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Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Villawood | Religious place of worship

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Villawood

Phone: +61 2 9644 4026


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25.01.2022 Welcome to NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A. 8/9 AUGUST 2020 " O Jerusalem, glorify the Lord, who gives you your fill of finest wheat "

25.01.2022 Friends, I would like to share a short video message, inviting you to mark the Feast of Corpus Christi on Sunday 14 June through spending time with Our Lord in ...Eucharistic Adoration. While we normally would gather for the Walk With Christ procession on this special feast, this wont be possible this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many parishes across the Archdiocese will be setting aside time for Eucharistic Adoration with St Mary's Cathedral offering Adoration from 5-6pm. I pray that this may offer you and your families hope and comfort in the everlasting love of Jesus Christ. God bless you all.

24.01.2022 Today we celebrate the Feast of my name saint, St Anthony of Padua, with this year marking the 800th anniversary of him entering religious life. At birth he was... named Fernando Martins de Bulhoes. But when this brilliant young man heard of the heroic deaths of five Franciscans in Morocco he determined to turn his life around. He met and worked with St Francis, took the name Anthony in religion, became renowned as a great preacher, and died in Padua where his body is preserved. I visited his birthplace in Lisbon (Portugal) at the beginning of this year. (This is one of the many pictures I saw of him.) Eight centuries ago he began his spiritual journey and eight centuries later he is a favourite saint of many Catholics, with a statue in most Australian churches and many of us entrusting our needs and losses to his intercession. St Anthony, pray for us!

24.01.2022 Friends, in parishes across the Archdiocese of Sydney this weekend, you will find a Prayer for Renewal card with an image of Jesus calling on Peter to bring oth...ers to Christ. I ask you to join in this prayer campaign which will begin on the Feast of All Saints (1 November) as we prepare to launch a new Archdiocesan Mission plan, Go Make Disciples, on 12 December, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Star of the New Evangelisation. Let us join together, calling on the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearts of each of us and of all our parishes and Eucharistic communities to receive anew the fire of God’s love and the desire to be ever more faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ. I ask you to join in this prayer together at the end of each Mass, in your prayer group and in your homes. You can read more about the prayer campaign here: Please let your friends and family know. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelisation, pray for us! #GMDSydney #GoMakeDisciples

24.01.2022 Friends, we normally come together as a Catholic community in Holy Week to consecrate the oils for the sacraments during the annual Chrism Mass. Due to COVID-19... restrictions, our Chrism Mass was postponed this year and will now take place tomorrow at 10:30am at St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney.Sadly attendance is limited to clergy only in this time of pandemic. I therefore invite you to join me for the Mass virtually as it's livestreamed via St Mary's Cathedral's You Tube channel here: The Chrism Mass is a wonderful occasion to pay tribute to our priests as they renew their priestly promises and concelebrate the Holy Eucharist as testiment to their communion with their Bishop and with each other. Please keep our priests and bishops in your prayers, that we may serve our faith communities well in the year ahead.

23.01.2022 Anniversary of Ordination of Fr Maurice T Thompson On 22nd July 2020, Very Rev. Fr. Maurice T. Thompson EV, Parish Priest of our parishes of of Sefton and Vill...awood celebrates 25 years of priesthood serving in the Archdiocese of Sydney. Fr. Maurice was ordained to the priesthood on 22nd July, 1995. He has served in many parishes Liverpool, Greenacre, Penshurst, including Revesby, Revesby Heights and Panania. He was also Dean of South West Deanery for three years and is currently the Episcopal Vicar of Clergy for the Archdiocese of Sydney assisting the Archbishop. He has also been a shepherd to the Samoan Community as Chaplain and Priest. In gratitude for the past 25 years you have been a source of comfort, inspiration and strength for the people. Your unique sense of humour and special gift of telling stories has been enjoyed by many generations of children and parishioners. We offer you our congratulations and sincere thanks for your ministry. May Christ in whose place you stand as priest, give you continuing grace to teach, guide and sanctify His People. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us Sacred Heart, Hear our Prayer

22.01.2022 Friends, since my installation as your Archbishop in 2014, I’ve witnessed first-hand the many strengths of our Church in Sydney: its scale, cultural diversity, ...piety and zeal of its pastors and people. But Our Lord is calling us to become more powerful witnesses to God’s saving love- so our outreach can continue to nurture the faith of future generations of Catholics. On 12 December, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I will be launching a new Archdiocesan Mission Plan, Go Make Disciples, aimed at making our parishes and other Eucharistic communities true centres of the new evangelisation. To compliment that mission, we all have a responsibility to share our faith stories with others, to help bring others into a closer encounter with Christ. I encourage you to watch my personal faith story, which I have shared in a video on the Go Make Disciples website here: I trace my own journey from altar boy at St Michael's parish, Lane Cove, a pivotal moment in the Holy Land when I knew I was called to priesthood and later my ministry as your Archbishop, sharing some of the challenges and opportunities I have faced along the way which have helped me grow and nurture my faith and share it with others. I ask for your ongoing prayers as your shepherd, that through your help we may indeed lead many more Sydneysiders to grow in their love for Christ in the years ahead. God Bless you all. #GMDSydney #GoMakeDisciples


21.01.2022 In today’s Gospel on the Feast of All Saints, we are reminded of Jesus’ call to live out the Beatitudes. We see this very much in the ministry of our priests,- ...through their financial and spiritual poverty, they let God make His rich kingdom with them. In the chastity of their pure and merciful hearts, their eyes are opened to see God in those around them and in perpetual light.. Two modern saints who lived out the Beatitudes each day were St John Paul the Great and St Teresa of Calcutta. They both inspire us through their discipleship: their willingness to take up the cross, often under very challenging circumstances, and follow Christ. On the Feast of All Saints, we celebrate those ordinary people from every nation, race, tribe and language who have gone before us and who now participate in the heavenly Liturgy. In due course I pray we all may join them. St John Paul the Great, pray for us! St Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us! All Saints of God, pray for us!

21.01.2022 Welcome to 17th Sunday in Ordinary TIme YEAR A. 25/26 JULY 2020 " Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you have revealed to little ones the myster...ies of the kingdom "

20.01.2022 Today we honour two inspiring leaders of the infant church: Saints Peter and Paul on their feast day. Jesus gave Peter the power to teach, lead and sanctify as ...the key-stone of the Church, our first Pope. Paul was the greatest evangelist we ever had and his writings continue to inspire us all today. May these great pillars of our faith never fail to inspire us in our race to the finish, in our pursuit of the goal that is heaven. Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us! See more

19.01.2022 Welcome to The Most Holy Trinity | Year A Sunday 07 June 2020

19.01.2022 Today we mark the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, a devotion to the physical heart as the representation of His divine love for all humanity. Cele...brated 19 days after Pentecost, it is one of the most widely practised and well-known Catholic devotions today. Beginning in 17th century France, Christ appeared in a series of visits to French Visitation nun, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, revealing the importance of devotion to His Sacred Heart. In these apparitions He requested that pictures of His Sacred Heart be set up and venerated in churches and homes. He also made 12 promises that people who venerate His Heart would receive special graces for their lives. O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of your Sacred Heart, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in reparation for my sins, for the intentions of all my relatives and friends, and in particular for the intentions of the Holy Father.

19.01.2022 Welcome to the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A (24/25 October 2020) --- This week's Gospel concerns the two greatest commandments: ... Love God Love others ---

19.01.2022 Today we celebrate the birth of St John the Baptist; a voice who cried out in the wilderness and pointed us to One who is the Way, the Truth and the Light. The ...Church normally celebrates the deaths of saints rather than their births, since it is only after death that someone can be canonised. But St John the Baptist is an exception, with feasts for his birth and for his death, just as we do for Jesus. May we grow in the spirit of prayer and in the zeal of John the Baptist to win the world to Christ. St John the Baptist, pray for us! See more

19.01.2022 Welcome to the 14 Sunday in Ordinary Time YEAR A ( 4/5 July 2020 )

17.01.2022 Today we honour the apostles Saint Simon and Saint Jude on their feast day. Since they were thought to have been companions in missionary work and in martyrdom,... we commemorate their feast on the same day. Both Simon and Jude were gifted preachers who travelled widely spreading the message of the risen Christ. St Jude is often in popular usage, referred to as the "Saint of Last Resort", one to ask for help when all else fails. He reminds us that we should always be praying for each other and especially for those who are desperate. May these great preachers continue to inspire us today as we share the Gospel and help lead others into a personal encounter with Christ. St Simon and St Jude, pray for us!

16.01.2022 LIVE We welcome you to join Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Sefton and Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Villawood as we celebrate the 09:30 AM Mass, Sunday 07 June 2020 : The Most Holy Trinity. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us ... Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us See more

15.01.2022 Today is the feast day of St James, one of the Twelve Apostles and one of the world's most popular saints. Distinguished as being in Jesus innermost circle, he... was the only apostle whose martyrdom is recorded in the New Testament. James, along with his brother John, left his life as a fisherman when Jesus called him to be a fisher of men. He followed Jesus as one of his disciples until He was crucified. James made a pilgrimage to the Iberian Peninsula to spread the word of Jesus and when he returned to Judea, was beheaded. He is the patron saint of pilgrims, Spain and the namesake of the Camino de Santiago. St James pray for us. #james #saintjames #apostles #pilgrims #spain #caminodesantiago See more

15.01.2022 Father, thank You for this Friday. Thank You for seeing us through another work week and bringing us to the weekend. Father, we pray that this weekend will be f...illed with rest, refreshment and quiet time with You. Our lives can seem so overwhelming and confusing, but we know that You are there by our side always. Amen See more

15.01.2022 Dear Parishioners, . At Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Sefton and Sacred Heart Parish Villawood we're working on ways to enhance ou...r COVID approach... Please note the following conditions in relation to attending Mass. Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes prior to start of Mass. Note that you will be required to sign in on arrival. Contact details of all those attending the church (name and phone number or email of one adult in each family) must be recorded either via the blue QR CODE SIGN or via LINK (please ensure you sign in to the correct Mass time via QR CODE) or at the door via the sign-on sheet before entering the church. YOU CAN ONLY USE THE CODE AT THE TIME OF ENTRY as this will be recorded. You can STILL BOOK ALL WEEKEND MASSES BY CALLING THE Parish Office: 02 9644 4026 God Bless

14.01.2022 Today we honour the great scholar and anti-corruption fighter, St Charles Borromeo on his feast day. By his early 20s this remarkable Italian saint had finished... two doctorates and went on to play a pivotal role in the reforms which emerged from the Council of Trent in the 16th century and was perhaps the principal cause of the Council’s success, paving the way for the revitalisation of the Catholic faith in Europe. St Charles was a vocal advocate for breaking down nepotism and corruption in church circles, but the strain of constant travel, work and worry took its toll on him, leading to his early death at the age of 46. May we continue to be inspired by his great integrity today. St Charles Borromeo, pray for us!

14.01.2022 Today we honour St Mary Magdalene, to whom our Lord first entrusted the joyful news of His resurrection. By her prayers and example, may we proclaim Christ as our living Lord and one day see him in glory. St Mary Magdalene, pray for us!

13.01.2022 Over two years ago, I ordained a very talented young priest Fr Matthew Meagher who is now doing great work as Assistant Priest at All Saints Parish in Liverpool.... Many of you will know of Fr Matthew’s uncle Fr Danny Meagher, who has worked over a number of years as Rector of the Good Shepherd Seminary. In this video, Fr Matthew speaks about his personal faith journey and his hopes for his parishioners as we prepare to launch a new Archdiocesan Mission plan in December, Go Make Disciples, focused on renewing our Church to better serve the mission of Jesus Christ.#GMDSydney #GoMakeDisciples See more

12.01.2022 Welcome to 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Year A 21 . 06 . 2020

11.01.2022 Welcome to All Saints | Year A ( Sunday 01 November 2020 )


10.01.2022 Gospel of the Day (John 3,16-18) God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have... eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. See more

09.01.2022 If you have time to worry ... you have time to pray

09.01.2022 Today is the feast day of St Thomas More, the patron saint of lawyers. The son of a judge and himself an eminent lawyer, More was convicted of treason for to accept the king as the head of the Church. He went to his execution in 1535 with a clean conscience and a light heart telling spectators that he was still the kings good servant but Gods first, before carefully adjusting his beard and beheaded. He is also the patron of adopted children, civil servants, politicians and difficult marriages. St Thomas More pray for us See more


07.01.2022 Today is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

07.01.2022 Welcome to 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time / Year A Sunday 15 November 2020

06.01.2022 Update re. Masses at Sefton and Villawood as of 1st June. Dear Parishioners, Sefton: Sat. Vigil at 5:30, Sunday 8am, 9:30am (please note the change in mass time from 10am to 9:30am), (11am Samoan Mass), and 5pm (please note mass time change from 5:30pm to 5pm).... At Villawood: Wed. & Friday at 8am and Sunday 9am. Only the Sunday 9:30am mass at Sefton would be live stream. No need to ring up and book for masses during the week (only 50 are allowed) but for Saturday Vigil and Sunday mass, please book. Mariah, Wayne and Parish Team will take bookings and also try to reach out (if we have your contact details) re. 50 parishioners for weekend masses in both parishes. Names and phone contacts will be recorded and your temperature might be scanned for those attending either during the week and weekend. For your safety as well as others, we will need to adhere to safety protocol as well as keeping to 50 maximum and social distancing in church. Please note that if you are not feeling well or have a temperature, we ask that you refrain from attending. Exposition of the the Blessed Sacrament with Confessions on Saturdays after 9:15am mass at 10am Confessions also at 4:30pm to 5pm Saturdays At Sefton apart from Feastdays and Special occasions, there will be no mass offered on Mondays. It will be a Communion Service at 9:15am God Bless Parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary Sefton and Sacred Heart Villawood

06.01.2022 Today we mark the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. As we witness much suffering in our world today, through His Sacred Heart, Our Lord offers us strength and consolation; His love is everlasting. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

04.01.2022 Today we honour Australia's first saint, Mary of the Cross MacKillop, who shows us that the heroic virtue of sainthood is not alien to Australians. She was one ...of us and did great things with God. May Mary continue to give our young people confidence and ideals for the future, so that her life will continue to bear fruit for generations to come. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us!

04.01.2022 Welcome to 22 November 2020

04.01.2022 In the Archdiocese of Sydney, we have a special affection for Our Lady Help of Christians, who is not only the patron saint of our country, but also our and the college which stands beside it. In colonial Sydney, pioneer priest Fr John Therry dedicated the first Catholic Church to Our Lady Help of Christians to help guide the Church at a time when Mass was rarely permitted over the previous three decades and colonial Catholics found great comfort in the Rosary to help nurture their faith. We indeed turn again to Our Lady for her intercession today as our nation struggles with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As I look towards launching a new Archdiocesan Mission on 12 December, Go Make Disciples, I ask you to join with me in a prayer through the intercession of our nation’s patroness, Our Lady Help of Christians, that through her help, our parishes may help lead growing numbers of Sydneysiders into a personal encounter with Jesus in the years ahead. I encourage you to read more about Go Make Disciples on our dedicated website: Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us! #GMDSydney #GoMakeDisciples


04.01.2022 CHURCH CLOSED : 07 / 06 until further notice PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CHURCH IS CURRENTLY BEING RENOVATED. There will be no weekday masses for THIS week. Dear Parishioners , ... / This week we will be sanding the pews, floors and painting the internal church. Can you please spare some time to come and help sand and paint the church ? / Once we have completed sanding and painting we will also need help with re-furnishing, cleaning and tidying the church. If you can spare some time this week between 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday to Friday to help Father Maurice please message us via @Sacred Heart Catholic Church Villawood. ' ' 6:38 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray For Us Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy On Us

04.01.2022 The #Covid19 pandemic has shown that our societies are not organised well enough to make room for the elderly, with proper respect for their dignity and frailty. When the elderly are not cared for, there is no future for the young, Pope Francis today on Twitter.

03.01.2022 Today on All Souls Day, we are reminded as Catholics of the importance of interceding for each other, including for those who have gone before us, marked with t...he sign of faith. Our prayers and sufferings offered for the holy souls quicken the process of them being readied for heaven. The month of November is traditionally a time to pray for the faithful who have died and I invite you to share any prayer intentions below and I will keep your departed family and friends in my prayers this month. God bless you all.

03.01.2022 Happy feast day of the Most Holy Name of Mary! So what does Our Lady's name mean? We have much wisdom to fall back on here with many of the great saints provi...ding us with their spiritual insights in this regard. In reading and reflecting on the following lines from Saints Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, and Louie de Montfort, may our love and devotion for our sweet Mother grow ever stronger this day! "Mary means Star of the sea, for as mariners are guided to port by the ocean star, so Christians attain to glory through Mary's maternal intercession." [St. Thomas Aquinas] "This most holy, sweet and worthy name was 'eminently fitted to so holy, sweet and worthy a virgin. For Mary means a bitter sea, star of the sea, the illuminated or illuminati. Mary is interpreted Lady. Mary is a bitter sea to the demons; to men she is the Star of the sea; to the Angels she is illuminatrix, and to all creatures she is Lady." [St. Bonaventure] "God the Father gathered all the waters together and called them the seas or maria [Latin, seas]. He gathered all His grace together and called it Mary or Maria . . . This immense treasury is none other than Mary whom the saints call the 'treasury of the Lord.' From her fullness all men are made rich." [St. Louis de Montfort]

03.01.2022 Congratulations to our four new priests: Frs John Pham, Noel Custodio, Roberto Keryakos and Jonathan Vala who were ordained today (Saturday 19/9/20) at a Mass at St Mary's Cathedral. The Class of 2020 will forever be identified with the Year of the Virus and this will shape your mission: for beyond COVID you must help rebuild people's confidence and trust and reawaken their hunger for that Eucharist and community they can only find at Mass. I pray that you may from today be ...pandemoy or spiritual pandemics for all the people. God bless you in your many decades of ministry ahead. -Archbishop Anthony Fisher See more

03.01.2022 Welcome to Pentecost Sunday Year A 30 May 2020

01.01.2022 Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for June, which is that "all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus."

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