Sam Bashiry | Entrepreneur
Sam Bashiry
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23.01.2022 Stay Tuned. We have something really cool coming soon :)
22.01.2022 When you get knocked down, How long are you going to stay down? If you haven’t been through hard times you can’t understand what it means to be strong. So many of us in Melbourne are hurting but we keep pushing because of our strength and pride.... I love you all and my heart goes out to all of you and your family. I respect you all for not giving up and fighting everyday to survive. I have been there and I know what it feels like and it’s hard but you must do everything in your power time be the best make up of yourself. You have to have faith , as long as it’s something positive then you will get through it and that I promise you. DO NOT LET PRIDE CONFUSE YOUR TEARS. I dedicate this to the strongest woman in my life
22.01.2022 We all bleed and sweat the same at the end of the day. You must go through a complete soul search from inside out. When this is done in a proper environment with brotherhood and love we go through everything together and mix blood with blood and Sweat with sweat and we all become one.... There is no difference between humans, everyone that fights has to have a reason. So don’t worry about what others say, you fight for what you believe and don’t ever give up. You want that life You want that freedom You want to survive You want to protect You want the truth You want that happiness You want that feeling Then ignore the politics, and the bullshit voices, just fight for it. Close your eyes and think of what matters to you the next time you are ready to give up. Fight for what you believe in.
19.01.2022 Money means ZERO if you are not truly content. You want to talk about success and happiness and your achievements in life? Talk about your legacy and your family because that you can’t buy. ... THAT YOU CREATE. So stop letting your EGO and insecurities rule you, be real and realise what actually matters. Don’t confuse instant gratification with happiness. Trust me I have been there and it doesn’t last. I became rich the day I had my babies. If you don’t get what I am talking about you are still not complete. Don’t be a people pleaser, other people’s opinion doesn’t matter because they don’t pay your bills and they are not in your shoes so it’s way to easy for them to judge you. Everybody’s journey is different just like us.
18.01.2022 Make sure you are setting daily goals and heading towards your long term goals in life. You must all have a destination, other wise you are wasting the most precious commodity, your time. You will never get your time back again, so be wise and Don’t waste it on a daily basis.... Always look people with your head held up high and never allow anyone look down on you. It’s not okay for some one to : . Speak down to you . To put you down . To raise a hand on you . To not respect you . To not want the best for you . To be toxic . To not teach you what they know . To use you So make sure you surround yourself with the right people and never settle for second best and continue to stay in the driver’s seat in your life. BELIEVE THEM THE FIRST TIME THEY SHOW YOU.
18.01.2022 Thank you @melbournerollsroyce and @zagameautomotive for always making every occasion special
16.01.2022 We are all so busy with so much going on in our life daily that we never take a moment out to appreciate how blessed we are in our life. Next time you are having a bad day just stop and think what someone else is going through at the exact same time in a third world country. There is always some one worse of than you, so put everything in perspective.... I have always been told to meditate, I can’t as I have a million things going on in my mind at all times so the whole idea of sitting down and closing my eyes and shutting my brain down ? No chance But I do go for walks and I turn my phone off and reflect on my life and journey. As I reflect I remember many people who have had such a massive role to play in my life. THEY ARE MY HEROES My parents, with out them and the sacrifices they made I would have ever be in this beautiful country. That has allowed all my dreams come true. My family as with out them wouldn’t be the man I am today. Also my beautiful friends who I love spending time with, you know who you are and thank you for always making me happy. So please take a minute specially during such hard times and reflect and see how blessed and lucky you are compared to so many other people around the world. God bless, be a kind and a good human
13.01.2022 488 Pista finally completed and on its way to Australia just in Time for Summer. Thank you @frankferrarimelb @alanccrawford and the whole team at @ferrarimelbourneofficial for making this experience nothing but magical. Bobby Zagame you are truly one in a million and I have nothing but love and respect for this man who always hides away from the spot light, thank you for always being a gentleman
11.01.2022 Kindness is what makes my soul happy. I know people take ur kindness as weakness at times but you can’t allow people change who you are as a person you just cut them out of your life when they over step the line. I always get asked the question , why do you make time for so many people, why do You bother replying to strangers , why do you give back?... I do it because it fulfils my soul, I do everything for myself and I choose who I do it for on my terms. It’s never about others it’s about finding what makes you happy in life and not being afraid. So be a good human and enjoy this special gift called life
07.01.2022 Okay let me share something with you. Money means ZERO. You want to talk about success and happiness and your achievements in life?... Talk about your legacy and your family because that you can’t buy. That you create. So stop letting your EGO and insecurities rule you and be real and realise what actually matters. I became rich the day I had my babies. if you don’t get what I am talking about you are still not complete. Take this from me be Real and own who you are no matter what and don’t be a people pleaser. Other people’s opinion don’t matter, because they don’t pay your bills and they are not in your shoes so it’s way to easy for them to judge you. Life is so beautiful as long as you always focus on what really matters. God bless you and always be kind.
06.01.2022 I spoke to Forbes Magazine on how I started @broadbandsolutions 16 years a go and took on the big boys to win a market share of 90 percent with in the telecommunications industry in the hospitality sector. We also talked about our AI platform and our global certification and expansion with in the biggest brands in Hospitality in the world. Hope you all enjoy the article.
05.01.2022 WHAT IF . Things dont end up like they are suppoes to .The work i invested in doesn’t pay off... . My story was never meant to be unique and I tried and failed. . My friends stop calling . I let me family down . People don’t like what i have to say . I am pushing things to far, to quickly . My idea is to out there . I lose everything . success is for some one else and I am meant to work and pay bills and sleep . I never find happiness . I don’t choose the right path . I never be as good as the person standing next to me OR . Change the way i look at the world, today is just the begining . Who am I going to be and become . New world means existence starts with me . Impossible is not a fact and its just an opinion, and i dont buy it . I can be the one that people can look up to . My past got me here but has no effect in where i go . Every single day is a fresh start . I can be the one that defines the odds my dreams become the standard . My ideas chage how people see reality . Term difficult is nothing more than a cop out . Second place no longer is an option . I make the choice that i leave every second of my life lke its a miracle . Never sell yourself self short . Nothing good happens until i beleive it . Stop wasting me time trying to connivence others because I am the only one who must be consciences Get the Picture?
05.01.2022 We have something really cool coming soon for you all to enjoy. Stay Tuned
02.01.2022 Life is to short to not live it to your full potential. It’s all about being happy and wanting to achieve the best you can in all aspects of your life. We are not thought this at school , we are thought maths and statistics.... Well it dis me no good, I barely passed and I dropped out of uni. I got my education in the school of life, I learnt from all my mistakes and my failures and disappointments and pain as well as all my wins and achievements in the school of life. Now I will do all I can. To share everyone’s journey through my Podcast because life is so wonderful and we all have our own version of life and that’s what makes us so special. Tune in and listen as I do this like everything I do, no script no planning all just real and raw and fun and yes far from perfect, after all no one is perfect and perfect is boring :)
02.01.2022 BEING A MALE IS A MTTER OF BIRTH. BEING A MAN IS A MATTER OF AGE. BEING A GENTLEMAN IS A MATTER OF A CHOICE.... In life you cross paths with many people but rarely you cross paths with true gentleman and real friends like the two in this photo. Stay true and be real because what makes true friendship special is old school values and simply being a GENTLEMAN.
01.01.2022 GRATITUDE & HOPE Surround yourself with friends and people that inspire hope in you. When you are given a bad news, common motions are fear or sadness.... You can think as positive as all you want but if you are feeling fear that thought never makes it pass the brain cell in to the body because it’s not in alignment with the body’s emotional state. Gratitude is the key because , we normally give thanks when we are getting something , but if you are giving thanks in general state of gratitude your body believes it’s receiving something because the emotional signature of gratitude means it’s already happened. The more we can feel the felling it’s as if that healing has already occurred. Gratitude is so important for your soul and body and mind. Take a minute every day to be great full for something in your life. Don’t ever give up hope please.
01.01.2022 I am so excited to partner with @zagameautomotive to show case and review the latest super cars. As some of you know I am passionate about entrepreneurship and cars, they both have been a passion of mine and have a special place in my heart from a very young age. Today I interviewed on my show a very special young man @oscarledlin and I can’t wait to share his story with you all very soon on my show.... I want to thank Bobby Zagame and @ferrarimelbourneofficial and @ferrariaustralasia @dieterknechtel for always showing me so much love and support and taking me in to the Ferrari family. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard and be a good human
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