Salisbury Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Church
Salisbury Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3841 4197
Address: 12 Greer Road 4107 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 The name ‘Protestant’ dates back to a meeting in the town of Speyer, Germany and 8 Princes protested against the abuse of power and overreach of the authority of the church in their day. Men of principle, firm and resolute whose stand and values has been cherished by many since. #MartinLuther #ProtestOfThePrinces #GermanPrinces #KnowYourHistory #500Years
25.01.2022 The Church in the Wilderness of Revelation 12:6,14 is perhaps best illustrated by the experience of the Waldensians. Today, and the next few days, we will visit the valleys that they called home and see where they lived and died. Seeing their faithfulness and commitment to mission and service for God. #Reformation #Waldensians #KnowYourHistory For more details you can read chapter 4 of the The Great Controversy.¶=132.257
25.01.2022 Burned for their faith, Huss and Jerome approached the stake as if they were attending a wedding not a martyrdom. As the flames encircled their bodies they sang hymns, and The legacy of their faithful and heroic lives would prove to last much longer than their relatively short lives. #KnowYourHistory #Huss #Jerome
24.01.2022 Happy Sabbath friends! What a lovely day! Come and join us at 9:30 for bible study and then at 11 as we worship our Creator and listen to His word from brother David Jelovac.
23.01.2022 Mary Queen of Scots had a fearsome reputation, causing many a strong man to wilt in her presence, but this was not true of John Knox. Their encounter that took place in Holyrood Palace stands to us as an example, inspiring courage in the face of danger and peril. #KnowYourHistory #JohnKnox #MaryQueenOfScots #ScottishReformation #HolyroodPalace
23.01.2022 Whilst on his way home from the Diet of Worms, Luther was 'captured' and taken to Wartburg Castle. This audacious plot executed by his friends saved Luther from his enemies and gave him a welcome respite from the challenges he faced. He wasn't to remain there long term though - his burden for his people was too great. More details can be found here.¶=132.646 #Reformation #WartburgCastle #MartinLuther
23.01.2022 Pope Innocent III was anything but innocent. During his reign, numerous groups were persecuted at the start of the 13th century, in particular the Albigensian's. Over a 20 year period he attempted to wipe out this faithful, Bible believing people in Southern France. #KnowYourHistory #Albigenses
23.01.2022 We have an exiting event coming up! Dr Esmie and Pr Arthur will be with us soon. See event for further details; however for a sneak peak: Dr Esmie is an author of the book Beyond the Veil of Darkness which unfolds her thrilling life testimony while living in Saudi Arabia with Ex-Muslim husband and five children. She will be sharing her testimony with us.
22.01.2022 Come along for a special afternoon program run by local volunteers from the BIG BUILD team who served in the Philippines from 10-23 January 2019 . . They wil...l be sharing what the BIG BUILD is, as well as their personal experiences seeing God at work in the Phillipines and in their own lives! . . Then after the program, join us for food and games in the hall - maybe get to know some of the team and how you can be involved in service too! . . Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life. The receiver becomes a giver. The grace of Christ in the soul is like a spring in the desert, welling up to refresh all, and making those who are ready to perish eager to drink of the water of life.The Desire of Ages, 195. See more
21.01.2022 All are invited to join us tomorrow at 5:15pm as Andrew Mpita leads us in a message on "Faith". Please invite your friends as we study this pivotal topic!
21.01.2022 You are all invited to join us tomorrow at 5:30pm for our regular youth programs as Jeff Wasswa discusses the interesting topic of "Furnace Faith".
21.01.2022 In their desire to see the Reformation advanced in France, some decisions were made that ultimately proved extremely costly. Instead of progress the reformation lost its brightest minds to other countries at best and at worst to death and persecution. Chapter 12 of the Great Controversy gives more details on this event.¶=132.963 #KnowYourHistory #FrenchReformation #Hugenouts
21.01.2022 Well the day has finally come. Program starts at 7pm tonight. Sister Charissa Fong will share with us great topic. We are exited. YAY . Come along and bring a friend. See you soon.
21.01.2022 'Lux Lucet in Tenebris' is the Waldensian motto and it translates as 'A Light out of Darkness.' Hunted and persecuted they often had to retreat into the bowels of the earth and worship God in the shelter of caves - but even in the darkness their light shone brightly. #Reformation #KnowYourHistory #Waldensians For more details you can read chapter 4 of the The Great Controversy.¶=132.257
20.01.2022 After being isolated for many years, in the 16th century the Waldenses would meet with the leaders of the reformation. The result was twofold, containing both positive and negative elements with perhaps the best outcome being the 'gift' the Waldenses gave to the Reformation of the Bible in French.
20.01.2022 Join us tomorrow from 4:50pm as John Opacak shares his personal testimony at our regular youth afternoon program. All are welcome!
19.01.2022 The Reformation swept across Europe in the 16th century, creating strongholds in Germany, Switzerland, England and Scotland leaving a trail of conflict and martyrdom in its wake but in the Nordic countries of Scandinavia the truth took hold in a quieter, more unobtrusive way leaving behind a more potent legacy. #KnowYourHistory #ScandinavianReformation
18.01.2022 Sabbath blessings! You are welcome to join us through our live stream!
18.01.2022 Come join us this Sabbath for our youth afternoon program 1 hour before sunset (5:45pm start) as we fellowship together! Pastor Zeny Vidacak will share the message with us as we study "A Christian is a Servant"
18.01.2022 This coming Sabbath, 9th of March 2019, we will be blessed to have pastor Gary Kent sharing from the Word of God. Join us in worship at 11am.
18.01.2022 Every several hundred years an invention comes along that revolutionises society, fundamentally changing some aspect of our lives. The Gutenberg Press was such an invention, changing communication, making the quick spread of new ideas possible. It had a huge impact on the reformation in the 16th century as it meant copies of the Bible and other tracts could spread far and wide. #KnowYourHistory #Mainz #GutenburgPress
18.01.2022 What a day we will have this Sabbath! Join us at 5pm for a very important message from Eugene Prewitt titled "Lukewarm symptoms and cures".
18.01.2022 Though his greatest work would occur in Switzerland, John Calvin began his life near Paris. Despite his parents' wishes and his own original intentions, his life would take twists and turns before his conversion set his destiny on course. #KnowYourHistory #FrenchReformation #Calvinism
17.01.2022 Early in his ministry Luther would embark on a trip that would change his life forever. Called to go to Rome, what he thought would be a pilgrimage changed his life, but for different reasons than he anticipated. You can read about Luther in more detail in the Great Controversy chapter 7 & 8.¶=132.526 #Reformation #KnowYourHistory #MartinLuther #JustShallLiveByFaith
16.01.2022 You are all invited to join us tomorrow at 5:40pm for an afternoon program with a special message from Pastor Miljan Popovic on Luke 2 and Acts 2.
15.01.2022 Despite his relatively young age and lack of experience, Martin Luther was not swayed by pressure or opinion. Standing before the Diet of Worms he refused to go against his conscience and said, ‘Here I stand, I can do no other. So help me God.’ #MartinLuther #HereIStand #Reformation
15.01.2022 The Magna Carta is one of the most important documents in history, yet many have never heard of it or read it in full. Its legacy has inspired liberty and freedom around the world, showing that no one is above the law. #KnowYourHistory #MagnaCarta
14.01.2022 Aside from the Bible, perhaps the single most significant document written by someone is the 95 Thesis by Martin Luther. Although initially written to address a local need, the impact mushroomed beyond what anyone could have imagined. #Reformation #MartinLuther
14.01.2022 Please join us this Sabbath morning (13th January) from 9:30am as we fellowship together and hear a special message from Pastor Gary Kent in the divine service starting at 11am!
14.01.2022 Do you find yourself lacking purpose in life, or in need of spiritual revival? Come and join us as we explore our purpose throughout the pages of scripture with Pr Robbie Berghan. Starting this Friday night (28.06.19) at 7pm. 12 Greer Rd, Salisbury.
12.01.2022 Voted as the 26th top Briton of all time on a BBC poll, William Tyndale sits comfortably among the most significant reformers. As a scholar and Bible translator he had a lasting impact on Britain and Europe shaping the English language and leaving a legacy lasting long past the premature end to his life. #KnowYourHistory #WilliamTyndale
11.01.2022 You are all invited to join us tomorrow from 5:30pm for our regular Youth program. Tomorrow's message will be held by Pastor Zeny Vidacak on the crucially important topic of 'Prayer'!
11.01.2022 The Salisbury Youth will be hosting a free car wash for the community on Sunday 29th of April from 9am till 12pm. If you would like to be involved please come on the day at 8am and we will find a way for you to help out! If you require more information please contact either Bianca De Sousa or Daniel Stojcic.
11.01.2022 Good morning and Happy Sabbath! What a wonderful day. Join us this morning to praise our heavenly Father. Sister Charissa Fong will share a powerful message with us at 11am, "Unread, Read, Ready". Hope you're ready for it? See you soon.
09.01.2022 Crucial decisions would be made during the Whitby Synod in 664 A.D. that would affect the future of Christianity in the British Isles. The tide would turn away from Celtic Christianity. #Reformation #KnowYourHistory
09.01.2022 John Wycliffe - Morning Star of the Reformation, lived over 600 years ago, yet his legacy lives on. Translator of the Bible, defender of national sovereignty and trainer of missionary preachers - his impact was great and paved the way for those who would come after him. #Reformation #KnowYourHistory #MorningStar #JohnWycliffe For more details you can read The Great Controversy chapter 5.¶=132.337
09.01.2022 YOUTH AFTERNOON PROGRAM Saturday, 7 September at 4:30pm
07.01.2022 Happy Sabbath everyone!!!! What a blessing it has been tonight as we listened to Miss Brenda share from the word and life experience. Join us again tomorrow at 11am as Dr Andrew Harewood preaches the word. You don't want to miss it.
07.01.2022 Deep in the valleys this sturdy people lived and worked, but they were not hermits. Through their well-trained children, young people, and older people, they impacted the whole continent, spreading the gospel throughout Europe as missionaries ‘disguised’ as students and workers. #Reformation #KnowYourHistory #Waldensians For more details you can read chapter 4 of the The Great Controversy.¶=132.257
07.01.2022 It would seem that nearly everyone who made a significant impact in the 16th century reformation passed through Geneva. It became a centre of networking and study, known for its theological pedigree and missionary training with John Calvin integral to much of the work there. #KnowYourHistory #Geneva #ReformersWall
07.01.2022 In just a few hours we mark one of the greatest events in Earth's history. An event as ancient as Earth itself. An event initiated by God, to remember all that He has done for us. We mark the only time period set apart, specifically blessed by the Creator of everything. A special time that He wants to spend with you. Without any distractions. Will you accept His invitation? Will you choose to spend time with your creator? Sabbath blessings.
07.01.2022 "The greatest want of the world is the want of men, men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall." - Ellen G. White
06.01.2022 Barbara O'Neil is an Australian naturopath and nutritionist who is currently the health director of the Misty Mountain health retreat near Bellbrook NSW. She will be presenting a 5 night information packed lecture series on how to , maintain better health and use natural remedies to reverse many ailments. This is an event for the whole family. You will not want to miss this. Book your tickets now!
06.01.2022 If you have something to be thankful for to God, come and join us this morning and thank Him through praise, prayer and fellowship with each other. Make a joyful shout to the LORD, all you lands! Serve the LORD with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.... Know that the LORD, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the LORD is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:1-5, NKJV See more
06.01.2022 It was hoped by some that the death of Huss and Jerome would signal an end to the work in Bohemia but this was not to be the case. The work continued and was protected during the Bohemian wars by the General Zizska. He never lost a battle and despite having a vastly smaller army they were able to repel several papal crusades. #Reformation #HussiteWars #KnowYourHistory
06.01.2022 In 1415 the Council of Constance convened to settle the papal schism and deal with 'heresies' that were arising. Two men from Bohemia would find themselves there. Huss was called to trial and Jerome came seeking to help him, though he would end up in prison himself. For more details you can read The Great Controversy Chapter 6.¶=132.419 #Reformation #KnowYourHistory #Bohemia #JeromeOfPrague #JohnHuss
06.01.2022 George Wishart lived just 33 years yet he made a significant impact on Scotland through his Godly life and powerful preaching. He also mentored and trained the man who would solidify and carry forward the Scottish Reformation: John Knox. #ScottishReformation #GeorgeWishart #JohnKnox
05.01.2022 Martin Luther was not left to live his life in peace but encountered repeated opposition and trial. The Church of Rome took the threat so seriously that a Papal Bull was produced but Luther was undaunted and publicly burned it under a tree in Wittenburg. #KnowYourHistory #MartinLuther #500Years
05.01.2022 John Knox started his ministry as a two handed sword carrier to protect George Wishart, but after his death he picked up the mantle. He would drive the Scottish reformation forward through his boldness, fearlessness and resolute trust in God. #KnowYourHistory #JohnKnox #ScottishReformation
05.01.2022 Wow! What a powerful message by Dr Andrew R. Harewood. If you missed it join us this afternoon at 5pm when Dr Andrew will again share with us from the Word.
04.01.2022 Medieval Europe in the 15th century was ripe for change. A man was born in Germany into a humble home, and though he had no desire for personal fame, he would go on to transform not just his own country but the whole continent. You can read about Luther in more detail in the Great Controversy chapter 7 & 8.¶=132.526 #MartinLuther #Reformation #500Years
04.01.2022 Geneva would become almost a Protestant version of Rome. Many reformers would pass through this city in the 16th century from all over Europe which is why John Calvin is often referred to as the 'International Reformer' as his influence spread far and wide. #KnowYourHistory #JohnCalvin #Calvinist
03.01.2022 You are welcome to join us through live stream!
02.01.2022 Zwingli did for Switzerland what Luther did for Germany - spearheading reform, standing for truth and calling people back to the Bible. More details can be found in The Great Controversy chapter 9.¶=132.768 #KnowYourHistory #Switzerland #Reformer
02.01.2022 John Wycliffe died in 1384 but he was not destined to rest in the grave. 40 Years later he was dug up, burnt to ashes and then thrown in a nearby river. As the waters of this river would flow around the world, so would the influence of God’s Word following Wycliffe’s translation. More details can be found in The Great Controversy chapter 5.¶=132.336 #KnowYourHistory #MorningStar #JohnWycliffe #Wycliffe
02.01.2022 Today we travel from Iona to Wales where another training school was established and then we follow one of their missionaries as he went to France, Switzerland, Germany and then finally Italy, setting up training mission schools along the way. #Reformation #KnowYourHistory
01.01.2022 The small region of Bohemia, located in modern day Czech Republic, was home to two mighty heroes of the reformation: John Huss and Jerome. Their legacy spread beyond their home city of Prague and lives on to this day. For more details you can read The Great Controversy Chapter 6.¶=132.419 #KnowYourHistory #JanHuss #Huss #Jerome
01.01.2022 Good morning friends! Happy Sabbath! What a joy to have a day of rest. Leave your burdens at home and join us this morning at 9:30. "And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord; It shall rejoice in His salvation." Psalms 35:9 NKJV
01.01.2022 Revelation. That mysterious book at the end of the Bible. That book filled with symbolism and shrouded in mystery. That book which many of us have opened, and soon after closed; left confused. Maybe you have wished that YOU could understand it? Ivor Myers and James Rafferty break it down in bite sized peaces. Perfect length videos for your lunch break at work, or leisure time at home. Now is your chance. You can understand Revelation right now if you choose. Be blessed! And PLEASE share this with your friends!
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