SAMA Studio Yoga Healing in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales | School
SAMA Studio Yoga Healing
Locality: Coffs Harbour, New South Wales
Address: Head Office 2/105-107 West High Street 2450 Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 #UrdhvaDhanurasana boon for a opening up the #intercostals - accessory muscles of breathing. This is one of those poses that practise never feels complete for me without. A great shoulder strengthener, big front hip opener and a long belly stretch that energises both physically and mentally. While you’re up - try some reverse push-ups! Remember to keep the #glutes engaged. ... #upwardfacingbowpose #wheel #urdhvadhanurasana #intercostals #adductors #psoasrelease #rhomboids #trapezius #supraspinatus #infraspinatus #chakrasana #backbend #stopdropandyoga #iloveyoga #coffsharbourjetty
24.01.2022 It’s true anywhere, anytime... balasana.
20.01.2022 Why we sleep This is by far the best podcast I’ve listened to in a long while. If you haven’t read Why We Sleep this podcast is must listen. Enjoy!
18.01.2022 The love of the spiritual heart is not the passion-filled, physical love that the Western tradition often seems to confuse with true love. The love of the heart chakra is a kind of awareness. It does not express itself in the pursuit of one’s own interest or the satisfaction of instinctual drives but rather serves as the foundation of selflessness and compassion. Kalashatra Govinda In dedication to this years Yoga Teacher Training Students who ALL have hearts of absolute gold AND to Sandy for helping make this weekend possible. #anahata #heartchakra #love #truth #bhardvajasana2
18.01.2022 Day 3/4 asana of @cyogalife challenge. Hello, good morning to this #SideBend heaven! Normally after #backbends we think core, poses to neutralise and perhaps a twist - but this worked a treat after backbends today( #kingpigeon progressions @lauracolless ). Immediately followed with #garadasana arms in #gomukhasana - calming Segway to #savasana (I actually do it at home - do you?)... Challenge gets real tomorrow I think I need some monkey magic powers to pull it off.
17.01.2022 After following @cyogalife for 5+ years I thought it might finally be time to give one of her challenges a go! Hoping this little jaunt inspires all the Sama Kula to join and follow along! @pauconcrete as the next @diceyoga and as a Hawaiian you should play. @misstarshine and @singwithkeits for your back bending prowess I nominate you too! #backmend #backbend #vajrasana
16.01.2022 Reduce speed in practice and increase skill. In Padangusthasana I II and III for example, it’s likely you’ll feel the hamstrings (no shite you say ) but can your focus be made elsewhere? . Equanimity is the underlying principal in each pose. Sensation our cue to pay attention. . Going far isn’t the objective, becoming skillful, working with whole body and the breathe is the objective. ... . Want to know ‘how good you are’ at Yoga? That’s shown to you by how you feel after #savasana, not by how far you moved within a range of motion on the mat. Be smart. . #padangusthasana #bigtoeposevariation #yogini #yogateachertrainingcourse #alignmentyoga See more
16.01.2022 So... this happened. Have a read if you're in need of a little yoga/movement nerd out. If you like it.. please give it a little share. Big Love, Laura.
13.01.2022 This is Kula so nice to have a visit from super mum @destiny270_ and little Maia over the weekend. We love you #kula #supermumma #yogamum #yogateachertraining
12.01.2022 Yoga is to work with energy, so if we are at deficit or there’s a lot going on, we have to respect that. At this time of year, so many of us just keep pushing. Here’s the permission if you need it, to slow down, to feel however you feel and cultivate rest. By stopping, feeling and becoming aware (present) of the sensory state we can begin to build up our stores again. Your nervous system runs the show, respect that and it will be kinder back to you. ... Pics of some of my favourite use of props/modifications and progressions for when I want to move but vinyasa is not the best option. The spiritual community has some screwed perspectives about energy (and emotions for that matter). There’s a fault in our thinking if we expect to be high vibe all the time. Honour where you are at and mindfully support your shifts. Sequence in comments xx #props #adrenalsupport #yogainspiration #yogaprops #coffsharbour
11.01.2022 BUT DO I REALLY NEED TO LEARN SANSKRIT? Well, it depends. Perhaps the question to ask is what you are committing to be a student of? Are you a student of a ‘nice stretch class’ OR are you a student of yoga? There is a difference. If you are a student of yoga and/or a teacher of yoga then I think yes! Sanskrit to the study of yoga is like latin to the study of medicine - understanding prefixes and suffixes helps to scaffold learning. While mostly used today as a ceremonial lan...guage and in Hindu ritual, for yoga study Sanskrit is the global language. I am grateful to one of my teachers Kate Pell for introducing me to Sanskrit many years back as without it I would have been lost when I embarked on my Iyengar Training and then later when living and studying in North India in the years that followed. Sanskrit terms give greater insight, piercing the intellect and guiding us into asana in a very specific way. For example, Parsva means flank. In Parsvottanasana, students tend to feel this in the hamstrings yet the term alone tells you where to direct the focus and feel the opening - the flank! In this way how the pose feels so different, bringing the energy more inwardly than outwardly and nervous/excitable. Sanskrit directs action and gives access to feeling at a deep level, quietening the mind it becomes not just about shape. There are a myriad of further examples like this e.g. Salamba Sarvangasana translates as All Limbs Pose yet it gets called Shoulderstand. All limbs tells you arms, legs are working hard here so they should be an area of focused action, it is not strictly about the shoulders at all. Sanskrit just gives more about the working of things. The word ‘smile’ in Sanskrit for example is ‘smitam’ and means ‘bloom, blossom and expand’. See how this is different to turn he corners of your mouth upward to ceiling. The Sanskrit language is rich, be it you know a little or a lot, being open to learning it will give you a more intimate experience in practise. For beginners, it can be little overwhelming and might even seem cultish. My tip, if using it in Beginners classes, and I do I’d suggest provide an overview of the language to students, explaining your respect for the history of yoga (that is another post right there) and your reasons for using it. Use an inviting and open approach, avoiding any appearance of exclusivity and in the truest sense of teaching translate the phrases you use as they are newly introduced. Thanks Merry for getting some Sanskrit poses name on camera over the weekend at teacher training. A pronunciation resource for YTT students, valuable for us all I think just to hear the way some of these words roll off the tongue :)
10.01.2022 Want to handstand? Learn first how to push the floor away and from that action how to feel lightness in the spine and pelvis as they move skyward. Be it in plank, crow, a jump back or forearm balance, the ‘push’ is the action that stabilises the shoulders and engages the deep core. ... The push creates lift and aids in safer practice as opposed to collapsing weight through the super mobile joints of the shoulders. Incorrect technique inevitably creates troubles before too long so practice smart and make sure the repetitious movements you practice are doing no harm but rather, good. #handstand #jumpback #bakasana #plank #pinchamayurasana #questforthepress #coreworkout #corestrength #shoulderstability
05.01.2022 R U OK day... a little reminder to check in with people and see if they really are okay. Safe to say the year has been a doozy for many. Remember it’s also okay to reach out if you need help
04.01.2022 An article every yoga teacher, yoga student or inspiring teacher trainee should read. This is the truth of what we are dealing with. Discernment in any discipline is required and Yoga is no different. Expand your reading list. Follow teachers on social media that challenge the accepted yoga dogma. Attend workshops by teachers you trust to be critical - Sarah Dittmore ... I couldn’t agree more. See more
03.01.2022 Introducing to you some of your newly graduated yoga teachers (with the rest of the cohort just around the corner from hatching so exciting!) Watching this group of ladies flow through sequence over the weekend was a delight - fully immersed and present they move with intelligence. They have deep, felt awareness and understanding of this thing we call Yoga. Training began the day of the bushfires, our beautiful Rani even lost her home that day (despite this, she’s the to hand in her assignments!) Throw in a pandemic to the disruption out the other side of it we persisted with coming together in preference to online. These ladies have done the work and are ready to guide and support you. They are safe, knowledgable and grounded teachers. Fierce, passionate and strong, they embody wisdom, express with grace and have fantastic humour! They all connect to the power, peace and truth within themselves, and share their love of yoga from their own unique embodied experience. I’m really proud! But they don’t need me to say that but still... Yoga is about so much more than flexibility, the asana, doing the pose right, looking a certain a way, the Lycra and many other misleading marketing ploys. These ladies live the practice. They serve community, are devotional parents and family members, meditation experts amongst other things. Mostly, I love so much that the dare to be themselves and I think they will help you to do the same. Special thanks to @thislightdestroysdarkness @amyyogabizcoach @drdidgedolphin @whaledreamersyoga for your support along the way.
03.01.2022 Come home. " In coming into our body we become connected to our greater home, the Earth; we become part of the Earth and she a part of us. We are received into her and she into us. We grow through and from her support and nourishment and we express her qualities through our very being. She is our ground" Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen #happy #blessed #grateful #fortunate #golden #bright #joyous #laughter #zen #inspiringquotes #quoteoftheday #quotestoliveby #donthatemediate #mother #motherearth #psoas
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