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Salisbury City Rotaract Club in Adelaide, South Australia | Community organisation

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Salisbury City Rotaract Club

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 423 914 675

Address: 17 Wiltshire Street 5108 Adelaide, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Today was our first Walking Club promoting physical health and wellbeing - enabling participation by all regardless of ability. Come as you are, do what you can! This is setting us up for #steptember 2020.

25.01.2022 Check out the team at AllSorts Shop. This is a 100% volunteer driven by our Partner Club Rotary Club of Salisbury, SA and all profits go toward community projects.

24.01.2022 Come and learn about our diverse membership base and want drive the passion of the young people behind Salisbury City Rotaract. Please contact us for information. We would love to see you there on Wednesday.

24.01.2022 Fantastic to be able to support Rotary Club of Salisbury, SA with tree planting at Cobbler Creek together with Friends of Cobbler Creek. Well done to Simon Rosenzweig, Emily Kate Harman and Ari, Christopher Foreman and past member Dilli Ram Dhakal and son Daniel for volunteering. The morning started with the tradition of 'singing to the trees' in a interactive version of "Lean on Me" - past member Maria Blackmore. A great morning where over 300 trees were planted in a area which with the effort of the last three years is becoming the Rotary Revegetation Zone.

24.01.2022 #TBT Clean Up Australia Day 2019 + 2020. We collaborated with Rotary Club of Salisbury, SA to participate in the 2019 and 2020 Clean Up Australia Day events. It was practical hands-on service to our community and a day where we could take pride in the area we live in.

24.01.2022 We havent even reached the beginning of Steptember yet and we are well onto reaching our goal of $2000. Thank you to the anonymous donor who has supported us with a $515 donation towards equipment for young people suffering Cerebral Palsy. You have made our day!

24.01.2022 Today is 'Wear it Purple Day' supporting the rights of young #LGBTIQ+ people to feel safe, included & empowered in their schools, workplaces & communities #WIPD2020 Salisbury City Rotaract has always been and will continue to be a safe, diverse inclusive space empowering young people ensuring all are included.

24.01.2022 #TBT our new club structure. Our members want to make a difference help, learn and enjoy. Our Clubs internalised Rotaract structure focuses on us providing time-poor youth with a meaningful opportunity to serve, connect and develop the entire Rotaract Experience. See more:

22.01.2022 #TBT When President Damien stayed for 2 years (2018-20). BUT, not without some terms and conditions he wanted change and wanted to see our club serve, connect and grow. Here Damien is speaking about this vision at our Rollover Event our next post will reflect on these changes.

21.01.2022 #TBT Celebrating World Rotaract Week 2020. Focusing on mental health awareness and youth suicide prevention, we heard from Ashlee Evans, a Peer Support Worker for Sonder at headspace Edinburgh North and past President with our club. As well as Every Life Matters - Salisbury Suicide Prevention Network, Youth Focus Group about suicide in young people and how we can support our community and friends. This was our last in person meeting for the the first half of 2020 due to the #pandemic #WorldRotaractWeek See More:

20.01.2022 Thank you to all those who have donated to our STEPtember Campaign 2020. At the close, we have raised $3620.81 for the Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Every cent of that will help children and adults living with cerebral palsy. THANK YOU! Shout out to Emily Harman for her passion and hard work during this campaign. STEPtember Australia Cerebral Palsy Alliance

19.01.2022 JUST RELEASED: BEHIND THE MEMBERS, speaker lineup with the amazing and passionate... Daniel Niutta Emily Harman Lazaras Panayiotou ... See you Wednesday... find out more... See more

19.01.2022 SEE YOU WEDNESDAY! This week, we will be taking part in Team Trivia, come along to test your knowledge and compete in a bit of friendly competition. There will be prizes for the winners. There will be a small business portion of the evening updating people with what is going on.... Please register your attendance here, as we have strict numbers allowed at the Venue:

19.01.2022 At tonight’s meeting, we were productive and busy. We discussed upcoming projects, tested out technology for Friday’s on My Mind v.2 - Dear White People and celebrated our @steptemberau Steptember 2020 effort. FYI We have exceeded our goal of $2000!

17.01.2022 Today was at Walking Club we also enjoyed some fun and fellowship. Lots of fun at Fremont Park enjoying the beautiful weather, newly upgraded picnic facilities and a great opportunity to awareness about Cerebral Palsy #september2020 #salisburycityrotaract Stayed tuned for more about Steptember.

16.01.2022 Over the next few weeks our members; Liz Gardner, Zahra Bayani, Damien Walker and Kaz Bahmanzadah are glad to able to support Spire - Youth Coaching & Leadership with The Inspiring Teens Program. This program supports young people from diverse experiences to build and further develop leadership ability through learning theory and practical skills for making a better more inclusive and just world. The young will do a 3 day boot camp and then apply skills to plan, promote and deliver an outcomes based project for a Community Not For Profit.

16.01.2022 Tonight our members were in attendance at the Rotary Club of Salisbury, SA District Governors Visit. Where we heard from DG David Jones about his Rotary experience and hopes for the new district. David is a RYLA Alumni and a past Rotaractor with the Rotaract Club of Noarlunga. Rotary does open opportunities.

14.01.2022 BACK IN PERSON - 15 July 2020 We are back in person and today it is all about the Elevate Rotaract and what this means for us at a club level.... Elevate Rotaract has been a huge part of the past few years for us, but now that it's here what does that mean for us as a Club? What's new? What decisions do we need to make? Come along to be apart of the discussion. We will also be discussing thing in relation to the Black Lives Matter Response and also our upcoming Club Census. PLEASE REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE HERE, as we have strict numbers allowed at the Venue: For those not able to make it, we will be live streaming to our Members & Friends Facebook Page : message us for more details.

14.01.2022 Salisbury City Rotaract Club is building the leadership capability of our member to support there professional personal development needs to enable them to support the community and it needs. We dont want young leaders just telling their team or community what to do; after all true leadership is about demonstrating and modelling right practice and building strong relationship with people. Graph credited to Kerwin Rae

14.01.2022 Rotarecall Issue #3 - Come get your re-call of what we have been up to since July 2020.

14.01.2022 #internetisahumanright #whataboutus These are the Inspiring Teens that Damien Walker is working with and supporting as they deliver awareness to the human rights issues of internet access in Africa and the problems present during the pandemic through In2Ed Africa. This is apart of the Inspiring Teens Program through Spire - Youth Coaching & Leadership. They have created this video with intention is to make 10,000 people aware of the digital divide between those from ...resource rich and resource poor communities. Closing the digital will create greater global equality on so many levels. How blessed we to have these girls as young leaders in our community... Please share widely to support them in reaching their goal...

14.01.2022 Damien Walker, Liz Gardner, Kaz Bahmanzadah and soon to be member Zahra Bayani are supporting Spire - Youth Coaching & Leadership and their Inspiring Teens Program. Today with our fellow Rotaractors of Rotaract Club of Thebarton Senior College and Adelaide City Rotaract Club, attended the half way meeting of this program and were inspired by the work of the amazing teens in this program. Spire work closely with teenagers to develop their leadership skills and potential and c...lose the leadership deficit. If you'd like to know more about Spire - Youth Coaching & Leadership, here is their website: See more

13.01.2022 #TBT The Induction of our bear-utiful member and official club mascot in March 2018; Hugh Manerberian some who holds strong rotary values and employs Hugh-Manibearian (humanitarian) actions to champion Diversity. Here he is at Adelaide Pride 2019. Follow him:

12.01.2022 Dear White People! Volume 1 Screening Starts Tonight: Salisbury City Rotaract Club invites you to Friday’s on Your Mind V.2. Tonight we will view episode 1 and 2 and discuss the following: The emotional labour of black people having to explain why it's racist to wear black face, and why it's the responsibility of white people to educate themselves using objective sources... Join The Conversation @ 6:30pm Meeting ID: 872 0383 2919 Passcode: 108100

11.01.2022 We are back on #insta! We have been on sabbatical since New Years of 2019 and gosh we have a lot to catch you up on. In the coming days you will see throwback posts from everything that has gone down since we have been away. Stay tuned! Here is Immediate Past President Damien @thedamos inducting President Daniel for the 2020-2021 year at our Virtual Changeover in June.

10.01.2022 Salisbury City Rotaract Club hosted the Rotary District 9510 Area 6 Clubs for our Intercity Networking and Learning Dinner. The theme of the evening sought to start a dialogue around answering "How can Rotary lead equity and inclusion in our communities?". Professor Irene Watson (Pro-vice Chancellor for Aboriginal Strategy and Leadership at the University of South Australia) spoke about the enduring and ongoing impact of systematic racism on First Nations people. She connecte...d Aboriginal Laws Philosophy (Dreaming, People, Spirit) to the displacement of these people after the invasion and colonisation of their land. She specifically spoke on Australia being regarded as Terra Nullius, which was illegally used to supposedly legitimise the dispossession of First Nations people. She acknowledged Rotary as an agent for change and for its contributions to improving the lives of First Nations people but urged Rotary to take on a leadership position to create space for First Nations voices in our clubs and communities. We are called to be allies to those who need our support. Conversations were then had by members of our Rotary community who experience bias; be it racism, prejudice about disability, gender, sexuality or religion acknowledging how all people experience bias often. We heard from Rotaract members Emily, Chris, Josh and Kaz and guest Zahra about their experience with bias and its impact on them. The message is for Rotary to create space for all community members; we are called to be diverse, inclusive and leaders in diversity, equity and inclusion. We are called to remind ourselves and others that we can still be curious while also remaining respectful in our interactions. While we are knowledgeable, we must also remain willing to learn and be open to difference and diversity. Additionally, we raised $170 toward our EndTrachoma toiletry kits. We thank and deeply appreciate Professor Watson, AG Rick Henke and DGE Jeff Neale for their input and dialogue on this important theme. And thank you to the Parafield Gardens Community Club for your superb venue and catering. +Rotaract District 9510, Rotary District 9510, Rotary Club of Salisbury, SA, Rotary Club of Playford, Rotary Club of Elizabeth inc., Rotary Club of Modbury Golden Grove, Rotary Club of Gawler, Rotary Club of Gawler Light

10.01.2022 #TBT to our Help Style Meetings. It was great to hear about the work of the Days For Girls South Australian Chapter back in July of 2019. This is the meeting that kicked of our new internalised structure of Rotaract ensuring purpose and member retention. Read more:

09.01.2022 Shout out to the wonderful achievements of our members and friends. You are our inspirations. Zahra Bayani, Emily Harman and Kaz Bahmanzadah were all nominated and then recognised as finalists in their respective categories at the 2021 7NEWS Young Achievers Awards for their services to young people in our community. * Zahra Bayani, Finalist and Winner - Multicultural Youth Spirit of Resilience Award * Emily Harman, Finalist - Websters Lawyers Service to the Community * Kaz Bahmanzadah, Finalist - Multicultural Youth Spirit of Resilience Award

09.01.2022 This is a shout out to Novita Bingo for the support they offered our 2020 STEPtember Campaign. Emily Harman as a Novita Ambassador supports the bingo they ran and at this week's bingo shared her story and ran an extra special Bingo Flyer, raising $360.00 towards essential equipment for those living with Cerebral Palsy. Donations can be made here:

08.01.2022 Over the past month, Salisbury City Rotaract has established a working group aiming to provide a medium to educate others and respond to the Black Lives Matter Movement at a community level. Our hope is to work towards a more inclusive and just world. A lot of reflection has occurred on the part of our members and through us acknowledging our privilege, we will grasp this opportunity to grow, to learn and to be a part of working toward a more just and inclusive world. #meaningfulmonday

08.01.2022 Our Club supported The Rotary Club of Holdfast Bay’s winter appeal with blankets and socks that will be passed on to organisations that support the disadvantaged in our local community.

07.01.2022 WOW EVERYONE, we have hit the halfway mark already. THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE SUPPORTED ALREADY. Lets do this, lets hit the $2000

07.01.2022 We are 1/2 way through our STEPtember 2020 campaign. We are still seeking donations. As little as $5.00 can support people living with Cerebal Palsy access necessary costly equipment to improve their day to day lives. DONATE TOMORROW TO HAVE YOUR DONATION MATCHED. It is Dollar Match Day!, starting at 9:30am.... Emily Harman, our team leader for Steptember is appreciative of all the support we have appreciated so far. Donate here:

06.01.2022 Dear friends, Salisbury City Rotaract Club would love you to support our clubs community works and youth empowerment efforts- an easy way is to buy a few raffle tickets from the People’s Choice Community Lottery with a chance to win a great prize. We support lots of a range of youth empowerment programs, a Christmas Lunch for those with out one to go to and to the upskking if young people in Salisbury. Please, if you can, find a few $ to help us out. (please )

06.01.2022 We have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of support for our 2020 STEPtember Campaign. We are still seeking donations. As little as $5.00 can support people living with Cerebal Palsy access necessary costly equipment to improve their day to day lives. DONATE TOMORROW TO HAVE YOUR DONATION MATCHED. It is Dollar Match Day (again)!, starting at 9:30am.... Emily Kate Harman, our team leader for Steptember is appreciative of all the support we have appreciated so far. Donate here:

05.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL: Please read the following COVID-19 Health Alert from SA Health if you are a member of Fernwood Fitness, Salisbury Downs and visited there Saturday 1 Aug between 6pm to 8.30pm.

04.01.2022 Replacing the annual Pride March Adelaide this year is the ‘Pride Where You Are’ event; celebrating South Australia’s LGBTIQ communities. Damien, Ruby and Robert attended a Pride Party hosted by Twelve25 with @rainbowvolunteerssa and Salisbury Youth Council. #PrideADL20... Salisbury City Rotaract is Diverse Inclusive... Our members are empowered and Free to be open, free to be authentic and free to be you.

04.01.2022 Congratulations to Damien, Liz, Kaz and Zahra and the teams they supported as part of the Inspiring Teens Program 2020 (through Spire Coaching). They have just wrapped a ten week intensive program where their team support a not for profit. Such amazing work.

03.01.2022 We need your support! Once again, we have got our team together for STEPtember and in 2020 we are taking on the challenge to walk the equivalent of 10,000 steps every day for STEPtember. Kids with cerebral palsy are counting on us (WITH YOUR SUPPORT) to raise much-needed funds for equipment, therapy and research.... Please take 2 minutes to donate. As little as 10 dollars (the cost of 2 coffees) goes a long way to support the work of the Cerebral Palsy Alliance. OUR AIM IS $2000 IN THE NEXT MONTH! Use this link to donate:

03.01.2022 President Daniel presiding over his first meeting as President this year. Great to discuss our actionable projects for the coming years and #elevaterotaract Stay tuned! @ Salisbury City Rotaract Club

02.01.2022 #TBT Our Member Inductions. Since 2019, we have seen 7 new members be inducted this year: Welcome again to Liz Gardner, Simon Rosenzweig, Samantha Quick, Kayla Feltus, Katrina Stroet, Lazaras Panayiotou and Christopher Foreman.

01.01.2022 We are meeting online this week to support the community efforts to stops the spread of COVID-19 and support the advice provided by the Governent of South Australia and Salisbury Council. Please join us. See below for further details and link to meeting.

01.01.2022 We are supporting the Northern Youth Festival as a part of the Youth In Salisbury’s Youth Week 2021 offering. Come get your delicious carnival treats from us... popcorn and fairy floss. NORTHERN YOUTH WEEK FESTIVAL SATURDAY MAY 8TH, 3PM TO 9PM at Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre FREE EVENT!!... Celebrating the Youth In Salisbury! Local youth musicians Elsy Wameyo& band Youth market stalls Games & activities Food & drinks Music Corner Open Mic Digital Photo booth

01.01.2022 We will be support Youth In Salisbury today. Come on down and get your sweet carnival treats. NORTHERN YOUTH WEEK FESTIVAL SATURDAY MAY 8TH, 3PM TO 9PM at Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre FREE EVENT!!... Celebrating the Youth In Salisbury! Local youth musicians Elsy Wameyo& band Youth market stalls Games & activities Food & drinks Music Corner Open Mic Digital Photo booth

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