Sacred Arts with Rachel Hanrahan | Tutor/teacher
Sacred Arts with Rachel Hanrahan
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25.01.2022 Today at 2pm..Book Here
25.01.2022 Spectacular....<3
24.01.2022 Yoga NIdra: Deepening into the Mystery. When we first begin a yoga nidra practice we may be surprised to discover just how tired our bodies and minds are. Most of us, in these contemporary times are operating on some kind of sleep debt. Late nights, early mornings, shift work, night feeds, comforting babes and bigger babes, netflix binges, too much coffee, hormonal imbalances many things can disrupt the amount of sleep we get. We can just keep pushing on... and our sleep can be our last priority. When I was working through PTSD my sleep debt was so huge from years of insomnia that when I started yoga nidra practice the nap at the end of class was alway ready my favourite part of class. I would always simply drift off into sleep each practice which was exactly what I needed my body was not yet capable of holding those deep brain wave states without sleeping. I had a teacher at the time who would always say don't sleep you must stay awake but truthfully it was not possible at that time in my life. It wasn't until much later after many many practices of yoga nidra that I realised that state of infinite awakening that allowed me to be in a consciousness state open to delve deeper into the mystery and the advanced teachings of yoga nidra in the non-dualism tradition of kashmir shaivism as is the tradition that is the foundation of iRest yoga nidra. The "mystery" was magical to explore and somatically I found an understanding of what the philosophies had been talking about.. an infinite awakening..oneness..unity consciousness.. Perhaps you have recovered your sleep debt perhaps not but if you are wanting to explore the depth of the teachings a 7 week new course offering "Yoga Nidra - Deepening into the Mystery" starts November 5 @ 6:30pm online via Zoom. Zoom classes are recorded for you to utilise during the week and the audio recordings are yours to keep. Bookings via link in Bio See more
23.01.2022 Exploring the mystery of the brain....have a try....
20.01.2022 Magical...Quantum physics
20.01.2022 To all the women fighting for justice and fair working conditions in this most challenging times across the world. Solidarity Dear Sisters..
20.01.2022 The beautiful Radiance Sutra Verse 119. The unforgettable memory of something noble can be sense of support and embodied inner resource that you can call on to feel calm and ease, grounded, secure at peace. This is a foundational practice as part of iRest yoga nidra - sankalpa...a trauma informed version of yoga nidra. Learn how to embody this inner resource not just in your practice of yoga nidra but in your everyday life.... Weekly classes: Restorative and Yoga Nidra online @kundalini house Wednesdays 8pm AEST In person or online courses: Sign up to my newsletter in Bio to keep informed of upcoming courses in 2021 and receive a complimentary yoga nidra for deeper sleep. #yoganidra #irestmeditation #innerresource #onlineyoganidra #kundalinihouse #radiancesutras #lorinroche #vijnanabhairavatantra #irestyoganidra #deepersleep #insomniahelp #rest #yourworthit #peace #sleepwell #alphabrainwave #thetabrainwave #traumainformed #unforgettablememoryofsomethingnoble @kundalinihouse See more
20.01.2022 This one is for all our #Victorian Yogi & Yogini’s
20.01.2022 Heptagram blessings!....<3
18.01.2022 Spring in Naarm Golden wattle (acacia pycnantha) a symbol of unity Australia’s national flower As we enter Spring in Naarm and the impending continuation of restrictions and isolation from the pandemic. ... How are you travelling? Maybe you have noticed a mobilising need to get out of this situation or anger at what’s going on.. that’s the fight/flight of the nervous system in its sympathetically charged state. Maybe you’ve felt a sort of despairing, hopeless, disconnecting, numbing shut down experiencing the dorsal collapse. All ways the nervous system helps us survive. Trying to not get stuck in the extremes. Asking what will nourish me, what will resource me. Movement, yoga, walk, connect with friends or family, sleep , eat well, meditation or nidra. Trying to recognise when we have found our nervous system move into sympathetic mobilisation or dorsal collapse and what ways can I gently bring energy back or some ways to discharge some of the energy safely back into ventral vagal connection of regulation and safety. One of my favourite practices to regulate my nervous system is restorative yoga and yoga nidra. Join me on Wednesday’s 8pm in partnership with @kundalinihouse online for an hour restorative yoga and nidra for some nervous system love.. Varied pricing for varied circumstances. #nervoussystemregulation #yoganidra #meditation #dorsalvagal #naarm #spring #goldenwattle #unity #australiasfloralemblem #rescheduleaustraliadaytowattleday #regulation #resourced #safety #anotherdayinthepandemic #kundalinihouse #rachelhanrahan #rachelhanrahanyoganidra #chillout #yougotthis
18.01.2022 Amethyst Spirit quartz Spirit Quartz is shaped with a faceted termination point and hundreds of smaller crystal termination points. For this reason it is often described as a community within a stone. Metaphysically Spirit Quartz can be used to amplify other crystal energies as the tiny points each reflect light back and forth to one another in effect bathing in the radiance of one and all. This is one of the reasons why it is utilised i...n the Crystal Dreaming Mandala we use for shamanic journeys created by Raym Richards. The colour can vary from pale lilac to deep purple. A crystal of Harmony and Alignment, I have found it to be a beautiful crystal to hold in your palms whilst meditating. Activates crown chakra drawing in spiritual guidance and multi-dimensional healing. It is a compassionate stone facilitating transition to other states of being. Therefore can be helpful for artists and for creative endeavours. Such a glorious beauty: Spirit Quartz. #amethystspiritquartz #ilovecrystals #crystaldreaming #shamanicjourney #crystaldreamingmelbourne #shamanicjourneymelbourne #crystalmedicinewoman #crystaluniverse #sparklewharkle #spiritquartz #crystalhealing #shamanicjourneywithrachelhanrahan #raymrichards #crystallove #crownchakra #energymedicine #meditatewithcrystals See more
18.01.2022 Join me for this free online meditation hosted by Yarra Libraries..
15.01.2022 Do you know your unique sleep rhythm? Every one of us has a master biological clock ticking away inside of our brains, and different biological rhythms throughout our bodies. These rhythms or biological clocks can be at different times and paces to others. Some of us may feel aligned to being early birds or some us feel more aligned to burning the midnight oil.. ... And the truth is as we discovered in our Yoga Nidra for deeper sleep course this week. Your body has been programmed to function much better at certain times of the day than others. Based on general morningness and eveningness preferences, different people fall into different classifications, called Chronotypes. So we can learn how to work with our body not against it depending on what chronotype we are.. The work of Dr.Michael Breus - The Sleep Doctor reveals there are four Chronotypes (Dolphin, Lion, Bear, and Wolf), and most people fit into the Bear category. As a dolphin I have specific strategies that help me feel more energised during the day. I can't go without my yoga nidra practices and since learning my chronotype and working with it, I have felt more aligned and able to maximise my energy during the day. Talk about being seen and understood.. You can take the quiz at I'd love to know what you uncover. What type of chronotype are you? #yoganidrafordeepersleep #chronotypes #dr.michaelbreus #thesleepdoctor #yoganidraonline #kundalinihouse #rachelhanrahan #sleepdrive #sleeprhythm #bettersleep #beautysleep #getmoreREM #melatonin #adenosine #mentalrestoration See more
14.01.2022 Yes in sacred ceremony at Stonehenge with my teacher Raym Richards a singing bowl was struck at each stone delivering a different harmonic...In my opinion Stonehenge is a giant xylophone. <3
14.01.2022 Highly recommend this discussion on addressing our cultural heritage issues.
10.01.2022 Full Moon lunar eclipse Get those crystals out under the moonlight tonight to charge with the powerful Gemini lunar eclipse. You wouldn't leave home without charging your phone. Your crystals need a little charge and alignment too. This beautiful amethyst point is charged with all the colours of the spectrum. Although Amethyst is one crystal that never needs energetic clearing perhaps just a little self care with occasional dusting..... #fullmoon #lunareclipse #geminifullmoon #amethystpoint #crystallove #crystaldreamingmelbourne #superconscious #iminaspin, #crystaldreaming #shamanicjourney #chargeyourcrystals #amethyst #raymrichardsapprentice #loveyourcrystals #crystalcare See more
10.01.2022 What is a chakra? Chakras (sanskrit meaning wheel) originate from the ancient yoga systems of India, referring to spinning vortices of energy created within us by the interplay of consciousness and the physical body. Spheres of energy radiating from the central nerve symbolised by a multi-petaled lotus, the petals varying with the chakra. Chakras become centres of activity for the reception, assimilation and transmission of life energies. Seven ...major chakras within each of us, arranged vertically through the middle of the body. They correspond to glands in the endocrine system, elemental forces, bodily processes, colours, sounds, deities, gemstones, herbs and planetary influences. Psychologically the chakras respond to major areas of our lives, survival, sex, power, love, communication, imagination and spirituality. Ultimately chakras are like the software of our physical bodies that are interpret how to handle varied aspects of our life that are contained within the hardware of our physical bodies interpreted by the our consciousness the overall operating system. Upcoming 2021 Chakra Alignment intensive. Start the year by tuning into, revitalising and clearing stagnation from your energetic body with chakra focused movement, intention, pranayama (breathwork), mantra, mudra and guided meditation. Learn practices to align, recharge and revitalise the main energetic centres (chakras) and nadis (channels) in your subtle body. Learn which energetic centres are lacking lustre or overcharging and how this effects your resonance and vibration through the subtle bodies and your daily interactions with others and the world around. We are all energetic beings within an energetic world. Raise your vibration and start the year with a new found sense of purpose. Starts January 4 - 8 6:30-7:30am AEST online or in person @KundaliniHouse Bookings via website See more
08.01.2022 This beautiful...
07.01.2022 Ever wondered what’s happening to your brain in Meditation? Spiritual awakening is the ultimate intention for the eastern traditions which we in the west have immersed in through mindfulness practice. Yet the western scientists have discovered the benefits of a daily meditation practice include increased focus and emotional stability. As well as reduce the symptoms of anxiety, improve resiliency, minimise the effects of stress, improve creativity and our memory. What is ha...ppening in our brain during meditation that creates these results? Through studies where scientists map our brain waves which is basically electromagnetic energy, meditation alters the electrical activity of your brain. There are five different brain waves as seen in the graphic above that fluctuate according to how you feel and what you do. In practises such as yoga nidra meditation we can move the brain waves from a higher frequency to a lower frequency, changing how we feel. How does this happen? As different parts of the brain get stimulated the frontal lobe, (planning and reasoning) switches off which helps you to relax. The thalamus (motor and sensory signals) pathways to the cerebral cortex slow down eliciting calm. The parietal lobe (sense of time) slows down helping lower stress and anxiety and the reticular (brain alertness and response) slows down creating calm and allowing you to feel peaceful. What are the types of brain waves? Delta - 4Hz(Deep unconscious, healing) Theta 4 8Hz (Deep Relaxation, creativity) Alpha 8 13Hz (Dreamy state of relaxation) NS calm Beta 13 30Hz (Thinking mind) Gamma 30 100Hz (Perception, focus, anxiety) A brief insight into the effects of meditation. Try it today! <3 @kundalinihouse #yoganidrameditation #irestmeditation #brainwaves #learnmeditation #alpha #theta #delta #beta #gamma #yoganidrafordeepersleep #rachelhanrahan
06.01.2022 On top of the world.. Story behind the photo: Here I am literally on top of the world @Haleakal in Maui, Hawaii. Its sunset and at 3055 metres tall I'm literally above the clouds. What you cant probably see is I have a babe in arms snuggling in close wrapped in a blanket as its freezing up there. The yogini in me was motivated into Vrikshasana the tree pose as a grounding and stabilising practice to centre and just breath and be with the... beauty of the moment. (Photo captured by my partner with me unaware.) The photo reminds me of the need to take time to come into the present moment and take time to connect to the breath. We can be juggling babes in arms, the latest work project, caring for loved ones, supporting others, meeting deadlines, battling traffic, just feeling in total chaos but the breath is always there. Here in the moment. Our breath is our lifeforce, our prana, our chi. the first thing we do when we enter this world and the last thing we do as we exit the world. Always here. I recently set a reminder alarm on my phone for on the hour every hour for 8 hours during my day to simply take three conscious present breaths each time I hear it. I stop what I'm doing and be present for just three breaths, its simple and effective and I feel realigned and more grounded each time. Today I increased it to a full minute of conscious breathing and the ease and grace I'm experiencing with the challenges that have arisen today is profound and measurable. Maybe you needed to hear this today how technology can actually work for us and help us to connect within. I'll be teaching more relaxing pranayama/breath practices this week at my weekly online classes @Kundalinihouse Restorative Yoga and Nidra 8pm AEST. Embodied Meditation 12:30pm AEST Bookings via Inhale and exhale... #maui #yogini See more
06.01.2022 Sydney residents, do you know the name of the land upon which you stand?
06.01.2022 Online course Starts Thursday 6:30pm TOMORROW November 5 - December 17 7 weeks VIa Zoom... Class recorded weekly if you cant attend at the scheduled time Practice when suits you. Guided practice recordings downloadable for future use. Bookings via link in Bio. #namaste #yoganidrateacher #mindfulness #selfcare #gentleyoga #onlineyoga #breathe #yogaforall #accessibleyoga See more
05.01.2022 Radiance Sutra Verse 27 At the end of the exhale, Breath surrenders to quietude. For a moment you hang in the balance - Suspended... In the fertile spaciousness That is the source of breath. At the end of the inhale, Filled with the song of the breath, There is a moment when you are simply Holding the tender mystery. In these interludes, Experience opens into exquisite vastness With no beginning and no end. Embrace this infinity without reservation. You are its vessel. Lorin Roche This is the beautiful teaching I'm sharing in my classes this week. A reminder of the pauses, the stillness within the breath.. Weekly online classes hosted by @kundalinihouse. Restorative Yoga and Embodied Meditation.. See more
05.01.2022 Radiance Sutra 118. Every moment, every experience there is always the opportunity for presence. What is the messenger? The Great Self is always there, Listening ... Waiting.. We will be exploring this teaching from The Radiance Sutras in my classes this week. Join me at Kundalini House Wednesdays 8pm - restorative and nidra Thursdays 12:30pm - embodied meditation Join me in class or online Bookings via Bookings online #kundalinihouse #radiancesutras #radiancesutra118 #lorinroche #presence #embodiedmeditation #irestmeditation #yoganidra #restorativeyogaonline #rest #selfcare #rachelhanrahan #yourworthit #selfcaretoday #bliss #meditation See more
05.01.2022 So adorable, cuddle puddle...
05.01.2022 Upcoming Crystal Dreaming Practitioner Training in Melbourne..
04.01.2022 How music touches us in a way nothing else can..
01.01.2022 The one Who Is Intimate to All Beings replies, Beloved, your questions require the answers that come Through direct living experience. ... The way of experience begins with a breath, Such as the breath you are breathing now. Awakening into luminous reality May dawn in the momentary throb Between any two breaths. Exhaling, breath is released and flows out. There is a pulse as it turns to flow out. In that turn, you are empty. Enter that emptiness as the source of all life. Inhaling, breath flows in, filling, nourishing. Just as it turns to flow out, There is a flash of pure joy- Life is renewed. Verse 24 ~ Radiance Sutras I will be sharing this beautiful reading this week in my online classes. Wednesdays 8pm Restorative Yoga and Nidra Thursdays 12:30pm Embodied Meditation @kundalinihouse #radiancesutras #lorinroche #kundalinihouse #onlineyoga #onlinemeditationclasses #onlineyogaclasses #breath #mystic #inhale #exhale #purejoy #yogacommunity #yogaeverydamnday #instadaily #restorativeyoga #mindfulness #love See more
01.01.2022 Yoga Nidra is a deeply healing guided meditation that allows you to access a somatic feeling of wellbeing. This ancient embodiment practice has been scientifically studied and found to nourish para sympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) and access deeper brain waves. How does this help you have better and deeper sleep? The brain wave spectrum divides into 5 bands with different associated states. Gamma waves 30-100Hz. Are not really well understood bu...t are linked to perception and alertness and states of anxiety. When here we can be in hyper vigilance or chronic PTSD. Beta waves 13-30Hz are our thinking state, where we are in conscious thought and external focus. Alpha waves 8-13Hz is often described as the spacey and dreamy state experienced in meditation; we are receptive and passive. Then we have Theta waves 4-8Hz where studies show we access the subconscious creativity and deep relaxation. The deepest brain waves we can access are called Delta waves - 4Hz the state of deep unconscious, intuition and insight. Through regular Yoga Nidra practice practitioners often access these deeper states, in a study held at the Walter Reed Medical Centre USA chronic PTSD participants accessed these deep and profound states after 4 sessions of iRest yoga nidra. We know stress is in the thinking mind of Gamma and Beta waves. When we deepen our neural activity into Alpha, Theta and Delta our bodies produce Oxytocin, GABA and Serotonin and a whole host of neural receptors which are anti- depression and anti-anxiety. Pretty amazing when this can all be achieved by lying down in comfort and simply following a guided voice. Upcoming 10 week course Mondays 8pm - 9pm online via Zoom or in person Kundalini House. Starts JUNE 21 . Bookings via @kundalinihouse Recordings of class practice provided. #yoganidrafordeepersleep See more
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