Cr Sam Mitchell | Community
Cr Sam Mitchell
Phone: +61 402 837 043
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25.01.2022 We would love to see more South Australians spending their money in our regions. We have so much to offer.
25.01.2022 With restaurants re-opening, whats the first thing you want to order off a menu? Im so looking forward to so much: Sitting Down for a coffee with friends ... Late Brunch of bacon, eggs and avo A glass of Barossa red You can support Restaurants and Cafes by: Booking Ahead Being Patient Leave once youve finished your meal Continuing to purchase take away Supporting small and family businesses Wash you hands. Respect social distancing guidelines. Be kind.
24.01.2022 Your opportunity to have your say on GM crops within Light Regional Council
23.01.2022 Thanks to all the volunteers that make our community so very special. This week is national Volunteers week. This week we celebrate and recognise the immeasurable contribution volunteers make. Thanks to everyone involved in service clubs, local sporting clubs, our Op Shops, hall/institute committees, senior citizen organisations, school lunches, community fundraisers, mens sheds, working bees, RSLs, community groups, youth organisations and everything in between. ... Our lives are so much richer for the work of Volunteers. THANK YOU! The theme for this year is Changing Commuities, Changing Lives.
23.01.2022 Great advice on fire safety
23.01.2022 Blood bank at the Hewett Centre
23.01.2022 Economic Development Panel Meeting, 3rd August 2020 WHATS ON THE AGENDA: - Investment Attraction, Framework and Strategy - Tourism Update - COVID19 Destination Next... - Update on Public Art Strategy You can listen to the meeting live via Microsoft teams.
22.01.2022 Happy International Dog Day. I wish your scratches are long, your baths short and your chewsticks plentiful. Also, only a few days left to register your pooches. Register your dogs by Augjst 31st.
21.01.2022 Light Regional Council Ordinary Council Meeting, Tuesday August 25th Whats on the Council Agenda? Community Land Changes... Boundary Proposal Update Schedule of Fees and Charges Electoral Boundaries Local Government (Elections) Act Ammendments Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Review Kapunda Tourist Park Roseworthy Township Expansion See the full Agenda here:
20.01.2022 What does the changes mean for our region and our tourism industry? Many venues are still operating with seated consumption. Service might take longer on some occasions. Be patient. ... If a venue has sanitiser available, please utilise throughout your visit. Many venues are offering or encouraging bookings. If in doubt, call or email ahead. You can still get out and support our businesses. IF YOU ARE FEELING CROOK, POP THE KETTLE ON, AND STAY HOME!!!
19.01.2022 Temporary Speed Reducation in Kapunda this Friday.
19.01.2022 Do you use the Keoride SA service? Complete the survey.
19.01.2022 Have your say directly to Town of Gawler about their plans to redistribute the Local Government Boundaries. Completing the survey takes less than 10 minutes. If you are wanting to attend the community forums on Monday September 21st or 28th please register via the link provided.
18.01.2022 For those interested in following along with councils ordinary June meeting, Ive dropped the agenda below We are endorsing our Annual Business Plan, Long Term Financial Plan and Declaration of Rates. The road map for the next year is laid out in these plans....
18.01.2022 Special Counil Meeting of Light Regional Council To be held today at 5pm Hewett Centre Kingfisher Drive Hewett... What is on the Agenda? Roseworthy Township Expansion - New Component Proposal - Zarmen Pty Ltd In Confidence: RTE-KRIE Water Scheme
18.01.2022 Are you a primary producer who is following the changes to the Genetically Modified Crop Moratorium? Light Regional Council is discussing this at Tomorrow Evenings Council Meeting. We've had feedback from state bodies and stakeholders. I want to hear from OUR farmers and their wishes. ... Skip to Page 76 of the Agenda for the update:
17.01.2022 6 years today since I was sworn in as a Councillor for Mudla Wirra. I've certainly learned a lot since I arrived as a 22 year old: The red hair was a choice. Not a good choice, but a decision none the less. ... Don't plan anything on a Tuesday night. Read. Re-read. READ AGAIN the Local Government Act. Your views on fiscal policy and debt will change with time and experience. Google "triple bottom line." Speak to an accountant about your council allowance. Tax time is complicated. Local Government CPI and household CPI are different. "Through the chair." Rate in the $ + change in valuation + growth = Rates An absolute honour and privilege to serve this community. Thank you for trusting me to represent you.
16.01.2022 Get your Submissions related to GM Moratorium in your council by 2nd September. Follow the link below.
16.01.2022 Mildly wet across the region today. I bless the rains down in Kaaaa-pun-daaaaa How much rain have you had?... Image source: BOM
16.01.2022 ***UPDATE*** Thank you for all your enquiries and posts / shares. This dog has been transferred to Hahndorf Interim Animal Shelter for his immediate care and w...ellbeing. Please direct all enquiries for re-homing to the shelter. Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 08 8388 7514 Impounded Dog to Re-Home Light Regional Council has recently impounded an American Staffordshire Terrier cross. Despite follow up enquiries no person is claiming this dog. Council is now seeking the assistance of the public to re-home the dog. For further information please contact Council’s Community Inspector Candice Harris.
16.01.2022 Ive done my COVID Marshall Training. It is quick. Straight forward. Easy to navigate.
15.01.2022 The roadmap to re-open has been updated. Businesses like Cinemas, Gyms, Restaurants can begin to re-open from June 6th. Its important to remember not all businesses will by viable to open ASAP and may need more time to transition back to open or wait for further restrictions to ease. Please be patient, particularly with small businesses in this process. ... Keep washing your hands Keep supporting local business Keep listening to advice from SA Health
14.01.2022 Books are in and ready to go. $42 each.
13.01.2022 Very helpful info. Single use masks should be placed in a bag, then in your red bin. If we play our part and comply, the sooner we cam be touring our great state again. ... If you're looking for the next binge worthy show, Ratched on Netflix is soooo good. Wildly adult rated. But a worthwhile watch for adults.
13.01.2022 What a great idea for school holidays. A walk with the family in nature with a story along the way
13.01.2022 Don't forget to register your pooches by August 31st. If you forget you'll get a late fee... and that would make you sad. Almost as sad as Dr. Dre after his first bath. (He used to be so small!) ... You can register online:
13.01.2022 OVER 150+ SIGNATURES The Gawler Belt Community is calling for a speed reduction to 80km on Redbanks Rd. There is an increase in entering and exiting traffic along this 2.4km section of road. A reduction in speed would see an increase travel time of approx 20 seconds. ... Redbanks Rd is a major connector to Gawler for many townships. Heavy Vehicles use this route. Many young and inexperienced drivers travel this road to Xavier College. Add your voice to the campaign to reduce the speed limit and make our local roads safer. SIGN THE PETITION BELOW
12.01.2022 Last week was a bit mental. 3 council meetings in 3 days. Economic Development Panel Sustainability Working Party Infrastructure Committee... On this occasion, I was joining our Infrastructure meeting whilst at work. One thing this pandemic has offered, is more flexibility. We're back at it again with another council meeting next week.
12.01.2022 What's on the Agenda for Light Regional Council Ordinary November Meeting, Tuesday 24th November, 5pm: Reports for Information: - Monthly Financial Report October 2020 - 2021 Australia Day Event... Reports for Decision and Procedural Matters: - Confidential reports and minutes to be released for public information - Policy Review 6.08 Code of Practice for Meeting Procedures - Comparison of 2020 Audited Financial Results with 2020 Adopted Budget - First Quarter Budget Update (30 September 2020) 2020/2021 Annual Business Plan Annual Objectives Review - September 2020. - Community Land Management Plan Amendment - Kapunda Mine Historic Site - Loan Borrowings Local Government Finance Authority (LGFA) Support Package - Kapunda Historic Mine Site In-Situ Recovery Test Proposal Confidential - AUD13.1/2020 Tenders for provision of External Audit Services - LAOSKCWP12.1.1 - Land Activation Oldham Street, Kapunda Highest & Best Use Study and Recommended Next Steps Read the full Agenda:
12.01.2022 May your internet speeds be high, and your milk in date. We can do this SA. If there is one thing I know, anything Victoria can do, we can do better. We got this! Bust out the tia Maria and the footy franks, darl. We staying home.
12.01.2022 Additional bus services to Kapunda High School directly from Freeling. Details on how to express interest in the post.
10.01.2022 NATIVE PLANT GIVEAWAY A collaboration between ... Light Regional Council Wasleys Community Group Inc Greening Kapunda Saturday 6th June 9am to 11am LRC Stephenson St, Freeling Limited 10 per person. Please bring own carry bags.
10.01.2022 Tonight Light Regional Council considers lifting the morotorium on Genetically Modified Crops. Agenda available here: Tuesday 8th September 5pm Light Regional Council Chambers Main St, Kapunda You can listen in to the discussion and outcome tonight via microsoft teams:
10.01.2022 http:// LET'S SHINE SOME (CHRISTMAS) LIGHT ON GREENOCK Whilst 2020 has thrown us another COVID curve ball, the GVCA, alongside Light Regional Council are aiming to p...romote some Christmas cheer with a Greenock Village, Xmas Light Competition. There will multiple chances to win some amazing prizes, so dust off your Christmas lights, decorate your home with some Christmas cheer, and lets make some Greenock Village Magic. The theme for the competition is 'go green' so think about how you can incorporate something green into your lights display. Details and registrations are still to come.
10.01.2022 Important update to COVID-Safe Check-In: From Monday 14 December, retail stores will be required to keep a record of everyone who enters their stores staff a...nd customers. This includes supermarkets, department stores, hardware stores and general retail stores. Stores must display a QR code and people are required to check in upon entry. COVID SAfe Check-In is quick and easy to use: Download the mySA GOV app Select the COVID Safe Check-In tile at the bottom of the app’s homepage Follow the prompts to scan the QR code upon entry Check in There have been over 5 million check-ins to businesses, venues and events over the past two weeks. Thank you SA for embracing COVID-SAfe Check-In and helping to keep our community COVID Safe!
09.01.2022 Cellar doors who offer food are back! Again, not everyone will be able to re-open straight away. Please be patient with small businesses. There has never been a better time to support our region by grabbing some beautiful, Barossa Wine.
09.01.2022 I love how hard our community go at Christmas. Crack open the eggnog, and go for a cruise around Greenock Village enjoying the Christmas lights.
09.01.2022 The Gawler Belt Community is calling for a speed reduction to 80km on Redbanks Rd. Redbanks Rd is a major connector to Gawler for many townships. Heavy Vehicles use this route. Many young and inexperienced drivers travel this road to Xavier College.... Gawler Belt has signicant Horse population. Add your voice to the campaign to reduce the speed limit and make our local roads safer. SIGN THE PETITION BELOW
09.01.2022 Happy Harvest Many loooooonnggg nights ahead for farmers across our region. I had a huge smile across my face, watching balers drive across paddocks today. I love this time of year. ... I hope your yields are high, your meals are hot and the weather pristine. #thankafarmer
08.01.2022 Tonight's the night. Not only is it our November council meeting but its the Australian Women in Wine Awards. I'm one of 3 finalists for Cellar Door Person of the Year. What an absolute honour to be amongst these candidates.... If you are tuning into the live stream of tonight's council meeting, below is the link for the AWW awards.
07.01.2022 ANZ Australia's Seeds of Renewal program will award $250,000 in grants to rural and regional communities - applications are open now! Grants up to $15,000 are ...available for community groups and not-for-profits that are improving, or looking to improve: Environmental sustainability: initiatives that restore and conserve the natural environment or which contribute to lower carbon emissions, water stewardship and waste minimisation Financial wellbeing: particularly for under-represented and disadvantaged people in the community Housing access: initiatives and programs that support those experiencing or at risk of homelessness or that provide supports for people living with disability Read more and apply here: #ANZSeedsOfRenewal #ANZ #FRRR
07.01.2022 The best thing we can do to look after each other is to stay home if we arent well. Seek testing. Wait for results. ... We can do this SA!
07.01.2022 Tuesday May 26th Ordinary Council Meeting Via Microsoft Teams @ 5pm Full agenda attached. ... Its a bit of a doozy @ 809 pages. If you have any questions on the agenda, reach out. Petition from Moppa Rd Residents re Moppa Rd Recommendations from Committees Reports for Information Reports for Decision: Draft 2020/2021 Annual Business Plan, Budget, Long Term Financial Plan Modification of Councils Libraries and Visitor InformationCentre Opening Hours Proposed Street Names - Roseworthy Kapunda Tourist Park Land Activation - Oldham St, Kapunda Economic Recovery Plan for LRC Proposed Freeling Childcare Centre Moppa Rd Roseworthy Township Expansion
06.01.2022 What's on the Agenda? Light Regional Council Economic Development Panel Meeting Today Monday 2nd November Reports for Decision:... Barossa Vintage Festival 2021 Building Upgrade Finance Scheme adoption Adelaide Wine Capital Cycle Trail Revised Funding Strategy Light Region - Destination Brand Reports for Information: Tourism Barossa Inc Reporting Light Region South Australia
05.01.2022 We and story with Light Regional Council Mayor Bill O'Brien at the Hewett Centre.
05.01.2022 New Winery and Cellar Door opening in Greenock. Welcome Alkina Can't wait to try a flight when the cellar door is open.... Article via Glam Adelaide
04.01.2022 November Infrastructure committee meeting. Nov 4th, 3pm. You can listen live. ... Full Agenda available
04.01.2022 There has been lots of discussion with residents about this ongoing issue. Thank you Tony Piccolo MP for continuing to work on this matter.
04.01.2022 Voting Closes this Friday 30th Octover at 5pm in the 2020 Ag Town of the Year. You can vote here:
04.01.2022 One of our quickest meetings of this term. All done and dusted whilst the sun is still up
03.01.2022 South Australia has become the first state to outlaw single-use plastic products such as straws and cutlery. The Single-use and Other Plastic Products (Waste A...voidance) Bill was passed in parliament today, outlawing products such as straws, cutlery and beverage stirrers. The laws will come into effect early 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What do you think? : Government of South Australia
02.01.2022 Fully Sick as My Dudes. What a gnarly update. Ummmm... minecraft is rad. ... For real, infrastructure like this goes beyond Ramps and rails. Skateparks are often meeting spots and hangouts even for people who dont skate. This is really exciting.
02.01.2022 What an amazing alumni of talented Young South Aussies. Im still so honoured to have been apart of the program, and support our residents participating with Sponsorship through LRC.
02.01.2022 Is our Light Regional Council elected member structure working for you? Do you think the ward system is effective? Should we move to having area councillors, like our neighbours in Barossa or Gawler? Should the Mayor be elected by ratepayers or from the pool of elected members serving on council?... Is 10 elected members too many? These are some of the questions we are discussing in our elector representation review. Check out P.14 of the LRC Agenda for more:
01.01.2022 We are about to enter significant growth as a council with the Roseworthy Township Expansion. I want to know, what made you move to our region? Block Size? ... Housing Affordability? Open spaces? Closeness to family? Schools? What are barriers to joining our community? Let me know.
01.01.2022 Re-reading the Agenda for tomorrows Light Regional Council meeting. I wish all agenda's came with a cuppa and a Hewett country bakery Choccie Dony LRC September Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 22nd September, 5pm... Whats on the agenda? Petition re Speed Limit on Redbanks Rd. Elector Representation Review Economic Recovery Strategy Recommendations from Committee Meetings Expansion of Once Upon a Story Trail initiative Gawler River Floodplain Management Authority Annual Report 2019-2020 LGA President Election Economic Zone Regional Indenture A brief snapshot, you can read the full agenda here:
01.01.2022 So much to open up from Monday June 1st. Gyms Beauty Salons Cinemas ... Galleries Museums My brain and my body are going to love it! What are you most excited for?
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