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Saints Netball Club

Phone: +61 407 349 550


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25.01.2022 Sideline Behaviour- Season Prepping - Day 3 This is a great little exercise to do with your players. What players like to hear and don't like to hear from the... sideline. This simple exercise could save you a season of grief. Enjoy

25.01.2022 Most Junior Players have been advised of their teams tonight be email. NetSetGo will hopefully be done by tomorrow evening. Do you all have a uniform? If not, please email [email protected] to organise one.

24.01.2022 Just a reminder that if you would like to order a team photo, can they be in today please. Still some outstanding payments to be made either by bank transfer or cash. If cash please in an envelope with childs name and correct amount.

23.01.2022 Congratulations to the 5 Saints Juniors Teams that have made it through to the Finals this weekend. 10.15 am 11B Asteroids 11B Pluto 11.30 am Cadet C Eclipse Cadet F Milky Ways... 2.30 pm Cadet E Mars Bars Good Luck to all

22.01.2022 Message from Saints Treasurer. I have some exciting news! This year we were successful with our application for a Community Grant through the Toowoomba Regional Council.... These funds have been used to purchase equipment to assist us with our upcoming season. A special thanks goes to the Toowoomba Regional Council for this opportunity and to TNA for their assistance with our application. Robyn Hopper Saints Netball - Treasurer

22.01.2022 Saints Netball AGM, Breakup & Presentations Inflatable World 3pm Saturday 12/10/2019 DON'T forget your tickets.... All Committee positions are declared open and nominations are then voted upon. We need your help. See you there.

22.01.2022 What an unusual start to a netball day.

21.01.2022 CHANGE OF VENUE for Grading this morning. Grading for 2009,2008 & 2007 born is now at St Josephs College - Mackillop Centre. Cnr of Mackenzie & Crown Streets. Please be there 15 minutes before your start time. 9am 2009 born 10am 2008 & 2007 born.

21.01.2022 Just a reminder to name your hoodies and visors!!!Just a reminder to name your hoodies and visors!!!

21.01.2022 More Volunteers please 11.00am & 1.00pm & 1.30pm email: [email protected] Volunteers please 11.00am & 1.00pm & 1.30pm email: [email protected]

20.01.2022 Just a reminder that Saints Netball Players are to wear plain white socks or Saints socks with their uniform.Just a reminder that Saints Netball Players are to wear plain white socks or Saints socks with their uniform.

20.01.2022 Technology and innovation are helping our Association's get back on court. Thanks to the humble QR code, our members will be able to quickly check in and out of... venues, freeing up valuable time for our volunteers. Click here to discover more about this new technology: #NetballUnited #netball #technology See more

20.01.2022 Are you looking to play netball and think you have missed out? We still have places in teams in 12s and Cadet F. Come have fun.Are you looking to play netball and think you have missed out? We still have places in teams in 12s and Cadet F. Come have fun.

20.01.2022 Stop, Prop and Drive Forward Magic little phrase. This means when a player is running away from the ball or even performing a clearing run, they stop and chang...e direction. They may drive to the ball or on the angle but their intention is to not let the person with the ball be stranded with no options. This needs to be practised as so many players run away or offer a flat drive to the sideline. Both of these have their challenges. If a player is running down court, the thrower needs to be able to throw the perfect pass placing the ball in the space the player is running onto. The flat sideline drive can be a coach killer. Not only has it every chance over going over the sideline but it can also create loading on one side of the court which also can have the same outcome....throw-in to the opposition. There are so many little drills you can create with a player running down court then stops, props and drives to ball or space. You can organise this in small groups and then put it into an on-court situation. If you have players in your team who step regularly, have them to this and they stop. This is also a must for those rainy or extremely windy days.

19.01.2022 Here’s your day sorted. Join us at 9am for our Suncorp Team Girls Online Netball Clinics, jam-packed with netball workouts, skills, fitness, nutrition and cooking hacks. Sign up here -

19.01.2022 Just a reminder that there are netball fixture games on Sunday this coming weekend.Just a reminder that there are netball fixture games on Sunday this coming weekend.

18.01.2022 Starting the 2020 season the same way she finished 2019. Congratulations to Amy Parmenter for being voted the Most Valuable GIANT (MVG) for round one. Make sure you head to the website after each match and vote.

18.01.2022 More Volunteers needed for the Canteen this Saturday 29 Aug. 12pm & 1pm & 1.30pm Raffle tickets to sell as well.More Volunteers needed for the Canteen this Saturday 29 Aug. 12pm & 1pm & 1.30pm Raffle tickets to sell as well.

17.01.2022 A reminder that sign on day is on Sunday 2nd February at Nellie Robinson Park from 9am to 11am. See our website for Online Registrations. Reminder also that NO taping of jewellery is allowed when playing netball....

17.01.2022 Absolutely last chance to order hoodies!! Please email me with size needed (child’s or adult) and which or pullover! Cost is $55 If unsure of sizing email me and I can send through the measurements. [email protected]

17.01.2022 Saints Netball Online Registrations - for 7 and 8 year olds. There was an error in trying to process this age group. We have hopefully fixed this error. If you were trying to register players for this age group and were unable - please try again now. Please email [email protected] if you have any problems. Apologies for any inconvenience. You can fine the registration links on our website...

16.01.2022 GRADING POSTPONED Grading for players born 2007, 2008 & 2009 has been postponed until 23rd February at the same time. Grounds have been closed by the council due to wet weather. Our uniform day will be moved to that date as well.

15.01.2022 Don't forget Netball Sign ons are today between 9 and 11 am at Nell E Robinson Park. No need for returning players to come if your uniform still fits. If new players have done their registrations online already, that's great, but you will need to come down today to get uniforms.

14.01.2022 Social distancing passing drill This is a great one for ball control and balanced footwork. If your team is limited to half a court, work sideline to sideline.... Make sure players are aware to throw to their partners throwing arm. Eg if it's right hand to right hand then aim for their right hand. Also look at footwork as many players do a prancing pony leap on the catch for no reason. Not only is the PP leap hard on knees, it's also difficult to get balance when passing. To add some pressure, give them a race at the end. Players love this drill. Enjoy

14.01.2022 WELCOME TO 2020 SIGN ON DAY IS ON 02/02/2020. Time: 9am til 11am Place: Nell E Robinson Park... Season Starts on 21/03/2020 & Finishes on 05/09/2020 Online Registrations are not open as yet. We will let you know when they are up and ready to go. Here's hoping 2020 is an enjoyable season for everyone.

13.01.2022 Please remember all raffle tickets are due back tomorrow. Sold or Unsold.Please remember all raffle tickets are due back tomorrow. Sold or Unsold.

13.01.2022 If you’re needing any uniforms or have any to collect I’ll be at the courts tomorrow about 4-5pm. I will only have skirts and singlets with me, if you are wanting other items please let me know and I’ll bring them. You can email me direct to ask any questions on [email protected] Alicia Madden Uniform coordinator

13.01.2022 Netball starts tomorrow. Are you ready?? Cut your nails & be ready to remove jewelleryNetball starts tomorrow. Are you ready?? Cut your nails & be ready to remove jewellery

13.01.2022 Hoodie Order will be done tomorrow. Have you put your order in? Check your emails for details.

13.01.2022 Players Needed. Were you born in 2008, 2010 or 2011 and want to play netball? We have teams that need you. Message us!Players Needed. Were you born in 2008, 2010 or 2011 and want to play netball? We have teams that need you. Message us!

12.01.2022 New visors are in, soft and adjustable!! If you have ordered one or wish to purchase one please come up to the tent tomorrow to collect. This visor would suit mostly the older girls but if interested please come and try on. Cost is $15. We have the neoprene visors which would suit the younger girls, they are $5.

12.01.2022 Thanks to Hello Harry The Burger Joint for their continued support of Saints Netball Club in 2020.

12.01.2022 Below is the age group divisions for netball registrations. Net is administered by Toowoomba Netball Association and I believe it starts on 9th May 2020. Saints registrations for Saturday fixtures close on 10/02/20. Please get your registrations done so that we as a committee can then get teams sorted. Please contact us by email if you are experiencing any problems with the links.

11.01.2022 Still needing more Volunteers for our Duty Day 29 August. Need more people in the Canteen from 11am onwards. Please email [email protected]

10.01.2022 Don't forget to bring your SOCKS to the BreakupDon't forget to bring your SOCKS to the Breakup

10.01.2022 Good luck for the last fixture game tomorrow. Is also last NetSetGo round. Please return your breakup RSVP tomorrow.Good luck for the last fixture game tomorrow. Is also last NetSetGo round. Please return your breakup RSVP tomorrow.

10.01.2022 It was great to see so many of you at the tent this morning for sign on day. If you are having trouble registering online please let us know. You need to log on to our website (click on the banner below) and use the link under the registrations tab. Welcome to Saints Netball Club for 2020.

09.01.2022 We need to be COVIDSafe during Stage 2 restrictions. By following the guidelines we will help the netball community get back on court. You can find more informa...tion and resources via the Netball Queensland Return to Play Resource Hub: #NetballUnite #COVIDSafe #ReturntoPlay #netball See more

09.01.2022 UNIFORMS - Change of Venue Uniforms will now be available at St Josephs College - Mackillop Centre. Corner of Mackenzie & Crown Streets. From 9 till 11 this morning.

09.01.2022 Get the diaries out and write down all these important dates people. Toowoomba Netball Association is now also on Instagram! Make sure you follow us.

09.01.2022 Does your netball position say a lot about you? Tag your friends to see if they think the same things!

08.01.2022 Do you have a trophy to collect?? For those that were not able to attend the breakup - I will be at the netball courts this morning from 9 til 10 am, if you have a trophy to collect. Replacements aswell.

08.01.2022 Thanks to all that helped out today with our duty day. Was very successful. Special thanks to Robyn and Jolene

08.01.2022 Are you ready for the netball season?? First game is on the 21st March. Saints - Volunteers are needed for the Canteen. Please check your emails

06.01.2022 Online Registrations for 2020 are now open. Go to our website to find the links.

06.01.2022 GRADING FOR 2007,2008 & 2009 BORN PLAYERS Grading will be on Sunday 23rd February at Nell E Robinson Park. 9am for 2009 born 10am for 2008 & 2007 born Please bring a water bottle.... We are looking into a backup venue if it is wet. Keep an eye out for more details.

06.01.2022 Get Started Vouchers are now called FairPlay vouchers. See below

05.01.2022 Saints are looking for more players. Netball for 2020 is hopefully going to start on 18/07/2020. We are looking for more players in SOME age divisions. 12 and under (born 2008) preferably with some experience.... 10 years (born 2010). If you have a player that has not already registered in these age groups please email us for more details. [email protected] See more

05.01.2022 ANNUAL RAFFLE We would like to thank all of you for your contributions to our raffle this year. We sold over 1300 tickets. The winners of the raffle were ... 1st A. Boyce 2nd K. Cahill 3rd S. Elmes I would also like to thank the following businesses for their donations to our raffle Hogs Breath Cafe iResolve Mediation Fitzy's Toowoomba Pizza Capers Westridge Fruit & Vegetables Kloud9ine

05.01.2022 Catch & Snatch Teaching players how to catch is a priorty at the beginning of the season. Most young players catch the ball with bent elbows catching close to t...he chest. Very young players do the same and the momentum of the ball can go straight to their face. Teach Catch & Snatch. Hands come out just before the catch. Like a lizard catching an insect. Be aware of players having their arms out waiting as they may hurt their finger tips and also, it's not correct technique. Catch & Snatch enables a player to meet the ball and pull it in with both hands. Great training for intercepting. If young players adopt this technique early in their Netball journey there will be no red noses. Catch & Snatch....another one percenter

05.01.2022 Just confirming that the 2020 netball season will not start on the 1st May as planned. Netball Qld have said that there will be no netball until after the 30th June. We will let you know more when we do. Keep healthy. Watch your 3 feet!!

04.01.2022 Registration for the 2020 Emerging Talent Program open FRIDAY, 3 JULY. We've got clinics happening across Queensland throughout July and August. For more information, dates and registration details, use the following link: #NetballUnited #netball

04.01.2022 Do you need to organise a UNIFORM?? See you on 23RD FEBRUARY 9 TIL 11 AM Nell E Robinson Park. Cash or Bank Transfer acceptable.

04.01.2022 Hi Saints Families, As you are aware this Saturday is our duty day, which also means it's our fundraising day. This year in addition to our raffle, we are selling snow cones for $3. We will be set up next to the canteen.... Please bring $3 and support our club. If you have finished selling your raffle tickets, please hand them in to the committee at the club tent this weekend. We would like all tickets, sold or unsold returned to us by Saturday 5th of September. See you all this weekend! Kind regards, Robyn Hopper Saints Treasurer

03.01.2022 At the 2019 Nissan State Age Championships we caught up with very experienced umpire Michael Clark! He has been umpiring for over 40 years and is quite the role... model for young aspiring umpires. Here's what he had to say #NettyQ Nissan

03.01.2022 EXPERIENCED UMPIRE NEEDED Please private message for more detailsEXPERIENCED UMPIRE NEEDED Please private message for more details

03.01.2022 If you have ordered a hoodie recently, they have arrived. You can pick up at the tent today!If you have ordered a hoodie recently, they have arrived. You can pick up at the tent today!

03.01.2022 Netball starts next weekend 18th AND 19th July. Are you ready!! Check your emailsNetball starts next weekend 18th AND 19th July. Are you ready!! Check your emails

02.01.2022 Sitting at the courts if you need to pick up a trophy

02.01.2022 TNA are allowing leggings and long sleeves underneath uniforms today. Stay warm..

01.01.2022 I will not be bringing in the uniforms tomorrow. But if you require any, please email me and I will bring them next game day! My email is [email protected] will not be bringing in the uniforms tomorrow. But if you require any, please email me and I will bring them next game day! My email is [email protected]

01.01.2022 What a great day of Netball! Thanks to all the volunteers that made today work. See you all tomorrow for more fun.What a great day of Netball! Thanks to all the volunteers that made today work. See you all tomorrow for more fun.

01.01.2022 Don't forget about the Breakup this afternoon at Inflatable World at 3pm See you there!! BRING YOUR TICKETSDon't forget about the Breakup this afternoon at Inflatable World at 3pm See you there!! BRING YOUR TICKETS

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