Samana Living | Businesses
Samana Living
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23.01.2022 I understand things are difficult here , but its nothing like the devastation facing Bangladesh .
22.01.2022 The best gifts are the ones you give Feel good giving Conscious Step socks knowing they are made sustainably, they come in designs everyone loves, and they give back to charities world wide. ... #consciousstep #gifting #ethicalgifts #vegangifts #giftideas #giftsforhim #giftsforher #christmasgift #christmas #ethicalconsumer #ethicalbrand #ethicalshopping #ethicalfashion #giveback #fairtrade #organic #sustainablefashion #sustainablegifts See more
22.01.2022 Big strawberries, that taste like strawberry
22.01.2022 Every day is world dog day in our house. @bestfriendsanimalsociety #consciousstep . . . . .... #SaveThemAll #adoptdontshop #dogsofinstagram #dogs #instadog #dogoftheday #dog #dogs_of_instagram #petstagram #love #lovedogs #rescue #ilovemydog #puppy #puppylove #cute #puppiesofinstagram #pup #pets #instapuppy #ethicalbrands See more
22.01.2022 Why should you buy organic cotton? It's simple: It uses *no* toxic chemicals to grow, reducing your environmental impact and making it better for the air, soil and water It uses less water, making it a sustainable option for the future It promotes safe work because the workers are not exposed to toxic chemicals... When you choose products made with organic cotton, you are investing in water conservation, cleaner air, better soil and farmer livelihoods. Choosing to care for the people making our products and their impact on the planet is a choice we make every time we shop. By choosing organic cotton over conventional cotton, you have the power to influence brands and corporations to show up and do better for our planet. Let us know why you choose organic cotton in the comments @fairtrademarkus See more
22.01.2022 Posted @withregram @oceana Nothing like family. . Did you know that female polar bears typically give birth to twin cubs? These cubs weigh no more than a few pounds at birth! Young cubs stay with their mothers for more than two years to learn the survival skills of the harsh environment in which they live. Learn more about polar bears and other marine life in our Marine Life Encyclopedia at OCEANA.ORG/MARINE-LIFE. . : Shutterstock... #polarbear #cub #marinelife See more
21.01.2022 Thanks for the shout out @spendwiththem Want to feel like youre shopping but also helping change the world? Check out @Samanaliving. All their products are handmade and fair trade. They support a variety of causes including protecting elephants, fighting hunger and disaster relief. All you have to do is buy quality products and your part is done! They have everything from socks to jewellery to baby products. Head to their website and #spendwiththem
20.01.2022 Bold designs, serious impact @femmeennoir protects 10 tropical rainforest trees. #treescape
20.01.2022 Coming soon , new sea life rattles handmade & fair trade. . . . #pebble #pebblechild #pebbletoys #jellyfish #starfish #handmadewithlove #fairtradetoys
19.01.2022 Why should you buy organic cotton? Its simple: It uses *no* toxic chemicals to grow, reducing your environmental impact and making it better for the air, soil and water It uses less water, making it a sustainable option for the future It promotes safe work because the workers are not exposed to toxic chemicals... When you choose products made with organic cotton, you are investing in water conservation, cleaner air, better soil and farmer livelihoods. Choosing to care for the people making our products and their impact on the planet is a choice we make every time we shop. By choosing organic cotton over conventional cotton, you have the power to influence brands and corporations to show up and do better for our planet. Let us know why you choose organic cotton in the comments @fairtrademarkus See more
19.01.2022 We need more in our life right now . Pebble toys, blankets and accessories are made by a certified fair trade organisation in Bangladesh bringing financial independence and empowerment to disadvantaged women in remote and rural communities. You make the world a more fair place by buying fair trade #pebble #pebblechild #pebbletoys #blanket #rainbow #woodenteether #fairtradetoys #babymassage #handmadewithlove #purchasewithpurpose
19.01.2022 Did you know? Elephants are extremely empathetic beings. They help each other in distress, feel the same emotions as each other, and grieve for their dead, just like we do Tomorrow is #worldelephantday, a day dedicated to the preservation and protection of the world's elephants. Join us and take a stand to protect these magnificent creatures
18.01.2022 Burleigh stockist has our bunnies for pick up or online @heartfill_ FAIR TRADE EASTER TOYS Weve just uploaded these gorgeous handmade cotton bunnies to the online store. These make the perfect Easter gift, not only will you make someone smile youll be supporting women in rural communities of Bangladesh... its the perfect time to be spreading the good vibes worldwide
14.01.2022 How can we prevent future pandemics? It starts with stopping the destruction of forests and the illegal wildlife trade.
13.01.2022 The artisans who make your toys are incredibly talented and genuine and hardworking. They make pebble toys to provide for their families, to avoid economic migration, to send their children to school, to put themselves through university. Just like you and me, they are all very different and have many reasons why they like to make pebble toys. But what is common through all the stories is that they want opportunity. They want to be paid fairly and treated fairly and have a say in their work, their family and their communities. #fairtrade is so much more than a job, its a whole way of life
13.01.2022 Free upgrade to express shipping for Fathers Day #fathersdaygifts
12.01.2022 Pixies are back in stock #rose #fern #violet #daffodils #birch #acorn
12.01.2022 Local family doing car park school left some beautiful affirmations and . #loveinthetimeofcorona
09.01.2022 In partnership with @conservationorg each pair of our elephant socks funds wildlife rangers to protect them against poachers. Artwork @lotticlrk #endangeredspecies
07.01.2022 Each pair of socks sold gives a book through our partner @roomtoread . #buybooks #educationmatters #literacy #giftsthatgiveback
07.01.2022 Love is a four-legged word Tap to put a smile on your pups face and save dogs today #consciousstep
07.01.2022 Be who you are and love who you love. You are perfect just the way you are The LGBTQ+ community has come a long way, but there is still work to do. The injustices against the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities must end. Spread love, not hate
06.01.2022 Drop a below if socks made your list this year #consciousstep #gifting #ethicalgifts #vegangifts #giftideas #giftsforhim #giftsforher #christmasgift #christmas #ethicalconsumer #ethicalbrand #ethicalshopping #ethicalfashion #giveback #fairtrade #organic #sustainablefashion #sustainablegifts
06.01.2022 Free upgrade to express shipping for Fathers Day, its this Sunday! #fathersdaygiftideas
06.01.2022 The Jelly is here ! Our new rattle has lots of interesting tentacles to grab and play. Handmade in rural Bangladesh providing income for women to help them support their families and educate their children. #fromlittlethingsbigthingsgrow
06.01.2022 This Fathers Day help Dad make the world a better place .Socks that Protect Sloths Deforestation and climate change threaten the lives of these and many other animals everyday. Lets work together to save and protect Earths diverse animal population. #fathersdaygifts #lockdowngift
04.01.2022 Thanks for the shout out @spendwiththem Want to feel like you're shopping but also helping change the world? Check out @Samanaliving. All their products are handmade and fair trade. They support a variety of causes including protecting elephants, fighting hunger and disaster relief. All you have to do is buy quality products and your part is done! They have everything from socks to jewellery to baby products. Head to their website and #spendwiththem
04.01.2022 Just one book can unlock a world of possibility Provide access to education and imagination with Socks that Give Books, where every pair provides a book for a child around the world. Tap to give a book to a child today.
04.01.2022 Heres the socks youve been waiting for our new socks that protect sloths . Every pair donates to @conservationorg to help protect these sleepy animals and their homes @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
03.01.2022 #Repost from @stopadanimovement. BREAKING: the @scottmorrisonmp government is letting @adaniaustraliaofficial build a major pipeline to drain billions of litres of river water, but are refusing to consider the impacts on QLD's precious water. Meanwhile QLD is in extreme drought and megafires rage. This is another special deal for Adani that hangs our drought-stricken farmers out to dry.
02.01.2022 Share love and be kind without any expectations #consciousstep #ethicalconsumer #ethicalblogger #ethicalbrand #ethicalshopping #ethicallyproduced #ethicalfashion #earthday #earthfriendly #saveplanetearth #savetheenvironment #protectourplanet #earthmonth #giveback #saveoceans #oceanlover #environment #plasticfree #globalwarming #discoverocean #plasticfreeliving #motivationmonday
01.01.2022 Small steps , our first order to include an acknowledgement of Aboriginal land off to wonderful Melbourne stockist @pookipoiga Artwork NITV #alwayswillbe
01.01.2022 I understand things are difficult here , but it's nothing like the devastation facing Bangladesh .
01.01.2022 Offering flexibility so women work around family needs #familiesfirst #fairtrade #whomadeyourtoys #pebblechild
01.01.2022 To all our friends in Melbourne, Stay home, stay safe, stay proud @ren.nixon
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