Laura Colbert in Warburton, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Laura Colbert
Locality: Warburton, Victoria
Phone: +61 414 767 859
Address: 2B Louis Avenue 3799 Warburton, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 Well, here we are again, about to jump back into lockdown... I have to say for me this lockdown is already hitting me in a completely different way to the first one. I've had an array of emotions come up and many questions about what is going on?! I'm feeling for people who are heavily affected by this and all the further mental health issues that will come out of this. On the flip side, I do feel it's allowing us to go within, slow down, increase our awareness and change. An...d this gives me hope that we can step into a new collective consciousness and create a new beautiful way of life for our children. In case you didn't know, I'm here if you need. As an Ayurvedic Practitioner & Postpartum Doula I am classified as essential so if you require any of my offerings, especially if you're a mama unable to get support from family and friends now, please get in touch. I'm also more than happy to discuss payment options if you're financially affected. Sending the biggest virtual hug to you! Much love, xx Laura
24.01.2022 For me, motherhood turned my world upside down and I missed who I was before becoming a mother. That transition from woman to mother has been one of the hardest transitions of my life. There was such a huge shift and a huge part of me struggled and still struggles to accept it. Women are totally redefined... Their dreams, goals, relationships, EVERYTHING... I wish I knew earlier that this was a thing, it's really changed my life since knowing about matrescence. m...? It's the transformation a woman goes through when she becomes a mother. It's a passage where a woman transitions through many different stages to postpartum and beyond. The length is individual and recurs with each child. In a sense, we become two selves, we are the woman we used to be and the mother we have just become. We go through a process as we transition from our old self to the new mother and this affects each mother differently. The more I read and learn about matrescence, the more I feel we need to spread the word about it so that all mothers know that its okay to feel a sense of loss and not fully accept who they have become until they are ready to. We need mothers to know that this is a huge transition, just like adolescence. If we acknowledge the profound transformation a mother is going through we are telling her it's okay if she's not coping, struggling to find acceptance, missing her old self, etc. We can take a huge amount of pressure off her and allow her the time she needs to realise she's a new version of herself and that its okay to take all the time she needs to find peace with that. As a woman becomes a mother, understanding matrescence can be a game-changer. She can come out on the other side stronger, more confident, balanced and sure of herself. Much love, xx Laura
23.01.2022 So much time is spent during pregnancy preparing for the birth and the baby. Doulas are hired, birth plans are written, Obs and Midwives booked, baby clothes bought, focus is put into what baby needs and how we want to birth them. But what about what comes afterwards? Often, not enough time is spent planning for the transition that comes following the birth of a child, for the mother and the whole family. Having a smooth and restful transition at home with your baby is so imp...ortant which is why planning for your postpartum recovery can make a huge difference. Each mother and family will have different goals, some will have family or friends to help, some will hire a postpartum doula, some will have no support and some will have a combination of all of the above. My 1:1 Postpartum Planning sessions are available to help you transition emotionally and physically in the way you want to. We can discuss things like food planning, setting up a meal train, belly binding, what kind of support you'd like, Ayurvedic herbal remedies to promote healing, self-massage tips and its all tailored to what your goals and needs are. These sessions allow you to think of all the little things now so that you don't' have to think about it after when you'll have so many other things to think about. These sessions will give you the opportunity to feel supported, more grounded and ready to meet your little one. Following your session, I will send you a plan with everything we have discussed so you can start to prepare before the birth, making that transition more blissful which will help you to thrive during your postpartum. Available in-person or via ZOOM. Much love, xx Laura
21.01.2022 This is for pregnant people and mamas. If you're finding things are a bit overwhelming now or you're needing connection with others please join us when you can throughout the next 6 weeks. Just like so many mamas, I've been struggling with all that going on and this is why I have called Jennie and Sandy to join me in facilitating these circles. In one session with these beautiful souls, I went from a 9 (very overwhelmed/anxious) to a 2 (calm and more grounded) by the end. We... are offering these circles for free. All the details are on the event page. Please contact me if you want any more information. Much love, xx Laura
18.01.2022 I love so many traditions found in India, just like this one, baby showers held over 5 months to celebrate the 5 senses. Starting from month 3, family and friends gather to hold a shower celebrating one sense each month. Usually, the showers begin in this order: sight, taste, hearing, smell and touch. Each month a sense is celebrated by giving gifts that stimulate the sense organ. Considering babies are able to remember things from their neonatal experience as well as learn w...hilst in the womb, this is such a beautiful tradition to have during pregnancy. I often suggest to my clients to incorporate something like this into their pregnancy but without the shower. Spending time to celebrate each sense in whatever way resonates with you is such a lovely thing to do for you and your baby. : This month is about sight, so spend a little time looking at the beauty around your, get out in nature, stop to look at flowers, enjoy some artwork, etc. : This month you can try new tastes, eat yummy food and enjoy anything that will stimulate your taste buds. (And hopefully, by now you're over the morning sickness stage to do this) : Spend more time listening to music that really moves you and makes you feel good. Listen to different Mantras, nature, birds, a river flowing, the ocean etc. : Spend more time this month smelling flowers, the fresh air, essential oils or anything that stimulates your sense of smell. : Enjoy touching more often this month. Feel the texture in plants, fabrics, etc. Touch people around and if you have pets, don't forget to pat them, even more, this month. Much love, xx Laura
14.01.2022 I share a bit about hard times, but on the flip side, this is us. So far things have gotten easier and not harder as so many people said it would. Maybe cause it was so hard in that first year nothing could be harder or maybe it's that I'm becoming more confident as a mama or finding more acceptance? I don't know, but I'm glad I survived a time I thought I never could. It's not to say every moment or day is easy, any mama knows that's not reality, but we definitely have more ...days that flow than not now. I think part of the struggle can be that it's hard to see the joy around you when you're deep in the thick of it. Lately, I've been paying more attention and reflecting back on how beautiful it is and has been. I've also had some beautiful women around me to remind me of this. There is always joy around us, we just have to jump out of unhealthy thoughts to see it sometimes. Taking time to slow down and see the beauty that is there can help you to cope better. I remember so clearly that first year and how I was unable to see joy most days, but when I look back on photos I'm reminded time and time again how much joy there actually was so now I'm making a point of reminding myself see the joy around me, especially on the hardest mothering days. If you're in the thick of it, just know you've got this and don't be afraid to ask for help, even a simple conversation with the right person can be enough to help lighten the load. And enjoy looking back on photos, I'm sure you'll find enough beautiful moments captured to warm your heart and put a smile on your face. Much love, xx Laura @stephlipson_doula_photographer
13.01.2022 Some great tips here for New Mama's navigating their way through postpartum during a lockdown.
12.01.2022 We had such a beautiful circle on Wednesday, thank you to all who came. We ended the circle by sharing a word each that represented how we felt - Peacefulness, acceptance, free, content and I feel that really summed up the circle we had perfectly. Some great suggestions on the day on how to cope with all that's going on - Bring more pleasure/play into your life, dance and let go, get down to your kid's level and enjoy being a kid, get out in nature, ground yourself by or just touching the earth. If you'd like to join us on Wednesday please book in via the booking link and I'll send you a Zoom link, otherwise contact me directly. Much love, xx Laura Oh and Joelle from Wellness for Womben is co-hosting Raise Your Vibe a 20-minute online dance party at 9am on Wednesdays which is a perfect way to get moving before joining this circle. Let me know if you want more details.
12.01.2022 If you want to know what my clients think of my postpartum work, here are some beautiful words from Shani who was the first mama I supported after having Sol. I'm still here for postpartum support so if you feel called to receive my support, book in for a FREE Zoom discovery call where we can chat about your needs and you can get a better feel for me. If you're not feeling comfortable to have me in your home right now, I also offer Postpartum Planning Sessions via Zoom which a great way to prepare for your fourth trimester whilst you're still pregnant. Much love, xx Laura
11.01.2022 We had such a beautiful heartfelt circle on Wednesday. These are the words we each shared at the end to describe how we felt - Warm, Comfortable, Empathetic love, Release, Harmony, Gratitude, Nourish, Peace and Heard. I think that summed up the circle we had perfectly. We spoke a little about how to calm the nervous system and how to get some time for yourself whilst mothering during a lockdown and I thought to share a few of the suggestions for any mama's reading this: - breath to work through things that come up - Give yourself a deep tissue massage - Give yourself a massage using warm oils before a shower or bath - Enjoy shower or bath time alone - Magnesium Baths - Use essential oils - Try to cook dinner without the kids when possible - Get your groove on and dance - Enjoy music when you can and play calming music before bed - Ho'oponopono (can listen in the background or meditate to it) - Honour your heart and hold your family in your heart when needed - Get outsideNourish and nurture yourself - Be present and connected If you'd like to join us next circle then please book in via the event page. Much love, xx Laura
09.01.2022 Hi all, I will still be working at Ranges Integrative Health in Selby on Saturdays. Please check out the information below to get a better understanding of how we will be keeping everyone safe during this time. I'll share a little more about this soon. For now, please know that as an Ayurvedic Practitioner & Postpartum Doula I am classified as essential by both of my associations. ... Much love, xx Laura
03.01.2022 Unfortunately I won't be able to see you in Warburton for the time being but you can still see me in Selby, in-home for Postpartum Doula Support and online for Ayurvedic Consultations & Postpartum Planning Sessions. Look forward to seeing you again soon in the beautiful Ruby Room at The Diamond Light.
02.01.2022 I'm sure if you're a mum you've had many moments where people have questioned your choices or you've been subjected to judgements, opinions or pressure? It's like every choice is questioned at some stage. Whether you breastfeed or not, co-sleep or not, sleep train or not, go back to work or stay home, what you let your kids eat, how you parent them, dress them, their bedtime, if you let them watch screens or not, the list goes on. And with these questions often comes the unso...licited advice which can make you feel uncertain or guilty about your choices. If you're a mum whos experienced mental health issues such as postnatal depression or anxiety you may feel shame or guilt come up because of the stigma around it so you may decide to not reach out for help. Pressure can be put on you to get on with it and cope when all you really need is to be able to talk, feel validated and receive the right support to help you through it. And if you're a mum whose childs rolling, crawling, walking or speech is delayed and so on, you may receive judgements or feel like you're doing something wrong because well you know, we should all have perfect kids who develop by the standards set right?!! If you're a mum reading this then know you're doing the best you can and that's all that matters... If the people around you don't get you then find a tribe who does... There is nothing wrong with having mental health issues come up postpartum so please seek help if you need it... You can change the paradigm for the mums who follow by changing how you act towards others... Let go of the judgements and support and respect each mum you know or encounter... She's just like you, trying to do her best... I'm sharing this because I continue to meet mums who experience many of the things mentioned above and I see what implications it has on them. So please share your stories, share your truths, bring about more awareness and let's change the paradigm together!! Much love, xx Laura @stephlipson_doula_photographer
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