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Southern ACT Catchment Group

Phone: +61 2 6296 6400


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25.01.2022 Have you seen the snow today? Stay warm everyone

25.01.2022 Volunteers needed - A callout from Urambi Hills Group Please join the Urambi Hills planting day, Sunday 30 Aug 9am-12pm Meet on the corner of Learmonth Drive and Meredith Circuit, Kambah. BYO hand trowel, bucket, mallet if you have one, work gloves, food and drink. Walk 10 minutes to the planting site to put in 200 shrubs to improve small bird habitat connectivity with the neighbouring farm.... Holes are pre-dug, our tasks will be planting and mulching. Email [email protected] for more information. Due to COVID guidelines and limits on numbers, please let us know if you intend on joining us.

25.01.2022 Last Saturday was the final "Landcare for our Future" event, and this bunch of legends put 250 plants in the ground as part of a habitat connectivity project We hope they grow up big and strong, and provide critical habitat for the local creatures. Thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday, and to everyone who has come along to a "Landcare for our Future" event over the last year- it's been a blast!

25.01.2022 Bold moves here

24.01.2022 The Conservation Council is asking every election candidate to commit to a 2030 zero emissions target for the ACT, and for protection of our unique natural areas and the species that live there. Check it out

24.01.2022 We had a great time planting acacias out at Mt Mugga Mugga recently! As part of Landcare for our Future, we want to give young people the opportunity to see what landcare is all about, and meet some of their local landcare/parkcare groups. A group of amazing young vollies came along to help Mt Mugga Mugga/Isaacs Ridge Parkcare Group plant 60 Acacias, which should form crucial native habitat on the hillside. Thanks to this team for such a fun and productive Sunday morning!... . If you're a young person who'd like to find out about future events, sign up here: . . #landcareforourfuture #landcare #intrepidlandcare #volunteercanberra #volunteeract #youth See more

24.01.2022 SACTCG Members: have you read the new Urban Forest Strategy? If you have comments, please forward them to Landcare ACT at [email protected] who will be providing a submission on behalf of the community You can read it here

23.01.2022 Southern ACT Catchment Group welcomes the announcement of four years of funding from the ACT Government. The government funding means we can do projects that would otherwise be out of reach. Reliable, long-term funding for Canberra's local environmental volunteer-based groups will allow groups help them continue their valuable work

23.01.2022 Farrerridgepc will be going on a Spring Wildflower Walk on the 13th September

23.01.2022 The photos rolling in from our rural steamweeding trial are looking promising Here is a treated blackberry and a patch of serrated tussock six weeks post treatment, and a bonus photo of the machine that made it happen! The steamweeder makes weed control chemical-free, using high temperature water to kill weeds on contact If you are interested in using our steamweeder please contact Hannah at [email protected] for more information.

22.01.2022 A great article about Platypus watch!

21.01.2022 Sphagnum moss bogs are nature's "kidneys"! We are hoping these precious bogs can recover from bushfire damage.

21.01.2022 Are you an early riser? Listen out for Fiona Spier- convener of Friends of Tidbinbilla - at 7:30am on ABC Canberra Radio 666 for the Landcare Champions Series

20.01.2022 Hannah, our urban water education officer had a blast talking about stormwater on the Western Creek water walk on the weekend run by the Where You Are Festival and PhotoAccess. The walk explored Western Creek as an urban waterway, and looked at what the waterway might have looked like before the development of the suburbs Stay tuned for details of the exhibition of photos taken by participants of our urban waterways. #urbanwater

19.01.2022 Come down and meet our lovely Hannah today at the SpringFest Sustainabillity Fair, at the Erindale Uniting Church on Comrie street. She will be running a workshop on Stormwater and keeping our creeks healthy at 1.30pm

18.01.2022 We got out in the field recently with some urban landcarers to learn how to identify grasses and forbes in Mawson Grassland and Griffith Woodland, as part of a TCCS grant for urban landcare groups Alison Elvin from Natural Capital Pty Ltd walked us through so many different species and we all learnt a lot. Check out the photos to see some of the species we found We will be collating some grass ID resources to be available for everybody- stay tuned on this page for a video and other resources for grass ID!

18.01.2022 Last Sunday, Minders About Simpson's Hill (MASH) held a series of guided walks around the Hill Participants learnt a bit about the local history, biodiversity and surrounding geography of the Hill. *If you live nearby Simpsons Hill and want to join MASH in taking care of the Hill- join the facebook group!

18.01.2022 The second Landcare for our Future event is coming up FAST! If you're a young person (or know of any)- RSVP to secure a spot on Tuesday where we will be learning about Tuggeranong Homestead and how to tackle some of their most prolific and horrific weeds

17.01.2022 What incredible moves!

17.01.2022 This week was Landcare Week and we're celebrating the amazing community groups caring for their local patch across the Southern ACT and across the country! There's over 20 groups in Southern ACT who have been working on conservation and land management projects in their local environment- building communities and making a difference for our future. Amidst drought, bushfires and a global pandemic, we know this kind of work is more important than ever. If you're interested in getting involved in landcare, find a group near you (link in the comments)

16.01.2022 Frogwatch is back on this year and it's coming up soon read all about the annual frog census and why it's so important below To sign up to Frogwatch, head to the Ginninderra Catchment Group website (link in comments).

15.01.2022 What a beautiful way to spend a spring morning With the recent rains Farrer Ridge will be magical Learn about the beautiful wildflowers found on Farrer Ridge from the wonderful Farrer Ridge Parkcare group

15.01.2022 We're super excited to announce Landcare for our Future: a series of landcare events for young people aged 18-35! Landcare for our Future will introduce participants to landcare in Southern ACT- we will be learning from experienced community landcarers, making a difference to our local parks and reserves, and connecting with like-minded young people in Canberra The first event is at the gorgeous Tuggeranong Hill on Sunday 13th September If you're a young person keen to get involved, sign up or find out more at

14.01.2022 We had a blast this morning at the first Landcare for our Future event out at Tuggeranong Hill with Friends of Tuggeranong Hill! There were almost no weeds left by the end- and check out how much ivy we managed to pull off this beautiful gum tree! Thanks to everyone who came along- it was great to have such a mix of ages and experience. *If you're a young person keen to see the next Landcare for our Future events- head to

14.01.2022 A beautiful and information rich essay by Cameron Muir- reflecting on the Water Walks events which took place a few weeks ago across Canberra's urban waterways and featuring our very own Urban Water Education Officer, Hannah!

14.01.2022 It's #NationalThreatenedSpeciesDay and we are celebrating the continued survival of many incredible threatened species in the ACT Here we have the Canberra Spider Orchid (Arachnorchis Actensis), Golden Sun Moth (Synemon plana), Button Wrinklewort (Rutidosis leptorhynchoides), Small Purple Pea (Swainsona recta) and a Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor)- all of which chave been spotted in our Southern parks and reserves. We will all continue to work to protect our precious threatened species and ecosystems

13.01.2022 Last week was Landcare week- here's a reflection and celebration of the work of amazing volunteers in the ACT looking after their local environments

12.01.2022 This video made us cry! Keep an eye out for Bogong Moths, Canberra You can report them using the Zoos Victoria Bogong Moth tracker:

11.01.2022 Hannah is a waterwatch volunteer for the Yass Gorge and snapped these pics of the Yass River after all that rain a couple of weeks ago

10.01.2022 We're Hiring SACTCG is looking for a part-time Project Officer to support the SACTCG team deliver community-based projects including bushfire recovery and citizen science projects. Apply at Ethical Jobs or find us on NRM Jobs (in comments). Help us find the best candidate by sharing this job with anyone who may be suitable!

10.01.2022 Well this is some unexpected and welcome news- you can now eat a burger and support landcare at the same time! The Griffith Woodland Volunteer Group has been working hard over the last year giving their time and energy to improve the woodland They are now featured at Grill'd Manuka for the month of February as part of the Local Matters Initiative. You can head to Grill'D Manuka, have a burger and vote for Griffith Woodland Volunteer Group to support their amazing conservation work!

10.01.2022 Bonython Primary School Yr 3/4s waterbug hunting at Upper Stranger Pond last week with the Upper Murrumbidgee Waterwatch education team. Photos: Tehliah Dundas (teacher).

09.01.2022 Ranger Tim Wells monitoring the Cotter River for Upper Murrumbidgee Waterwatch. Seen here with a terrific dragonfly nymph from Vanity's Crossing.

09.01.2022 SpringFEST Sustainabilty Day is coming up, featuring some fascinating workshops- including an Urban Water Workshop by our very own Hannah Edwards! Register for Hannah's workshop in the link in comments below (also on the eventbrite website)

08.01.2022 A fabulous morning at the Parliament of Youth on Sustainability this week. Plaxy McCulloch's H2OK table with posters by Antonia Gamboa Rocha (ACT NRM) and water bug display by combined Waterwatch coordinators, Martin , Bruno and Jed. Good Photos by Antonia and Plaxy. (out of focus photos by Martin)

08.01.2022 Last week we took the Steamweeder out to the Tharwa Tennis Club for a public demonstration and info session with Weedtechnics' Jeremy Winer. Thanks to all who came along to see the steamweeder in action, and see what chemical-free weed control looks like in practise If you're interested in finding out more about the steamweeder, shoot us a message or email [email protected].

08.01.2022 How many of the Parks/Reserves have you visited in Southern ACT? If you haven't been to Urambi Hills Nature Reserve before- this is a lovely video that takes you through some of the walks on the Hills. We hope it inspires you to get out there for a walk soon!

08.01.2022 Are you ready to Clean-up? Clean-up Australia Day is coming up on Sunday 7th March, and there's a bunch of Clean-up events happening across our catchment! Here are the ones running so far- you can find the facebook events on our page: Lake Tuggeranong Clean-up: Stranger Pond Clean-up: Mawson Pond Clean-up: Curtin Raingarden Clean-up: Simpsons Hill Clean-up: To see all events coming up, head to our website at: *If you're a SACTCG member group running a Clean-up Australia Day event, let us know! . . . #cleanup #events #cleanupaustraliaday Clean Up Australia

07.01.2022 Here's a lil something cute for your Tuesday morning!

07.01.2022 New volunteer Ilya Nazarov showing his expert water quality monitoring skills, passed on by his mother Yana. Yana joined the Waterwatch program 3 months ago and Ilya has only been in Australia, from Moscow, for just over 2 months. Already they have become enthusiastic and dedicated members of the Southern ACT Catchment Group’s Murrumbidgee River Waterwatch cohort. Welcome aboard!

06.01.2022 This is happening on Saturday! Learn about Urban Water with our Urban Water Education Officer- Hannah Edwards. She'll be running a workshop from 2.30-3.30pm, so make sure you RSVP below and come along.

04.01.2022 Have you seen any of these grasses around? A fun game to play on your next walk in Canberra's parks and reserves

03.01.2022 Southern ACT Catchment Group are part of the Play For Purpose raffle! You can buy a raffle ticket for your chance to win a bunch of awesome prizes, and at least 50% of the price of your ticket will go towards supporting SACTCG's work Find out more and buy tickets here:

02.01.2022 How much do you know about GPT's? GPT= gross pollutant trap- watch this video to find out more! #urbanwaterways #healthywaterways

02.01.2022 We've been looking for wildlife with Friends of Tuggeranong Hill, and it looks like we've got the nod of approval from this swamp wallaby! (and the ACT Parks and Conservation Service, of course)

01.01.2022 Landcare ACT- the peak body for Landcare in the ACT region- has just launched their new facebook page! Give it a like to follow landcare stories from across the ACT

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