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25.01.2022 Stage 3 Salt Guider and gun fisho Chris Preston has been getting stuck into the snapper and some rippa whiting in Western Port. Great work Chris off to a flyer agin this season we have got you locked into our end of month members comp! Jump on board Salt Guide and let us help you find the fish!

25.01.2022 Red back at it again today putting plenty of new content together for the members!! We love this time of year with heaps of options in the bays and it’s great to see so many members out with family and friends catching plenty having a few laughs - keep the photos coming gang for a chance to WIN our end of month members comp as we continue to giveaway loads of rippa new gear

25.01.2022 Red just had a cracking session on the whiting Salt Guider’s, so for all the crews in stage 3 make sure you hit up Reds report and get stuck into these fun to catch and great tasting fish!! Check out what Red has to say! Video cut out at the end... Head to the Salt Guide website for all the info!

25.01.2022 Gawaine and Craig’o now proud Premier Ambassadors for Stabicraft in New Zealand. This photo was in taken in the 1850 supercab the fourth Stabi that has been put together over the years! We can’t wait to get out and about after lockdown to showcase the new 2050 Supercab and the G’man is also getting super excited about the 1850 Fisher that he has on order! ... For all the details on Stabicraft’s rippa range of boats hit up their website and then speak with Michael and the team at MY Marine in Dromana or shoot us a message via the website with any questions you have!!

24.01.2022 Salt Guider Lachy all smiles after landing this rippa local Blue Fin tuna in magnificent conditions!! Well done Lachy great fish - we’ve also got you locked into the members comp!

23.01.2022 LIVE with RED, GAWAINE & CHRIS! Members our next LIVE chat is set for next Wednesday at 7.00 pm with Red, Gawaine and Chris Cassar. For those who don’t know yet Chris Cassar the master of Snapper has joined the Salt Guide team and he can’t wait to put you onto the Reds this Spring and Summer when restrictions lift. Join the LIVE at 7.00 pm on Wednesday with a quick intro about Chris and then a complete Q & A with all the boys on any topic you like!! ... Members to join simply log into your Salt Guide membership and click LIVE then follow the prompts! See you then! Head to the Salt Guide website for all the info!

23.01.2022 Members Chris Cassar has been on the snapper every day this week and all the details on where to target them for the week ahead are loaded up in his fresh report, plus make sure you check out his new videos on baits and rigs! To find the videos simply log into your membership and click videos and then click search all videos then type in snapper in the black search bar. For all the info head to the Salt Guide website!

22.01.2022 Hi guys! Thanks for all the tips gents, just smashed a PB in the Leopold Angling Club snapper comp! I’ve gone back to back 2 weekends in a row with PB’s now. The info you guys have provided has transformed my snapper fishing. Bloody legends. Thank you Lachlan Whitehead You bloody beauty Lachy well done mate - glad your enjoying the site congratulations on winning the comp. We’ve also got you locked into our end of month members comp!! ... Join the best fishing club there is - head to the Salt Guide website for all the info!

21.01.2022 Red got the order this morning from his better half for a feed of fresh flake, so the boys shot out mid morning and scored this perfect sized model and were back at the ramp by 1 pm. Members there’s plenty of options and it’s only going to get better in the next few weeks, so make sure you find the time to head out and grab yourself some fresh air and fish with your friends and family! See you out on the water!

20.01.2022 Gawaine’s on the local KINGIES Gawaine offshore today gang off Port Phillip Bay heads chasing the local kingfish and had a rippa session boating some quality fish!! Members there’s no one better than the G’man when it comes to outsmarting Kingfish and if you’re keen to learn exactly how he goes about it all make sure you log into your Salt Guide membership this THURSDAY 14th Jan @ 7.00 pm as Gawaine presents all things KINGFISH in his LIVE presentation. ... Once logged in click LIVE and then follow the prompts to join in. You can also ask questions via the chat and we have got some great prizes to giveaway, plus don’t forget we have loads of tutorial videos already up on the site and plenty of areas in the weekly reports where these fish are being caught. For all the up to date info as all the seasons change head to the Salt Guide website!

20.01.2022 Hey guys, missed out on the live talk, but just re watched it and was fantastic lot of different techniques and little changes I hope I can implement to increase my snapper consistency and hopefully increase average size too. Brother and I have started taking the old man's boat out so...from 3 boat sessions and 1 kayak session so far we have caught like 4 you would call quality snapper around your marks. Not huge fish by any means but stoked to be catching fish already as ...we usually grind it out in yak for one big fish across like 10 sessions till October hits haha! Cheers Ben! Great work guys always catching - well done. We have got you locked into our end of month comp for a chance to win some some great new gear!

20.01.2022 Hi guys! I did it again. I’ve done 2 trips following your advice and bagged both times on quality fish. I just love it when the rod takes off. I lost the first one and then got these straight after. Thanks for all your advice and hard work. One happy Salt Guider. Mark Burrows You beauty Mark, that’s what it’s all about! We’ve got you locked into our end of month comp for a chance to win some great new fishing gear! Jump on - Head to the Salt Guide website!

16.01.2022 Keen Stage 3 Salt Guider Steve Comber has had no trouble finding some quality reds off the back of Gawaine’s weekly reports! Members make sure you stay close to all the boys reports this coming season, but more importantly watch the videos before heading to the areas. Send in you pics via the contact us page on the website or our social media pages for our members comps to win some great new gear! ... Become a member by simply heading to the Salt Guide website - and learn to find and catch fish like a PRO!

16.01.2022 Members don’t forget tonight’s LIVE with Gawaine Blake, Aaron Habgood and Chris Cassar chatting all things fishing at 7.00 pm. To join in simply LOG into your Salt Guide membership and then click LIVE and follow the prompts. Ask as many questions as you like on the group chat! See you tonight! For more info head to the Salt Guide website!

15.01.2022 Red got stuck into plenty of blue sky today gang, plus a solid bag of whiting! It’s going to be rippa season ahead and a big congratulations to all the crews that are now able to travel and go fishing after today’s announcements. We look forward to seeing you out on the water!! Head to the Salt Guide website for more info

14.01.2022 Hi guys! Fished offshore on Gawaine’s mark after watching the videos on how to catch the big gummies, following the advice both Nick and I landed 2 x 15kg beasts! Steve Rabel You bloody beauty Steve and Nick top job - gotta love it when a plan comes together!! Locked into the members comp... Let us help you find the fish...head to the Salt Guide website for all the info!

14.01.2022 Chris Cassar into the reds this arvo - Port Phillip Bay in magnificent conditions! Nice work Chris!! Get your snapper fix and more...head to the Salt Guide website!

11.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME Friday again gang which means another members comp and this week we are giving you the chance to WIN Chris Cassar’s snapper pack which is full of some great quality gear that your definitely going to need very soon! 24 lb Unitika Braid ... Large packet of 6/0 inline Gamakatsu hooks 40 lb Unitika Leader Salt Guide Beanie TO WIN all you need to do is hit the like button on this post and our page then tag a mate or a date that your hanging to get out on the snapper with! Drawn 2nd October - winner announced on the Salt Guide website!

11.01.2022 Gidday team, re-watched a few of Red’s vids on Tuna last night. Glad I did. Cheers Leigh Schilling Nice work Leigh - yep there’s certainly a few things Red does that makes a massive difference to catching the local Tuna! We’ve locked you into the members competition! Members to watch the Tuna videos simply log into your membership click videos, then click search all videos and then type tuna in the black search bar!

11.01.2022 Great little morning session. Chris Cassar’s marks and advice worked a treat. He is the snapper master! Cheers Charlo Carabott Great work Charlo yep your right he’s certainly the snapper master and all the new areas on where to fish for the week ahead are up on his report. Well done - we’ve got you locked into our end of month members comp! Head to the Salt Guide website for all the info!

11.01.2022 LIVE UPDATE Chris out in the top end of Port Phillip Bay gang and getting stuck into some quality snapper... 3 on board so far on a perfect Spring day! ... We teach you to fish like a PRO. - head to the Salt Guide website!

10.01.2022 Gawaine & Frankie getting ready for a gummy to start running!!

10.01.2022 Red just back in gang on a rippa session chasing the whiting and getting a heap of intel for our members reports and now straight home to get ready for TONIGHTS LIVE CHAT with Red, Gawaine and Chris Cassar. Members log into your Salt Guide membership at 7.00 pm and click LIVE and then follow the prompts. See you there!! ... Head to the Salt Guide website!!

09.01.2022 Red with an awesome session today! 60 magnificent whiting (3 fishing) in just a few hours. Stage 3 members there are plenty of quality fish around including whiting, snapper, gummies and calamari all being caught from the boys weekly reports. Check out what Red has to say below and members make sure you send in the photos of your catches as we fire up our monthly members comps to win some great new quality fishing gear! Head the Salt Guide website for all the info!

09.01.2022 Thanks to Chris for the reports last week I managed to open up my snapper account for 2020. Keep up the good work lads! Damian Boyd You beauty Damo off and running and the season is just kicking in!! Glad you are enjoying the site we’ve got you locked into the members comp! Join the best fishing club around - head to the Salt Guide esoteric for all the info!

07.01.2022 Chris Cassar on fire Salt Guide’s Chris Cassar with yet another sensational snapper from yesterday’s session on the East side of Port Phillip Bay! Members the warmer weather this week will kick the water temp up, so make sure your ready to go from Frankston to St Kilda. ... Chris’s LIVE snapper talk will be back up on the website next week also for the members who missed it or want to watch the replay!! Let us help you find the fish! - head to the Salt Guide website for all the weekly info and more...

06.01.2022 How good is the fishing Salt Guiders - Chris Cassar back out this morning and hopped on the big cala’s that’s going to feed a few for sure... Members make sure you keep checking out the new recipes that we are loading up on the website, plus our old mate Sammy Goodwin from Masterchef has got the best beer batter and crumb mix videos that is sure to impress your friends and family leaving them wanting more! Learn to catch and then cook your bag - head to the Salt Guide website for all the info!

06.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME This weeks major prize is another beauty and it’s for the ones that didn’t get away!! WIN a set of quality KERSHAW knives that are going to not only last you years but make filleting your fish a lot easier that’s for sure...... To WIN - simply like this post and our page then tag a few buddies that have the cheapest crap’o blunt knives on board and could certainly do with a set of these rippa knives that will help to sharpen them up a bit!! Drawn 4th December Friday arvo - winner announced on the Salt Guide website... Good luck!!

05.01.2022 Using all the tips and it’s paying off! Cheers boys keep up the good work! Duncan. Nice work Duncan that’s a crackin schoolie! We have got you locked into our end of month members comp for a chance to win some great new gear.

04.01.2022 Gidday boys! Just wanted to share my fish...You guys have totally changed my wife and myself the way we fish. I’ve been fishing for 48 years and never have caught fish and understood so much since you’re Salt Guide started. Cheers Paul Moodie You beauty Paul we get a massive kick when we see members catching fish glad you are enjoying the site. We’ve also got you locked into our end of month members comp! See you on the water. Join the best fishing club around - head to the Salt Guide website for more info!

03.01.2022 SALT GUIDE GIFT CERTIFICATES Looking for a Christmas gift that just keeps giving? Then why not grab a 12 month Salt Guide membership for that special friend or family member that absolutely loves their fishing!! ... To grab a yearly membership simply click the below link and scroll down to Gift a 12 month membership making sure that you fill in all the details.

03.01.2022 Hi guys! I’ve learnt alot since becoming a member which is starting to pay off. Last night landed these two beauties! Clint Dyer Great work Clint - thanks for sending in all your pics looks like your have a cracking season!! We’ve got you locked into our end of month members competition drawn in just a few days!! Learn to consistently catch fish...head to the Salt Guide website!

03.01.2022 Salt Guider and gun fisho Chris Preston with another couple of reds out in Western Port! Nice work Chris - locked into the members comp.

02.01.2022 Boating and fishing restrictions update! Salt Guiders our great mates at the BIAV have sent through some details today regarding the new ease of restrictions for boating and fishing. Great news is only a few weeks to go and we will all be back on the water. Dig deep gang, let’s keep doing the right thing and then we can look forward to enjoying the snapper season that’s clearly in sight. ... BIAV members will be aware that today the Premier made a series of COVID restriction announcements and progress to the Second Step of the Roadmap. MARINE INDUSTRY UPDATE EASING OF RESTRICTIONS - INCLUDES SERVICING BIAV members will be aware that today the Premier made a series of COVID restriction announcements and progress to the Second Step of the Roadmap. BIAV is pleased to advise, that with regard to the Servicing, Safety and Maintenance of vessels, the following wording has been provided Boat maintenance: marine and specialist mechanics permitted to operate when required for safe operation including scheduled/logbook inspections. As you would be aware, BIAV has campaigned for this outcome, and are relieved that this decision has been made. We thank the Minister Melissa Horne for championing this, as well as Gary Gaffney at BBV, and the various DJRP officials that also listened to our safety case and gave support. BIAV will continue discussions over the next couple of days with the government, clarifying any of the finer points, and also working towards our next objectives in the areas of retail and then boating itself. Fishing/Boating Today's announcement also triggers the easing of restriction for recreational boating and fishing activities in metropolitan Melbourne with individuals able to go fishing and undertake boating activities on human-powered crafts only, within 5km of your home and a two-hour time limit applies. Whilst this is not ideal and does not allow for powerboating, it is a small step in the right direction. We will work with government to push for a return to all forms of boating, with a possible timeframe for that being the Third Step revised date of 19 October. We will keep you posted.

02.01.2022 Bang Salt Guider’s on the 20lb! Stage 3 Salt Guider’s Nadine and her partner Terry Phillips hit up Gawaine’s Weekly reports and then hit the water in search of some mega reds and this happened! 10.14 kg if you done mind, plus two smaller ones as well. Nice work gang Maree and Terry we are sending you some Salt Guide beanies and some Gamakatsu hooks - well done rippa fish! ... Find the fish - head to the Salt Guide website!

02.01.2022 The tutorial videos are a great help. Keep up the good work!! Jamie Stirling Fantastic Jamie that’s a rippa day out right there. Glad your enjoying the site, we’ve also got you locked into the comp!! Members don’t forget Gawaine’s LIVE Thursday night at 7.00 pm on all things KINGFISH. To join in simply log into your membership and click LIVE then follow the prompts!

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