Saint Andrew's Uniting Church in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Church
Saint Andrew's Uniting Church
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3221 2400
Address: Corner of Creek and Ann Street 4000 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hopefully the sermon from Sunday will be up this evening, Im having a few technical difficulties!
25.01.2022 Prayers for the Day 17/08/20 To you we give our thanks,... To you we offer deep gratitude, To you we give our lives, For you are God. We offer all we are to you, We come wounded, scarred, yet willing. We come bringing all we are, We come broken, needy, yet willing. We come to you, We fall to our knees, We reach out. Take us in your embrace, Hold us close, Fill us with love, And send us out, To take your love into the world, To welcome all, To offer a glimpse of your kingdom. Amen 18/08/20 The noise of the city, The noise within our homes, The noise on the streets, The noise.. Our ears are attuned to the chaos of the world, We call it white noise, We have trained our ears to hear what is of the world. Come Holy Spirit, Teach us to listen, Teach us to tune into the silence, Teach us to listen for the voice of God. Let us hear the words of compassion, The words of truth, The words of love. God of freedom, Set us free from the noise of the world, Draw us to the sounds of the kingdom, The sounds of peace, justice and love. Set your words upon our hearts, Upon our lips, Turn them to actions that flow from our hands, Reaching out to the world. Amen
25.01.2022 Here is the link to Sunday's sermon on Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus Walks on Water.
24.01.2022 Prayer for the Day - as we stand on the edge of Spring, the season of new life and restoration, let us consider the gift of the earth. Blessed are you Creator God As we arise this morning may we make time to offer you our gratitude. As we place our feet on the ground, remind us that we stand on holy ground,... And that you are the Ground of all being. On this new day Bless the soil of our souls, Be the spring of living water that drenches and refreshes, Sow with in us seeds of compassion and love. Send your Spirit upon us, May she bring with her blessings of the earth, A reminder of our call to care. May the call to care for creation be renewed deep within, So, that like the bud of a new plant, a new, deep desire rises within us to step up and speak out. May your Spirit touch our lips with the words we need to call for justice, For your earth and all that you have created. Amen
24.01.2022 Prayer for the Day 19/08/20 God of love and grace... The cries of your people continue, Desperate for an end to the pandemic, For an end to restrictions, For life in its fullness to return. Guide us, O God, Guide us to see the small mercies and blessings in these uncertain times. Let us express gratitude when rain falls, Let us express gratitude for a new day, Let us express gratitude for the people who share in our lives. God you offer life in all fullness, Even as we travel through these dark times, In you is life, In you is love. Amen 20/08/20 Elohim, El Shaddai, YHWH, I Am, Many are your names. We try so hard to capture you, To hold you in one form, To create you in our image. Set our imaginations free, Kindle the flame of creativity within us, Open our eyes to see that you are: Bread, Water, Fire, Creator, Open our ears to hear your presence in the; Wind, Birdsong, Voice of the other, Silence. Remind us each day that you are present in so many ways, Remind us that you are the source of life, Remind us that you are Love. Amen
24.01.2022 A little late but here is the link to Sunday 6th September Sermon
23.01.2022 Exodus 3:1-15, Standing on Holy Ground, the mission field of God.
22.01.2022 Sunday's Sermon, thank you Katelyn!
21.01.2022 Hopefully the sermon from Sunday will be up this evening, I'm having a few technical difficulties!
19.01.2022 Sunday's Sermon - Thank you Katelyn for recording
19.01.2022 Prayer for the Day I have a dream These words we know, But do we still dream of a new world?... Do we dream of a place where bread is shared rather than bullets being sprayed? Do we dream of a world where the oceans, rivers and streams no longer choke? Do we dream of a world where fauna can live without fear? Do we a dream of a world where humanity lives in peace, standing together, respecting the dignity of each other? God of Dreams Visit us once more, Give to us dreams and visions of a world filled with love, A world filled with peace and compassion, A world filled with respect for the whole of creation, A world that resembles your kingdom. Amen
18.01.2022 Prayer for the Day Praise be to you Holy Love, For your love is uncontainable, Unable to be held captive, but free to all.... We come to you, Broken vessels in a broken world, We call on you for healing grace, Come Love, for in you we are made whole. The scars that we bear seem unsightly, But each has a story to tell of the path we have traveled. Be the balm that brings peace to our wounds, Be the love that helps us embrace the scars we carry. Christ walked the road of costly love, He bore scars inflicted through fear and hate. Yet his voice continues to call to your people, Come follow be fearless and love.
17.01.2022 Prayer for the Day Blessed be you Holy Boundary Breaker, For you break through the hardness in the world, You break through barriers that divide,... Barriers that cause harm and distress. In you there is balance, Ebb and flow, In you all are equal, All are welcome. You delight in the uniqueness of the whole of creation, The diversity of your creation reveals your divine creativity. So why do we create barriers to divide? Why can we not see that equality is important? Send your Spirit, Woman Wisdom, upon your creation afresh, May she open our eyes to see as you do, To see the beauty that lies in all, To see the gifts and opportunities that difference can bring. May she restore in us a desire for equality, For then we can be free to be people of Love.
16.01.2022 Sunday's Sermon Matthew 18:21 - 35
15.01.2022 Sermon from 8 November
15.01.2022 Prayers for the day 23/08/20 The blue skies,... The cool breeze, The bright shining sun, Winter is nearing an end, The days becoming longer, Yet we focus on the clouds. God touch our hearts, Warm our souls so that the warmth radiates our to all who we meet. God touch our lips, May words of wisdom, kindness and love flow from our mouths. God hold our hands, Lead us into the dance of the universe, where the rhythm is vibrant and full of life. Lead us forward with strength and hopefulness, Lead us in peace, free from anxiety, Lead us to you, to Love. Amen 24/08/20 Blessed be you, Majesty of the moment, For you meet us in the moments of life, the moments of; Joy and Grief, Healing and Suffering, Peace and Conflict. You call to us in the silence and in the chaos, You are beside us in the stillness and the busyness, For you are ever present. May we be reminded that like the delicate silk of a spiders web, Each person of the world is connected to you and one another. Our connection is often fragile, the risk of disconnection is real, And so we call upon your Spirit; come among us, weave together all the moments of experience; Strengthen the fragile silk with your love. May the Web of life be transformed into a tapestry of life, Capturing the moments of your people, Holding together the tension of life with threads that cannot be broken. Amen 25/08/20 Life is so fragile, Nothing is truly permanent. We guard our possessions, We look for the next step up. We often forget, that life is so fragile. People are grieving, suffering in pain, People are faced with the fragility of life, Yet the world continues, Holding on to the ephemeral, the unimportant. Open our eyes and our hearts, Let us see with freshness that the only certainty is You, O God. Let us dare to let go and live life, Live life in a way that reflects your love for your creation. Let us acknowledge that life as we know it is fragile, Yet life with you is permanent and secure. For you are Love and you are the Source of Life. Grant us the compassion to meet the grieving and the suffering, To journey alongside those who face the fragility of life. May we weep with those who weep, Laugh with those who laugh, May we be the hands, heart, feet and voice of Christ in the world. Amen
14.01.2022 7 Days of Prayer - it's been busy as we have prepared to return to church, the daily prayers have been less than daily, so here are 7 prayers I have written, may the words challenge and bless you 28/07/20 Generous God...Continue reading
13.01.2022 3 Days of Prayers - beginning to catch up, peace be with you 11/08/20 God of the Universe, As the world turns,... The sun continues to rise and fall, Each day bringing new opportunities and new experiences. At this time there are so many who perhaps wish that we could stand still, If just for a moment. Its so hard to taste the bitter sweet of the world, If just for a moment, We could stop to catch our breath, If just for a moment, We could compose ourself for what lies ahead. The world continues to turn, The sun continues to rise and fall, Each day is filled with you, O God, Our very source and breath of life. If just for a moment, Let us embrace your presence. Amen 12/08/20 Divine Disturber There are so many challenges, So much injustice, So many cries, We feel our hearts are at risk of breaking, The burden is heavy. We want our comfort, our peace, our joy! You call us to the hard places in life, You call us to speak up and speak out, You call us to stand in solidarity with the poor and the vulnerable, You nudge us out of our comfort zone, You disturb us in so many ways! Send your Spirit to wrap around us, To remind us that you may disturb us, but you also comfort us, You fill our hearts with love so that they are not so fragile. Blessed be you Holy Love, For you are the strength that carries us through. Amen 13/08/20 Holy Midwife You gave birth to creation, Your breathed life into the world, You declared it good. The world is pregnant with possibility, with opportunity, Yet also contractions of pain and suffering. Each contraction takes away our breath, We wonder when it will pass. Holy Midwife, Send your Spirit of New Life upon us, May she reach out and touch our lives with just a moment of relief. In that moment may we glimpse the possibilities, Giving us the strength to endure the next labour pang that will come. Grant us visions of the new, Let us dream dreams of the kingdom, Let us give thanks that we are called on the birthing journey, Amen
13.01.2022 PRAYERS FOR THE DAYS 12/09/20 God in Community... We venture into the city, Our eyes opened to the plight of those who call the street their home. Each has a story, Is there anyone to listen? Its so easy to pass by the people, To turn our heads, To look down at the path and walk on, Maybe we will offer some money, maybe not! Open our eyes, our ears and our hearts, Send your Spirit to fill us with compassion. Let us hear her calm voice as she calls; stop and listen to the story, Stop and see with new eyes, your sibling in Christ, Look up, and meet Christ. Amen 13/09/20 Your heartbeat is the rhythm of life, Your heartbeat calls us together, Your heartbeat is the dance of the universe. Let us step out into the dance, Let us embrace one another, Engaging with the heartbeat of God, For in this rhythm is peace and compassion, Justice and mercy, This rhythm is God, this rhythm is Love And we are invited to join. Amen 14/09/20 Holy Love You call your people to care for the poor and the vulnerable, To welcome the stranger and the refugee, And so we cry out to you Holy Love We call out as our government continues to punish those seeking safety, We call out as we witness the injustice and cruelty We raise our voices, but God we grow weary, The hearts of our policy makers grow increasingly harder. We hear the voices in power, The decisions that continue to harm, The decisions that force people into poverty and despair. When will it stop? When will their hearts begin to soften? When will they see your face looking at them? Holy Love, Send your Spirit, May her wisdom inform those who make decisions and policy, May her love infuse the coldness of their hearts, May the poor, the vulnerable, the refugee be welcomed and embraced. Strengthen us to continue calling out for change, To break down the barriers that divide. Amen
12.01.2022 Prayer for the Day O God, we seek your face, We seek your presence, Where will we find you?... All we hear is silence, We wonder are you with us always? We wonder how can we know you are with us? Where will we find you? Let us fall silent, Let us listen for the Spirit, For she will reveal where God is In the homeless on the street In the person seeking asylum, In the refugee, In person with a disability, In the prison cell, In the person struggling with addiction In the person with HIV In the person who is lonely In the person who is hungry In the person who is thirsty In the person who is a sex worker God is in all people we see. Open our eyes, Open our hearts God is present in all.
12.01.2022 Here is the link to Sundays sermon on Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus Walks on Water.
11.01.2022 Prayers for the Day 28/08/20 Another black man is shot,... The police take aim and fire, The community cries out, Black Lives Matter. This is the time, People of the black communities need to lift their voices, Their oppression and suffering needs to be heard. Families torn apart and destroyed, Why God? Why? God bring peace to the lives of our black brothers and sisters, Bring equity and justice with mercy and love. Let your Spirit of Love reign, Amen. 29/08/20 Healing God Look upon our bruised souls with your gentle gaze, Restore our spirits, Give us new hope. We long for your peace to rest upon the world, For your Spirit of Shalom to come. We long to see then end of suffering, For the end of war and conflict. Hear the cries of your people, Send your Spirit of Comfort to flow through the pain, To gather up the hurt and bring healing. We pray this in the name of the wounded healer, Amen 30/08/20 Chaos is reigning in cities, Fear and anxiety is taking over, Mass protests against mask wearing, Denial of the pandemic. People are tired, frustrated, Spirits are unraveling, COVID continues to wreak havoc among the world, Its darkness dims the light, as it robs people of family members and friends, Its reign seems unstoppable. We so often prefer ignorance to truth, If we deny the pandemic then its not real! God send your Spirit of Truth, Touch the lives of all peoples, Unite us against disease and destruction, Call us to work together, To be the light that breaks through the darkness. This too will pass, But until it does, be our strength, our comfort. Amen.
10.01.2022 Sermon from 23rd August now available.
09.01.2022 Prayer for the Day Blessed be you, Giver of Life, We give thanks for you are Creator of all.... Create in us this day hearts of gratitude, That we may see: The gifts of another, The blessings of our day, The awe and wonder of your world. We rejoice in the beautiful diversity that surrounds us, Create within in us hearts full of praise, In diversity is uniqueness, And this is your gift, A reminder that you are not captive but free to create. Let us look on in awe, With hearts full of love, Giving thanks always for each different soul and the stories they bring. Amen
09.01.2022 Sundays Sermon - Thank you Katelyn for recording
08.01.2022 Prayer for the Day Praise be to you Sacred Architect, Your creation built with holy design, The whole of creation bearing the imprint of your touch,... Diversity and creativity beyond your imagination. The whole earth lives under the firmament of the sky, We walk upon the sacred ground of your creation. The waters surround us in a womb like rhythm, The ebb and flow, the heartbeat of the world. You are our shelter and our comfort, You provide nourishment for the soul. You are the air, our very source of life, You are the Love in the world. Come Sophia, Bring awareness to all peoples of the sacred land upon which we travel, Guide our feet as we walk, our hands as we work, our mouths as we speak, Fill our hearts with a sense of wonder, Let us welcome the mystery, Let us desire to live peaceably in the world. Amen
07.01.2022 Prayer for the Day Dancer of the Universe You dance through creation, Free to be,... Calling your people; ‘Come dance with me!’ The dance that we enter, brings challenges to all, The challenge to stand with those who cannot stand, The challenge to be the voice of the voiceless, The challenge to call for justice and peace for the whole of creation. The dance that we enter, is the way of new life; A dance of Wisdom, A dance of Truth, A dance of Prophecy A dance of Love A dance that welcomes us all. Not for the faint-hearted, The dance that we join, Is the dance of discipleship, Christ calls us on.
06.01.2022 May you each encounter the Holy as you engage with the Prayers for the day(s) 03/09/20 Blessed be you Holy Wisdom... The bright colours of your life Fill our world, A gift to the whole of humanity. You give the gift of your Spirit to creation, She brings with her your truth and wisdom, Yet in the frailty of our humanity We so often think we know best. Open our ears, eyes and hearts to your wisdom once more, Let us see the bright colours of your life anew, Let our hearts be filled with joy, Let us receive the gift you offer to each of us. Holy Wisdom Holy Love Hear our prayer. 04/09/20 Divine Love When will we recognise the true power of the love that you offer, The truth that you are indeed Love, When will we embrace the powerful truth that nothing can seperate us from You? Nurture our bruised souls, Call us into harmony with the heartbeat of creation, Remind us that your love and truth sets us free, Teach us, O Love, the dance of the universes. As your Spirit connects us to You and one another, May she whisper words of Your love in our hearts. Let us receive, O Love, your gift of life, Let us learn to live and be free. 05/09/20 Praise be to you, O Sacred One, We welcome your embrace and your love, You call us to trust in Your Spirit, You call us, my children be free. You are the Light that leads us to fullness, The call to step out in to the newness of being, You are the Warmth that wraps around us, When the cool spring breeze passes through. O Sacred One Gather us in your arms, Call us to hear the rhythm That calls us to fullness in life. 06/09/20 Let us fall silent Let us enter the stillness We call upon you, Companion of the Journey, You know the place we are at, You know the path we need to take, You know our fears and our thoughts, Take our hands and lead us. Our feet tremble as we take a step on to a path that is new, Our hands quiver as we grapple with unfamiliar things, Our hearts skip a beat, not knowing what lies ahead. Guide our feet Companion, Steady our hands, Be the hands that embrace our hearts, Prepare us for new possibilities, Bless us with hope for the future, May we flourish as people of the Way. 07/09/20 Ancient One How can we begin to imagine You? Our minds so finite, You so infinite. Your Presence, Love and Wisdom have guided people of all ages past. You are the giver of visions and dreams, You meet your people in the most surprising ways, You bless all of creation with your Holy Care, Why then so we so often fail to see? Set our hearts and eyes free from the short-sightedness, That keeps us from seeing your eternal Presence. Send your Spirit to release us, Call us again to encounter the ancient dreams.
06.01.2022 Prayers for the Day 21/08/20 Are you there God?... Its your people again, We traverse this life certain that we have things sorted. We stumble around in the dark looking for you, When we cant find you we resolve matters ourselves, Are you there God? Then there are the moments, The anaesthetic fog of life begins to lift, An opportunity for each of us to get a glimpse of the Holy, that is You. Send your Spirit upon us, Let her call us to silence, May she open our ears to hear the words of Christ, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Let us embrace the moments where the Holy is glimpsed, Let us always hold on to the promises of Christ, May we be strengthened in the knowledge that You are always with us, That we are never alone, In the name of the One who walked the path of suffering, Amen 22/08/20 Blessed be you, Holy Compassion For weeks our brothers and sisters in Victoria and Sydney have lived under the dense dark clouds of COVID as it weaves through communities. Today God the cloud seems to have descended upon the people of Queensland. Fear has been sparked, Anxieties increased, What will happen? Let your compassion and care rest on your people, here in Australia and around the world, We all wander and wonder, Will it end, will we have to learn how to live with? May your compassion weave among the people of the world, Like a soothing balm, may your compassion bring some peace. Calm the fears of the people, Grant us the wisdom we need, Let your love wash over like the waters of new life. Amen
05.01.2022 We’ve been preparing the nativity figures for advent!
05.01.2022 Sermon Sunday 15 November. Can the man who returns as a harsh master really be God? is there another way to read the Parable of the Talents?
05.01.2022 Sundays Sermon Matthew 18:21 - 35
04.01.2022 A Prayer for Yesterday 11/09/20 Blessed are you who are grieving... Blessed are you who are weeping Blessed are you who feel helpless Blessed are you who are suffering Blessed are you who are protesting Blessed are you who cannot turn away Blessed are you who are listening to the needs of others Blessed are you who are tending to the sick Blessed are you whos spirits are broken Blessed are you who can see no light Blessed are you who cry out for healing Blessed are you who are numb Blessed are you who work in the hospitals Blessed are you who answer calls on helplines Blessed are you who counsel Blessed are you who clean Blessed are you Sacred Mystery In love you weave through creation Blessed are you Wounded Healer In compassion you answer the call Blessed are you Woman Wisdom Let your words rest deep in our souls.
04.01.2022 Prayers for the Day 26/08/20 Star of our Hearts... You are the radiant light that shines through all darkness, You are the glistening of hope that shimmers in the distance, You are the promise of new life that sparks deep within. Darkness comes and goes, We find ourselves standing in the shadows of our lives, Our spirits depleted, The coolness of the winters night wraps around us. Send your Spirit of Consoling Love, May she replace the cool of the winter with the warmth of your love, May she replenish our spirits, Strengthening us to face the shadowy spaces. Star of our Hearts, Come shine in our lives, Provide us once more with the assurance of love, Remind us that the new day will dawn. Amen 27/08/20 Holy One As the sun rises, Her rays gently fall upon the land and the ocean, The light gently shimmers on the ocean and warms the land. So your love falls upon all people, Bringing light and warmth into our souls. You bring to us each new day, Each new opportunity, And beckon us to step out in faith, To take up the opportunities that lie before us, To engage in the work of your kingdom. You promise that you will be with us always, Yet our faith wains. Send your Spirit once more, May she touch our hearts and inspire us to work for truth, peace and justice. In Christ we pray Amen
04.01.2022 Happy Pride Month
04.01.2022 Prayers for the Day 01/09/20 The winter has been dark and cold,... Our hearts have grown weary with fear and anxiety, Our doors have been closed, Life as we know it has changed forever. Come Holy Midwife For Spring has arrived, Call us now from the womb of winter, Call us to break through the darkness. As we emerge into the season of new life and hope, Speak to our souls and awaken with in, Open our eyes and hearts to that which needs to be born within us, Call us to live deeply and fully, Let the buds of new life open bursting with the colours of spring. Let us rise up in joy, with hope of restoration, Let us receive your love, Let us embrace new life. 02/09/20 God of the desert places, You know the struggles of being alone, You know the temptations that lie on the dusty pathway of life, You know! As we travel in the messiness of the world, Its easy to feel alone. God send your Sacred Desert Spirit, Let her rest upon you peoples, May she guide us through moments of stillness and silence, Until we no longer fear those spaces in our lives. Call us to mindfulness, Let us release the distractions that keep us from You, Surrendering all we are to You. Let us fall silent, let us be still Draw our awareness to Your love..
03.01.2022 PRAYERS 15/09/20 Blessed be you Silent One... We welcome you within, We welcome your silence. As the silence settles within us, We become attuned to the beat of our hearts, We welcome the rising and sinking of our chests, We attend to our breath, Breath in, the divine breath of life, Breathe out, let go of all that keeps us bound. Blessed be you Silent One, Let us welcome your grace in and upon our lives, For the miracle of each day, We give thanks, For the miracle of your love, We offer praise. Let us be still, Let us empty our minds of distractions, And welcome the presence of God. 16/09/20 Praise be to you Holy Caller, Your call breaks into our lives, And speaks to our hearts, Come, come into my presence, I know you, I love you, you are mine. Let us stand on the edge of your call as you beckon us to come. Let us welcome you into our centre, Let us trust in your love as you call. Send your Holy Spirit, to guide us as we enter the day, Let her guide our hands to do the work of your will, Let her guide our feet to walk on the path of your call, Let her guide our eyes to see the needs around us, Let her guide our mouths so that we speak words of wisdom and love, Let her guide our hearts to You, Holly Caller, As we enter more deeply into you. Amen
03.01.2022 This week and for the month of September we will conclude the Sunday service with Shalom to you, here is a link to give you a heads up to the new
03.01.2022 Prayer for the Day Weaving God, In wisdom you wove together creation, Threads of colour come together,... Tapestries of trees, oceans, rolling hills reveal your glory. Your people woven together seamlessly, each of us unique and loved. Weaving God, Throughout the tapestry of life you continue to weave, The threads of your economy come together; Threads of: justice, Peace, Compassion, Mercy, Love, These threads revealing the fabric of your kingdom. Call us to continue the tapestry, Living together in community, Revealing the kingdom on earth as in heaven. Amen
03.01.2022 7 Days of Prayer - its been busy as we have prepared to return to church, the daily prayers have been less than daily, so here are 7 prayers I have written, may the words challenge and bless you 28/07/20 Generous God...Continue reading
03.01.2022 7 days of prayer - apologies for the gaps 04/08/20 Loving God,...Continue reading
03.01.2022 3 Days of prayer 14/08/20 Holy Manna You nourish us when we find ourselves in the wilderness,... Alone and longing to be filled, You are there. Living Water You quench our thirst when our souls are parched, Dry from the heat of life, You refresh us. Sacred Mystery, You bring us peace when our hearts are troubled, We cannot see you, But we know you are present. Love You surround us when all seems dark, You fill our hearts, You settle our souls. You are God, You are life, You are I am. 15/08/20 The rain gently falls upon the land, Nourishing your creation, Reviving parched places, Birdsong welcoming the living water. Clouds cover the sky, Yet the Suns light continues to break through. Blessed are you, Living Water, Like the rain, you pour out life and love upon creation. As dark clouds hang over your people, Your light cannot be overcome. Come Holy Spirit, Fill the heart of the people with hope, Rain in us, Pour out your heart of compassion, Bring us peace. In the name of Christ we pray. 16/08/20 Mother of Love, You gather your children in your arms, You cradle them with your comfort, You shelter them from harm. In moments of uncertainty, You whisper words of assurance, You wrap your love around then like a blanket, You hold them close. Mother of Love, We give thanks, For your embrace, Your tender care, Your comfort, Your love, And so truly your children say, Amen.
02.01.2022 Hopefully this works :)
01.01.2022 PRAYERS FOR THE DAY 09/09/20 Praise be to you Radiant One,... In the dawning of a new day, We are reminded of the light you bring into our lives. There has been so much darkness in the world, The shadow of COVID still lurks We grow weary, We see glimmers of light and then the shadow emerges once more. Glimmering God, Sustain us, May your light shine upon us, Warming our souls, Renewing our energy, Bringing us peace. Amen 10/09/20 Wisdom of Ages May we be grounded in you this day, Send your Spirit to us May she guide us as we walk in the world. We each carry stories within, Every one different, every one forming and shaping who we are. We reflect on the ages past, We reflect on the horrors that many will carry forever, Trauma of war, conflict, grief and anguish. We give thanks for the stories of joy, love and embrace. Let us today as we walk on our way, Take time to consider those who pass us by, In the silence of our hearts let us utter a blessing For safe-keeping, for joy, for the touch of your love in their life. May our hearts be filled with compassion, Teach us to listen to the heart beat of the world, Ground us this day, For there are stories that need to be heard.
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