Sacred Heart Parish Kooringal | Community organisation
Sacred Heart Parish Kooringal
Phone: +61 2 6922 6057
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25.01.2022 WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
22.01.2022 Cognóvi, Dómine, quia quitas judícia tua, et in veritáte tua humiliásti me: confíge timóre tuo carnes meas, a mandátis tuis tímui. (Ps 118:1) Beáti immaculáti via: qui ámbulant in lege Dómini. V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in scula sæculórum. Amen. I KNOW, O Lord, that Thy judgments are equity, and in Thy truth Thou hast humbled me: pierce Thou my flesh with Thy fear, I am afraid of Thy judgments. (Psalm) Blessed are the undefiled in the way: who walk in the law of the Lord. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Tuórum corda fidélium, Deus miserátor, illústra: et, beátæ Elisabeth précibus gloriósis; fac nos próspera mundi despícere, et cœlésti semper consolatióne gaudére. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia scula sæculórum. R. Amen. O GOD of mercy, enlighten the hearts of Thy faithful, and through the prayers of blessed Elizabeth, make us to despise the prosperity of the world and ever to enjoy the consolation of Heaven. Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. R. Amen. (Introit and Collect for the Feast of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary)
21.01.2022 This by far is the best quote I’ve read about being a Christian. Amen
18.01.2022 St Josephat is where it's at
16.01.2022 Haha. And when you get to celebrate All the Saints on the One day!! Happy Solemnity of All Saints!!
16.01.2022 - - Today the Church honours St. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions. Andrew Dung-Lac, a Catholic convert ordaine...d to the priesthood, was one of 117 people martyred in Vietnam between 1820 and 1862. Members of the companions group gave their lives for Christ in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, and received beatification during four different occasions between 1900 and 1951. All were canonized during the papacy of Saint John Paul II. Christianity came to Vietnam through the Portuguese. Jesuits opened the first permanent mission at Da Nang in 1615. They ministered to Japanese Catholics who had been driven from Japan. Severe persecutions were launched at least three times in the 19th century. During the six decades after 1820, between 100,000 and 300,000 Catholics were killed or subjected to great hardship. Foreign missionaries martyred in the first wave included priests of the Paris Mission Society, and Spanish Dominican priests and tertiaries. In 1832, Emperor Minh-Mang banned all foreign missionaries, and tried to make all Vietnamese deny their faith by trampling on a crucifix. Like the priest-holes in Ireland during English persecution, many hiding places were offered in homes of the faithful. Persecution broke out again in 1847, when the emperor suspected foreign missionaries and Vietnamese Christians of sympathizing with a rebellion led by of one of his sons. The last of the martyrs were 17 laypersons, one of them a 9-year-old, executed in 1862. That year a treaty with France guaranteed religious freedom to Catholics, but it did not stop all persecution. By 1954, there were over a million Catholicsabout seven percent of the populationin the north. Buddhists represented about 60 percent. Persistent persecution forced some 670,000 Catholics to abandon lands, homes and possessions and flee to the south. In 1964, there were still 833,000 Catholics in the north, but many were in prison. In the south, Catholics were enjoying the first decade of religious freedom in centuries, their numbers swelled by refugees. During the Vietnamese war, Catholics again suffered in the north, and again moved to the south in great numbers. Now reunited, the entire country is under Communist rule. It may help a people who associate Vietnam only with a 20th-century war to realize that the cross has long been a part of the lives of the people of that country. Even as some people ask again the unanswered questions about United States involvement and disengagement, the faith rooted in Vietnam’s soil proves hardier than the forces that willed to destroy it. (Courtesy of - ,
13.01.2022 We need a gift shop!
13.01.2022 Spot the difference
11.01.2022 What have we got in Wagga?
09.01.2022 "I live on this earth, but I seem to dwell here like a soul who has lost it’s way, because never for a moment do I cease looking towards Jesus, apart from whom I despise all things." ~ St. Gemma Galgani
06.01.2022 Today the Church celebrates the great solemnity of All Saints. The Church Triumphant rejoices in the presence of God and we remember this in a special way on day. Let us all look forward with joyful hope as we pursue our Heavenly reward. We have their heroic virtue to imitate and their unceasing intercession to implore as we persevere in this Earthly life. The glory of all the Saints shines forth, especially on this day, for all to see. May we follow in their footsteps as we are called every day to be Saints. All the Angels and Saints of Heaven. Pray for us! ...let us emulate their [the Saints’] faith, charity, hope, zeal, life, patience under suffering, and perseverance unto death so that we may also share their crowns of glory. - St John of Damascus Albrecht Dührer: Adoration of the Trinity. (1509-1511)
05.01.2022 Blessed John of Vercelli (1205-1283) was sixth Master of the Order of Preachers and is commemorated in the liturgy today. A brilliant man of great intelligence,... he was already a Master of the University of Paris when he entered the Order. He is remembered for the vigor with which he promoted reverence for the Most Holy Name of Jesus, in response to the Bull of Pope Gregory X in 1274. As a result of this papal exhortation, the General Chapter of 1278 introduced the ordination exhorting the brethren to bow their heads during the liturgy whenever the name of Jesus was pronounced. It is from this initial move that the Confraternity of the Most Holy Name of Jesus ‘The Holy Name Society’ derives its origin; a great lay-confraternity that remains under the care of the Dominicans to this day. See more
05.01.2022 IT'S 100% TRUE SHPK APPROVED
04.01.2022 Hi Everyone, This is what Mass actually looks like. It's an epic sacrifice of universal importance. We're inviting all people, as well as all other Christian denominations to join us, every week and learn what God has planned for everyone.... SHPK
01.01.2022 We need 1500 for the parish
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