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Santoriello Consulting in Perth, Western Australia | Personal coach

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Santoriello Consulting

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9443 2197

Address: 6/1 Scarborough Beach Road 6006 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Great day at the iConference today hanging out with our future leaders talking about the power of mindset - representing MindScholar

23.01.2022 What price are we paying in the name of innovation and creativity......? While innovation is hot on the agenda Im not so sure about this one..... What do you think about having this on your Christmas table....?!?

22.01.2022 If youre struggling to deal with your own emotions.... chances are compassion for others is a stretch..... Learn first to lead yourself and leading others will follow

21.01.2022 Creative expression can take many forms. What gets your creative juices flowing...?

21.01.2022 Keeping our commitments to ourselves is the fastest route to self-love, healthy self esteem and happiness. My New Years resolution was to focus on health and well-being and so far so good. How are you tracking?

21.01.2022 Im loving the Human Synergistics family Christmas cricket montage. Another great reminder of how our leadership styles play out in everything we do. Can you see your family members represented here.....? and what role do you play? ...

20.01.2022 What do your habits say about you...? If I were a fly on the wall what would I see you doing....? Actions speak louder than words

20.01.2022 Drop it - leave it - let it go Like wearing dirty socks you may not smell the stench anymore, you may have become used to it by now, but to others its pungent. So too are your stories of offence, hurt and hardship. ... Life is too short to hold on to the baggage of the past. Dont let the past poison your present, stop looking and reliving it. To avoid contamination and embrace the potential of 2017 stop igniting the past by talking and thinking about it. Let those smelly socks go to make space for the new. Bring on 2017

19.01.2022 Are we ready for innovation in the mining sector....? We say we are but actions speak louder than words. Great discussion last night at the Curtin University Innovation Alumni talking about Innovation, Safety and the Future of Mining. Key takeaways for me are:... 1. Innovation is a buzz word everyone is using yet very few are willing to put their money where their mouth is! Australia is still conservative and highly risk adverse culturally, and despite the fact we produce some of the world most note worth innovative safety and operational products, they are adopted overseas before Australian companies will even consider using them...!?! This is a cultural issues and it starts with our leaders. 2. We say mining is dead but its 15% of Australias economy, and half of that is development of mining products most of which are exported!!! 3. Bolt on improvements (like diesel to battery operated trucks) are not the same as transforming the foundation (we still use trucks!!! What else is on the menu?) 4. Coal mining and low emissions are not mutually exclusive. Australia has the cleanest coal globally and it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 90% if we want to.....

19.01.2022 Do you ever get nervous, anxious or uncertain? If you like me have ever had that feeling then this message is for you. When you set expectations you limit your options to a win/fail or right/wrong outcome. ... Either your expectations are met or they are not. Its a very limited outcome, a concrete and binary way of looking at your experience of the world. How would things be different if you traded in your expectations for appreciation...? When you focus on appreciation it brings you back to living in the PRESENT , looking at what IS working and the possibilities available to you. Heres the final and most important piece to remember .... your brain cannot focus on expectation and appreciation at the same time! So if you choose appreciation then by virtue the nerves, anxiety and uncertainty will disappear..... and why wouldnt you want that! You are not defined by your external world. You are 100% accountable for your thinking so choose wisely.

17.01.2022 Are you trying to be everything to everyone and running out of steam...? Youve got the vision and motivation but just not enough hours in the day...! Sometimes its not about knowing everything... its about empowering the people around you to execute your vision and learning to relinquish control of the HOW and instead focus on the WHY as the leader. ... Maybe its time to get extra hands on deck to get your 2018 HR strategy off to a running start! If you are looking for a hand with shaking up your talent management and performance strategy this year lets connect

17.01.2022 You are the star in your own movie but are you acting like it...? When your back is to the wall and you are in the most uncomfortable position possible do you switch off the movie...... or step up....?!? Sometimes the pursuit of success can seem like a lost cause and its in those moments its even more important that you commit to your chosen path. Like growing bamboo things may not always happen when we want them to.... and even if they take longer than we think they sh...ould that doesnt make the cause any less important. When planted the seed of a bamboo tree shows no sign of life for four years. To the untrained eye it may be considered dead, a lost cause.... yet this is the most important time of growth when the root system is created to support the tree in later life. The foundation is being set. Its not until the fifth year the shoot grows to eighty feet! Your passion, your cause is like a bamboo shoot. Every setback, every experience is serving a purpose right now to give you the tools you need for the next stage of life. So keep collecting the lessons, putting them into practice and growing a strong foundation. And know youve got this!

17.01.2022 Do you remember playing the blink game as a child...? Staring into another persons eyes with the aim of not blinking. What would happen do you think for our levels of compassion, empathy and people orientation if this was standard practice in workplaces....? The art of starring with no expectations..... Imagine the impact on how people would interact thereafter and their levels of connection and overall happiness... Im loving this idea dont you...?!?

15.01.2022 If perfectionism is procrastination then what are you avoiding....? Get serious about your goals and start ACTing on your goals one step every day..... this means letting go of the distractions that are holding you back

15.01.2022 Do you know what your time orientation is...? Take the free test here It might explain why you are chronically late, why youre likely to fight for rainforest preservation, or why you might be predisposed to addictions and depression? The ideal profile for success is:... Past positive - moderately high Future - moderately high Present hedonism - moderate Great article and video from Zimbardo Thanks to Eliana Zurhaar for this find

15.01.2022 If you're struggling to deal with your own emotions.... chances are compassion for others is a stretch..... Learn first to lead yourself and leading others will follow

15.01.2022 Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like an early morning walk in our beautiful City.

13.01.2022 Hanging out with Year 11 & 12 students once again talking learning styles. A gift I wish I had when I was at school..... how best to learn so I can easily recall my information...... because we dont all learn the same way..... which is why its important as a leader to not only know how you like to receive and provide information but also get to know what works best for each person in your team..... your way is NOT the only way...!

12.01.2022 So what New Years aspirations are you formulating right now.....? Think big..... set your intention...... work your butt off and find a way to make your dreams come true because no one else will do it for you.

12.01.2022 You get to a certain point in your life when your weekends are occupied by attending kitchen teas, weddings and baby showers. These days with couples choosing to start their families later in life its been more like a decade! People often romanticise about pregnancy, commenting on the joys of motherhood, the opportunity to eat carbs guilt free and the weight loss program of breast feeding you get to endure thereafter. Not much is said about the nausea, water retention, flatu...lence, snoring, difficulty sleeping and general discomfort. We simply accept it is part and parcel of the process which means it is a nonnegotiable no matter how much we may not like it. What has this got to do with leadership..... everything! Click on the article to learn more about giving birth to your growth and opportunities.

11.01.2022 Are you trying to be everything to everyone and running out of steam...? You've got the vision and motivation but just not enough hours in the day...! Sometimes it's not about knowing everything... it's about empowering the people around you to execute your vision and learning to relinquish control of the HOW and instead focus on the WHY as the leader. ... Maybe it's time to get extra hands on deck to get your 2018 HR strategy off to a running start! If you are looking for a hand with shaking up your talent management and performance strategy this year let's connect

11.01.2022 You can’t steer a parked car! Set your intention and start moving...

10.01.2022 And so a new season begins with new challenges and opportunities

09.01.2022 You cant steer a parked car! Set your intention and start moving...

07.01.2022 When we order food at a restaurant we trust in the fact the staff will prepare and deliver our meal without any further involvement from us. So why is it that we dont apply the same principle when it comes to other aspects of our lives, say for example putting an offer in on a house, applying for a job, writing an exam or completing your probationary review at work...? Rather than trust the process we often start to worry, over analyse the situation and second guess ourselves. Its that overwhelming feeling of helplessness that starts to consume us when our future is unclear.

07.01.2022 A great list of alternative phrases to use both at home and at work!

07.01.2022 Great session with a client yesterday and I found this thank you gift on my desk today If you too are looking to kick start 2017 and leave your baggage of the past behind lets connect

06.01.2022 As leaders we need to learn to play the long game. Quick wins are great but immediate gratification is short lived. The fruits of our labour come from consistent deliberate practice. There are no short cuts. Consider for a moment the story of the elephant and the dog who became pregnant at same time. ... Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later the dog was pregnant again, and nine months on it gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued. On the eighteenth month the dog approached the elephant questioning, "Are you sure that you are pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date, I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies and they are now grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant! Whats going on?" The elephant replied, "there is something I want you to understand, what I am carrying is not a puppy but an elephant. I only give birth to one in two years. When my baby hits the ground, the earth feels it. When my baby crosses the road, people will stop and watch in admiration, what I carry draws attention. So what Im carrying is mighty and great." Just like the elephant we need to stay focused on the task at hand, and work towards our end goal. Its so easy to get distracted by what others are doing and start comparing ourselves and feeling envious or even jealous. Thats the trap! Instead choose to draw joy and happiness from the knowledge that their hard work has paid off just like yours will. Know that your time will come in all its glory.... even if it takes longer than you think it should..... trust in the process! Enjoy the rest of the week

05.01.2022 You may think youre a super star for getting by on very little sleep but in reality you are racking up a sleep dept and shortening your life. 7 hours is what you should be aiming for consistently. So what do you need to choose to prioritise, let go of and embrace to set yourself up for success...?

05.01.2022 This is no light without darkness...! There is too much emphasis on being Polly Anna these days.... the concepts of optimism and positivity have been taken totally out of context..... creating false expectations and unrealistic standards for us to live up to. Its destructive!.... and its eroding your self-esteem ... Because we all know life is not perfect and there are times in life, love and work where the shit hits the fan and its NOT okay..... We need to get better at saying its NOT okay.....Im NOT okay.... and most importantly FEEL the emotions that come up good, bad or ugly. NAME the emotion - most importantly build your emotional vocabulary beyond - I feel good or bad! Workplaces, families and relationship that shy away from using emotive language are digging a hole for self-esteem and burying it...... Because if we cant label the emotion then we cant experience it.....and if instead we suppress the emotion then we erode our self esteem, damage our relationships and impact performance. If you have never cried.... have difficulty managing your anger..... use the silent treatment.......... or even find you cry at the smallest things then this message is especially for you. If emotion is the language of communication we use to ourselves...... then how are you speaking to yourself?

05.01.2022 Your challenge is to listen to this song every night and morning for a week along with me and put this science to the test.... ready go!

05.01.2022 Sharing my lessons learnt tonight with our next generation of students

04.01.2022 There are no rules expect the ones we give ourselves. Stand up and ask yourself what kind of world do you want to live in...... and then do that! In love, life and relationships you set the tone so be the change you want to see starting from today.

04.01.2022 Great excerpt from the Book, "Effective Leadership: Learn from the animals," by Ashley Goldsworthy

04.01.2022 Love grows it doesn't divide. What radio frequency are you tuned into when you speak to yourself...? Do you see the similarities or differences.... what you have and don't have ...... what you can and can’t do? ... Or do you notice the shades of gray..... the endless possibilities in your life..... the love that doesn't transfer from your first born child to you second but instead grows.... for there is more love and compassion to go around starting with ourselves...... when was the last time you gave yourself a high five and said yay me!! Start by leading yourself!

03.01.2022 Be your fabulous self with no reservations. The more we focus on what others think of us and fear the judgement of failure or even success.... the more we stay stuck. Want to create momentum...??? Start acting on your intentions NOW!!

02.01.2022 What dreams are you still holding on to that deserve to see the light of day...? Inspirational speech from Viola and timely reminder.

01.01.2022 Are you a business owner who is passionate about what you do, but find you dont have enough passion to compensate for the lack of passion in your employees? You have a clear vision about the quality of service you want your customers to experience and how you want things done but you cant be everywhere at once and your staff clearly arent delivering the service you expect. You are getting frustrated with staff who are doing the bare minimum, dragging their feet, taking sho...rt cuts, and delivering poor customer service. You are starting to question whether hiring staff is helping or hindering your business!

01.01.2022 Love grows it doesnt divide. What radio frequency are you tuned into when you speak to yourself...? Do you see the similarities or differences.... what you have and dont have ...... what you can and cant do? ... Or do you notice the shades of gray..... the endless possibilities in your life..... the love that doesnt transfer from your first born child to you second but instead grows.... for there is more love and compassion to go around starting with ourselves...... when was the last time you gave yourself a high five and said yay me!! Start by leading yourself!

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