Sadie See's in Sydney | Astrologist & psychic
Sadie See's
Locality: Sydney
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24.01.2022 You can’t please everyone. You can be kind to everyone but not everyone is going to be ‘your people’. Instead of trying to impress everyone focus your energy and love on your people #noteveryonescupoftea #onlinetarot #crystalhealing #crystalenergy #bekind #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreading #tarot #numerology
23.01.2022 Is your spirit animal the adorable quokka? Find out your spirit animal for $10 #quokka #spiritanimal #spiritguide #totemanimal #onlinetarot #cuteanimals #alwayssmiling
22.01.2022 Going through many phases this week! #moon #themoon #moonlight #moonphases #phasesofthemoon #onlinetarotreading #onlinetarot #crystalhealing
22.01.2022 Smoky Amethyst Quartz Gorgeous looking but also great for removing negativity, cleansing and detoxifying the body and soul. #smokyquartz #crystalhealing #crystalenergy #smokeyamethyst #quartzcrystal #crystaljunkie #onlinetarot #energyhealing
22.01.2022 AZURITE calming and third eye activator. Great for meditation and very pretty to look at! #azurite #azuritecrystal #crystalhealing #healingcrystals #onlinereadings #meditate #meditation #calming
21.01.2022 AGAGONITE provides strength and support. Helps combat stress and anger. This would be a wonderful crystal to have in your house while homeschooling and isolating. Stay safe everyone #aragonite #homeschool #homeschoollife #homeschoolmom #stayhome ##selfisolation #crystals #crystalhealing #tarotreading #onlinetarotreading
20.01.2022 The past can leave scars that affect our ability to love and grow. Healing is so important to our wellbeing. Use agate and onyx to assist in healing and take time to meditate and be still even for 5 minutes. #healingcrystals #crystalhealing #agate #onyx #meditate #insighttimer #insighttimerapp #meditation #minfulness #selflove #selfcare
20.01.2022 Amazonite for relieving anxiety and stress. This beautiful creation by @handmademystic #amazonite #crystals #crystalhealing #amazonitejewelry #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #calming
19.01.2022 The universe has your back #sundayfunday #sundayvibes #sundaymornings #positivevibes #positiveenergy #positivequotes #universehasyourback #successquotes
19.01.2022 Time to release repressed anger that is blocking you health and happiness. Forgiveness Heals Need to take some of my own advice some days! #forgiveness #topaz #crystalhealing #crystals #oraclecards #cardoftheday #healingcrystals #sageburning #sagesmudge #sage #desertrose #desertrosecrystal #quartz #clearquartzpoint
19.01.2022 One of The hardest times in life is going through change. #storm #thistooshallpass #universehasyourback #affirmations #positiveaffirmations #motivationalquotes #stormy #transformation
17.01.2022 Feeling stressed and not yourself? Grab a crystal reading and find out what healing energy you need in your life right now #lepidolite #rosequartz #angelitestone #amethyst #howlite #calmdown #healingjourney #healingcrystals #healingenergy #selfcare #onlinestore #crystalreading #candles #keepcalm
17.01.2022 YOU are in charge of the love you receive! #crystalhealing #crystals #buymorecrystals #clearquartz #selflove #attract #manifest
14.01.2022 Everyone is stressed. Practise patience. Breathe easy. Be kind. #kindnessmatters #bethechangeyouwanttosee #kindnessiscatching #mindfulness #meditate #meditation #mindfulnessmeditation
14.01.2022 Spend with them! Bushfire affected businesses like the beautiful @bodytree_gallery_ one of a kind beautiful pieces made with love! Check them out! #healingcrystals #rosequartz #rosequartzcrystal #crystaljewelry #crystals #spendwiththem #merimbula #gemstones #rawcrystals
12.01.2022 Ring goals! Look at this incredible collection from @kikithehippieshop This shops town has been devastated by fires but you can still purchase from here and help this business survive! Check them out! #spendwiththem #crystaljewelry #healingcrystals #gemstones #bohojewelry #hippiestyle #hippievibes #huskisson #southcoast #crystalreadings #crystalrings
12.01.2022 You can only do so much. But you are here right now and thats enough. #sundayvibes #tarotwisdom #onlinetarot #healingcrystals #healingenergy #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #presentlypresent #thetimeisnow #meditation #meditate
11.01.2022 Peacock Chalcopyrite helps improve mental clarity and brings positivity! #chalcopyritecrystal #healingcrystals #crystals #buymorecrystals #peacock #peacockore #onlinetarot #crystalsofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #grouponoffer
11.01.2022 Marge, the rains are here! Some relief finally! #sydneyrain #rainishere #therain #australiaisraining #rain
11.01.2022 All you can do is your best. #dailymotivation #dailyinspiration #amethystcrystal #amethyst #goodvibes #positiveenergy #wereallinthistogether
11.01.2022 Follow your bliss #goyourownway #followyourbliss #sundayfunday #sundayvibes
10.01.2022 S E L F L O V E this essential oil and rose quartz crystal infused perfume roller is everything! Perfect to uplift and soothe. @botanist.aromatherapy #selflove #rosequartzcrystal #rosequartz #essentialoils #selfloveclub #aromatherapy #botanist #perfumerollon #ylangylang #lavender
09.01.2022 Friday 13th FLASH SALE! Head to my website for 50% off all readings for the next 13 days! Its a tense time in our world and some guidance may be just what you need right now. #flashsale #fridaythe13th #crystalreadings #numerology #chakracleanse #angelreadings #onsale #blackfridaysale #tarotreading #onlinereadings
07.01.2022 Desert rose a great crystal to help restore energy! Perfect for getting out of that quarantine funk! #desertrose #crystalhealing #buycryatals #energycrystals #energy #restore #flow #balance #chakrahealer #crystalhealer #crystals #desertrosegems #mineralism #arizona #cochisecounty #quarantine
07.01.2022 Someone needs to hear this today #positivevibes #positiveaffirmations #affirmations #affirmationsoftheday #youcandoit #goodvibes
06.01.2022 This little pearl of wisdom came up in a reading today. Some of you need to hear it. #crystalsingingbowls #crystalhealing #crystals #onlinetarot #tarotreading #celticcross #tenofswords #riderwaite #numerology #mindfulness #mindfullness #mindfulmovement #mindfulminute
06.01.2022 Unnecessary worry can drain us of our mental, physical and emotional energy. Worrying about the future wont improve it. Plan for your future instead of panicking! #worryaboutyourself #stress #destress #mindfulness #goodintentions #energyhealing #chakrahealing #crystalhealing #chakracleansing #sundayvibes #letitgo #positivevibes #positivequotes #affirmations #future
05.01.2022 SELENITE cleanses the aura, clears negativity and brings clarity to the mind. #selenite #selenitecrystal #healingcrystals #healingenergy #tarotreading #crystalreading #numerologylifepath #angelreading #chakracleansing #spiritanimal #spirituality
04.01.2022 SHATTUCKITE a unique coloured stone used for providing courage in stressful times and a great crystal for communicating with loved ones who have passed on. #shuttuckite #crystalhealing #crystals #crystalshop #buymorecrystals #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra
04.01.2022 Clear Quartz the master healer. Balances, energises, cleanses, stimulates, connects, harmonises. Its THE must have for beginner collectors to veterans. #clearquartz #clearquartzcrystal #clearquartzpoint #clearquartzcluster #mastercrystal #masterhealer #buymorecrystals #crystalhealing #crystals #magicalcrystals #quartz
03.01.2022 We could all learn a thing of to from the Queen of Wands. She represents confidence, energy, vivacity, courage, passion and independence. Channel her today This amazing artwork @meredithdillmanart check out her incredible work #queenofwandstarot #queen #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot #tarotreading #onlinereadings #imthequeenofthecastle #tarotart
03.01.2022 Great deals on Groupon!
03.01.2022 Amethyst a powerful healing, protective and cleansing crystal. A must have for any collector! #amethyst #crystals #crystalhealing #onlinetarot #crystallove
03.01.2022 I M M U N E. D E F E N C E. Aqua Aura, Aragonite, Amethyst, Calcite. #immunesupport #immunebooster #immunedefense #calcite #amethyst #aquaaura #aragonite #crystalhealing #healingcrystals
03.01.2022 Brand New Numerology Profile Delivered today
02.01.2022 Its about time you knew its never goodbye. You will see them on the other side of the stars #stars #grief #griefquotes #love #eternallove #eternity
02.01.2022 Apophyllite an amazing crystal that uplifts and alleviates stress and anxiety. If you need a pick me up this is the crystal for you! #apophyllite #crystals #destress #motivationmonday #anxietyrelief #healingcrystals #antistress #behappy #relax #restore #crystalreadings #onlinereadings
02.01.2022 Find out if your crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, wife, husband is a good match for you! Just send their birthday and yours for your compatibility results! #valentinesday #compatibility #numerology #lifepathnumber #onlinereading #tarotreading #rosequartz #loveandromance #romantic #romance #love #matchmaker #valentinesday2020 #valentinesgift
01.01.2022 Watermelon Tourmaline the perfect crystal for managing stress! #watermelon #watermelontourmaline #crystalhealing #buymorecrystals #healingcrystals #onlinetarot
01.01.2022 Diamantina this post caught me eye. Wow! The beautiful waters of Hawaii is the ideal spot to cleanse a crystal! repost from @sugarstudiocrystals #hawaii #crystalhealer #crystalhealing #onlinetarotreading #diamantina #crystalcleansing #chakrahealer #clarity #cleanse #detox #hawaiian
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