will be available for FREE for Cudlee Creek bushfire affected residents at our 2nd Open Day to be held on 4 October in Kersbrook. Not registered with us or RSVP'd for the Open Day? Just email us at [email protected] Kangaroo Island bushfires Volunteering Cudlee Creek Fires Cudlee Creek fire recovery Requests and giveaways for Cudlee Creek fire affected

21.01.2022 As half of the admin team are offline and traveling to Kersbrook today with HUGE loads of awesomeness we wanted to remind you to RSVP ASAP All of you who attended CC open day 1 know the catering was A.MA.Z.I.N.G by the Torrens Valley Lions Club. We want to ensure no one misses out on that This will be our last open day for 2020. DON'T MISS OUT!! You can Email your RSVP to [email protected]

21.01.2022 Any of our volunteers, sponsors, donors and fire affected residents know that we go on a lot about how important gardening is for children after the trauma of bushfire. We love to cater for the kids at our Open Days. As a parent, there is nothing better than your child/children joining you in the garden - getting their hands dirty as well as you. Surveys of children whose schools have after-hours gardening programs illuminate how beneficial gardening can be for individual nut...rition. Teachers at schools with these programs can utilize the garden in developing health and nutrition curriculum. A 2019 study of fourth grade classrooms with after-school gardening programs provides a great example. In the study, teachers reported the eating habits of their students had improved with regular access to their school’s garden. Principals reported a nearly two-fold increase in use of the cafeteria salad bar by students. The students also illuminated the health benefits of the school garden in their personal nutrition. Fourth graders were surveyed before and after the incorporation of the school garden into the curriculum. They answered two yes/no questions: I eat vegetables every day, and I am physically active every day. There was a significant increase in the proportion of students answering affirmatively after participating in the gardening program. AND HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!

21.01.2022 I couldn’t say no I heard them say buy me

19.01.2022 OUR AUCTION ENDS IN JUST UNDER 24 HOURS Have you got your bids in? Please dont forget to have a read of the auction rules and guidelines before placing your bids ... Happy bidding!

18.01.2022 Another business that continuously supports us is Heyne's Wholesale Nursery. A lot of our exotic and native plants were bought here - thank you Carl Heyne for your endless advice and assistance.

18.01.2022 What a fantastic Open Day we had for the Cudlee Creek residents yesterday - beautiful weather, lovely people and lots of FREE garden plants & hardware given away. As promised, announcing the door prize!! Graham Turner (from WEEDTECH) generously donated a 15 litre heavy duty back pack sprayer and an anonymous volunteer donated a $50 Ultimate Gift Card For Her. Graham worked feverishly yesterday helping residents everywhere! Picked randomly was number 52 - Aylwen Dennis & Luke Jones from Lobethal. Could you phone Michelle on 0400 598 508 to arrange collection of your prize. Congratulations to you both (Weedtech are offering 20% off their services for residents)

18.01.2022 Absolutely amazing how the regrowth appears everywhere in KI’s bushfire scarred areas

18.01.2022 Among all the shopping today I stopped to take some photos of plants I know we have had donated throughout the year. They are generally donated in multiples or for aggies maybe by the trailer load. I took these photos to just show how much one plant costs. What we do here is to bring together hundreds into the thousands of plants, all donated with the intention they will help someone affected by bushfire to rebuild or start the rebuild process of their home gardens. colour, love and life back with a huge dose of garden therapy We are grateful for one plant but just think...... a trailer load of aggies or iris could end up being valued in the hundreds or thousands. Each donation. What you have all helped us to achieve is simply INCREDIBLE!!!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. Together we could save families hundreds or thousands of dollars. Money they can use to rebuild another part of their home or garden. We have THE BEST gardening community

17.01.2022 Nothing like supporting local businesses within a fire scarred zone Lobethal Fodder Store We loved shopping there for the Cudlee Creek Open Day - fresh seedlings, great owners - why not take a visit?

16.01.2022 Hey guys, we hope youve all had a great weekend We just wanted to give a friendly reminder that if you havent been in touch with us via message to our page to arrange collection/postage and payment of your auction winnings by 5pm tomorrow, then your items will return to stock. We need to wrap up our auction so that the funds raised can be put towards more shopping for our open day. Exciting times! ... Please get in touch and get back to us as soon as possible, Shaunie has messaged all remaining winners already Wed also like to take this opportunity to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU! To everyone who supported us in this auction Thank you to everyone who has already made arrangements, to those who have collected and to those who also donated extra money. The generosity of you all is amazing. Thank you! Thank you Its been lovely meeting you all! We hope you have a fabulous week

16.01.2022 We had a massive shopping day today, buying up big for the Cudlee Creek Open Day on 4 October. Thank you so much Rachael from Trees For Life (SA) for your invaluable assistance. We filled our cars with native plants galore! Meanwhile, our volunteer Sharon entertained staff while we shopped for garden hardware If you know of a Cudlee Creek fire affected resident that could do with some FREE plants, garden hardware and a fun day out please ask them to email us at [email protected] to obtain a registration form and RSVP for our upcoming Open Day. Volunteering Trees For Life (SA) Cudlee Creek fire recovery Requests and giveaways for Cudlee Creek fire affected

15.01.2022 What an exciting announcement - look out South Australian Bushfire Affected Residents - here we come......

15.01.2022 AUCTION NOW CLOSED Our online fundraiser auction has now closed. Any bids after 5pm (ACST) will not accepted.... Please bare with us while we go through all photos and work out the winning bidders. From past experience this may take up to 24hours as Facebook can take a while to load correct time stamps when multiple people try to access the same album. If you are a winning bidder, we will comment directly under your bid and ask you to contact the page for payment and collection options. We want to thank everyone who bid in our auction! Hopefully you were able to win what you were after Another massive thanks to all who donated to our auction! We couldnt have pulled this off without you! Thank you!

15.01.2022 With all of these benefits, why would you not want to garden? #gardentherapy #GardeningIsFun #stressreliever #freshfood #revegatate #lifeafterbushfire #intouchwithnature #safirerecovery

15.01.2022 Kangaroo Island here we come. Looking forward to meeting with the State Government, Council and a variety of other organisations & businesses to plan an Open Day for KI Sharon Osmond Leon Bignell MP Michael Pengilly

14.01.2022 Unley Gardener's Plant Rescue have an excess of agapanthus to give away to any Cudlee Creek bushfire residents. If you're interested head over to their Facebook page and message them.

14.01.2022 OUR AUCTION ENDS IN LESS THAN 30 MINUTES Have you got your bids in? Please dont forget to have a read of the auction rules and guidelines before placing your bids ... Happy bidding!

14.01.2022 We (Sharon & Michelle) have been absolutely overwhelmed with the heart warming kindness and acceptance from this beautiful KI Community, from Government officials, businesses and the residents What started as a meeting with key stakeholders to take the first steps to planning an Open Day, ended with an abundance of knowledge, support & encouragement. We have now embraced the spirit of the KI community and look forward to delivering an Open Day in autumn 2021.... To all those that we have met along the way, you know who you are, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Thank you Cathie Tydeman for organising our visit - much appreciated. Kangaroo Island / Parndana Parndana Community Garden Blaze Aid Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Council Authentic Kangaroo Island SeaLink Kangaroo Island The Islander Kingscote Mens Shed Lions Club Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island Frogs & Roses Garden Center Rebekha Sharkie MP Dan Cregan - Member for Kavel Leon Bignell MP Michael Pengilly Linden Lea Mitre 10

13.01.2022 7 SLEEPS..... Just 7 sleeps until our CUDLEE CREEK OPEN DAY, open day #7 for SABGR. EXCITING!!!! Today we continued our shopping spree. State Flora never disappoints. Michelle, Sharon, myself and my son Noah who Sharon taught how to put in ID tags lol He got to see kangaroos, drive through the hills and ended up with a bag of giant marshmallows from the Kersbrook shop so he was super happy We are all tired now though lol... If you were impacted by the Cudlee creek fire and hold a fire affected card and would like some beautiful garden items to help on your garden recovery then........ Please email [email protected] for your registration form. It will be easier for us to ensure social distancing if your form is lodged prior to the day. Please RSVP with names of people attending in your household Please get your fire affected card ready. It is ok if it is out of date. We understand the timing. Get your sack truck ready if you have one to use on the day to help load your car, ute or trailer Please understand we are holding our event with COVID-19 restrictions. Hand sanitizer will be available around our event. Physical distancing will be required. A COVID register will be required to be completed prior to entering. COVID marshalls will be on site to ensure we are looking after you and our volunteers. We are lucky to be on a farm so we are capped at 100 at all times. We will be open 10am to 5pm. We will only be allowing in 100 people at a time. Please help us to help you. And look out for our raffle on the day We are SUPER EXCITED to deliver our first open day of 2020. We know you, our registered families are going to be blown away. Our biggest event ever!!! Garden therapy central #cudleecreekopenday #gardentherapy

12.01.2022 ANNOUNCING..... CUDLEE CREEK OPEN DAY #2 2020 We are excited to announce we are holding another OPEN DAY for Cudlee Creek residents. Our 8th open day and the last for 2020!!! Hosted by our incredible Kersbrook team Dave and Nic. We look forward to hosting another garden therapy on steroids event on........Continue reading

12.01.2022 Who has had fun bidding and participating in our auction? We always have a blast hosting online auctions. So much fun We have noticed people are still bidding. We know we don't want the fun to stop. However, auction bids CLOSED AT 5PM SA TIME as per auction rules. Once Facebook displays date and time stamps on comments we will comment with the winning bidder and all bids after 5pm will be deleted. Thanks so much for joining in on the fun, we hope you grabbed yourself yo...ur favourite auction item! Thanks so much Fundraising team

11.01.2022 At SABGR we love supporting SA businesses, especially when our lovely volunteer Hayley runs The Little Fig cafe and was so very kind to make 100 embossed stamped cookies with our logo for our 12 September Open Day! Hayley is about to expand her business profile with the cookies - it's a great idea for gifts, parties & business events. Why don't you pop into Hayley's cafe, the coffee is so yummy and while you're there you could order your own bulk embossed stamped cookies for ...your next event Hayley is making more cookies for next Sunday's Cudlee Creek Open Day (4 October). Not registered or RSVP'd? Please email [email protected] . We love giving FREE plants and garden hardware away to fire affected residents. While you're there you can have one (or two ) cookies!! Volunteering Cudlee Creek Fires Cudlee Creek fire recovery Requests and giveaways for Cudlee Creek fire affected

10.01.2022 We would like to thank another local business we supported for the Cudlee Creek Open Day. All of the fruit trees that we gave away were bought from Balhannah Nurseries

10.01.2022 We can never say or share it enough GardenTherapy #MentalHealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #gardening Kangaroo Island fire recovery #bushfiresaustralia #bushfirerecovery #volunteering

10.01.2022 This is a great poster to distribute which explains what the SA Bushfire Garden Revival group are about

09.01.2022 CUDLEE CREEK OPEN DAY #2 Sooooo you asked and we found some... YAY!!!! A massive thanks to my giant child Josh for doing a huge shopping run with me today. So grateful to have him along for the ride to actually find a good stash of beautiful citrus trees. 2020 has been challenging enough but we have had to work extra hard as a team to buy in all of the awesomeness for our registered families. All nurseries have been significantly impacted by iso garden therapy. Things different but the reward will be the same we promise Have you registered for our 4th October OPEN DAY in Kersbrook? Due to COVID-19 we require every person to RSVP for the event. Like open day 1, we will be capped at 100 at any One time. So make sure you get in to RSVP and request your registration form if you haven't already completed your registration. We will be accepting online RSVPs until Tuesday COB. So Cudlee Creek residents..... what do you need to do.... RSVP With all attendees Register if you haven't already done so Bring your fire affected card if you did not attend OPEN DAY 1. Get your sack track or wheelbarrow ready Make sure you empty your trailer, ute or boot space so you have the space to accept some amazing garden therapy awesomeness And..... share this post or tell someone you know that might not be on Facebook. We can't wait to see you at open day #8 #openday8 #cudleecreekopenday2 #gardentherapy #retailtherapy #grateful

08.01.2022 Cudlee Creek residents..... we have delivered some big bags of Seamungus to the Recovery centre for you. A MASSIVE THANK YOU to Nic and Dave for dropping them off for us. You guys are true legends. Also to Ali who allowed us to drop something off for families. And to the donors of this awesome load..... Rare Fruit Society. We know the rest of this month may be challenging for many. A perfect time to jump in the garden or a garden or in nature for some #gardentherapy. We are thinking of you all

08.01.2022 3 more sleeps til our CUDLEE CREEK OPEN DAY..... We can't wait to meet you all. EMAIL REGISTRATION has now CLOSED. If you haven't registered yet that's ok. You will need to RSVP your attendance by text to Michelle on 0400 598 508. You will also need to complete registration on the day with your fire affected card.... We are receiving an unprecedented number of registrations. We ask for you to remember we are all under strict COVID guidelines. We will only be allowed to have 100 people inside the event at any one time. We have new stock to add throughout the day so please don't feel you all have to arrive at 10am. We dont want anyone waiting around. We will be open til 5pm See you all on the weekend .

07.01.2022 It's been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G so far..... We close our CUDLEE CREEK OPEN DAY at 5pm. Plenty of time to pop in

07.01.2022 For all of us about to go into Lockdown..... I love how gardening made this list from LETSS. Stay safe. Be kind to yourselves and remember garden therapy is always there to help you through #staycovidsafe #SAlockdown #gardentherapy

06.01.2022 We have so many people to thank that supported us for the 12 September Open Day and will be there again for us on 4 October.... - Torrens Valley Lions Club Inc - for feeding our volunteers and bushfire affected residents for our Open Day. What would we have done without the marquees!! (the hamburgers were yummy) - Kersbrook Primary School - for the endless supply of tables and chairs. - Gumeracha Men's Shed (materials supplied by Coopers Farm Supplies and Paul & Michelle Ed...wards) - for making so many beautiful bird feeders for the bushfire affected residents. You did a wonderful job! We are very grateful to each and every one of you!!

05.01.2022 Continuing on with our thanks to businesses that continuously support SABGR for our Open Days for bushfire affected residents.... A big thank you to Aborgreen Landscape Products for their donation of tree guards and stakes to our Cudlee Creek Open Day held last Saturday.

05.01.2022 Just before I head to bed..... I want to say an insanely huge thank you to our volunteers, donors and growers!!!! Without you SABGR would just be a random idea from some girl from the burbs of Adelaide. Thank you all for everything you have done so far this year. I am eternally grateful and I know families will remember what you have done for years to come Bring on OPEN DAY #7 #gardentherapycentral

05.01.2022 With just one sleep left to our CUDLEE CREEK OPEN DAY we want to remind everyone that emails are closed. We have been offline mostly over the last few days. Any queries can be sent to Kristy by text on 0413 565 469. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Don't forget your umbrella (Just incase) and your sack truck if you have one as parking will be away from plant areas. See you in the morning!!!

04.01.2022 A big shout of thanks to Unley Gardener's Plant Rescue (UGPR) for their extremely generous donation of $3,000 to SABGR and a $50 voucher per family that attended our Cudlee Creek Open Day last Saturday; for $50 towards the purchase of plants for free from their garden plot. Their prices are extremely reasonable!! UGPR's purpose is to rescue gardens and plants that may otherwise end up as garden waste which is part of what our group's volunteers do...... so we think that is aw...esome!! UGPR repot plants and nurture them, then have sale days which are very popular. Funds from these sales are then distributed to charities, voted on by the group. The group has been together for many years and has raised in the vicinity of $70,000 which has helped many many charities. UGPR decided after the bushfires that they needed to help bushfire gardeners with some of their fundraising this year. UGPR are holding a special open day specifically for registered fire affected families that have a voucher - (due to COVID bookings are essential - for families with vouchers; please see your voucher for further details). Why don't you check out UGPR's Facebook page and take a visit to support their wonderful community spirit?

04.01.2022 OUR AUCTION ENDS IN JUST UNDER 4 HOURS Have you got your bids in? Please dont forget to have a read of the auction rules and guidelines before placing your bids ... Happy bidding!

03.01.2022 One week ago we were in stunning Kersbrook Here is a message from Dave one of our open day hosts To all who came to the SABGR Open Day, thank you for making it so wonderful. Thank you for your stories and for your bravery in sharing with a stranger. I wasn't able to speak to everyone but I was touched by those who I did speak to.... For those I missed, I wanted to share our story with you too. 5 years ago Samson Flat visited our community. Everyone on our road has their own story. Our house and shedding was not impacted but all our paddocks and fences were affected. The woodlot you all walked past from the gate was burnt-out. It is now 5 years on and I wanted to try and provide some comfort to you and let you know that it does get better. The weeds are stopping your soil from washing away. The green grass will grow and replace the black dust. The trees may regenerate, or new ones can be grown. That smell will go. Some scars will remain. You will, in time, learn how to deal with them. It's ok to get help. I wish I did sooner. Garden Therapy. What a powerful concept. New life. Maybe there's a good reason the words Nature and Nurture are so similar. I hope you can find what you need to stay strong. Your combined story is immensely moving and I hope our efforts help to ease your pain a little. Please know that it gets better. Stay strong and thank you for your stories. David Broderick.

03.01.2022 Open Day #7.... our Cudlee Creek Open Day was held yesterday in beautiful Kersbrook. It was an incredible day with over 230 people through the gates. WOW!! We had maximum capacity for around 4 hours which was just amazing. We all were so happy the weather looked after us with the the sun shining til late in the day and considering it was 95% chance of rain it waited til 5.03pm Soooo happy our registered families and all of our volunteers got to enjoy a stunning Kersbro...Continue reading

02.01.2022 Did you have this sort of weekend or does this look like your family's school holidays? #gardentherapy #familyfun #familytime #garden

02.01.2022 A huge thank you to Marianne and the team at our Meningie collection point. A massive weekend this weekend. If any of our registered families are in the area pop in for some local FREE awesomeness, you will need your registration form and fire affected card. Or if you know someone who is a local please encourage them to pop in for some garden therapy shopping with all proceeds of this weekend's sales being put toward our open days #gardentherapy #opendays #oneteam #meningienurseryopenday

01.01.2022 WOW..... the first day of plant sales in our Meningie collection point has gone amazingly well. A huge thanks to Marianne and her amazing team of volunteers. Never in a million years could I have ever foreseen having collection points from the Lower Eyre Peninsula to Meningie. I am so incredibly grateful to every person that has taken our vision, made it their own and smashed it out of the ball park. Gardeners are the best kinda humans

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