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Sandra Cirillo Coaching

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 409 525 829


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19.01.2022 What’s ACTUALLY Holding you back from Living your Life to your Fullest Potential Do you stop to think about the beliefs you have gathered over your life time and how they affect the choices you make from day to day? Limiting beliefs can be quite sneaky you may think that you want to earn more money, but if you’re not earning it, you may have a deeply rooted belief that you couldn’t handle the money if you got it, or worried you’ll spend it all away. These are limiting beli...efs. And they will keep you stuck, preventing you from seeing opportunities that come your way or acknowledging your gifts and awesome talents. So where did these limiting beliefs come from. As a child, you often learn them from your family, friends, teachers and society - you form them from your interactions with the media and the people around you. Limiting beliefs keep you from seeing what’s possible for you. This is the worst time to even consider changing careers, there are so many people unemployed at the moment. I’m not qualified enough for this position. Feeling burnt out isn't really a problem I really want to go on holiday this year, but there’s no way I will be able to afford it. Feeling fatigued isn't a reason to stop working hard or be reliable. While your current mindset might be all doom and gloom, you actually have the ability to change what you believe. You can reframe your thinking by noticing the beliefs, thoughts, and opinions you are telling yourself we call these stories because they aren’t actually factually true. Instead, you train your brain to ask constructive questions to nut out the limiting beliefs and stories you have to change them for new, improved ones. Always remember, beliefs are not facts - they are simply a thought that you have repeated over and over until YOU have believed it to be fact. Check in with yourself and ask: - Is what I’m thinking true? - Is this keeping me stuck? - What am I choosing to be available for? - What am I prepared to change? Then, re-wire your brain to think more positive thoughts that can help you accomplish your goals. * Continued in comments

19.01.2022 Do you wonder where your motivation has gone & when it will come back? I find my motivation comes & goes all the time and it varies depending on what is going on in my life. Most of the time It feels like a light switch being turned on & off! It can be so frustrating, am I right?! This past month the only thing I was motivated to do was organise & pack all my belongings to move house & then unpack & settle into my new home.... Everything else that was part of my daily routine just wasn't getting done. I stopped exercising, hardly posted on my business pages, wasn't creating new client sessions, it pretty much all came to a stand still. I had no mojo for anything except the move. So many factors affect your motivation. Fatigue, stress, overwhelm, not having the time, feeling it's too hard, wanting it to be perfect - these all zap your motivation pretty quickly & you're left wondering when it will come back. Motivation actually comes from taking action,not from waiting for it to come to you. Motivation is also about creating a mindset shift. Motivation actually begins when you decide to take the action that you don't want to take. Motivating yourself when you don't feel you have the energy, ideas, creative juices flowing may feel like you're pushing against the grain, but work with me here. - Start by deciding to sit at your desk first thing in the morning - Then decide to spend 10 min replying to emails. - Then decide to spend 10 min reading through posts & checking your marketing plan. Once you're at your desk & you've started some of your work, inspiration will come. You may read something or see something that will get you making a note about a great topic to post about or remind you of a story or experience or helpful tool that you can share to clients. It's the nudge you didn't realise you needed to feel motivated because you took action. Shift your mindset - take action - be motivated. Much love

18.01.2022 Never underestimate a small habit, done consistently. . 'A small change can make a big difference.' . I love this quote from Ankita Singhal. ... . Small changes or small new habits can have a huge impact in your life. . I've learnt to be patient with myself and I only look at changing 1 or 2 small habits at a time. I focus on making it into a new habit by putting it into action for at least 30 days. In saying that, I also know that life gets in the way and I'm human so yeh, I slip up every now and then and that's ok. I can start again tomorrow. . My 2 small changes Im focusing on becoming new habits are: . Before going to sleep each night, I list 3 things that I'm proud of that I achieved during my day . I'm starting my day with a new intention/affirmation. This will be on repeat from tomorrow - 'It is my responsibility to share my great work with the world' . Now let me know yours...let's get our habits vibing to make us feel better and do better. See more

14.01.2022 The Secret to Waking Up Every Day with an Insane Amount of Energy (WITHOUT Needing a Cup of Coffee!) When I was a girl, I loved playing and having fun. Life was wonderful. I was able to do all things the things I loved without a care in the world. I loved falling asleep excited for another tomorrow of games, drawing, reading, and laughter and being deliriously happy. Then I became an adult. I was talented and educated and I found an amazing job that, although very demandin...g, paid a great salary. I worked 6 days a week and felt I was respected and admired by my peers for working hard and always being available to go the extra mile. One day I woke up and realized that I wasn’t excited about living my life anymore. I felt exhausted all the time, I struggled to find the energy to go to work or catch up with my friends for brunch. I longed for a holiday, but taking the time off just wasn’t going to happen. Who would do my work while I was away? It all felt like too much effort and energy to think about and it was energy that I didn’t have. In the midst of creating my life, I lost myself. I lost what lit me up and depleted my life battery whilst I was at it burnt-out big time, all because of showing up in my life the way I thought I was meant to by society’s standards. Where had that happy little girl gone? Where was my inner child? Why was I not letting her be part of my adult life? I was caught up in the belief that a responsible career woman needed to work long hours to earn a high income that would allow her the time to travel and enjoy some luxuries in life and then she could have fun,oncethat was all done NOT TRUE!!! WTF! Well, didn’t that belief punch me in the face hard. I had to do some deep inner work to change this limiting belief and break through the walls of doubt. Once I did - I saw that there was this little bright light shining from inside me. My inner child was there waiting to come out and play and I had been neglecting her for a very long time. *Continued in comments

13.01.2022 'If you fail to plan, you plan to fail' - Benjamin Franklin . Very wise words. Benjamin knew the benefits of good planning. . What would you prefer, a day of not knowing what to do first, feeling overwhelmed by a task that's taking up more time than expected or being prepared, knowing you have a game plan that lets you be efficient and in control.... Planning eliminates the hustle, stress & constant worry. . I've watched mum's put plans into action to get school lunches ready of an evening, have uniforms laid out & school bags ready, so in the morning, getting the kids ready for school & boss babes ready for work can be streamlined and relatively stress free. . My #1 planning tip is to keep a diary. I've been using a diary in my life since high school. I like the old fashioned, turning the page type of diary myself, so I can see all the deets for the day on the page. I also love a 2 page month calendar that shows me what's going on at a quick glance. . I put everything in it. My appointments, meetings, birthdays, events, notes, reminders, workouts, literally everything! It lets me see if my life is getting too busy & where I need to make changes because everything is laid out & easy to see. . My #2 planning tip is keep a checklist. One of my past clients was notoriously forgetful & easily distracted. After being diagnosed with Aspergers & ADHD he struggled to keep his life stress free, so we created a series of checklists to help him be prepared and find some control throughout his day. . For eg, at the front door we had a list of items he had to make sure he never left the house without, ie: keys, phone, wallet, etc. It was a tool that helped him feel less overwhelmed & more prepared whilst adapting to new challenges due to his condition. . My #3 planning tip is do the tough tasks first. When you've applied yourself & completed the tough stuff, you'll feel really accomplished, setting the tone for the rest of the day. . My #4 planning tip - plan to be happy, positive & productive from the moment you wake up. You may not feel it 100% every day. You may not achieve it 100% every day. But at least you gave it a red hot go. And that's all that matters. See more

12.01.2022 To be authentic, you need to know who you truly are. Showing up in your life authentically is being free of judgement, criticism, guilt and expectations, both from yourself and others. It's about truly embracing who you are and showing up in the world as your unique, beautiful, authentic self.... Much love S #authenticself #beforgiving #beyourbestself #liveyourlifewithpassion #livelife #freeyourself #focusyourmind #youareamazing #youareunique #createyourlife #loveyourmind #connectwithin #feelfromtheheart #loveistheanswer #loveconquersall #nomoreguilt #judgeless #feelempowered #feelthefeelings #feelinginspired #showyourworth #bethecreatorofyourlife #bethechangeyouwanttosee #positiveintentions #mindfulliving #careerdevelopment #controlyouractions #coachinglife #loveyourselffirst

10.01.2022 I really don't like feeling pressured to work to a deadline. It's the same with running late for a meeting, appointment, or a catchup. I always feel like I've let someone down. Or that I'm not managing my time that well. Or that they might think I don't consider it important. This is what I believe, but that doesn't make them true. . These feelings still come along, but I'm much better at managing them now than I used to be, because I don't have the same beliefs. . In th...e past I would feel totally stressed out, constantly wondering what others thought of me and I overcompensated by giving, giving, giving and never taking. I was left drained and feeling like crap. . What do I do differently now to not feel that way? What do I do now to not take on the pressure or not stress about running late or missing a deadline? . I've changed my mindset and my beliefs. . So, I'm running a bit late, that's ok. They will understand. I now thank people for waiting/for their time/for being there. I no longer apologise as if I've inconvenienced them. Thanking people sets a completely different tone and feeling. Give it a try next time you're running a bit late or disrupt some plans. So, I'm feeling pressured because of deadlines/needing to create content, being on time, etc. I remind myself the world hasn't ended. I take a few deep breaths. I relax my body. I remind myself that I'm human, and am doing the best I can with what I've got. I believe in myself and know I'm making the best decisions I can in that moment. I tell myself I've got this. I don't compare myself or how I do things to how others do things. . I no longer worry about what others think of me. I'm only concerned with how I think of me because I can only control my thoughts, my actions and my beliefs. And that's what I focus on. . I'm forgive myself for not being perfect. I give myself high fives for effort. I don't get hung up on the details. I'm proud of how far I've come and for constantly making better choices. I continue to work on changing my habits and improving how I live my life. . I no longer let pressure take over. I know how to switch myself out of stress mode quick smart. See more

10.01.2022 Hands up who's heard of the KISS principle? . Keep it Simple & Straightforward . This is the original principlethat was noted by the US Navy back in 1960. In my long and diverse career, I remember it being used in our office consistently, discussed in our meetings and featured at numerous conferences because it was a provenwinner on how to not struggle with the daily workload and alleviate any overwhelm when all else failed. The words have changed slightly here and there ...over the years, but the principle remains. . The key goal is to keep any system, program, setup, plan, etc, as simple and uncomplicated as possible. . Simplify, simplify, simplify! . Nothing has tobe complex. You shouldn't need an instruction manual to get something done. Complicated processes keep you stuck in a stress loop, trying to figure it out. . Focus on finding the simplest, most straight forward, easy to follow plan of action for any situation, task or activity. . If you're struggling to see an easy way through, take a break from whatever is jumbling your thoughts, rest your mind and come back to the task when you're feelingmore clear minded. . It's a subtle shift that can make all the difference. . . . . . #simplify #makeitsimple #bossbabelife #createchange #nomoreoverwhelm #letgoofstress #feelgoodvibes #keepitsimple See more

02.01.2022 TODAY'S INTENTION "I begin and end my day with gratitude and joy." Did you know that when we feel grateful we are acknowledging the goodness in our lives?... Actual research studies show that being grateful helps us feel more positive emotions, helps us to have improved life experiences, improves our health and helps us feel better equipped to deal with stressful situations that come our way. Here are some easy ways to incorporate gratitude into your day. KEEP A GRATITUDE JOURNAL Make a habit of writing at least 5 things you're grateful for each day. It could be as simple as appreciating that you had a great night's sleep or that you loved how effortless and stress free your drive to work was. WRITE A THANK YOU NOTE Write a thank you note to someone letting them know why you appreciate them being part of your life. You don't have to send it, but if you do, imagine the joy and good feeling vibes you will share by letting them know how you feel. No time to write a note! Then just think of that someone and mentally thank them for who they are and how they've impacted your life. The intention still creates to good vibes! SAYING THANK YOU ALL DAY One of the easiest ways to feel grateful and stress free is to say thank you throughout your day to create an instant feel good mood. Here's a taste of my thank you's on any given day. Thank you for my warm and comfortable bed Thank you for a great night's sleep Thank you for this delicious and nourishing breakfast Thank you for the light traffic making my drive effortless and stress free Thank you for the right aligned clients being guided to my coaching services Drop a comment below on how you're going to include more gratitude in your every day. I'd love to know Much love Sandra

01.01.2022 TODAY'S SOUL INTENTION I am calm and resilient and always find the positive in all situations. #settheintention #setgoals #clearintentions #positiveintentions #positivemindpositivelife #positivitywins #powerfulwords #chooseyourlifestyle #selmprovement #lifepurposecoach #selfimprovementcoach #mindsetmatters #mindsetmotivator #mindsetcoach #feelempowered #empoweryourself #mylifemyway #createchange #createnewthoughts #thoughtsarepowerful #thoughtsbecomeactions #thoughtsbecomereality

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