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25.01.2022 Listen to your body, it speaks to you. Learn more by grabbing a copy of my book here .... #rememberwhoyouare #thejourneywithin #gainclarity

25.01.2022 Yes. This. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to LET GO and hand our control over to the Universe, who ultimately wants the best for us. The Universe has the ability to re-arrange things in a way that we could never possibly do on our own! .... . See more

24.01.2022 UNLOCK YOUR SUCCESS If not released, trapped emotions cause imbalances that encumber us and block us from going for our dreams, believing in ourselves and leading full lives. They can affect us physically and literally make us sick, just as much as they can affect us mentally and emotionally. The good news is that trapped emotions can be released! You're born for amazing things - don't let your trapped emotions hold you back!... Read more about using emotions as a navigation system for your life and business in my book: #empoweryourself #unapologeticallyyou #shineon Maja Szumylo - Emotional Photography

24.01.2022 There is always a way to your Dreams! Go and make one, if there isn't :) #createyourlife #shineon #highviber

23.01.2022 This work is life changing!

22.01.2022 Do you often feel like you’re being pulled into a million directions? Watch the video below to find out the 3 keys to be aware of and to manage in order for you to stay fully on track, focused and productive.

20.01.2022 Sometimes we get so wrapped up in taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. However, over giving to others and ignoring our own needs only leads to burnout, resentment and blame. The more we make it a daily focus to take time out for ourselves, the more it will become a habit and will fit in easier and more naturally into our daily routine and lifestyle. So, take a moment right now to take a deep breath in and out... and think of one thing you can do tod...ay to be kind to yourself, whether it be getting a delicious cuppa for yourself, taking a nap, or a short walk outside. Share below and inspire us . Majella McMahon

20.01.2022 ARE YOU RUNNING ON EMPTY? Often, because of our conditioning and various events along our timelines it can feel uncomfortable to stop to fill our own cups and nurture ourselves. Do you just keep pouring until your cup is empty, until you’re burnt out and don't even remember who you are anymore?... Learn how to free yourself from the baggage that is holding you back from truly loving yourself, so that you can keep pouring from a cup filled with vitality, love, abundance and energy. . Read more here... #transformation #flow #rippleeffect . Gaelle Marcel via Unsplash . . First published in Holistic Bliss here:

19.01.2022 YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU DESIRE. It's all about putting it out there, and knowing that you deserve what you desire. If you don't ask for it, how will you ever know what you can accomplish/receive? . .... Are you ready to take the brakes off? Book in a complimentary Heart to Heart chat here #createyourlife #followyourinnercalling

17.01.2022 WHY SAYING POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS IN THE MIRROR WON'T CUT IT AND HOW TO TRULY LOVE YOURSELF Most of us are highly aware of the fact that we need to love ourselves and top up our cup first, before we can help others. But loving yourself is easier said than done.... . Positive affirmations can be super powerful, but if every ounce of your being within screams what a load of nonsense!! you won’t be able to feel it and you will simply be wasting your time. This is called cognitive dissonance and is a result of a conflict between your conscious mind (telling you you should love yourself) and your subconscious mind. . The good news is you can free yourself of the internal conflict and stop holding yourself back from true self-love. Read more... #transformation #flow #rippleeffect

17.01.2022 YOU HAVE AN INNATE GIFT You are a gift to this world. There is no mistake in your being here now. .... Remember this. Especially at this time of craziness and change in the world, you're being asked to step up more than ever. . Find your inner gifts and how to live your life on your own terms! Remember Who You Are, Sand Mew #unapologeticallyyou #shineon #positiveimpact Maja Szumylo - Emotional Photography

17.01.2022 There is nothing more inspiring to me than helping one awaken to their inner light and true calling. Which is why I am so super excited about my book Remember Who You Are! Full of tools and insights for you to uncover your inner calling and LIVE it every day! ... Grab a copy here . #RememberWhoYouAre #TrueSelf #RealisePotential


15.01.2022 TODAY IS A REFLECTION OF THE PAST 90 DAYS What you experience today is a direct reflection of what you've been doing 90 days ago. So if you want to live a different kinda life in 3 months from here, it's your daily actions NOW that count. You are in control of your destiny!... What’s the number 1 thing you need to change/let go of/do in order to create radical change for the day that’s 90 days away from now? Majella McMahon

15.01.2022 The MOST rewarding journey is? Finding our purpose is a tough journey yes, but it is also THE most rewarding one! Discovering and living your purpose is the most fulfilling and exciting journey ever, that brings bit by bit more and more alignment, energy, flow and deep trust with it, as you realise that you CAN create anything you desire and that you can contribute to a positive shift in the World.... And that’s what living your purpose is all for isn’t it? What is the point in realising who you are and what you are truly capable of, if you’re then not sharing it with the world in some form or shape? Making a positive difference that lasts longer than just a small human’s lifetime is the most rewarding journey. And the happier, fulfilled and aligned your life is, the more people and positive ripple effect you create. Many people think that they have to earn money first and then when time, money and space allows, THEN they can splash out and indulge in something so self absorbed as enquiring into their purpose. Nothing further from the truth!! Taking the path to discovering and then living your purpose (aka fully expressing yourself in all that you’ve got to share) is anything but a self-absorbed move! On the contrary, it’s the journey that allows you to live your own dreams yes, but it’s also simultaneously the one that gives you and your message the furthest reach and allows you to positively impact the maximum amount of people (or animals or environment) in your life - way more than you’d ever be able to do by just sticking to a path of mediocrity. Are you ready to get crystal clear on your gifts and purpose, so you can unapologetically share them with the world? Book in for a complimentary Heart to Heart Chat now Sand

15.01.2022 THE TOUGHEST PATH TO WALK... Remembering who we truly are aka finding our purpose, is one of the toughest paths to walk. We don’t just need to walk against the grain of society (you’re doing what??), ..... ..break out of the unwritten laws of society’s conditioning (but you can’t do that!) ... ..and heal lifetimes worth of trauma (40% of our thinking is governed by 40 generations that came before us. That takes us back to the 5th and 6th century. If you know anything about human history on this planet, you’ll know that these were pretty dark times of wars and persecutions. No wonder that people are in fear of poking their heads out too far, speaking their truth or sharing their message!); In order to share your message authentically and unapologetically far and wide, you need to leave lifetimes worth of emotional baggage and conditioning behind. . Only then you can be you, connect with your inner power and potential and step out of the struggle zone that humanity is mostly living in. It’s a tough journey yes, but it is also THE most rewarding one! . Discovering and living your purpose is the most fulfilling and exciting journey ever, that brings bit by bit more and more alignment, energy, flow and deep trust with it, as you realise that you CAN create anything you desire and that you can contribute to a positive shift in the World. And that’s what living your purpose is all for isn’t it? What is the point in realising who you are and what you are truly capable of, if you’re then not sharing it with the world in some form or shape? . Making a positive difference that lasts longer than just a small human’s lifetime is the most rewarding journey. And the happier, fulfilled and aligned your life is, the more people and positive ripple effect you create. Many people think that they have to earn money first and then when time, money and space allows, THEN they can splash out and indulge in something so self absorbed as enquiring into their purpose. Nothing further from the truth!! Taking the path to discovering and then living your purpose (aka fully expressing yourself in all that you’ve got to share) is anything but a self-absorbed move! On the contrary, it’s the journey that allows you to live your own dreams yes, but it’s also simultaneously the one that gives you and your message the furthest reach and allows you to positively impact the maximum amount of people (or animals or environment) in your life - way more than you’d ever be able to do by just sticking to a path of mediocrity. . Are you ready to take the brakes off to unapologetically share your gifts and increase your income and impact with ease? Join my upcoming The Ultimate Breakthrough Journey / The Group Spiral now! Book in for a complimentary Heart to Heart Chat now . #empoweryourself #shineon #positiveimpact #transformation #rippleeffect Maja Szumylo - Emotional Photography

12.01.2022 IN OUR SOCIETY WE'VE LEARNT THAT SOME EMOTIONS ARE APPARANTLY NOT 'AS GOOD' AS OTHER ONES. People often suppress emotions such as anger, frustration or sadness. It’s not that these emotions aren’t there and part of their lives; they are just not as welcomed and therefore not allowed to be expressed. Just think of all those times that parents tell their kids Shhh don’t cry. We hear from a young age that crying, feeling sad or frustrated aren’t acceptable ways to be and are '...bad' emotions. So we end up suppressing them instead. When this happens, some remnant of the negative emotional energy becomes trapped in the body, causing imbalances and blockingus from going for our dreams, believing in ourselves and leading full lives. Read more here... #createyourlife #takethebrakesoff #unapologeticallyyou Majella McMahon

12.01.2022 SHOW THE WORLD WHO YOU REALLY ARE Get clear and live your purpose. Without any self-doubt and with great clarity, so you can use your unique gifts to make the world a better place. #rememberwhoyouare #unapologeticallyshareyourgifts #limitlesspotential... Maja Szumylo - Emotional Photography

10.01.2022 DO PEOPLE GET OFFENDED BY/REACT TO YOUR MESSAGE? Are you sharing your unique message with the World, but you are finding that there are more and more people around you who are having difficulty with you and what you're sharing? The only way to avoid pissing people off is to do nothing important. Oliver Emberton... Sharing our truth and unique voice can bring stuff up in people. The only thing you can do is to remain authentic, improve and provide value every day, and know that the growing number of haters or people pushing against you, means that you are doing important things. Keep up the great work!

09.01.2022 WHAT IF THEY JUDGE ME..? No matter if you’re keen to buy a Tesla and are worried what your team or customers might say, want to finally get that Ranger Rover, dream house or boat.. You can afford it, but you’re worried how others will respond.... . Fear of being judged is a very common blocker that a lot of my successful business owner clients experience. . They’d rather stay in hiding than show off and look like they’re making ‘too much’ money, are being ‘too successful’ and, even worse, look like they’d be valuing the bling and ‘the toys’ more than the impact that they’re making, their team or ‘what really matters’. . What if I told you you don’t have to choose? . What if I told you that all the effort, time, energy and LOVE you’re pouring into your team, clients, projects and giving back is having so much IMPACT that a little reward on your end is nothing in proportion? . Even more so, that it will feed and increase your flow, wealth and impact you’re making when backed with strong subconscious foundations? . What if I told you that we can free you of the gripping doubt, contraction and worry that comes up every time when it comes to rewarding yourself - especially in times of uncertainty in the world during which you might prefer going into hamster mode? . . If you’re ready to step into truly having and enjoying it all - Purpose, flow, wealth and impact - and to fully take the brakes off, then book in for a complimentary Heart to Heart chat here: . . Image: Austin Distel

09.01.2022 "I felt this whole new sense of hope. Finally I was able to take control of my own life. I experienced this whole new feeling of true happiness, something I thought I’d never be able to experience. My whole mindset has shifted towards everything in my life and it has helped me so much." - Maddi .... Pascal Meier via Unsplash . #clientlove #takeabreaksoff

08.01.2022 "One teeny tiny change can create a lifetime of beautiful ripples" Native American proverb Remember that no matter how big the mountain, the journey starts with one step. No matter how tiny the step and shift - it will bring you forward and create movement. Big changes happen with an accumulation of little ones... You get the picture ;)... What little changes have you been putting in place lately? . . #changemaker #rippleeffect

07.01.2022 ARE YOU READY FOR FLOW, EXPANSION & FINALLY LIVING YOUR BIG VISION? ..then back yourself with the right systems, strategy, structures, team members/roles, and most and foremost: work on your internal connection with your limitless version. If that’s not there, you’ll forever keep creating distractions, drama and roller coasters. Are you ready to take the brakes off and go next level? Fusing Spirit with Strategy?... Book in a complimentary Heart to Heart chat here . Pablo Heimplatz via Unsplash #createyourlife #takethebrakesoff #limitless #impact #leadership

06.01.2022 Dwell in possibility. What one great achievement would you dare to dream for yourself, if you knew that you were guaranteed success? .... Majella McMahon

06.01.2022 Down on Yourself? How to Return Back to Self-acceptance We all know how easy it is to put ourselves down for not being "far enough", "good enough" ..anything "enough" yet. It's way easier for over-achievers and doers to compare ourselves to someone who seems further along on the journey or drive ourselves into the ground when we feel like we haven't DONE enough yet. The problem is that this approach is very hard on ourselves and ultimately draining.... When we are down on ourselves, we are often too busy stomping ourselves into the ground and leave no space to let ourselves shine - wondering the whole time why we aren't more successful, further, shinier etc yet! Watch this video if you want to go through a brief clearing process with me to let go of the charge around lack of sympathy towards the self and come back to self acceptance. It will ultimately help taking the (sometimes relentless) pressure off and allow for more energy to come back through again. Comment below with your results, ahas and questions!

05.01.2022 BECAUSE YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF HOLDING YOURSELF BACK ...and are craving to live fully aligned your power and on purpose... ...with clarity and direction you can go for your dreams and ...make the positive impact you are here for. CAN YOU IMAGINE..? NO MORE... ... doubt, confusion, fears, sabotage and limitation holding you back from playing a bigger game ... guessing "Who am I?", "What am I meant to be doing/ focusing on?" and "What is my purpose?" (or message) ... wondering about next steps, but actually having a clear solid strategy to get you to the next level in your life, relationships and business. Instead CLARITY, FOCUS, ALIGNMENT, EMPOWERMENT and FLOW. KNOWING you're ON TRACK, on PURPOSE. And knowing EXACTLY what NEXT STEPS to take. SO YOU CAN... ... feel calm, in your power and on track. ... up-level to that next level that you've been holding in your visions for so long! ... be finally clear on who you are, what your purpose is and how to share it with the World. So you can finally be unapologetically you. No holding back and hiding. Instead fully shining, with your Feet planted solidly on Planet Earth. If this sounds like exactly what you are looking for, book in for a 30min complimentary Heart to Heart chat here and let's get started!

03.01.2022 STOP CHASING YOUR TAIL Do you cross something off your to-do list only to add 5 more things on? If you really stopped and thought about it are these things really important to moving your business forward?... Or, at the end of the day is it just 'busy work' that is keeping distracted from your true purpose? In this article I'll share one simple yet immensely impactful step you can take that radically changed my life and has lead to a way bigger sense of fulfilment whilst kicking goals with way more flow! Read more here: Majella McMahon

03.01.2022 WHAT YOU EXPERIENCE TODAY IS A DIRECT REFLECTION OF THE LAST 90 DAYS What you've been: doing... thinking feeling saying So if you want to live a different kinda life in 3 months from here, it's your daily actions and thoughts right NOW that count. . . Are you ready to take the brakes off? Book in a complimentary Heart to Heart chat here #RememberWhoYouAre #Awareness #BeWhoYouWantToBeNOW Maja Szumylo - Emotional Photography

01.01.2022 5 STEPS TO SWITCH OVERWHELM INTO FLOW Bookings, appointments, to do lists, pressure. Who doesn't have any or all of these in their life?... Our lives are complex and can be overwhelming. I can't count the amounts of clients anymore that I've been seeing over the past few months alone who have been feeling swamped. Overloaded. Under pressure. . Don't get me wrong; I so totally get it! Over many years, I was waking up with a full head too. It’s easy for things to go crazy and my lists were taking on the length of small intestines (everyone knows just how long these ones are, right?!). When I wasn’t careful, my thoughts were swamping my being! I needed and still need to consciously hold out my hand and say stop! . And because I know how these easy but powerful tips to simplicity and get back to flow could benefit you too, I'd like to share them with you today Majella McMahon . #createyourlife #takethebrakesoff #flow #rippleeffect #leadership

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