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25.01.2022 Results for pick your own card!! 1. CAT: Your message is that everything you need to know if already within you. Relax and surrender to allow the wisdom and knowing you hold within you to rise up. As you do this, you will also notice that your vibration is rising as well of those around you!! Remain centred and calm and ask Archangel Raphael to assist you in assisting you in developing you spiritual awareness and gifts. You are also being urged to do what is right for ...Continue reading
25.01.2022 "Full Moon - Surrender to the Divine" Today's card is about a conclusion to something a turning point, some kind of change and even something emotional. Tune into your emotions to see what they are telling you, they are probably just bubbling away at the surface. Even though this card was pulled just after our full moon, it doesn't matter, this card still brings the message that matters or issues will soon be finished and you'll know if your wishes are going to come true. This is a positive card and the odds are on your side, but continue working towards them. It's a time to forgive, release and let go, so you can move forward without any negative energy holding you back.
23.01.2022 Two Of Fire Today’s message is that you’ve really come into your own and stepped up! You may have been offered opportunities and taken action or even acted on advice received and the ball is rolling. Even though your not quite at the finish line, you are on your way! New partnerships or contracts may come into play, which we should fully consider before saying no! Your potential at this time, is unlimited. The dragon represents the newness of your passion, whilst the speckled eggs represents wonderful new opportunities that are coming your way. Continue to trust and believe in yourself and keep moving forward! The opportunities are endless and your potential great!
20.01.2022 "The High Priestess" Today's card is one of inner reflection and meditation. Today, you would pay by having some quiet time and going within to get a clear understanding of what it is you want. Once you have this clarity, you will be able to move forward in the right direction. There is no need to take action today, but to rather gather your thoughts and clarity on where it is you want to go. The answers you seek will come to you in the perfect moment. Listen to your intuition and inner guidance as it will be heightened today. It's also important to be patience and not to rush into things.
19.01.2022 Seven Of Autumn Today’s card is one of the seeds of your desires being well planted. Therefore, there is no need to worry & to keep doing what your doing! Have patience and faith that all your dreams are manifesting into reality! Just like a farmer who waits for his crops to grow, your dreams will also grow as you tend to them and wait for them to blossom. Take this down time, to rest & rejuvenate and to even think about your next steps. The fruits of your labour will soon be reality! Pause & reflect on how far you’ve come! Seven is the number for being on the right path! Enjoy this downtime & the blossoming of your dreams! Remember to keep the faith!
18.01.2022 Five Of Summer Today, you need to trust that everything happens for a reason! It’s time to remove yourself from the negative opinion of others. Don’t allow their judgements or anything affect you! Things may not have turned out the way you had hoped, but push forward and try not to focus too much on the negative or what worries and freightens you. Don’t fight change as this is where the silver lining may lay! As we are in the first day of 2021, leave the past where it is, it has made you who you are today, stronger and wiser. If you focus too much on the past you may miss the wonderful new opportunities that will be presenting themselves to you!
17.01.2022 "Queen Of Earth" There's a lot of magic happening when this card shows up, which means you are in a time of manifestation. You have down to earth approaches to challenges. This card serves as a reminder to find the balance with home/work/family life as well as being kind to yourself and in your interactions with others. You are in a really fertile time of growth and manifestation as represented by the rabbit. You have the ability to make anything more beautiful and are always prepared!!
17.01.2022 "Opossum" This week's spirit animal is the Opossum. In order to accomplish whatever you've been striving to achieve, it will be necessary to stretch yourself a bit farther than what you think you're capable of. The situation you find yourself in will require you to be a good actor, in that you'll have to exhibit behaviour that's the opposite of what you're actually thinking or feeling. Do some planning and develop an effective strategy for the object of your concern, with b...ackup plans in place in case your first effort doesn't work out. If you're in a tight corner, rely on your instincts to determine the best way out. Study either Aikido or Tai Chi in order to learn to use dynamic and receptive forces as useful approaches in challenging situations. Extract Taken from Dr Steven Farmer's - Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Understanding Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides.
16.01.2022 Omega Dragon Today, you are asked to utilize the feminine power of creation! It’s time to hold the intention of what it is you want to create! The Omega Dragon also come to the earth at this time to help birth a new golden age. They also will hold a personal vision for everyone that is for their highest good, they can see into your mind and help you hold the vision of your plans. It’s time for you to birth your dreams and desires and to show your true self. It’s not time to hide anymore! Call upon the energy of these dragons to help you with your vision and taking the steps to make them happen, they will assist bring things to life in a wise, balanced & harmonious way!
16.01.2022 "Birthing A New Age" When choosing a card from this deck, this is the only card that has come up these past few months, so a very strong message indeed! Your path is often the one that you don't feel ready to walk! You are being called to birth your new creations as well as dream a new world into being. Your purpose may feel bigger than what you feel you can handle, but rest assured, it's why you are here, to live your purpose, what you are being called to do! Be confident ...and strong and move towards your dreams. You, just like the world at the moment, is in a transition period between the ages. It's time to rise and stand in your power. Allow the old ways to fall away and allow the new to come to fruition. Release what no longer serves your highest good. You have incarnated at this time, for this exact moment. Give yourself permission, to let who you truly are shine. Birth a new world into being!! See more
14.01.2022 "Rat" This week's Spirit Animal is the Rat. A project of investment is about to pay off. You have plenty available to you at all times in spite of any thoughts or fears that this isn't so. This is a good time to exercise caution, and to the best of your ability anticipate what lies ahead. ... Take an inventory of the material goods you have and recycle or throw out what is no longer purposeful. Clean up any areas of clutter in your home or workplace. Extract Taken From: Dr Steven Farmer's, Pocket Guide To Spirit Animals - Understanding Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides.
14.01.2022 Master Jesus Today’s card is one of forgiveness and love. Father healing is also possible at this time! Jesus is here to assist us in getting the love that we deserve and sometimes, we have to leave things behind in order to do so! His teachings are about love and that it is the most important connection of all. He also taught about forgiveness. If there is someone you need to forgive so you can move forward, then you can call on Jesus to help you with this also. Don’t forget to forgive yourself for all those things you beat yourself up about! You did the best you could at the time and now it’s time to move forward without anything holding you back. You can also call on Jesus for any healing that you may need in your life! Today, you are on the path of love, light & forgiveness.
12.01.2022 "The Emperor" The Emperor shows up to lets us know we would benefit from a little structure and organisation, which will help our plans flow easier and help bring our dreams to life. It also represents the constructs of society that makes our lives possible, like our homes, roads, buildings etc. It's also a card of leadership and integrity. For some this card can represent a male figure in our lives, father/government offices, people in authority. The energy of the Emperor only wants to see us happy and to succeed and is reminding us that we must consider the needs of others and not just our own. With a little planning and structure you will be on the road to success and your dreams will be manifesting before your eyes.
12.01.2022 "Lilith" Our Goddess for this week is Lilith. Lilith is known to be the first woman ever to be created, as Adam's partner and equal. She wanted equality expressed in every way, Adam refused and so Lilith left the garden of eden. Lilith knew her core power and essence and wasn't going to settle for anything less. She is a strong, sensual and passionate goddess who was demonized, by patriarchal traditions. Her name means night or night owl and she represents the power of th...e dark feminine, embodying authentic power and the ability to go deep within the darkness of the unknown. She possess the ultimate freedom. Lilith encourages you to break free from the shackles of the physical world and those that we have put on ourselves and to fully embrace our full power and essence of expression. She urges you to be your authentic self and do not compromise who you are and to follow your most deepest desires. See more
11.01.2022 "Nine Of Summer" Today, is the card that let's you know all your wishes are coming true! Everything is coming to fruition in perfect order. You have so much to be thankful and grateful for! You are in a magical time of life! This card can also represent enjoying great luxury and the beautiful things in life. Even though you may not be able to see the results of your hard work, keep that faith that it is coming your way. Abundance is overflowing your way, in which ever way you need it! It's like you have a Fairy Godmother, granting you your wishes, when in reality, it's you faith, belief, confidence and hard work towards your dreams and desires that has success coming your way.
09.01.2022 Lady Venus Today is a day of truth! Deep insights are coming from above, so this is information that you can trust. Lady Venus is a Keeper of the Light & can assist you in understanding the guidance being received from above. If you are studying spiritual subjects at this time, she can help you with this also! If you have been hearing high pitched noises, seeing flickers of light or having beings visit you in your dreams, this is all confirmation that you are receiving downloads from heaven. When this happens, spend some time asking heaven what it is you need to know. The information you are receiving will help you reach a new level of understanding!
09.01.2022 "The Chariot" This card represents heading out on an adventure, which could be of the physical kind or spiritual journey. you may come across situations that you've never encountered before. You could at times, have to juggle more than one priority so that everything is fulfilled. This card also speaks of successfully managing opposing forces/energies. The Chariot is also a card of great success, so it can indicate an upcoming promotion, job offer or reward. Allow your peers to congratulate you and allow yourself the time to celebrate. For some, there could also be public recognition or an award. You have taken your leap of faith and worked hard to get where you are and the success is starting to pay off! You should be proud of how far you have come!!
07.01.2022 "Auset Temple - Sacred Ceremony" The Auset Temple was known as a place of miracles and healings, and still to this day a powerful and beautiful temple. You are being called today, to focus on spiritual development and what you are being called to do. It would even pay to do some karmic release work from past lives, so they cease affecting you in this life. Any situation that is troubling you, will be resolved soon and miracles will occur in your life. Call on the healing power of the Auset Temple to assist you with your current challenges.
07.01.2022 "Get More Information" The situation you are enquiring about is urging you to gain more information so that you can make an informed decision. Engage with family/friends or someone knowledgeable in the area of information you seek. Even if the results aren't quite what you expected, you can still learn and grow from this situation. Gather and research as much as you can before making your decision.
06.01.2022 "Falcon" This week's Spirit Animal is the Falcon. Before making a decision, step back from it and consider it from a broader perspective. There's an opportunity before you; however, be patient and trust your instinct to know when the time is right to act on it. Pay closer attention to the natural rhythms of your body and of your surroundings, and see what this can teach you. Whatever choice you make at this time, once you've made it, commit to it fully and take the plunge.... Extract Taken From Dr Steven Farmer's - Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Understanding Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides.
04.01.2022 "Unity" Today's card asks us to take into consideration the broader implications our actions may have. When this card shows up, we may find ourselves taking a more traditional route yet we should be thinking outside the box and doing things our own way. Alternatively, if you are doing things your own way and things don't seem to be working, then you may need to try traditional methods. You are being called to surround yourself with like-minded individuals so they can help you develop your spiritual gifts and who share the same interests as you. It's time to challenge yourself, so that you can understand yourself more deeply!
04.01.2022 Morning All, If you feel guided today, please chose a card from below from the Archangel Animal Oracle Cards! Cards read left to right, top row 1-3, second row 4-6.... Results will be posted later today.
04.01.2022 "Four Of Water" Today's card is that you could be missing an important message because you are too focused on the day to day issues and things we need to do. You may have missed a message from your Angels or a lovely opportunity. Today, take a step back and see what might be around the corner. Did you dismiss something because you didn't think it was for you? Maybe you can take a second look at it, because it could be exactly what you need it just looks a little different. Our Mermaid is so focused on the cups in the past that she really doesn't notice anything else and is missing on the golden opportunity right in front of her! It's time to leave the past where it is in the past and concentrate on your present and future!
02.01.2022 Knight Of Earth Today’s message is that it’s time to take action! It’s time to buckle down and get things done. All your plans are well thought out & will go exceptionally well. It’s a day to honour your promises and commitments to yourself and others. For some their could be business travel & financial rewards on the horizon. The Knight also represents a guardian Angel that you have by your side, protecting & supporting you!
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