Healing Spiritual Centre in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Health & wellness website
Healing Spiritual Centre
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 425 805 310
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24.01.2022 Get your Crystals cleansed under the full moon energies tonight and ready for Friday nights big Healing
23.01.2022 Aromatic Profile: Peppermint offers a refreshing, cool, minty, herbal aroma Therapeutic Claims Traditionally used in Aromatherapy: As an antipyretic to reduce body temperature; As an analgesic to relieve pain;... to relieve toothaches; To decrease headache symptoms; To decrease the symptoms and duration of mild migraines; To decrease mild rheumatic aches and pains; As an antispasmodic; To reduce occurrence of excess intestinal wind; To reduce colic (wind/gas pain); To relieve flatulence; To relieve loss of appetite; To maintain a healthy appetite; To help reduce the symptoms and occurrence of indigestion; To help increase bile flow; To relieve nausea; To reduce menstruation pain; As a cough suppressant; and To relieve cough. www.youngliving.com.au Member No 22827621 Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Not to be taken. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional.
22.01.2022 https://facebook.com/events/s/free-frequency-healing-meditat/240823600582871/?ti=icl
22.01.2022 Heres some global Marvin Gaye to soothe the pandemic blues.
21.01.2022 Or watch one of our quick healing videos
21.01.2022 Love it when your day starts with messages like this Thank you thank you thank you for always being there whenever I need. Thank you for the knowledge and spiritual growth you have show me. Thank you for directly me and trusting the path that is in front of me is the right one.... I am truly grateful and blessed to have you both in my life See more
20.01.2022 Do you remember the year 2020 when a deadly virus was released, so deadly you needed to be tested to see if you had it . Do you remember the year 2020 the gover...nments put everyone into lockdown to test their compliance. They then tried to brainwash people into thinking that touch was a thing to be feared and to wear a mask was an act of love. To not wear one was inconsiderate and a crime. Do you remember the year 2020 where they tried to mandate a vaccine, so corrupt it would totally rewire the bodies DNA. Do you remember the year 2020 when they tried to control our children. Where schools became a place to be educated in fear, division, control and compliance. Do you remember the year 2020 when all eyes where on America. Where America was predicting the collective timelines. Do you remember the year 2020 the once conscious became lost in division and unity was becoming a thing of the past. But do you remember how the majority rose up to stand up for rights of peoples freedoms. Instead of division they came together as ONE tribe. And do you remember how the Men woke up to take their leadership roles as PROTECTORS and MASTER BUILDERS of New Earth. And do you remember how women took back their positions as DIVINE ORACLES to birth new worlds by the POWER of their WOMBS. And do you remember when all of humanity WOKE UP. They rose from their brainwashed induced slumbers. All the veils where lifted and all corruption was exposed. And do you remember how we realized that our childrens freedoms where the key to our own freedom. That they where our future. And do you remember how LOVE and ACCEPTANCE became the biggest weapon against DIVISION. Where anothers beliefs where listened to and accepted. Knowing all views where valid keys to co- creating a new conscious civilization. And do you remember how we all REMEMBERED who we where and why we where here. And do you remember how all the realms of consciousness unified to create majestic realities for us to explore and build upon creating new universes. And do you remember when duality timelines where closed. That history no longer needed to repeat itself. And do you remember what that meant for you and humanity? This is exactly where we are NOW. Do you remember how powerful you are? What your vibration can command. What change you voice can create. That your light and love will bring illumination to those that need it. The year 2020 where we were all SHOOK awake. Saffron
19.01.2022 Connie & Salvador completed distance healing for me to my two sons some months ago. My younger son who has had two open heart surgeries over the past two years... has just been voted in as College Captain in Year 12 at his college for next year and my older son has just been promoted twice in the past month at his current workplace into a 3 month trial as Operations Manager at 20 years old with 400 staff statistics to manage. Both of my boys have turned their lives around 360 degrees with the support and love of Connie & Salvador as have many other relatives, friends and their friends over the past 5 years. Thankyou Connie Healbig Thankyou Salvador Olivo <3 Pauline See more
18.01.2022 Shop THE SALE OF THE SEASON with 20% OFF selected essentials oils, limited-time offers & exclusive merchandise. Get in quick - sale ends Friday 27 NOV 3pm AEDT or while stocks last!
17.01.2022 We are going to Atlantis for some major crystal and past life healing. Who is coming with us? Everyone is welcome to this free meditation so please share. Salvador and I are so happy to be gifting these weekly free meditations to help uplift everyones vibration.
16.01.2022 Frequencies Healing Meditation
15.01.2022 Did you know we do Distance Healing on Abundance? $44pm. People who started years ago are still continuing as they notice the difference when they are not on it. Contact me if you are interested 0425805310
15.01.2022 Reflecting on the Sacred principles of Nine as the 9th day 9th month adding up to 9 and all that is 9 deducting to 9 is fast approaching. September is offering... us an amazing month of 9 portals! 9th, 18th, 27th are vibrating as a high frequency numerology activational trigger to perceive and embrace the Al~Khemi of 9D reality in non duality in a very tangible way. All IS in accord. We live in a city of nine gates. There are 9 openings in human body. They are the doors to our inner body. These 9 openings are: Two Eyes Two Ears Two Nostrils One Mouth One Anus One Vagina or penis In Sanskrit these 9 openings are called nava dwara - 9 doorways. Barbara Hand Clow writes that the Milky Way is the entirety of the 9th dimension and contains a black hole in its centre, from which flows intergalactic frequencies. She feels that from this source are derived the origins of time itself. The Mayan Time Keepers are the way showers of holding and anchoring all 9 dimensions through our physical form and therein lies the Mastery of Time through cyclic time. The gifts of the Spirit are 9 in number: the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. Many ancient cultures regard number 9 as a symbol of perfection, unity, and freedom. Beijings center had eight access roads and one center; in the West, there were nine angelic choirs and nine cosmic spheres of the medieval worldview. According to (Galatians 5:22 - 23), number nine represents the fruits of Gods Holy Spirit, which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace, and Self-control. Number 9 stands for initiation, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. When number 9 is multiplied with other numbers, the result will always reduce to 9. September 9 September 18 September 27 As windows of divine opportunity. It surely is a time of completions and completeness for us all. A time of closure, with an emphasis on diligence, meaning the work and effort put in to our tasks at hand now more than ever, is reaping great rewards. The added multiple vibration of the number 9 adds to the sense of urgency re planetary completions, catapulting us into a new realm of Being without delay. Many ancient cultures regarded number 9 as a symbol of perfection, unity, and freedom. Therefore Nine is free from earthly restrictions. It is an opportunity to put our efforts forward as one door closes and new doors are opening! Sri Yantra, the Marmas have 54 intersecting energy lines where three lines intersect. Each has feminine, or Shakti, and masculine, or Shiva, qualities. 54 X 2 = 108. Therefore there are 108 points that define the human body, and the Sri Yantra or the Yantra of Creation. The same rule is observed in the Sanskrit language, with its 54 letters, both representing the two genders, and they are also called Shiva and Shakti respectively; again, 54 X 2= 108. The Navarasa, in the scriptures refer to the nine expressions that humans often show. These are love (shringaara), laughter (haasya), kind-heartedness or compassion (karuna), anger (roudra), courage (veera), fear (bhayaanaka), disgust (bheebhatsya), wonder or surprise (adbhutha) and peace or tranquility (shaantha). Navadhanyas are the nine-grain varieties popularly known for their health benefits. The Navadanya includes Bengal Gram, Wheat, Horse Gram, Green Gram, Rice, White beans, Black Sesame Seeds, Chick Peas or garbanzo beans, and Black Gram. These nine grains provide essential nutrients to the human body and are utilused in Agni Hotra yagna -Fire Ceremony. Navaratna - Nine precious and semiprecious stones having talismanic benefits to health and wellbeing. The setting of the stones is believed to hold mystical powers, tied to Vedic astrology, mythology and I inherently tied to mythological concepts around cosmology and astrology and the "Navagrahas", or "nine celestial gods" - ruby is the gem for the Sun, natural pearl for the Moon, red coral for Mars, emerald for Mercury yellow sapphire for Jupiter, diamond for Venus, blue sapphire for Saturn, hessonite for Rahu (ascending lunar node), and cats eye for Ketu (descending lunar node)." The Navagraha are: Surya: the Sun Chandra: the Moon Mangala: Mars Budha: Mercury Bhaspati: Jupiter Shukra: Venus Shani: Saturn Rahu: Shadow body associated with the ascending (or north) lunar node Ketu: Shadow body associated with the descending (or south) lunar node Such is the Sacredness of The Nine. The ancient people of Khem believed in the nine inseparable parts of the soul: (1) The Ka -the abstract personality of the individual to whom it belongs, Possessing the form and attributes of a human with power of movement omnipresence, and ability to receive nourishment. Equivalent to what we call the shadow image. (2) The Khat - the mortal concrete personality, the physical body. (3) The Ba- the heart-soul, which lives in the Ka and sometimes beside it, to supply the Ka with food and air. Capable of metamorphosis. (4) The Ab- the heart, the physical life in humans, spiritual, rational and ethical. Associated with the Ba(heart-soul). In the Egyptian Judgment Drama, it undergoes examination in the presence of the God Osiris, the great creator and merciful judge of the dead. (5) The Sheut or Kaibit- the shadow. Also associated with the Ba, from which it receives its nourishment. Has the power of movement and omnipresence. (6) The Khu- spiritual soul that lives forever. A heavenly being, closely associated with the Ba. (7) The Sahu- the spiritual body in which the Khu or spiritual soul dwells. The moral nature of mental and spiritual qualities is united to form new powers that humans have has the choice to use for good or evil. (8) The Sekhem- the power or spirit of the vital force in humans and the electro magnetic grids of the Earth. Lives in the heavens with the spirit of Khu. (9) The Ren- the name of an individual, the essential attribute for preservation of a being. The ancients believed that in the absence of a name, individual ceased to exist. The quality of a name, therefore, was very important. Therefore in keeping with the nine inseparable parts of the human soul, a child is not given a name (Ren) until it was nine days old." This ancient Kemetic spiritual ceremony is now called "Baptism" in the Euro-Christian religious ceremony. Interestingly the true and sacred name, is a vital part of a persons journey through life and the afterlife. Ren - naming ceremonies in Egypt were secret, and a child lived his whole life with a nickname to avoid anyone from learning his true name. The Ren, is considered an important facet, ensuring the continued existence after death through the perpetuation of the name". Ancient Khemetians were the first to identify the Neters of order and arrangement in the universe - known as The Ennead of Helioopolis ~ The Nine Neters, so called gods/goddesses are: *1 Shu, the God of air; *2 Tefnut, the Goddess of Moisture; *3 Geb, the God of Earth; and *4 Nut, Goddess of the sky; universe ~ These Gods in turn gave birth to: *5 Osiris, the God of omnipotence and omniscience; *6 Isis, the wife of Osiris, the female principle; *7 Seth, the God of evil, opposite good; *8 Nephthys, wife of Seth, and *9 Atum, the creator God of Gods. Generally humans are carried in womb of their mother for nine months before delivery/birth. Number 9 is the natural number of the lightworker and encourages us to look to courses of action that serve others in positively uplifting ways. There were also nine cardinal Principles of Righteousness in ancient Khemet: 1) Right intentions 2) Right thought 3) Right speech 4) Right effort 5) Right action 6) Right living 7) Right reality Right innerstanding 9) Right will
14.01.2022 Our self love meditation helps master this
14.01.2022 Join us Friday night for a sound bath with frequencies to help you heal.
13.01.2022 Incredible blessed day with Patrick Scott Zeigler, creator of Seichim/Sekhem Egyptian Reiki, full of activations and attunements. My heart is so full
12.01.2022 Great info. Thankyou Tim
11.01.2022 Clary Sage is your go to girl for lady problems from head to toe. -Clary Sage can help during that time of the month to ease menstrual cramps and other period ...pains. -Its ability to promote skin regeneration helps create beautiful, youthful skin. -The soothing properties of Clary Sage can aid in maintaining healthy digestion. See more
11.01.2022 Have you seen our 20 free Healing Meditations? All in one spot on our channel Healing Spiritual Centre Connie and Salvador
10.01.2022 Youre invited to Supplements Swap - free online webinar with Sharon Wild Wed 16th September at 12.30pm AEST Register here: [https://bit.ly/3irtgNi](https://bit.ly/3irtgNi) You may be familiar with a ditch and switch list for cleaning products. But what about your supplements? Join us for a swap guide to see which types of supplements you can swap with Young Living supplements.... This webinar is presented live and also available on-demand to watch for 48 hours. When: Wednesday 16th September 12.30pm AEST Where: Zoom Webinar Who: All YL members welcome Duration: 45 min Cost: Free Register here [https://bit.ly/3irtgNi](https://bit.ly/3irtgNi) Grab your lunch and learn along with your presenter Sharon Wild. Sharon has been sharing the benefits of Young Living Essential Oils for over 12 years.
10.01.2022 Beautiful meditations
10.01.2022 Hope you can join us live
09.01.2022 50 percent off RRP. I have too much stock. Be quick. Text me on 0425805310
07.01.2022 I have been feeling some INTENSE energies today. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that if you too are feeling them, we are in it together. You are no...t navigating these times alone. You are courageous to be here now FEELING it all. Thank you I love you And I see you
07.01.2022 ##essentialoils ORANGE Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis) Aromatic Profile: Orange offers a sweet, fruity, citrus aroma... Therapeutic Claims Traditionally used in Aromatherapy: To induce sleep; To promote refreshing sleep and healthy sleep patterns; To reduce the time to fall asleep; To relieve constipation; To relieve flatulence; To decrease the loss of appetite; To maintain and help regulate a healthy appetite; To reduce the symptoms and occurrence of mild anxiety; To aid in mind relaxation; To increase body relaxation; and As a nervous system relaxant. www.youngliving.com.au Member No. 22827621 Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Not to be taken. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional
06.01.2022 Powerful meditation from beautiful Anrita
06.01.2022 Valor strength and courage
06.01.2022 Beautiful story from Delta. Everyone is going through something. Some peoples challenges are bigger than others and they cant/dont want to share it. Please kind and patient to each other (and yourselves). Do not judge. You just dont know whats going on.
05.01.2022 Like to know more about essential oils? My Aromatherapy Teacher in USA is presenting this tomorrow (Thursday) at 10am (Melbourne time). Please register to join in. https://transformationalwellnessservices.com/breathe-bett/
04.01.2022 Join us this Friday night at 7pm at Healing Spiritual Centre fb page. You can rewatch all our past free Healing Meditations at our page under Events. Doing our best to raise the vibration. Blessings and Gratitude
03.01.2022 I am very thankful for what you have done in healing and distance. I can sure feel a difference. With the gifts you have given me I am going to a work admin lunch and not suffering anxiety. I am free and confident Thank you for your blessings.
03.01.2022 Help you feel good
02.01.2022 #essentialoils Aromatic Profile: Lemongrass offers a strong, grassy, citrus-herb, lemon aroma. Therapeutic Claims Traditionally used in Aromatherapy:... To reduce symptoms and duration of headaches; As an analgesic to relieve pain; As an analgesic to relieve mild rheumatic aches; To relieve the symptoms, severity of the common cold and flu; To decrease symptoms of head cold; To reduce body temperature; To reduce flatulence; To relieve symptoms of indigestion; and To promote and maintain healthy digestion. www.youngliving.com.au Member 22827621 Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. Not to be taken. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional.
01.01.2022 Colour Healing Meditation
01.01.2022 Thank Heavens for a beautiful sunny day to lift your spirits. Make sure you get as much natural Vitamin D as you can. Distract yourself from negative thoughts and fb posts that bring you down.. Pop your favourite music on, sing and dance. Be grateful for what you do have
01.01.2022 Oil lovers-totally recommend you get one of these books before they are all gone for good. Invaluable information.
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