Sahara Valastro | Health/beauty
Sahara Valastro
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24.01.2022 Dear Beauties, I see you working on yourself, taking care of your family and shining your love and light on this world. Thank you for taking care of the kids, your partner, the household and everyone else; please don’t forget to take care of yourself. Today and every day let us celebrate what a gift it is to be a woman by embracing all that makes us woman: The light, the shadows, the raw and the wild.... May we continue to accept and love ourselves and others, so we can use our potent magic to heal ourselves, others and the world
21.01.2022 Mindless eating affects your health, intelligence & experience of life
21.01.2022 Journaling helps us to create the story of our lives by tapping into our subconscious mind
18.01.2022 The Virgo super full moon taking place in Pieces season is preparing us for a new chapter and a new cycle as we approach the new astrological year beginning on the Equinox later this month. Full moons have a culminating and strong manifestational energy. It is time to reap the seeds we sowed in the last new moon. Reflect back on your intentions, are they coming into fruition? If not, can you see what is holding you back? Full moons illuminate the things that are no longer ser...ving our soul's purpose, our expansion, and are getting in the way of creating a life in alignment with our true essence. Being in the sign of Virgo, this full moon reminds us to take care of ourselves by engaging in healthy eating, moving, meditation and other self-care practices. It also seeks to remind us that we all have the ability to heal ourselves and each other. This Virgo full moon will help to lift the fog that has blinded us in knowing how to navigate this new cycle. It is a highly intuitive time, so make sure you use this intuitive potency wisely by slowing down, meditating, paying attention to your dreams and journaling. These practices will prime you to be in the receptive mode for any messages to come through. Being in the watery sign of Pieces, this full moon will likely be an emotional one. The moon's energy will beckon us to connect with the spiritual/energetic aspects of ourselves. Virgo full moon marks the end of mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde is a time when the past comes back for further understanding, lessons to be learned, and healing. As uncomfortable as it can be, sometimes we need to look back before we can move forward. Mercury retrograde gets a bad rap, however, it bestows upon us the gift of reflection, healing past wounds and clearing old obstacles so we can move forward into calmer and more joyful times as we accept and make peace with our past. Next time mercury retrograde swings around try to embrace the healing medicine it provides to help you rid yourself of baggage so you can move forward on your path with grace and joy. Virgo full moon is at its fullest tonight in the wee hours of the morning (Bali time). How can you harness the energies of this full moon? Attend a full moon circle, practice conscious yoga, meditate, journal, do a manifestation ritual with crystals. This is not a time to make major decisions or start something new, the best time for that is in new moon energy. It is also not a time to distract and overwork yourself. Slow down during this full moon and pay attention to the whisperings of your heart. Namaste
16.01.2022 Do you focus on best-case or worse case scenarios? Most humans focus on worse case scenarios in an effort to prevent that deeply painful feeling of disappointment. I mean this is powerful stuff. I know I have avoided connection because I have been so deeply disappointed and hurt by past connections. We have all experienced painful disappointments, whether that shows up as rejection, not having our needs met, or being told no. These disappointments have stopped us from going f...or jobs we want, starting a business or following our dreams. We are so afraid to have a deep desire that won't be met. Right now we are being called to be the light for ourselves, others and the planet. Right now we are being asked to have incredible faith at a time of intense fear and unknowing. Who knows what will happen? There just might be a big blessing or two in store for us on the other side of all of this. Some of us will start businesses we’ve only dreamed of starting but needed a big kick up the butt to make it happen. Some of us will reach out to loved ones we have not connected with for years, as we humble and see that disagreements feel petty in comparison to the disconnection we now feel. Some of us will go within and remember what ignited our fire and realise that we weren’t even living, before this downtime. Others will full in love with their partners all over again. And some of us will be so much more grateful for the simple things like freedom, health, connections, and nature. You get to experience this time in history however you like. Like many I have experienced the hard to feel emotions: fear, grief, sadness, anger, frustration, and loneliness as I navigate this crazy time; from making the big decision on whether I stay in Bali, to not having food as I wasn’t told lockdown was happening, to being alone in a small space. I continue to go through the waves, they are making me stronger and reminding me what’s truly important. A fire is igniting inside of me that is full of hope and excitement for what is to come. We get to choose what we focus on and I'm choosing best-case scenarios. (Continued in comments)
15.01.2022 Now more than ever I am mindful of what I’m focused on and where my energy is flowing. Now more than ever I am not allowing myself to be completely consumed by the highly negative-biased media. Now more than ever I am looking within just as God/Universe/Mumma nature is asking, to see where I am out of integrity with myself, others and our planet.... Now more than ever I am using this time to be reminded of the most important things to me (love, connection, health, our earth, purpose). Now more than ever I am sending love to every living thing on this planet. Now more than ever I am using this time to wake up!
15.01.2022 Are Endocrine Disruptors affecting your cycle? Is your menstrual cycle irregular? Do you experience pain, bloating, heavy periods and other symptoms relating to your lady bits? Do you hold the belief that you are meant to suffer because ‘as women our lady bits are complex; pain and discomfort is a given’? I’m here to say you don’t have to suffer.. you can experience painless cycles. There are many ways we can reduce menstrual-related pain and symptoms. One way is becoming of endocrine disruptors. Endocrine disruptors interfere with our hormones causing a myriad of health problems. You can find these in plastics, personal care products and household cleaning products to name but a few. To learn more about Endocrine disruptors register for my Happy Hormones 3-Day Challenge
14.01.2022 Do you feel you are being your best self? Living your most luscious life? This is how I moved from Lost to Luscious...
13.01.2022 Less fear and chaos, and more peace, acceptance & trust
13.01.2022 Don’t forget your body fights for your survival every single day. It loves you. Treat it kindly with love, good health, rest and trust it’ll do it’s job.
03.01.2022 A sluggish liver causes hormonal imbalances. Do you experience problem skin, stubborn weight, mood swings, low energy, sleep issues, low libido or reproductive conditions? Did you know your sluggish liver could be throwing your hormones out of balance?... If you resonate with these symptoms make sure you sign up for my Happy Hormones 3-Day Challenge where you will find out if hormones are the cause of your symptoms and how you can rebalance them and start feeling good again. Registration link in bio. . . @emilieblancphotography