Sapphire Elite Estate Agents in Jimboomba, Queensland | Estate agent
Sapphire Elite Estate Agents
Locality: Jimboomba, Queensland
Phone: +61 439 206 360
Address: Jimboomba Woods 4280 Jimboomba, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 FOREVER LEARNING The podcast on the calendar this week the latest episode from IGT powered podcast. Last month they had an awesome session around harnessing the power LinkedIn. I'm 25 and prior to that episode genuinely thought LinkedIn was an "old-mans" platform, but I'm pleased to say I learnt some valuable things. #sapphireelite #IGTpodcast #knowledgeispower... Why podcasts? There are so many amazing reasons to listen to podcasts. Personally, my brain moves at a million miles an hour no matter what I am doing - I'm too intelligent for my own good. Even while I am actively working on the computer, or driving between appointments, my brain is always buzzing. Podcasts are a great way for me to engage my brain, learn, grow, and essentially tune out the white noise in my head.
25.01.2022 BREAKING THE LAW A common theme I have encountered in the last few months of a housing crisis is the apparent disappearance of integrity and ethical standards. The ethical standards that I hold myself accountable to form part of my core values and beliefs as a human, but it hasn't always been EASY to fulfil this truth. ... I have been in an environment/scenario where I was instructed to violate legislation and carry out a task on behalf of that person. I was young, much less experienced than I am now, and impressionable. Despite this, the pressure and even abuse that ensued, I knew it was wrong and I planted my feet. It was a hard no. I know this industry has blurred lines, ignorant and negligent representatives, and often a warped sense of morals. I am grateful every day that I get to call my own shots and march to the beat of my own drum. If you ever need advice or guidance, or if you are unsure, I am always happy to help
25.01.2022 CLEAR COMMUNICATION Tonight we're dropping our latest e-Book for tenants "How To Vacate Your Rental". We have spent time developing this e-book to to provide our tenants a comprehensive, engaging, and informative run-down of the vacate process. We have jam packed as much information as we think relevant for our tenants to make the moving out process as easy and seamless as we possibly can! Having this e-book on hand for our tenants means there is no confusion, no miscommun...ication, no misunderstandings and often results in a fast tenancy finalisation for the Lessor and maximum bond refund for the Tenants. Head on over to our website to download the e-book #clearcommunication #ebook #systemsandprocedures #sapphireeliteestateagents #sapphireelite #sellwithsapphire #realestate #realestateagent #property #realestatewithextrareal #propertymanagement #careerestateagent #princpalofproperty #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #jimboomba #tamborine #flagstone
22.01.2022 Today is the day! Sunday is the perfect day to set some new goals, get ready, and smash this week. Dont set anything unrealistic. For example; rather than saying "the diet starts tomorrow" try promising yourself that tomorrow you will eat fruit or vegetable in every meal. ... Start small, win small repost
21.01.2022 MONDAY Walking into this week with some renewed focus, new small goals, and a passion to create #monday #newgoals #focus #smallbusiness
21.01.2022 R U OK? Personally, there have been plenty of moments this year when my answer has been "no, Im not" - this is okay! It is okay to NOT be okay. Feel those moments, do what you need to do to survive through them, grow and flourish once they have passed - and they will pass. You have survived 100% of your worst days and you can do it again. Today, September 10th, is R U OK? Day. 2020 has been tumultuous year and a mighty challenge for everyone. I would encourage you to stay... connected to friends and family and whenever you can, support them. I love a good cuppa and my ears are always open (figuratively because I am certain I am going deaf ) There is more to say after R U OK? #RUOK #ruokeveryday #listen
21.01.2022 And great news it is!
20.01.2022 I had a fast food addiction. This is an issue that doesnt receive a lot of awareness, and something that I kept very close to my chest because I was simply embarrassed. Emotions, stress, and convenience all festered into a rather ugly habit, and the habit manifested itself into normal life. ... My weight shot through the roof, but more than that, my health plummeted. My physical health was appalling, and my mental health was seriously affecting my relationship, my approach to business, and my outlook on life. It has not been an easy journey but I finally understood how bad I had let my habit become and how much it was dictating the terms of my life. Im well on track for my goals and go above and beyond each day to make sure I am doing the very best I can each day to take care of my health. Your body can only run on food and water, literally nothing else, so make sure you are choosing the best options for the best output. Every day is a great day, and I have learnt the positive impact food and exercise have on you. #health #wellbeing #openup #fastfood #addiction #lifestyle #healthyliving #foodisfuel #realestatewithextrareal #rentinginqld #investortips #renting #property #realestate #jimboomba #tamborine #scenicrim #logan #beyourself #realestateagent
20.01.2022 "She made everything so easy and it was such a great experience"
19.01.2022 Babes, put in your search bar and follow them. Follow their podcast on Spotify. Follow their blogs on the website. ... Just follow them. Mindset is everything, everyday and these boss babes show up with the goods. I have been following them for almost a year now and it has been one of the best things for me and my mindset and growth.
19.01.2022 New Rental hitting the market red hot this week! Located in Flagstone 3 bedrooms Under $350 per week ... 5 minutes to @mondaze_aus 2 minutes to the amazing Flagstone Dog Park with water fountain for the pupparooskies DM for address before it hits the online market. #forrent #flagstone #jimboomba #brickandtile #lowset #easyliving #lifestylestate #mondaze #flagstonedogpark #realestate @ Flagstone Dog Water Park
19.01.2022 I want that for you. #realestatewithextrareal
18.01.2022 Tips for getting your bond back: a vacating checklist In this weeks blog post we provide you with a great guide to vacating your rental home in the best way possible and doing all you can to get your bond back
17.01.2022 Trying my hardest to reflect my true inner bada** today, but bear with me while I battle this bloody flu. I wont be taking calls today - I cant actually talk
17.01.2022 repost
17.01.2022 #humpdaychallenge this week is starting a real conversation. Instead of "Hows work?", "What time do you finish?", "Hows things?", throw this curve ball into the chat and see where it takes you. I value meaningful connections with people whether they are going to be a short term client or long term friend. Building those relationships is so important to me and I love helping others achieve the same. ... #realestatewithextrareal
17.01.2022 TENANCY REFORMS During this intense time and a volatile rental market, we are seeing some of the worst of humanity come out and blatant ethical violations occurring. To combat this, in late May a new bill was introduced into parliament by the Greens Party. Our job as estate agents is to keep our clients well informed, as well as ensuring we act in a legal AND ethical manner. ... For more detailed information head to our website or get in contact today [email protected].
17.01.2022 ADVOCATE: INFJ - A Ever wondered why you gel with some people, but not with others? Or how some people can have a career that you couldn't imagine? It's incredibly insightful to understand who and what makes up your personality, how you search for friendship, how you functional best in a work environment, what role you play in your relationships, and how you view the world. So, what aspects of my personality type make me awesome at what I do?... Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things Advocates strive to do what’s right they want to help create a world where others do the right thing as well. Advocates tend to do best when they can ignore workplace politics and hierarchies and simply do what matters to them. This personality type can be quite stern if they catch someone behaving in a way that they consider unethical. Advocates have little tolerance for lapses in reliability or morality Yep - sounds like me! Have you taken the personality test? I did mine at
16.01.2022 DO IT. #realestatewithextrareal #rentinginqld #investortips #renting #property #realestate #jimboomba #tamborine #scenicrim #logan #beyourself #realestateagent
15.01.2022 Beautiful, candid, and close to home Try less "how can I fix them?" and more "im just here and I love you" #RUOK #mentalhealthawareness #ruokeveryday
15.01.2022 We are bringing you the goods in todays blog! We answer some of the burning questions in and all around real estate - youre welcome
15.01.2022 LEASED FOR $910 PER WEEK This GORGEOUS ski-lodge-vibe home was recently leased after the 1st open home and we are super excited to welcome the new family! If you have been considering leasing your home but aren't sure where to start, start by giving us a call and we will help you through it all 0439206360... #sapphireeliteestateagents #sapphireelite #sellwithsapphire #realestate #realestateagent #property #realestatewithextrareal #propertymanagement #careerestateagent #princpalofproperty #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #jimboomba #tamborine #flagstone
14.01.2022 For my colleagues, this is an amazing podcast for estate agents and career property managers #realestatewithextrareal #rentinginqld #investortips #renting #property #realestate #jimboomba #tamborine #scenicrim #logan #beyourself #realestateagent
14.01.2022 HAPPY MONDAY YA'LL! Today is a great day to have a great day - so make the most of it. Use today to set some inspiring intentions for the week and build some new habits. Stay tuned for our latest Market Update dropping on socials today to sump up the last 3 months in real estate and what we can expect in the months to come.
13.01.2022 DAILY JOURNALING With a fast paced career, a gazillion different people to talk to, hundreds of different macro and micro processes, and what feels like a never ending to-do list, it can be quite overwhelming to keep my head screwed on straight most days. You see, I have a brain that thinks one million miles an hour and often can have 10 different conversations happen in mind at any given moment. Fun fact: to concentrate while I'm on the computer I MUST have background mu...sic playing to avoid my brain running off on internals tangents during important tasks. The daily process of journaling is my time to sort my brain out before I get cracking into my day. This is a super helpful self-care strategy and works wonders for my own personality #sapphireeliteestateagents #sapphireelite #sellwithsapphire #realestate #realestateagent #property #realestatewithextrareal #propertymanagement #careerestateagent #princpalofproperty #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #jimboomba #tamborine #flagstone
12.01.2022 Happy Friyay loves! Are you getting pumped for the weekend? #realestatewithextrareal
11.01.2022 This is the home you have been hoping for in Yarrabilba, but havent found yet. This home exudes SPACE. From the second you open the front door you are greeted with a HUGE hallway, childrens wing away from the remaining bedrooms, massive kitchen and living area and A 5TH BEDROOM, come on! 27 Shilin Street Yarrabilba | Offers Over $399,000...
09.01.2022 Wishing all awesome Dads and Father figures a truly wonderful day In particular my own Pa - thank you for always taking the time to teach me, challenge me, and encourage my independence. #SapphireElite #happyfathersday #empartwisdom
09.01.2022 Happy to be ahead of the curve with this change in business industry! As most of my clients would recall me saying, Im not in this for the money or volume of clientele, I am in this to make sure that each client feels comfortable and confident with me in their corner. #realestatewithextrareal #rentinginqld #investortips #renting #property #realestate #jimboomba #tamborine #scenicrim #logan #beyourself #realestateagent
08.01.2022 Nothing has ever been so true being a #careerpropertymanager
07.01.2022 If I were ever a boss, this would describe my philosophy I don’t care whether you come into the office at 8am. I don’t care if you choose to work from home or not. I don’t care if you work from the garage while they fix your car.... We hired you to do a job and I trust you to get it done. Just let me know what you need from me to be successful in your role and I will show up for you. Life happens! You don’t need to justify to me why you need a day off. You don’t need to explain how sick your child is to leave early. You don’t need to apologise for having a personal life. Yes, I care about results but I also care about you. We are all human and we are all adults. I lead people. I don’t run an adult day care centre. Original Author Bridget Hyacinth #leadership #management #bridgethyacinth
07.01.2022 NEW PHONE, WHO THIS?? #sapphireelite #rebrand It is with tremendous pleasure and anticipation, I finally announce the re-brand of Sapphire Elite Estate Agents *woop woop noises*... Do you love it yet? Stay tuned this week for insight into the re-brand process, what elements stayed, what changed - but most importantly, why?!
07.01.2022 Source Sunday Mail 02 02 2020
06.01.2022 Small and simple - lets do this!
05.01.2022 MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS Part of our service to our Lessor's is a monthly newsletter where we provide a market snapshot of local neighbourhoods, an informative article on a trending topic, legislative advice, and more! If you are interested in receiving our curated newsletter each month, simply email us at [email protected] to be added to the exclusive mailing list ... #sapphireeliteestateagents #sapphireelite #sellwithsapphire #realestate #realestateagent #property #realestatewithextrareal #propertymanagement #careerestateagent #princpalofproperty #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #jimboomba #tamborine #flagstone #sapphireeliteestateagents #sapphireelite #sellwithsapphire #realestate #realestateagent #property #realestatewithextrareal #propertymanagement #careerestateagent #princpalofproperty #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #jimboomba #tamborine #flagstone
05.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAX! Today we celebrate an awesome day! Fun Facts... Highschool sweethearts since we were 15 We built our home at 19 We are polar opposites in so many ways Jax has been my rock throughout this journey I would not have this business if it weren't for him Taking a special moment to appreciate you squeeze, hope you have a beautiful day!
05.01.2022 How do I buy a home?! We have made it all super easy for you and have created a checklist - simples
04.01.2022 Have you wondered what is involved in changing property managers? We have created a checklist to help simplify the process of changing property managers
04.01.2022 What is one goal for this week? Comment below. Mine is small - wash all 3 dogs repost
03.01.2022 It's pretty cool when you do such an awesome job with communication and service that your client actually thinks there is a team of people here. Nope - just me guys, but I'm great at what I do!! #5starrating #smallbusiness #sapphireelite
02.01.2022 Tips for Selling Your Home We have done the grunt work for you and created a super simple checklist to help. We have broken it down into preparing the house for sale, choosing an agent, the process once you hit the market, and what to expect when your get offers
02.01.2022 Some have been 'd off our list, others are still on the list. Highly recommend following Visit Scenic Rim - explore our beautiful little pocket of QLD
01.01.2022 MY MISSION STATEMENT This month's blog topic follows a theme very important to me as an individual and the kind of real estate professional I choose to be: Ethics. Sick of hearing me harp on about "ethics"? Me too, but I will never stop! I learnt very early on in my career that it wasn't enough to say "work legally" and "abide by the law". I mean, the law IS the law, right? It seems to somehow still be negotiable or easily side stepped. So now, my message is to "be ethical". ... head on over to our website to read our mission statement, why we do what we do #sapphireeliteestateagents #sapphireelite #sellwithsapphire #realestate #realestateagent #property #realestatewithextrareal #propertymanagement #careerestateagent #princpalofproperty #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #jimboomba #tamborine #flagstone
01.01.2022 PDA Alert #sapphireeliteestateagents #sapphireelite #sellwithsapphire #realestate #realestateagent #property #realestatewithextrareal #propertymanagement #careerestateagent #princpalofproperty #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #jimboomba #tamborine #flagstone
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