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Sapphire Coast Wilderness Oysters | Businesses

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Sapphire Coast Wilderness Oysters


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24.01.2022 Spectacular weather and enthusiastic volunteers from Sapphire Coast Wilderness Oysters, Wapengo and Merimbula oyster farming groups, Merimbula Big Game & Lakes Angling Club Inc, South East Local Land Services, NSW DPI Fisheries and Bega Valley Shire Council made for 2 great Field Days in Wapengo and Merimbula Lakes last Friday. Volunteers planted nearly 500 native trees, shrubs and reeds along the riverbanks to complement the bank protection structures recently installed by ...the Soil Conservation Service to address erosion hotspots. These innovative structures were built from rock and rootballs salvaged from the Tathra community protection works after last year's devastating bushfires. The two projects have been supported by funding from the Recreational Fishing Trust's Habitat Action Grants, DPI Fisheries Marine Estate Management Strategy and Bega Valley Shire Council.

21.01.2022 Feeling like now is a good time for an immunity boost? A serving of oysters contains more Zinc than any other food per serving!. Our local oyster farms are here to help you isolate in style ... Have a chat to Sue and Greg from Broadwater Oysters - Pambula Lake, with shop pick up and home delivery available , ph 6495 6704

17.01.2022 FRIDAY FUN FACT... Did you know that oysters have hearts too (so perhaps also lonely on a Friday night?!) A small, three chambered heart, lying under the adductor muscle pumps blood to the oysters body.. at the same time, a pair of kidneys, located on the underside of the adductor muscle, purifies the blood of any waste products - you learn something new everyday!

14.01.2022 OYSTER farms provide great habitat for FISH! Two reasons why we need to 'Wisely Use Our Waterways' on the Sapphire Coast this summer! Bega Valley Shire Council Merimbula Tourist Information Centre Australian Oysters Merimbula Visitor Information Centre Wonboyn Lake Resort Wonboyn Cabins and Caravan Park Beach Cabins Merimbula Sapphire Valley Caravan Park - Merimbula Captain Sponges Magical Oyster Tours Broadwater Oysters - Pambula Lake, NSW Reflections Holiday Parks Bermagui Tathra Beachside BIG4 Tathra Beach Holiday Park Merimbula Marina Mitches Jetty BIG4 Merimbula Tween Waters Holiday Park Wheelers Oyster Bar Kristy McBain - Mayor, Bega Valley Shire Council South East Local Land Services

14.01.2022 The Sapphire Coast region produces award winning oysters and is home to more oyster farms than anywhere else in NSW! So this summer, you may find yourself in a working estuary with lease areas dedicated to oyster farming. Here's how you can help around oyster leases:... - Avoid typing up to and contact with infrastructure - Be aware that entering an oyster lease is dangerous, much infrastructure is submerged - Slow down when passing oyster farms - Retrieve snagged lures to avoid injury to farmers and wildlife Thank you! (For more tips on how to 'Wisely Use Our Waterways', don't forget to pick up a copy of our brochure at one of these supporting Sapphire Coast businesses, caravan parks, tourist hubs or organisations - Wonboyn Lake Resort, Beach Cabins Merimbula, Bega Valley Shire Council, Sapphire Coast NSW, Sapphire Valley Caravan Park - Merimbula, Wonboyn Cabins and Caravan Park, Captain Sponges Magical Oyster Tours, Broadwater Oysters - Pambula Lake, NSW, Reflections Holiday Parks Bermagui, Tathra Beachside, BIG4 Tathra Beach Holiday Park, Merimbula Visitor Information Centre, Merimbula Marina, Mitchies Jetty, Merimbula, BIG4 Merimbula Tween Waters Holiday Park, Wheelers Oysters, Wheelers Oyster Bar, South East Local Land Services, Kristy McBain - Mayor, Bega Valley Shire Council)

11.01.2022 Sustaining the spectacular waterways of the Sapphire Coast is a community effort and you can help! ON THE WATER..... - No-one likes a floater - be a good boater! (use onshore public toilets or secure waste) - Stow it- don't throw it! (secure all rubbish including fishing line offcuts)... - Watch your wash! (prevent erosion and damage to riverbanks and oyster leases) - Watch your prop and anchor (take care around seagrass beds) - Wash down after each trip (boat trailer and gear to prevent aquatic pest infestations) - Use boat ramps (launch your boat at established access points) - Dispose of fish waste thoughtfully (use provided fish waste disposal facilities) ON THE LAND.... - The drain is just for rain (keep stormwater clean from pesticides, fertilisers, chemicals and litter) - Care for riverbank vegetation (vegetation next to waterways stabilises banks, preventing erosion) For more tips, grab a copy of our 'Wise Waterway Use' brochure from a supporting Sapphire Coast business or organisation (Wonboyn Lake Resort, Beach Cabins Merimbula, Sapphire Coast NSW, Sapphire Valley Caravan Park - Merimbula, Bega Valley Shire Council, Wonboyn Cabins and Caravan Park, Captain Sponges Magical Oyster Tours, Broadwater Oysters - Pambula Lake, NSW, Reflections Holiday Parks Bermagui, Tathra Beachside, BIG4 Merimbula Tween Waters Holiday Park, BIG4 Tathra Beach Holiday Park, Merimbula Visitor Information Centre, Merimbula Marina, Wheelers Oyster Bar, Wheelers Oysters, Kristy McBain - Mayor, Bega Valley Shire Council, South East Local Land Services, Mitchies Jetty, Merimbula)

10.01.2022 Sapphire Coast Wilderness Oysters was proud to co-sponsor the Pambula Show Sydney Rock Oyster completion - held Saturday 12th Jan 2019 Results: Champion - Salty’s Oysters - Pambula Lake. 2nd - Kingfisher Oysters - Wapengo Lake 3rd - Gill’s Oysters - Pambula Lake... Judges Comments: Great to see 3 gold medal entries from 9 exhibits - another strong showing of quality oysters for the 7th year of the event. See more

06.01.2022 What a Celebration Friday’s SCWO 'Launch Off' was! No-one braved the launch off the Merimbula Wharf in the end, however Kristy McBain - Mayor, Bega Valley Shire Council did launch SCWO’s ‘Wise Waterway Use’ campaign and there were plenty of festivities, thank-yous and a touch of sadness as the end of an era was marked, reflected on and celebrated. SCWO's ‘Cultivating a Sustainable Future for the Sapphire Coast Oyster Industry’ EMS Implementation project is now drawing to a ...close with few prospects for future funding... at least for now. Whilst this particular project has been operating for only 3 years, it is essentially the end of 12 years of impressive work which first started with Southern Rivers CMA’s (now South East Local Land Services) ‘Oyster Partnerships Program’. What incredible achievements and advances have been made in this time! SCWO has achieved great things for estuary protection, industry best practice and well and truly fostered a shared vision of healthy estuaries amongst Sapphire Coast oyster farmers and the stakeholders and coastal community they work with. (Captain Sponges Magical Oyster Tours, Bega Valley Shire Council, South-East Ralf)

05.01.2022 Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter. Thankyou to all of you who have supported your local oyster farmers, we know you will enjoy your oysters in style this weekend! (photo credit - flyingparrotmedia)

04.01.2022 The 'Wise Waterway Use On Our Wilderness Coast' campaign is now officially launched! Did you know that the Sapphire Coast is home to more coastal waterways than any other region in NSW? It's a great destination to visit this summer for lovers of water sports and activities. While you are enjoying our estuaries, please remember they are a shared resource and maintaining clean, unpolluted water is the responsibility of the whole community.... If you fish in it, eat from it, play in it, or just love it - a healthy waterway matters! For tips on how you can do your bit for keeping our waterways healthy, pick up a copy of our brochure at one of these supporting Sapphire Coast businesses, caravan parks, tourist hubs or organisations - Wonboyn Lake Resort Beach Cabins Merimbula Bega Valley Shire Council Sapphire Valley Caravan Park - Merimbula Wonboyn Cabins and Caravan Park Captain Sponges Magical Oyster Tours Broadwater Oysters - Pambula Lake, NSW Reflections Holiday Parks Bermagui, Tathra Beachside, BIG4 Tathra Beach Holiday Park, Merimbula Visitor Information Centre, Merimbula Marina, Mitches Jetty, BIG4 Merimbula Tween Waters Holiday Park, Wheelers Oysters, Wheelers Oyster Bar, South East Local Land Services, Bega Valley Shire Council, Kristy McBain - Mayor, Bega Valley Shire Council

04.01.2022 SCWO - engaging students on how important clean water is to protecting our estuaries and supporting local oyster farmers!

02.01.2022 See you tomorrow at EAt!!

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