Saidie Creative in Sydney, Australia | Photographer
Saidie Creative
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Address: Silverwater 2128 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1600
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25.01.2022 She said yes (6/6) #shesaidyes #Georgedidgood #nicolefoundherfeet #thiswasafunone #proposal #cuties #canwedoitagain
25.01.2022 Wonder who this could be for ? (1/6) #thisringsbeenaroundtheworldandback #notkidding #legitwentmissing #proposalwasrescheduled #youreluckyyouwereworththewaitmate
23.01.2022 Such a pretty box you got there (1/6)
23.01.2022 That time Jason Momoa looked at me (1/3) #jasonmomoa #lookedatme #keptmycool #notreally
22.01.2022 Ok he found something more interesting to look at... himself (3/3) #jasonmomoa #saidiecreative #photographer
22.01.2022 ok so I went to the car to get my tripod, So Father John asked Michelle to open the doors for more light.... (3/6) #shealmostfainted #imnotevenkidding shealmostfainted #michellewentpale #herbodywentlimp #herEyesturnedblack #herlipswerewhite #nomorerosycheeks #poorEliefroze #ialmostcalledtheambulance #Eliewentcloserincaseshefell #luckythishappenedinchurch #divineinterventionheldherbodyup #diagnosedmyselfwithhighbloodpressure #reckonsheknew?
22.01.2022 Congrats Clare & John (6/6) #congratsguys! #engaged #cuties #proposal #johnstopsweating #smasheditJohn #butclaredidyouknow? #forgotmystandathome #butjohnsmumheldmylightforthephoto #thanksaunty #finishedshooting #packedmystuff #forgotaboutjohnsmum #foundher10minuteslater #stillholdingthelightintherightspot #mybadaunty #mabrook #twasagreatnight
22.01.2022 He asked (4/6) #proposal #couple #saidiecreative #saidiecreativestories #surprise #ladyintheback #peekaboo
20.01.2022 Clare said yes (5/6) #cuties #congrats #proposal #engaged #butummm... #jacketsdidntgowiththecolourscheme #sozguys #beautyispain #pleasedontgetpneumonia
19.01.2022 She had no idea even when she saw her name... (3/6) #johnokeepinghiscool #alanastillconfused
19.01.2022 Bonjour Elie (1/6) #whatyadointhereElie? #crashingawedding? #justchillin? #waitingforamate? #cleaningthosepetals? #hopeyoubroughtabroom
19.01.2022 He asked (4/6) #heasked #finallyasked #shedidntreact #hewaited #shethoughthewaskidding #helaughed #itfinallyhither #ithinkshehithim #afewtimes #shesawme #shesaidhitome #Andrewwasstillwaiting #stillwonderingifmernawascold #stilllookingformyumbrella
19.01.2022 James and Andrea
19.01.2022 They had an audience (5/6) #sisters #emotional #hecried #shecried #theyallcried #bestkindofaudience
18.01.2022 They pretended for 2 weeks that the front door stopped working, so Clare came through the back (3/6) #Iaskedsomeonetosignalwhenshearrived #awavewoulddo #ididntneeditafterall #clarescreamed #ichokedongum #johnlaughed #deafenedbyhersqueal #inacutewayofcourse #sheaskedtogotoiletbeforeshecamein #Johnsaidno #truestory #howmanyyearstodigestgumagain?
18.01.2022 Stumbled across this little set up over the weekend... (1/6)
18.01.2022 He asked (4/6) #proposal #heasked #ithinkshelostfeelinginherlegs #soznicole #cuties #toldyouthiswasacuteone
14.01.2022 She said yes (5/6) #cuties #proposal #happy #engaged #fiance #shesaidyes #thosewerethestairsialmostfellon #twice
14.01.2022 Dads little man (6/6) #candid #nooneelseinsight #littleman #saidiecreative #photography
12.01.2022 Partners in crime (2/3)
12.01.2022 John over here couldn’t stop pacing (2/6) #superanxious #wantedittogosmoothly #heplannedthisoneforawhile #keptwipingthefloorwithatowel #stilldontknowwhy #habibirelax #eatsomething #makesyoufeelbetter
12.01.2022 Meanwhile... inside Michelle thinks shes filming a social distancing skit #thanksCorona Fun fact- on arrival, Loulou almost hit me with her car. Michelles reaction dont hit Saidie I need her for my proposal (2/6) #ranformylife #notreally #idontknowhowtorun #actuallyrolledawayinstead #livedtotellthetale #backtoMichelle #poorgirlhasnoidea #theiractingwasonpoint #fightinginchurch #sistergoals #toldEliewewouldonlybeaminute #welied #imstilllaughingatmerolling
11.01.2022 John asked (4/6) #clarecried #johnwasstilllaughing #heasked #shesquealedsomething #noideawhatshesaid #butsheputherhandout #wasthatayesClare?
09.01.2022 Bestfriends (1/3)
09.01.2022 When the girls had the best smiles (3/3)
09.01.2022 Congrats Johno and Alana! (6/6) #crashedaweddingtotakethispic #bridewasintheway #sorrynotsorry #proposal #congrats #saidiecreative #saidiecreativestories #thatsawrap #butihaveheapsmorepics #lotsofcuteones #theworldwillneverknow
08.01.2022 Congrats Andrew and Merna! (6/6) #congratsguys! #engaged #cuties #happy #fiance #mernacouldntstopsmiling #andrewremmeberedhowtobreathe #hashtagskeepgettinglonger #okimdone #contactmeifyoufindmyumbrella
08.01.2022 Ok there were 2 of him looking at me (2/3) #jasonmomoa
08.01.2022 She started to cry. (4/6) #sheshowedsignsoflife #happytears #elieheldherup #heevenhadatissueready #thisiswheretheymet #thoseicons #whataspot #ambulancestillonhold #ya3ni #justincase
07.01.2022 The wait was over... (3/6) #waitwasover #proposal #whathappensnext #staytuned #nextoneiscute
06.01.2022 Stalking- starting to think its my best quality Had to plan where to stand, at what time, in between the right bushes with no chance of being seen, hoping I was high enough for merna to need her glasses to see me (2/6) #wasshewearingcontacts #wasihighenough #iwasrunninglikeareallyweirdpenguin #mernaenjoyingtheview #mylegswerecoldforher #andrewjustbeingchill
06.01.2022 She said yes (6/6) #shesaidyes #Michellewasoverthemoon #Eliecouldntstopsmiling #michelleneedsabloodtest #reallywishwefinishedrecordingthatskit #congratsguys ! #merolling <#ifyouknowyouknow
06.01.2022 John over here couldnt stop pacing (2/6) #superanxious #wantedittogosmoothly #heplannedthisoneforawhile #keptwipingthefloorwithatowel #stilldontknowwhy #habibirelax #eatsomething #makesyoufeelbetter
05.01.2022 She recovered... he asked (5/6) #heasked #michellelostfeelinginherlegs #shefelldownwheneliepulledoutthering #shecouldntstandup #hemadeher #shecouldnt #hewaited #shefinallydid #illneverbecomeaparamedic #michelleyougood??
05.01.2022 They strode through the path on Timmy and Billy (yes I made up the horses names). And needed a chance to stretch their legs... (2/6) #timmy&billy #horses #cuties #therewerespiders #thetreemadefunnynoises #abugalmostateme #akookaburrawasstaringatme #thenisteppedinhorsepoo #yeah #seriously #staytuned #saidiecreative #saidiecreativestories #staytuned
05.01.2022 Watching the guys anxiously wait is probably the most fun (2/6) #watching #waiting #funforme #notforthem
05.01.2022 Roses, Fairy lights & Candles. Oh the curiosity (1/6) #roses #fairylights #candles #firehazard
05.01.2022 She said yes (5/6) #engaged #proposal #cuties #congrats #fiance #saidiecreative #saidiecreativestories
03.01.2022 Ok so the plan was Andrew will hold Mernas attention just long enough for me to run down the stairs and be right behind them for the moment. I was ready for about 14 and a half minutes before Andrew remembered what he was there for praying Merna wouldnt turn around. (3/6) #toobusylookingattheview #Andrewforgotwhatwashappening #wakeywakeyAndrew #almostfelldownthestairs #thanksrain #mernaneededlayers #mernacouldnthearmeclicking #wavinglikeapsycho #couldntgethisattention #imaginesheturnedaround #wouldvebeenafirst #mylegscrampedwhilekneeling #someonestolemyumbrella
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