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Sally Thibault | Tutor/teacher

to load big map

Sally Thibault

Phone: +61 414 770 880


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to load big map

25.01.2022 It always comes about from those random questions doesn’t it? In a coaching session one day, a client said "I’ve been doing all the ''right'' things, but for some reason, I keep gaining weight around my midsection. "It's uncomfortable, my clothes are uncomfortable, I feel like I am carrying a weight that is not mine to's not fair!... I could hear the frustration in her voice. It was a defining moment. I decided it was time for some new thinking. Then one day it dawned on me. That the weight gain that has been such an issue for so many people in 2020 is exactly the same reason why weight gain is so challenging for many women, especially during menopause and into their 50’s. And that it is time for a brand new approach. On this week’s Living Lighter Show this week I will share 1. That in order to create long term success - our focus has to shift. 2. Why we need a multi-faceted approach that is actually far more effective than just restricting food or increasing exercise. 3. How this change will make a massive difference to what you do daily. 4. And how implementing this change has made a huge difference in my own life already!!!! Join me on Saturday at 7:30am Queensland time for this eye-opening show. I can’t wait to share it with you.

25.01.2022 On this week's Living Lighter Show I shared how to lift the veils to align your Soul Purpose with your ever evolving Life Purpose. One stays the same, the other changes as we do. But for so many people, for so many reasons, that can be super hard to do..... On this week's show I explained... 1. How to uncover your soul purpose 2. How to implement your soul purpose into your current life purpose 3. How to overcome the two biggest barriers to aligning both. If you are ready to lift the veils on your soul purpose to experience the joy that comes when you have created that total alignment Click here for a FREE 30 minute chat and let me help you uncover the barriers blocking you from fulfilling your soul purpose... after all isn't it time?

23.01.2022 Join me on Saturday for this power packed show.... it's time for a brand new approach to our health and wellbeing...

21.01.2022 Every year, since 1996 I have chosen a word that would become my theme for the year ahead. Every year, that theme has guided my vision board, my goals, my intentions and my outcomes for the year. But after 2020 - the year of the great uncertainty - things have changed and along with that, how this 25 year old practise has now changed too.... 2021 is an important year for many reasons and I believe that we all have a critical role to play in how this year pans out. Change happens THROUGH US, not TO US! Meaning that what we think, believe and do, resonates, holds energy and subsequently holds the vibration for ensuring the changes we are in right now, eventuate with the highest intentions for the best possible outcomes. So this year, more so than in other years, choosing a word with that intention in mind took a while. But yesterday, the word landed with all the intensity and profoundness that feels so perfect. My word for 2021 is IMPACT Each letter has a meaning Impact & Inspire others to live Stronger, Leaner & Lighter Meditate, Move, Mindfulness Powerful and Purposeful Productivity & Prosperity Abundance Mindset in all choices. Commitment to Creating Life Changing methodologies & programs Transcending Limitations To be conscious of the choices I make and how they will IMPACT on my physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. To be mindful of the words I say and the actions and how they will IMPACT on those I love, my clients and the planet. And along with that change, for the first time in 20 years, I am not creating a vision board. Yesterday, stood looking at my 2020 vision board ready to create a new one, when I suddenly realised that this form of visualization is static, old and limiting. Instead, I have chosen to continue to create and expand on the powerful vision for our future. A vision I play in my mind as I go to sleep at night, as I meditate in the morning and often what I think about when I am walking or working out. A vision that I write out in my journal each day and as I write it, question if it feels right, If it is still resonating with the IMPACT I am working towards. A vision, that like a movie, I can edit and expand on as I expand my own vision of who I am. A vision that exists on a timeline that runs parallel to this reality, with the word IMPACT wound through the images linking them together. As in past years, this is such a powerful, transformational practise, that can change you in ways that you will only realise as you take time to reflect on at the end of every year. If you have chosen a word for this year, I'd love know what it is, and why you have chosen it, and how you are going to commit to it throughout the year. #2021vision #newyear #meditation #creatingchange #eft #tapping #accountabiltycoach #wellnesscoach

20.01.2022 In this video, I'll show you how you can use the Art of Intuitive Eating to lose that often hard to shift Belly Fat. While this can be a contentious issue - the belly fat I am referring to is Visceral belly fat...not subcutaneous fat. Why should you be concerned about that in your 50's and 60's? Because Visceral Belly Fat has been linked to many diseases such as Heart Disease, Type II Diabetes and some cancers. And right now we need to be more focused on mainting good health... than ever before. By setting a strong intention to be focused on your health and aging well, your brain creates opportunities to help you achieve that, and your intuition goes to work to support that intention. Remember - your intuition is designed to keep you safe. If you are still sabotaging your health and wellbeing.. then that is conditioning - not Intuition. CLICK HERE TO WATCH #intuitiveeating #intentionaleating #informedeating #intermittentfasting #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #ageinggracefully #i#intuitivewellnesscoach

20.01.2022 As we age - especially approaching menopause, and then into our 50's and 60's - one of the areas many women struggle with, even if they are eating well, is losing belly fat. Did you know there are two types? Subcutaneous fat is the jiggly fat visible just under the skin and is normally harmless and may even protect against some diseases. But the second one - Visceral fat - is the fat that surrounds the organs and is linked to many diseases such as heart disease, Type 2 Diabe...tes and some cancers. And that's the fat we need to be concerned about, Over the next 10 days, on my You Tube Channel, I will be sharing a video a day, all designed to help you create a plan to lose that viseceral belly fat so that you can feel stronger, leaner and lighter! In this first video, I share The Top 5 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Dieting. And I share.... 1. Why dieting is the worse thing you can do. 2. What role stress and anxiety play in making it difficult to lose belly fat. 3. How Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT) and Mindfulness can help 4. Why Intermittent Fasting works to lose belly fat naturally. 5. What type of exercise burns the most belly fat. To Watch, Click here and remember to subscribe to the channel so that you will be notified when the next video is live!! #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #mindfulness #stressandanxiety #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #ageinggracefully #nomoredieting #fitover50 #fitover60 #meditation #energy #vitality #intutiveeating #intentionaleating #hiittraining #yoga #pilates #visceralfat

19.01.2022 After all the challenges of 2020, Black Friday is a perfect time to help you feel lighter, less stressed & more empowered with some massive discounts on two of my EFT online programs. The first one will help you create powerful transformation in your own life, and the second one is perfect for you if are a coach, leader, counsellor, teacher or health care professional and want to help your clients create transformation in their lives! 1. The Mastering EFT for Personal Use Pr...ogram This is a 6-part video series to help you to get crystal clear on how to use EFT properly, teaching you how implement this amazing modality in your life in a truly profound way. As well as four instruction videos, there are also two demonstration videos to show what to do when you 'find' a trigger, and a bonus three extra EFT videos to help you release those niggling food cravings!! Normally retailing for $97, over the next 4 days you can access this course for only $47 - saving 50% CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THIS SPECIAL 2. The EFT Coaches and Leaders Virtual Program January 2021 This is now a four week online program, with two virtual half day sessions, as well as ongoing support and training. This program is perfect for you, if you are a coach, teacher, health care professional or leader of a team, and you want to add this truly transformational modality to your area of expertise. The course will commence in January 2021, but you will receive pre-preparation material upon enrollment. Normally retailing for $597 - for the next four days, the course is only $397, saving you 40% CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THIS SPECIAL Offer ends Tuesday 1 December!!

18.01.2022 Each of us has a purpose in life.... but for many people, finding that purpose can be elusive. On this week's #livinglightershow show I will share with you the steps to Uncover your Soul Purpose... Understand how to implement your Soul Purpose into your current Life purpose Because when the two are aligned ... everything changes Join me tomorrow morning at 7:30am for a powerful show and let me help you lift the veil to rediscover your soul purpose. #soulpurpose #lifepurpose #lifepurposecoach #accountabiltycoach #successcoach #intutivecoaching #vision #empowrment #facebooklive #streamyard #ageingwell #over50 #over60 #successatanyage #eft #emotionalfreedomtechniques #tapping #visionboard #clarity

16.01.2022 The 7th video in the 10-part video series - How to Lose Belly Fat - now up, and it's all about Intermittent Fasting. In this video, I share how Intermittent Fasting can help you lose belly fat. THE RESEARCH... Intermittent Fasting - sometimes called Time Restricted eating, has been proven to have many health benefits, including helping to reduce insulin resistance, and may lower the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, increase the blood levels of human growth hormone, and aid in cellular repair. In this video, I share how the practice of the 16/8 Intermittent Fasting protocol has helped me, and many of my clients increase energy, focus and vitality. Fasting gives the body an opportunity to 'reset' so it's not pre-occupied with processing and digestion. In the reset, your body will naturally awaken your own intuitive eating guidance (hunches, urges, etc). CLICK HERE TO WATCH

16.01.2022 On a Living Lighter show in March, I said that what we are experiencing in 2020, will divide us - not on the basis of religion, politics or skin colour - but by what we believe. At the time I didn’t realise how much true that would be But while it looks like this pandemic is causing such world-wide upheaval, many of us see something different. ...Continue reading

15.01.2022 In the 6th video in our How To Lose Belly Fat series, I share why sleep, or lack of it, plays a pivotal role in losing visceral belly fat. Many women, especially through menopause and into our 50's find that getting a good night's sleep can be super challenging. In this video I share:... 1. What role sleep plays in our inability to lose that belly fat, 2. How poor sleep impacts on our two hunger regulation hormones, 3. Some of the simple steps you can implement right now, to help you get a good night's sleep. CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE #intuitiveeating #intentionaleating #informedeating #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #mindfulness #stressandanxiety #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #ageinggracefully #intuitivewellnesscoach #nomoredieting #fitover50 #fitover60 #meditation #energy #vitality #hiittraining #yoga #pilates #visceralfat #sleep

15.01.2022 Women are time and again disappointed with their makeup so 8 years ago, unable to find makeup products that worked for her, Jennifer Hinds embarked on a journey to formulate a range of makeup that is incredibly light to wear, has stunning coverage and is water resistant. After discovering the ingredients in products she’d been using were making her increasingly ill, she realised the profound effects that chemical-based makeup has on our health. Unprepared to compromise anymor...e and knowing she wasn’t alone, she dedicated herself to formulating a meticulous blend of breathable, high-end cosmetics. Today, NAS Cosmetics is an International AND National award-winning brand offering a complete range of products that women truly love I am thrilled to be bringing you this interview with Jennifer, and discovering the challenges, the success and the wisdom she has experienced in her journey to creating this iconic all Australian success story. Join me on Wednesday for lunch - 12 noon Queensland Time and 1pm Daylight Saving time. Click on the 'get reminder'' tab to ensure you do not miss a moment of this inspiring interview. #nascosmetics #entrepreneurlife #australianmade #australianwomeninbusiness #womeninbusiness #successfulwomen #naturalcosmetics

14.01.2022 In the first video in this series of How To Lose Belly Fat Without Dieting, I shared yesterday, I talked about how the power of the evidence-based modality of Tapping (often referred to as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a powerful way to help reframe stress. In this video, I explain how EFT /Tapping works to help you lose belly fat by making it part of your daily self-care routine. Tomorrow I will also share an EFT script that will help you release that stress that ...impacts on the body's need to store bellyfat!! CLICK HERE TO WATCH ON YOUTUBE and make sure you hit the subscribe button so that you are notified when the next video goes up.... just in case you don't see this here ) #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #mindfulness #stressandanxiety #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #ageinggracefully #nomoredieting #fitover50 #fitover60 #meditation #energy #vitality #intutiveeating #intentionaleating #hiittraining #yoga #pilates #visceralfat

12.01.2022 Each of us has a unique personality type that impacts how we deal with stress and anxiety - two of the issues that are linked to visceral fat, that can be so hard to shift. Our personality type is also paramount staying motivated to stick to an exercise program and increase your energy. In Video #8 in the How to Lose Belly Fat series I share...... 1. How each of the four personality types deals with stress, and how to create strategies that work for you, 2. The types of exercise that are best suited to your personality type to keep you motivated! Click on the bio to watch to watch on Youtube

12.01.2022 One of the things I am most passionate about is inspiring women to make exercise an essential part of their day. But most importantly exercise is essential to help you shift that visceral belly fat as well as to age well. In video #10 in our How to Lose Belly Fat series I share the 4 top ways to exercise to lose that stubborn belly fat and be fit and healthy at any age. As we move into our 50's and 60's exercise becomes more important to help you lose that belly fat. But the... WAY you exercise is also crucial In this video, I will share with you... 1. Why too much exercise can place the body under stress 2. The one thing you must always do when you are exercising 3. How to protect your lower back while getting the best benefits 4. Why this one simple exercise is the best 5. How to get the most out of your exercise in the least amount of time CLICK HERE TO WATCH #fiitover50 #fitover60 #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #Coaching #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell

10.01.2022 Do you ever struggle with motivation? Do you find that you are often really enthusiastic when you set a goal, but quickly feel bored or frustrated with it....often giving up? Do you like your work... but sometimes feel like it's not you?... It could be that you are working against your personality type - instead of with it. In this unique quiz you will discover 1. The right type of exercise for your personality type 2. What aspects of your work that will drain your energy levels 3. The things you MUST do every day for your Personality type, to help you reduce stress and anxiety CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER YOURS #personalitytypes #energy #strongerleanerlighter #empoweredwomen #eft #emotionalfreedomtechniques #tapping #success #motivation #workoutmotivation #clarity #over50andfabulous #over50women #over50fitness

10.01.2022 What a fantastic interview with CEO & Founder of NAS Cosmetics Jennifer Hinds. After discovering the ingredients in products she’d been using were making her increasingly ill, she realised the profound effects that chemical-based makeup has on our health. Unprepared to compromise anymore and knowing she wasn’t alone, she dedicated herself to formulating a meticulous blend of breathable, high-end cosmetics with unique formulas that are... Today, NAS Cosmetics is an International AND National award-winning brand offering a complete range of products that women truly love It was a fascinating interview and Jennifer was so generous in sharing the challenges, the success and the wisdom she has experienced in her journey to creating this iconic all Australian success story. For the links we spoke about on the show click here The upcoming Gold Coast Workshop - Or take the quiz to find the right colour for you on

10.01.2022 In Video #9 in the How to Lose Belly Fat series, I explain why mindfulness can result in women losing more belly fat. Several studies now confirm mindfulness and meditation greatly assist in losing belly fat. Click here to watch the video, THE RESEARCH... A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine showed that dispositional mindfulness, (being more present and acknowledging your emotions) impacted on weight loss and in particular belly fat. Women who practice mindfulness recorded losing more belly fat than those who did not. A study at the University of Missouri found that when people focused on mindfulness, awareness, values clarification, and self-regulation in particular with intuitive eating they were more likely to be successful in releasing belly fat. Click here to watch the video, #mindfulness #dispositionalmindfulness #intuitiveeating #intentionaleating #informedeating #intermittentfasting #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss

10.01.2022 After taking 'social media' break over the last few days, I have 'immersed' myself in all the shows everybody tells me about... but I never get to watch. So far, over the last 72 hour I have watched The Queens Gambit ... OMG loved it My Octopus Teacher ... I am never eating squid again... Little Fires Everywhere... had to get up early this morning to watch the last episode, after my workout... Wow - so good. And I have just finished Hillbilly Elegy - another riveting one... OK, I have one more night to go... thoughts on another 'bingeworthy series/movie/show??? - Netflix or Amazon Prime?

09.01.2022 2020 is causing us to rethink many old paradigms...and the impact of stress, anxiety and overwhelm on our body has become one such area. As many people are now experiencing, the old approaches are not working any more.. And it is time for a brand new approach.... On this week’s Living Lighter Show I shared.. 1. That in order to create long term success - our focus has to shift. 2. Why we need a multi-faceted approach that is actually far more effective than just restricting food or increasing exercise. 3. How this change will make a massive difference to what you do daily. 4. Why modalities such as EFT and Meditation now must become a priority - for your health and wellbeing On the show, I also launched my brand new mini-online course - Mastering EFT for Personal Use... Click here to read more to help you understand how to use this simple technique and gain the maximum benefits.

09.01.2022 On the Living Lighter Show on Saturday I talked about the importance of committing to doing your own inner work to help release fear, doubt, worry or stress over the world that is 2020 One of my absolute go-to practises is the evidenced based Energy Psychology Technique known as Tapping often called EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. While this is an incredible modality, many people get stuck on 'what to tap on''. As an introduction to that, I have written a book called Ta...pping to Reclaim You' How to Reignite your Passion, Power and Purpose in 30 days. The book has: Over 30 Case Studies with detailed tapping scripts for each situation. Fully scripted so you can start immediately. How to reframe and close out cleared patterns. All subjects covered - Weight, Food, Relationships, Money and Work. If you are struggling to really step out from behind those invisible barriers.... this book can help you For Australian orders click here #eft #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechnique #emotionalfreedomtechniques #selfconfidence #joy #personaldevelopment #liftingtheveilsofillusion #intuitiveeating #accountabiltycoaching #transformationalcoaching

09.01.2022 Woo hoo... What a show! We talked about some powerful things this week on The Living Lighter Show and it was all about our role in this massive global change we are in. Astrologers refer this time as the shift from the Piscean age - with the values of money, power, to the Aquarian Age - where values are love, brotherhood, unity and integrity.... And what we are experiencing right now, is the lifting of those Picean Age veils, so we can clearly see the havoc the unsustainable institutions, corrupt practises and manipulations of systems (and people) we previously trusted, have caused. Each of us has chosen this time in history to be part of this global change. However, CHANGE HAPPENS THROUGH US - NOT TO US This lifting of the veils we are seeing, is not just about politicians and institutions, but also about each of us individually. While we can rally against the injustices, the lack of common sense, the lies that are being told - how we really change the world, is to HEAL our own past limiting stories, to enable us to REWRITE a new story, that aligns with the global energy changes coming. YOU WERE BORN AT THIS TIME IN HISTORY TO PLAY A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN THIS CHANGE Whatever challenges you are experiencing right now, are just preparing you for the leadership role or the support role that you have chosen to fulfil at this time. On this week’s #LivingLighterShow, I shared how to find the messages in the challenges you are experiencing, so that you can lift the veil on any story that stops you from fulfilling your purpose in this history making time on our planet. *** Please share this with others you know who may also be feeling challenged and seeking answers **** #thelivinglightershow #Change #AquarianAge #Purpose #Vision #wisewomen #Covidstress #powerfulwomen #eft #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques

08.01.2022 The year was 1986. I was working in the fitness industry. My first child was only 14 months old and I was asked to choreograph a swim wear show with three other instructors. And I hated every single damn minute My head was telling me all sorts of stories.... I'm too fat I'm breast feeding My legs are too short, my ankles are too fat, my calves too big, Who do you think you are? Sheesh Now, I had hosted a cable TV fitness show I had facilitated 100’s of aerobic classes Heck I had even been the lead instructor for an aerobic class with over 2,000 participants, but those times we were very careful about how tight (and thick) our lycra tights were. How we hoisted our leotards up to our waist, cinched in with a belt to give the illusion of long legs and tiny waist. (It was the 80's!!) But while I looked like I was totally in control - I was a mess... What would people think? What would they be saying about me? What right did I have to be wearing swim wear, on a stage and dancing, couldn’t they see the cellulite, jiggling? Now, 35 years later, I look at this and think What was I thinking?" The fact that my baby was only 14 months old and I am rocking it on the stage, with no tights, no bra.. just me and some swimwear and jumping jacking and grapevining it across the stage. It made me realise what are the flipping stories we tell ourselves every day? How do we hold ourselves back thinking we are not pretty enough? Thin enough? Smart enough? Qualified enough? Worthy enough? The story I was telling myself that day was that I was fat and had no right to be on that stage. If I could grab that 30 year old version of myself now, I’d grab her by the shoulders and shake her and say. Girl stop telling yourself a story that isn’t true. You are worthy and you have every right to be here live this, enjoy this, rock this! It doesn’t matter if it is your 30 year old version of yourself or your 50 year old version of yourself What is the story you are telling yourself right now, that in 30 years time, you will have wished you had taken yourself by the shoulders and yelled Stop telling yourself this story that isn’t true?

08.01.2022 On last week's Living Lighter Show I talked a little about the difference between our SOUL Purpose and our LIFE Purpose. One stays the same, the other changes as we do. But it can be confusing........ So on this week's Living Lighter Show I will share 1. How to uncover your soul purpose 2. How to implement your soul purpose into your current life purpose 3. The WRONG question to ask - and why most people miss this one!! 4. Why we lose our connection to our Soul Purpose and how to reclaim it Join me on Saturday at 7:30am and let me help you lift the veil on your soul purpose. Be ready for a powerful show!

08.01.2022 In the second video in this series on How To Lose Belly Fat Without Dieting, I shared how the power of the evidence-based modality of Tapping (often referred to as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a powerful way to help reframe stress. Now in this video, I share how to implement Tapping, with a script that you can use anytime and we are focused on releasing stress to help you fight that annoying visceral belly fat, often caused by too much stress Remember, this EFT scr...ipt is designed to be generic in nature. Click her to watch In order for Tapping to work really effectively, it is important to get to specifics. Use the Words, People or Events of your past that have caused you to feel vulnerable, hurt, doubt or fear. #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #mindfulness #stressandanxiety #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #ageinggracefully #nomoredieting #fitover50 #fitover60 #meditation #energy #vitality #intutiveeating #intentionaleating #hiittraining #yoga #pilates #visceralfat

07.01.2022 2021 is all about you evolving into the real you NOW. To be the healthiest, calmest, wisest, most empowered version of you! There is no more time for "fiddle faddling about" (my Mum's favorite phrase!)... This is the time to be the centred, connected and confident. To be Stronger, Leaner and Lighter to weather what ever change will come our way over the next few months...and beyond. And most of all be 100% aware and conscious about what you believe, what you say, what you choose and what you do. So that you have the energy and the vitality to see things objectively, to make wise decisions, to focus on what you DO want and not what you DO NOT want. To release the weight that no longer serves you, first emotionally and then physically... not the other way around. On Thursday 21 January I will be launching the Stronger Leaner Lighter Master Class with the best lessons I have learned and taught over three decades in working in health, wellness, fitness, spirituality, coaching and mentoring. On this call I will expand on the 10 Steps to Living Lighter... the 10 steps that will help you feel more confident, more empowered, and more energetic! Because, there is no more time left...your emotional and physical health and wellbeing MUST be your top priority!! Click here to reserve your spot at the Stronger Leaner Lighter Masterclass on January 2021

06.01.2022 Oh yes!! On the Living Lighter show on Saturday we talked a lot about soul purpose. You know, there is something really amazing that happens when you finally step into that soul purpose and make the decision that you are going to LIVE through it.... Confidence returns. Confusion leaves. Intuition heightens. And it just feels like home. ______________________________________________ If you are struggling to find your soul purpse... or you know it, but self-sabotage or fear are standing in the way of you truly living it.... book in for a free strategy session with me and let me see if and how I can help you breakthrough those invisible barriers to do what you came here to do!!! CLICK HERE TO BOOK TO FIND OUT MORE #soulpurpose #lifepurpose #lifepurposecoach #accountabiltycoach #successcoach #intutivecoaching #vision #empowrment #facebooklive #streamyard #ageingwell #over50 #over60 #successatanyage #eft #efttapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #tapping #visionboard #clarity #thelivinglightershow #strongerleanerlighter #purposedrivenlife #fulfillment #successmindset #beliefs #impostersyndrome #selfsabotage #selfsabotaging

06.01.2022 I've been practising the art of Intuitive eating for over 35 years... I now believe it is no longer enough!! in this video I explain why..... Register for the Stronger Leaner Lighter MasterClass... Thursday 21 January

05.01.2022 It takes just as much energy to make an #excuse as it does to make a #choice. Yes, I know you are busy. Yes I know finding that time in the day for you is hard Yes I know it's hard to implement a new habit... ... but the alternative is SOOOOO much harder! The Stronger Leaner and Lighter method is all about Choice not restriction. Compassion not judgement. Clarity not confusion. Confidence not conformity. Prioritising #meditation, #tapping, #exercise and eating well helps relearn how to trust in your own wisdom and intuition to know what is right for you and undo all the old restrictive rules that no longer work. Have you watched the Stronger Leaner Lighter MasterClass yet? In it I share why we need a new approach to an age old problem..and why 2020 is the time of the great reset! CLICK TO WATCH #intutiveeating #fitover50 #over50 #over60 #ageingwellrevolution #informedeating #intentionalliving #transformation #wellness #eft #tapping #meditation #vision #antiaging #nomorediet #nomoredietrules #2020stress #fitnessmotivation #choice #excuse #confidence #clarity #compassion

05.01.2022 I can't believe we are still having to have this conversation!! This was the headline for a MSM site today "Banana's are good fruit... for weight loss... "How many you should eat in a day.... the article says one WHAT RUBBISH!!!!! Bananas are great fruit, full of potassium and fibre! A fruit, grown from a tree, out in nature blessed by sunshine and water... You are far better off eating 2 or 3 bananas, rather than a packet of chips, two chocolate chip cookies or a block of chocolate - or anything highly processed that comes out of a factory, with ingredients you can't pronounce. LISTEN to your body - not to your judgemental mind that reads the rules that keep changing. Your body will always tell you want it needs and wants. But ignoring that, judging it, sets you up for a binge of epic proportions. Isn't it time you began the new year, by trusting your own intutition? And if you want to have two bananas... eat two bananas, a gift of nature and mother earth!!! So the headline should read... Banana's are good for you... eat as many as you want!!!! #intuiiveeating #intentionaleating #informedeating #nomorediets #nomoredietingever #2021change #trustinyou #fitafter50 #fitafter60 #over50 #fitatanyage #ageingwell #agingwellrevolution #over60 #wisdom #plantbased #eathealthy #organicfood #efttapping #tapping #accountabiltycoach #wellnesscoaching #transformationalcoach

04.01.2022 EFT Scripts & Words to lose belly fat The EFT Scripts and Words to help you lose that belly fat are exceptionally important. Visceral Belly Fat is detrimental to our health - and creating strategies to understand your stress triggers are exceptionally important in helping your stress levels manageable ... Studies have continually showed that using EFT correctly can help lower cortisol levels, to release the triggers and attachements to those old stories... and help you rewrite new empowering stories that have you feeling energized and focused. BUT being as specific as you can is the key - and for many people that is hard to do. In this video, I share why being specific and 'tapping on the negative' is so important to helping you lose that visceral belly fat and in turn help you feel stronger, leaner and lighter!! CLICK ON THE LINK IN THE BIO TO WATCH #fiitover50 #fitover60 #intuitiveeating #intentionaleating #informedeating #intermittentfasting #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #mindfulness #stressandanxiety #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #ageinggracefully #intuitivewellnesscoach #goodposture #pilates #yoga #hiitworkout #strengthtraining #nomoredieting #energy #visceralfat

04.01.2022 2021 has started off with a huge bang... and not in the way we actually had hoped - or wanted! In this video I share why you will not be able to release the weight that no longer serves you in 2021... until you focus on these three things!! - for the 10 Part Video Series & More Tapping Videos #consciouseating #intuitiveeating #lowgradestress #lowgradeanxiety #eft #efttapping #tapping #meditation #focus #presentmoment #over50 #over60 #visceralfatloss

03.01.2022 In video #5 in the 10-Part video series - How to Lose Belly Fat WITHOUT dieting - I share my steps to embracing The Art of Intuitive Eating to help you lose that stubborn visceral belly fat. Intuitive Eating can be a challenging concept to embrace, and for many of my clients the change from restricted eating, or dieting, was often challenging. So to help them embrace the practice, I implemented a step-by-step method, to help them implement the practice WITHOUT stress. As man...y of my clients have said Ït is one of the most freeing and empowering things they have ever done!" CLICK HERE TO WATCH and leave a comment and let me know if Intuitive Eating is something you have tried... and how it worked for you. #intuitiveeating #intentionaleating #informedeating #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #mindfulness #stressandanxiety #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #ageinggracefully #intuitivewellnesscoach #nomoredieting #fitover50 #fitover60 #meditation #energy #vitality #hiittraining #yoga #pilates #visceralfat

03.01.2022 The recording of the Stronger Leaner Lighter Master Class is now available. On this 45 minute information packed class, I share with you why 2020 calls for a whole new approach to the age old challenge of weight release. This has been the most challenging year with all the uncertainty and unpredictability causing higher rates of stress and anxiety than normal. That coupled with many issues amongst family and friends as we all try to navigate differing views and opinions has a...dded to the tension.. For many people that added intensity of the year has impacted on our body, and in particular extra weight gain. But this weight gain is different, and is serious, because it has long term impact on our immune system and has been linked to diseases such as Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease and some cancers. And because it is different - it requires a different approach to releasing it. A far more sustainable, realistic and above all simple approach that will help you to release the weight that no longer serves you and feel stronger, leaner and lighter Register for the class here...

02.01.2022 In the 4th video in the 10 part video series on How to Lose Belly Fat, I share the foods that you need to limit to help release that belly fat and the best foods to eat to help you lose it. And while there are probably no surprises... some of the current popular diets can actually impact on your hormones as well increasing that visceral belly fat, especially throughout menopause, and throughout your '50's and 60's. Click here to watch and if... you struggle to let go of those 'not so good foods' make sure you subscribe to watch the next one...... (no prizes for guessing what that will be :) :) ) #howtolosebellyfat #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques #accountabilitycoaching #coaching #mindfulness #stressandanxiety #over50 #over60 #menopause #menopauseweightloss #wellnesscoaching #agingwell #nomoredieting #fitover50 #fitover60 #meditation #energy #vitality #intutiveeating #intentionaleating #eft #tapping #emotionalfreedomtechniques

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