Sally Lou' | Other
Sally Lou'
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23.01.2022 Getting into the patternmaking. #designsarecomingtolife #fashion #sallylou2016
22.01.2022 Business cards have arrived #makingprogress #sallylou2016
17.01.2022 Moved onto cutting out my beautiful fabric today. Sewing will come soon #sallylou2016 #sewing #floral #fabric
17.01.2022 Heading into the big smoke to buy fabric for the collection. #fashion #design #fabric #shopping #girlstrip
17.01.2022 Back where it all started in my mums old sewing machine. #memories #mum #nowimafashionstudent #sallylou2016
16.01.2022 Checking out the location for our fashion parade, New Gen. Loving the old brickwork. #runway #newgen #sallylou2016 #newcastlemuseum
15.01.2022 Look books printed. Reports all finished and bound. Gift bags ready for the marking panel. Shoes are waiting for their models. One big day tomorrow. Then the last big day Wednesday. #bringiton #imready #sallylou2016 #fashionstudent #presentationday #winthemwithchocolate #newgen #fashionparade #thereissomuchgoingon
15.01.2022 Sally Lou on display at the singleton show. #sallylou2016 #singletonshow
14.01.2022 Revised labels have arrived just in time for my production. More flowers arriving everyday now. #sallylou2016 #flowers #newlables #shopping #buildingaflowerwall #shhitsasecret #icantbelieveyourereadingmyhashtags
14.01.2022 Pleats as far as the eye can see. #sallylou2016 #patternmaking #toileingfordays
11.01.2022 Sally Lou' on display at the singleton show. #sallylou2016 #singletonshow
11.01.2022 Hard at work designing my logo and business cards. #sallylou2016 #fashion #design #blueflowers #watercolour #loveyourself
09.01.2022 Big pile of patterns all ready to start sewing, and the calculations to reassure myself I have enough fabric. #sallylou2016 #fashion #readytosew #fabricworries
09.01.2022 Tickets are in sale now for New Gen Fashion parade. Available at the Tighes Hill TAFE or through me. #fashionparade #newgen #sallylou2016 #superexcited
07.01.2022 Garment labels have arrived. #sallylou2016 #fashion #exciting #youvegotmail
03.01.2022 Late nights at TAFE sewing. Living the life. #sallylou2016 #lifeofafashionstudent #sewingwithaveiw
02.01.2022 New shoes for the runway. New bookshelf for trade show booth. And flowers arriving everyday now. #sallylou2016 #beenshopping #newshoes
01.01.2022 Beautiful cold rainy day to spend designing your collection. #design #fashion #dresses #rainyday
01.01.2022 One week left. Getting excited and nervous. #sallylou #sneakpeek #newgen #fashionstudent
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