Sacred Heart Catholic School Ulverstone in Ulverstone, Tasmania | Primary School
Sacred Heart Catholic School Ulverstone
Locality: Ulverstone, Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6425 2680
Address: 5-7 Buttons Avenue 7315 Ulverstone, TAS, Australia
Likes: 942
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25.01.2022 Creative play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child. The students have thoroughly enjoyed the loose parts play shed being opened up again this term.
25.01.2022 Setup for Success - Little Joeys Little Joeys will continue tomorrow morning in our Kinder room/ yard from 8.30-10.15am. We will continue to focus on re-connecting with our Little Joeys friends with encouragement to introduce ourselves to someone new. -Please join our private Setup for Success - Little Joeys group for further Little Joeys materials.
24.01.2022 The year six leaders and the term 1/2 class captains worked with Mrs Williams and Mrs Best today creating their Its Cool to be Kind tees. The students were able to show their creativity using fabric paint and they came up with some very impressive designs. They will be wearing these next Friday 3rd July for our class activity/disco afternoon which will celebrate the end of term 2.
23.01.2022 What a beautiful day to walk to school today. Thank you to all staff, students and families for joining us on this brisk morning walk.
22.01.2022 Charlotte and Logan recorded our school advertisement at the radio station today. Tune in to SeaFM at 8:50 tomorrow morning to hear their interview!
22.01.2022 Sacred Heart Kinder to year two students enjoyed their cross country today. Due to COVID-19 restrictions students ran their cross country in year levels in their PE lessons. Congratulations to all students on their attitudes and efforts.
22.01.2022 Year six students enjoyed their ‘Big day out’ ... ten pin bowling and the waterslide. Lots of fun for everyone.
21.01.2022 An exciting morning for both staff and students today. Orientation for 2021... a time to meet peers, new teachers and welcome new students to Sacred Heart. As Dr Seuss quotes ‘You’ll never be bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do!’
21.01.2022 In loose parts play this week, we have established a Mud Club. The younger students design and make their creations and they are then judged for firmness, colour and decorations all within a very strict time schedule. We have also been having a lot of fun with pool noodles that have been used in a variety of ways, even jumps and limbo. As soon as the music starts playing, the pack up crew spring into action packing all of the equipment away ready for the next day!
20.01.2022 Soccer is commencing for Under 8s, Under 10s and Under 12s this Saturday the 25th July. The information sheet and map of the grounds is attached. We would like to wish our players and coaches the best of luck. We hope the weather is kind to parents too!
20.01.2022 This morning we welcomed back our students for Term 3. We are experiencing problems with our phones this morning, if you need to contact us, please email [email protected].
19.01.2022 We are so very grateful for the support of Woolworths and Oliver’s Bakery for sponsoring our Breakfast Club Programme this year. Here is a little thank you movie from some of our students
19.01.2022 Crazy Hair Day!! thank you to our school leaders for organising this event Spread KINDNESS everyday in every way a great way to finish Term 2.
19.01.2022 Wishing all our Dads and Dad like figures a Happy Fathers Day on Sunday. Thank you all for being a special part of our school community.
19.01.2022 Congratulations to our term three and four class captains for 2020. Class captains were presented with their certificates and badges this morning at our School prayer assembly.
19.01.2022 Setup for Success - Little Joeys Little Joeys will continue tomorrow morning in our Kinder room, yard and MPR from 8.30-10.15am. Spring will inspire our play/ learning provocations. Little Joeys will use their fine motor and oral language skills while interacting with each other and our provocations.... Our Gross Motor stations will be available in the MPR. These stations will be focusing on Crossing the Midline, Balance, Core Strength and Functional Movement. We look forward to seeing our Little Joeys friends there!
18.01.2022 Our 3/4 students headed off to Camp Clayton this morning and our 5/6 students to Beaconsfield Mine, Airtime 360, The Monkey Park and The Tramshed. We had some very excited students this morning. A reminder to parents that the 3/4 students are to be collected from Camp Clayton after the evening meal by 7pm. For students in 5/6, the expected arrival time is 7-30pm. Parents/carers will receive a text message this evening to confirm the time.
17.01.2022 Mersey Leven Catholic Parish - YouTube Channel Fr Mike has announced that our Parish has now created a YouTube channel for livestreaming future Masses and events. We invite our community to subscribe to this channel by searching Mersey Leven Catholic Parish on YouTube and clicking subscribe.
17.01.2022 Information for parents for Soccer Under 8s commencing this Saturday. To commence at 9am (45mins) on the grounds near the soft ball area. Starting with drills, finishing with a game.
15.01.2022 End of year reports have been published on Compass this morning. If you have trouble downloading your report, please contact the school office for assistance.
14.01.2022 We are excited to announce the recommencement of Little Joeys tomorrow Tuesday 21 July. Please see the note below.
14.01.2022 1/2 Koalas and 2 Wombats enjoyed their STEM challenge yesterday. The challenge was to design and create a robot to help out with jobs at home.
13.01.2022 Yesterday Will Smith and the team from JCP Youth came in and worked with our Grade 5/6 classes for the day. This day focused on leadership and how we can be our best selves. Thanks to Will and the team at JCP Youth for a great day!
13.01.2022 Happy Feast Day
12.01.2022 Students in year 5/6 have had the opportunity to participate in the ‘Ready Set Rescue’ program this week. This program comprises fun and educational activities that provide students with a practical approach to familiarising themselves with their local open water environments. Sunshine sand and a little surf.
12.01.2022 Warmer Winter Drive This is a friendly reminder to all in our community that this week is the last week that we will be collecting donations for our Warmer Winter Drive. Thank you to all people who have already so kindly donated items.
11.01.2022 Tomorrow, Sacred Heart Catholic School are participating in the National Walk Safely to School Program. If you would like to join us please meet staff at the Beach Hut Cafe at 8am and we will walk to school together. Students who participate are able to wear their Sports uniform.
11.01.2022 Mid year progress statements have been made available this morning through your Compass app. If you have any trouble accessing your childs report, please call the school office for assistance. An email has also been distributed with details of how to book parent/teacher interviews. Interviews will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday.
11.01.2022 There were some strange things happening in the 3/4 classrooms on Friday! Students dressed up as wizards and invented a magic potion. They had strict instructions from the head wizards Mrs Johnstone and Mr Jackson, that their potion could only be 600 millilitres. They had to use 5 different ingredients in their potions. Unfortunately, if the potion went over 600 ml it would explode. Grade 4 students had an added task: they had to use an ingredient under 100 mls. The students did a wonderful job of applying their knowledge of capacity.
10.01.2022 Thank you to all our students who participated in our Friendology media contest. Congratulations William and Zoe for your outstanding video in the 3-6 competition and for the fantastic effort of all the students in the P-2.
10.01.2022 Throughout this term STEM is a strategic focus. Miss Katsikis is working with students and teachers to embed STEM activities into the curriculum. Included is a video from one of the 5/6 challenges.
09.01.2022 Tomorrow in Little Joeys we will be continuing to focus on exploring the senses that we use to experience our world. We will welcome Miss Tegan Neal to Little Joeys tomorrow. Miss Neal will be taking over the role as the Little Joeys' teacher in Terms 3 and 4 while Miss Davis accesses Maternity Leave. We will be in the Kinder room, yard and MPR from 8.30-10.15am.
07.01.2022 Out and about at Sacred Heart school this week! Year 3/4 classes have had a virtual tour with TMAG learning all about the rich culture of Tasmanian Aboriginals. School leaders have enjoyed learning the art of finger knitting and as you can see students continue to enjoy buddy reading.
07.01.2022 Today Grade 1/2 Koalas and 2 Wombats worked with Miss Katsikis on a STEM challenge to design and build a home for Louie!
06.01.2022 Skoolbag Our school link to Skoolbag has now closed and therefore is no longer available for notifying student absences and obtaining Newsletters. Please use Compass or telephone the school office with your absences. The newsletter is available through Compass and on our website
06.01.2022 A huge thank you to all of our Term 1/2 Class Captains and Year 6 leaders who organised and planned our Its Cool to be Kind activities/disco afternoon today. We raised over $300 which will be used to purchase goods for The Little Pantry outside the Railway Supermarket kindness could be found everywhere today!
05.01.2022 Kindergarten students enjoying some wet weather play!
05.01.2022 We held our final Dance Fever lessons today. A special thank you to Drey for his work with students throughout this term.
04.01.2022 During the past few weeks our student leaders have had a particular focus on kindness as have our classes. Please enjoy the movie our leaders created. This Friday afternoon we will be having an end of term celebration with a focus on kindness.
04.01.2022 Enrolments for 2021 are now being accepted for Kindergarten to year six classes. Thank you to our film-star students and Miss Katsikis for her wonderful directing and making of our film.
04.01.2022 We have recommenced Breakfast Club again this term on Thursday mornings with some slight changes that were necessary due to our COVID-19 Safety Management Plan. We would like to thank Olivers Bakery and Cafe and Woolworths Ulverstone for their ongoing support of this initiative. It is greatly appreciated.
03.01.2022 Today, students observed NAIDOC week by going out into the Aboriginal garden where Mr Johnstone had lit the fire pit. They were able to sit and and have some quiet time and reflection. The theme this year - Always Was, Always Will be celebrates that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. NAIDOC 2020 invites all Australians to embrace the ancient history of our country - a history that dates back thousands of generations.
02.01.2022 Over the past few weeks, all classes have been practicing hard for the cross country. Although we unfortunately had to cancel our carnival due to Covid-19 restrictions, we were still able to race and work on our strength, speed and stamina, as well as discuss strategy and timing. The results were evident this week as each year group raced in boys and girls events respectively. Congratulations to all who participated.
02.01.2022 Pre-Kinder Program The Pre-Kinder Program for children attending Kinder at Sacred Heart in 2021 commences tomorrow morning in our Kinder Room/ Yard from 8.45-10.15am. Pre-Kinders are asked to bring a water bottle, piece of fruit and hat for outdoor play. Parents/ Carers are required to attend the Pre-Kinder sessions with their children. We look forward to welcoming these children and their families into our school community.
02.01.2022 Pre-Kinder Program The Pre-Kinder Program for children attending Kinder at Sacred Heart in 2021 continues tomorrow morning in our Kinder Room/ Yard from 8.45-10.15am. Pre-Kinders are asked to bring a water bottle, piece of fruit and hat for outdoor play. Please note, that other snacks brought along to Pre-Kinder should be nut free. Parents/ Carers are required to attend the Pre-Kinder sessions with their children. We look forward to seeing our Pre-Kinders and their parents/ carers there.
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