Sandradee | Musician/band
Phone: +61 412 582 299
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24.01.2022 Amidst the resounding revelry of stories being shared over a drink and a meal, love the sound of people singing along in unison. Well, Pink Floyds, Wish You Were Here, is a bit of an anthem thats hard to resist. In these troubling times, so important to take some time out. Have a great weekend.
24.01.2022 Always good fun rockin’ out with Resignation. Hope to see you at our upcoming events for your weekend’s live music escape
24.01.2022 Affirmed Healing Power of Music Good news is most welcome in these times. The music scene is set to start up again! Yay!! What better way to immerse your senses in healing energy than to head out to a live music venue Sandradee will join other artists at Tunes on the Turf next Sunday 12th July at EclecTea Brighton from 3pm.
23.01.2022 Go get lost to find your way... All your fave AUSSIE artists covered @sandradeelivemusic
21.01.2022 Sunday Arvo Jam
20.01.2022 Goodness Gracious a Great Land Piano!
20.01.2022 This year has been incredibly tough on live music So it made my day to hear from an event organiser of one of last year’s gigs, who had this to say on It truly is the little things
19.01.2022 With many of our leisure and travel plans dashed for the coming months, the words of Becks, Change Your Heart, from the 2004 album, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, play out for us all now. Change your heart Look around you Change your heart... It will astound you I need your lovin' Like the sunshine Everybody's gotta learn sometime Everybody's gotta learn sometime Everybody's gotta learn sometime It's such a simple but beautiful song, that says when something hurts, take a step back out of yourself and look at your situation from a different perspective, and in a little while everything will become clear, in the bigger picture, everything's not that bad. Its in the repeated line, "Everybodys gotta learn sometimes" that we feel a sense of connection as every human that has lived on this planet has experienced an event that they never wanted to happen, but had no control over.
19.01.2022 Some songs stay with you like a long lost friend. Good to be back. Heres Three for Wednesdee!
19.01.2022 Throwback to the day I received my 1st guitar. This much yearned for gift from my mother, aka Santa, was bittersweet because I had to wait for my broken arm to mend before I could play it! #yesterday @sandradeelivemusic
19.01.2022 There will always be songs that remind us of particular places and special people. Even today there are certain songs from the past I cannot play without being left with at least a lump in my throat. Many others plain make me smile. Whatever the memory, music takes us there. Have that smile, that dance, that cry, (maybe go walk out in the rain so no-one sees you, as The Angels’ song suggests.)... In a world full of contradictions, of highs and lows, let the magic of music allow you to feel what it is that makes us human @sandradeelivemusic
18.01.2022 Green Room Channel 9 studios Melbourne, 1999. I shared something special backstage with Aussie singer, Vanessa Amorosi. For us both, it was our first TV appearance. Ok so Vanessa wasnt a Red Faces contestant, but it reminds me how important it is for us to get out there and do what we love, be with people we love, make memories while we can. I wonder if these two still love to entertain; an Elvis who performed on stilts and a little girl who had a rather remarkable talent of rolling her tummy, taught to her by her mummy! She won of course Stay cool
18.01.2022 No Tree No Me was a campaign aired on Hey Hey its Saturday when I appeared on the show. 20 years later here we are in danger of losing our beloved koalas forever. Aussies, lets Band Together to stop this looming extinction tragedy and get behind this
18.01.2022 Love; songs about one Love, crazy Love, tainted Love, mis-timed Love but mostly we get to carry each other kind of Love, form a large part of Sandradees ever evolving covers repertoire. So its only fitting that today you are wished a wonderfully crazy, loved up life, even if at times that means with the greatest love of all, yourself. Thanks Whitney! And The Rubens!
18.01.2022 How fitting I find these words of Rod Stewarts song, Sailing, to the situation we find ourselves in today. Its one I love to play for the powerful imagery in its meaning. This image, incidentally, is part of one Ive kept over the years, that my daughter drew, shortly after a harrowing ordeal wed had out on Moreton Bay. We were coming back from Moreton Island in our smallish boat when the weather turned foul. ... The strong gale force winds that whipped up out of nowhere threw us around, as the biggest waves Id never care to see again, smashed into us. Yet thankfully we made it through the worst of it. I know in the midst of it we all thought there was a high chance we were going to capsize. So, as in the words of another song I love, one of Bernard Fannings, I just want to Wish You Well
15.01.2022 Wishing you Peace &Joy
14.01.2022 There may be nothin SWEET ABOUT ME but it sure will be sweet to SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN! WARNING Likely to prompt f words you can scream at COVID-19. Youre welcome
13.01.2022 On the eve of this election madness weekend, Its time for a changeover of profile pic. After all..Its the constitution, its Mabo, its justice, its law, its the vibe and aah no thats it, its the vibe! Stay coolSandradee
12.01.2022 Good to have some old classics on Standbywhen someone hands you a guitar in Hungary, where Palinka and warm hospitality flow
11.01.2022 In the end the only thing you really own is a story. So make it a good one! Flashback to January this year before any news of COVID, how lucky we were to be able to hold the best send off party, for the father of my children. My ex and at one time high school sweetheart, once said to me, that at his funeral hed like the song, ... ALL I NEED IS A MIRACLE to be played, funny guy that he was. I know he wouldve given anything to be there with friends and family, many he hadnt seen for years. In memory of Paul Edwards, we sang and danced to some of the popular tunes Cool Eddies, the Brissy band he formed, used to play. Aah the memories! Remember the healing power of music and stay grounded
11.01.2022 Easter is a time to refresh. Before we can move forward we have to look back and reconcile with the past. With a clear head and a heart set free, we are able to focus on the most important and joyful things in life; music, family and friends. ... So, as in the spirit of The Beatles song, If there's anything that you want (um like live music ) If there's anything I can do Just call on me and I'll send it along... (Photo origin: Becks Phillips) #brisbanemusic #livemusic #musician #livemusicbrisbane #brisbanemusicscene#brisbanesinger #brisbanemusicians #soloist #solo #giglife #singer #performer #singersofinstagram #music #guitarist #brisbane #acousticgig #girlswhogig #musicgig
11.01.2022 You can look and you will find me Time after Time To find out more about Sandradee go to: ... #brisbanemusic #livemusic #musician #livemusicbrisbane #brisbanemusicscene#brisbanesinger #brisbanemusicians #soloist #solo #giglife #acousticguitar #singer #performer #guitarist #brisbane #acousticmusic #acousticgig #musicgig
10.01.2022 Happy Friday! Virtual Party ...reads a requested quote for Sandradee on Yes its 2020. Anythings possible but @sandradeeLIVEmusic will sit this virtual out for now Image: close up of clever inner city street art taken on a brisk Sunday morning walk in Brissy.
09.01.2022 What a buzz to be back with the gorgeous people of EclecTea at Brighton Sunday evening. Such a cruisy atmosphere with the gentle rain calling for a few classics to be played, like Americas Sandman, The Monkees Stepping Stone & Bad Companys, Shooting Star Dont you know that you are!
09.01.2022 With upcoming 50th anniversary of first humans on the Moon, Im reminded of my love affair with this celestial body. When its full, lovers welcome it, teachers might curse it, some howl at it, song writers write about it and I love, literally here on this chair, rocking out to its light. Maybe REMs Man On The Moon; Andy are you goofing on Elvis? Hey Baby are we losing touch? Elvis himself sang of a blue moon. Do you have a fave moon song?
09.01.2022 I feel flower pants are back in vogue now this pandemic has shown us what really mattersHappy 50th anniversary of Earth Day 2020! Sending love
09.01.2022 Take your mama out this Sunday If youre local why not treat her to a delectable Mothers Day Brunch at Covet Bar & Restaurant, 63 Jephson St Toowong, Brisbane. Sandradee will be performing from 9am Bookings essential!!!
08.01.2022 I burn to see you!
07.01.2022 On this eve of a brand new decade thank you for all the love in 2019! Looking forward to covering more artists soulful songs in the hope they may inspire your lifes adventure as many, like Xavier Rudds, Follow the Sun, do mine. Tomorrows a new day for everyone. Brand new moon, brand new sun. Breathe, breathe in the air. Set your intentions, dream with care. See you in 2020!
07.01.2022 What do you do when it rains? Sing in it! The sun will reappear. Happy Easter everyoneHighfields Easter Vintage Festival.
07.01.2022 Hard to believe we can almost close the curtain on 2020. With any luck the worst is passed! Time for live music and letting the good times roll.... Sandradee thanks you for your love of live music, is taking bookings now and wishes you a beautiful, wonderfully musical Christmas! Want to know more about Sandradee go to #brisbanemusic #livemusic #musician #livemusicbrisbane #brisbanesinger #brisbanemusicians #soloist #solo #giglife #acousticguitar #singer #performer #guitarist #brisbane #acousticmusic #acousticgig #musicgig
07.01.2022 Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Turn and face the strange Ch-ch-changes Change is the only constant in life and Stephen Hawking taught us intelligence is the ability to adapt to it. We can celebrate it with the myriad of songs about changing ourselves and the world. Something that will never change is our love for music... just maybe how LOUD its played!
07.01.2022 Lifes a Musical @sandradeelivemusic
07.01.2022 This is great! Happy AusMusic Tshirt Day
04.01.2022 EVERY NEW BEGINNING COMES FROM SOME OTHER BEGINNING’S END Funnily enough, the closing line from Semisonic’s song, ‘Closing Time’ Just one of the many new tunes Sandradee has been picking up lately. ... When this photo was taken, it was more likely a Tracy Chapman, Savage Garden or a Steppenwolf number, still fondly embraced and revisited @sandradeelivemusic Bring on the loongweekend!
04.01.2022 Tune for Tuesday. Hope its been amazing
03.01.2022 From a ghoul who just wants to have fun, have a Boo-tiful day! Entertainment enquiries @sandradeelivemusic/[email protected]
03.01.2022 Now we know why so many of us seem to enjoy listening to sad music. Research reveals moments of intense emotion, as in our response to music, are not necessarily bad. Instead, relief from tension is offered by our brains releasing dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with food, sex, and drugs, at certain emotional peaks, making us feel better. For your dose of dopamine contact Doctor Sandradee
02.01.2022 I really do like playing here @bribiebeach_bar_ with @resignation_live especially when the sax and the pizza come out! #livemusic #yummy #feelgood
02.01.2022 How fitting I find these words of Rod Stewart’s song, Sailing, to the situation we find ourselves in today. It’s one I love to play for the powerful imagery in its meaning. This image, incidentally, is part of one I’ve kept over the years, that my daughter drew, shortly after a harrowing ordeal we’d had out on Moreton Bay. We were coming back from Moreton Island in our smallish boat when the weather turned foul. ... The strong gale force winds that whipped up out of nowhere threw us around, as the biggest waves I’d never care to see again, smashed into us. Yet thankfully we made it through the worst of it. I know in the midst of it we all thought there was a high chance we were going to capsize. So, as in the words of another song I love, one of Bernard Fanning’s, I just want to Wish You Well
01.01.2022 Oh What a Night! Wine Festival brings everyone together in love
01.01.2022 Its times like these time and time again ...these wise words @sandradeelivemusic
01.01.2022 Its so easy to become overwhelmed by all the heartbreaking stories. So I felt fortunate to be able to take some time out today from teaching and other things for a little Sandradee-ing! If youre hurting please remember it will pass. The Universe song brings a bit of lighthearted relief. Sending love as always.
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