Viveka Yoga & Nutrition in Mermaid Waters, Queensland | Sport & recreation
Viveka Yoga & Nutrition
Locality: Mermaid Waters, Queensland
Phone: +61 421 154 186
Address: Mermaid Waters 4218 Mermaid Waters, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 A friend asked me what my favourite yoga posture is, and as I hashed it out with her, I realised that the transitions between postures are my favourite - because I love my asana practice to be an allegory for life off the yoga mat, and because so often life is in transition. When one part of life settles, another moves into a state of transition. Vinyasa yoga provides an opportunity to practice traversing the "in-between" with calm, steadiness and grace. If you've been in my ...vinyasa classes before you'll know I sequence transitions that have the potential to feel awkward or confusing - holding the big toe in side plank to lift the top foot to the front of the mat and land in lizard lunge; unwinding your eagle bind all the way to an expansive half-moon - and I do that because real life transitions ARE awkward and confusing, unless we navigate them with mindfulness and calm. Trusting that wherever we are in this moment is exactly perfect, that the universe is unfolding as it should. Yoga magic See more
22.01.2022 Easy, low-cost and accessible! Walk through the process of creating a layered garden. These types of gardens can be built over lawn, concrete, weeds, or existing neglected gardens as I'm doing here. For now, this garden will be filled with leafy perennial edibles like sorrel, sage, choko, pandanus and rosella; over the next few seasons it will decompose into soil and be able to support perennial roots like oka, kumera, jicama, yacon, rhubarb, turmeric and ginger. Growing som...e of your own food is a great way to contribute towards your whole body nutrition. Interested in a nutritional consultation where we think outside the box (and outside the pantry)? Click the link in my bio to make an appointment. Online consultations available worldwide! Music: Bisquit Soul Artist: Nordgroove
22.01.2022 This picture from a trip to @summerlandcamels lifts me when I feel despondent. It reminds me that my true essence is unbridled joy. No external circumstance can interfere with that. Strong back, soft front, wild heart . . . .... #nutritionist #goldcoast #integrativenutrition #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #naturopathicnutrition #HAESnutrition #onlinenutritionist #onlinehealthcoach #integrativehealth #holistichealth #holistichealing #naturalhealth #healthyliving #naturalmedicine #igersgoldcoast #healthateverysize #normalizenormalbodies #yogaeverywhere #holisticmedicine #wellnesscoach #holisticliving #holisticwellness #holisticlifestyle See more
21.01.2022 About once a month I decide I feel like sweet breakfast rather than savoury, and last time I did, it looked something like this. Steel cut oats, stewed spiced apples, pecans, almond butter, maple, unhomogenised milk. . . . #smoothiesaredead #nogreensmoothies #ihatesmoothies #NutritionHeresy #watchmelosefollowers #stokethefire #internalfire #agni #warmingfood #winterfood #porridge #qifood #spleenqi #moodfood #nutritionist #onlinenutritionist #naturopathicnutrition #integrativemedicine #HAESnutrition #onlinehealthcoach #goldcoast #holisticmedicine #holisticwellness #holistichealth #naturalhealth #wellnesscoaching
21.01.2022 The body concerns that actually matter to me: Is my body fit and strong enough that I can wholeheartedly do the activities that bring me joy? Is my body capable of being of service to others? Is my body being nourished in a way that nurtures longevity, to give my soul the longest time possible in this vessel? .... . . Everybody deserves empowerment, comfort and clarity around their food and nourishment choices. Talk to an evidence-based, non-diet Nutritionist - that's me! DM for an appointment. See more
20.01.2022 Shared meals nutrition is so much more than the nutrients in the food - it's the company, the environment, the stories behind the ingredients, and plenty of other things too. In TCM and Ayurvedic traditions, it's generally considered that meals where the ingredients have been cooked together in one pot are easier to digest. But when the digestion is happy and the company is great, I just adore sharing boards. It's the perfect way to use up odds and ends and make something m...undane or past it's prime feel really artistic and beautiful. Theres also something to be said for the digestive-strengthening power of lowered stress. If I ate a meal where the ingredients were perfectly balanced and cooked to suit my constitution, but I did it in a rush while working or driving, would I digest it any better than this hodgepodge? Doubt it. Real nutritional medicine isn't just about what we eat, but how we eat and who we are when we do it - our cultural and social identity and our emotional state of mind. If you're interested in exploring these concepts, click the link in my bio to make an appointment. Baked sweet potatoes with @mynewroots red blanket sauce, @kehoeskitchen basil cashew cheese and @byronbaytempeh chickpea tempeh.
20.01.2022 Habit vs Ritual How do you view habits, routines and rituals? Do they mean the same thing for you, or do they have different connotations? It might be semantics, but I see habits as "first nature" things done without awareness, routines as deliberate repeated motions put in place as an force of discipline; and ritual as mindful acts made to deepen awareness and richness of the present moment.... Habit to me is something like - reaching for the phone as soon as it vibrates, or overloading the front of the shoulder in chaturanga. These type of actions have the potential to take away from quality of life when repeated constantly, aren't in the field of awareness unless we make an effort to notice it, and can take huge force of will to change. Routine - who else loves newness, and novelty, and spontaneity, and as a result, finds routine super challenging? But I know that creating a routine is the surest way to create positive change. I benefit from external influences that help me with routine. Plants that will die if I don't water them. A 3am start on Sundays that puts an end to the later-and-later bedtimes I have by the end of the week. And so on. Where routine is repeated behaviour, ritual goes beyond that to the spiritual, the symbolic, the place that doesn't necessarily translate easily into words and explanations. Right now, I'm working on transforming my routine of café visits into the ritual of perfecting homemade coffee. In ritual, each action becomes deeply infused with meaning so that the whole experience becomes profound, even if it looks mundane to the outside viewer. To access ritual mindfulness more easily, use sensory cues: smell, sight, touch. For instance, when I go to a restorative or yin yoga class, I cover my yoga mat with a blanket. The sensation of the blanket against my skin, rather than the jute-rubber underneath that I feel during a vinyasa class, reminds me that I'm here to relax, to take it down a notch. And for mornings, letting the coffee scent envelop me, reminds me to be in the here and now, just savouring. What are your rituals? How do you drop into awareness? Let me know
20.01.2022 PAUSED I'm having a little break. Still taking nutrition appointments, creating meal plans and taking yoga clients. Just find me at the link in my bio instead of DMs. See you in a bit x
18.01.2022 STORYTIME I was halfway through writing a caption for this post the other night when a discussion with a housemate devolved into a tear-filled, expletive-laden argument No word of a lie, just about every time I make an assertion about myself ("I practice yoga off the mat as well!") the Universe looks over, takes a sip of tea and replies "oh, true? Prove it". At the moment where I was about to flee, keys in my hand, tears streaming, ready to abandon and not have anything... to do with a constructive resolution, I was met with eye contact and calm assertion. In that moment, I recognised I had a choice, just like I do when a teacher calls out a pose I don't particularly feel like doing. I could be in my thoughts about this right now, or, I could give this moment my full presence by dropping into breath and body. And it was like flicking a switch inside. The tension drained out of me and I was able to hear and be heard. My surrendering the ego of being right, of being enraged, of weaponising past resentments, evaporated the cloud I'd pictured between us, and I was able to see with a bit more clarity the mirror of the human in front of me. Did it take an extreme amount of strength to do it? Fuck yeah, it sucked just like that revolved uttkatasana. Am I still going to get into another stupid argument sometime in the near future? Almost certainly. Do I think it's worth practicing yoga off the mat anyway? Abso-bloody-lutely.
18.01.2022 French buckwheat crepes but make it quesadilla style. (Yes, I know that I've brought dishonour on both French and Mexican Cuisine here). Buckwheat soaked overnight + an egg + salt + enough water to make it go around the blender blades. Cast iron pan, flip, done.
17.01.2022 Your beautiful brain is a problem-solving machine (@struthless69 has a fantastic video about this very thing, definitely watch). If you spend your day wondering "why am I so unmotivated? Why do I always end up in relationships with people who don't reciprocate? Why does everything I do fail?", then your brain will busy itself with finding answers to those questions. These thoughts arise out of the types of judgements you have of yourself. At the very first yoga retreat I went... to, we spent a week identifying our negative core beliefs. (nowadays I'd probably have some strong feelings about the implications of practicing what basically amounted to psychotherapy in an almost uncontrolled environment, but I digress ). This shit was ASTONISHING. Want to know what mine was? "I have no value. I am worthless". Ouch. Want to know what was even more shocking about this? I was going about my life fucking EXPECTING THE WORLD TO TREAT ME LIKE I HAD NO WORTH. Wild. Just as well beliefs and behaviours can change, hey?! To be really clear, this sentiment isn't along the same lines as "ask, believe, recieve!" or "if you're attracting bad situations, you just need to raise your vibration". Fuck spiritual whitewashing. Bad things happen to good people, and to act like they don't is to grossly invalidate the lived experience of people who dont have the privilege you're speaking from. No, what I understand from this statement is more like acknowledging yourself as an inherently worthy being, acting accordingly, and doing whatever is in your power to have that reflected in the people around you. Some of your self-judgements are not your fault, but, they are your responsibility. (again, some @struthless69 truth bomb). You might have self judgements that are not-so-positive because of situations like cultural conditioning, oppression, prejudice, trauma and unconscious parenting. Some paths that people take to more positive self-judgements include talk therapies, CBT, journalling, and somatic practices like yoga that help regulate the nervous system. If you'd like me as part of your support team in creating positive self-judgements, follow the link in bio
16.01.2022 Gratitude has been a life-changing practice for me, so to deepen my gratitude practice and share some of the things/people/places I adore, I thought I'd bring it to my feed as well. A collection of what I love from this past week or so! 1. First borlotti bean harvest. These were the ones who got planted the week the pin was pulled on the overseas trip I'd had planned - it's nice to see that energy transformed into something tangible. 2. Body brushing with this Sisal body glov...e from @bassbrushesforher (unnecessary gendered social media?... Alright). So bloody good to stand under the heater lights in the bathroom and scrub myself to oblivion before a toasty shower. Amazing for lymph health, skincare, and body image. 3. Three and a half weeks progress on these yukina sprouts! @kazi.b helped me plant them just a little while ago, and look how they've grown! This mustard green variety are very mildly flavoured, offering the health benefits of kale with the softer texture of spinach. 4. Hair wizardry from Emily @curlyhairspecialist. The woman is magic. What's your gratitude practices? Please share with me in the comments, I'd love to hear! @ Gold Coast, Queensland
14.01.2022 Is anybody else nostalgic for that pub meal you have on a family holiday where there's fifteen of you and somehow your table still isn't as rowdy as the three kids on the complementary playground funded by the pokies one room over and you let a relative buy you a cold soft drink because #treatyoself even though you know you're gonna get an upset tummy from the ice and bubbles and when it comes time to order you choose the T-bone even though you prefer ribeye but the ribeye is... grain fed and you don't want to support feedlot industry but honestly you're just so glad to not be eating another pumpkin risotto like you did as a vegetarian for 1.5 decades and the beans are always soft cos the apprentice chef put them in at the same time as the carrots and the gravy is definitely packet mix but you're an incurable MSG addict so you can't even pretend to be upset about it and when it arrives it's big enough to realistically be two meals but you end up eating it all anyway cos you've spent the day doing family holiday things like curbing your sailor mouth and not speaking your mind which spends HELLA calories and besides your parents are paying because they know what you're going through as an overqualified underemployed thirty-something in this economic climate and you ask the wait staff for butter for the unseasoned veggies and they bring you a mini packet of Meadow Lea and like that's not even close to the correct item but that's fine cos at least you're not in one of those renovated venues with a chef who thinks quinoa farts and beetroot salads are acceptable bistro meals. Cos I sure was. So I made it myself. #pubmeal #tbone #quarantinecuisine #lockdown #mushroomgravy #notvegetarian #ipromisethisaccounthasalotoftofutoo See more
13.01.2022 Picnic with a side of breaking the law \_()_/ in Queensland picnics become legal again tomorrow, but this morning I'm in a park eating my besan pancakes with mung beans and fennel. I'm experimenting with massively increasing my soluble fibre intake. That means legumes, beans, and also space for tasty chickpea flour/besan! If you've been a nutrition client of mine you'll know that in the past I've always recommended leafy greens as the main source of fibre, so I was doubt...ful going into this experiment but so far my skin, my mood and my tummy are happy! This is why self-experimentation is so valuable. Humans are individual and what helps one person may not serve another. Even the same thing you were doing a year ago or a season ago might not suit you now. When the sword of discernment ("viveka") is sharpened through meditation, discipline and doing "the work" (read - the hard shit that sucks at the time) - then seeing what serves comes more and more naturally all the time. Stay curious and throw away dogma #besan #pancake #picnic #mungbeans #solublefibre #guthealth #hormonebalance #legumes #mermaidwaters #whatnutritionistseat #nutritionistGoldCoast #goldcoastnutritionist #nutritionist
12.01.2022 Hey remember being in public places without fearing that you're spreading or catching a potentially lethal disease? Neither. But in the meantime, to mobilise and integrate that stress, you can book a Zoom yoga class with me via the link in my bio.
11.01.2022 Morning harvest. Copy-paste into every new prescription: grow a packet of salad mix. Thirty plant foods a week? Starting strong with eight right here
10.01.2022 We're all holding on by a thin thread at the moment, and mine became even thinner when I heard the wholesaler is still out of stock of the gluten free buckwheat @kingsobaau ramen Five cakes left in my pantry, so instead of eating some tonight I'm just going to re-live this delicious bowl from a couple of weeks ago. . . . .... #ramen #ramennoodles #buckwheat #glutenfree #broth #warmingfood #qifood #winterfood #souplife #homegrown #urbangardening #urbanpermaculture See more
09.01.2022 FEAR // like all feelings, it exists to be felt. Rather than suppressing or ignoring it, allow yourself to soak in the full emotion so it can transform to motivation, relief, or whatever other beautiful thing its going to catalyse into. This is why therapy, somatic practices and practices that regulate the nervous system are so important. Because if we have no awareness about our bodily reaction to a particular emotion, it's going to feel overwhelming, and we will be more lik...ely to avoid feeling it. On the flip side, when we understand the processes the body goes through in response to intense emotions - like changes in breathing pattern and muscle tone - we can assist the movement of the emotion by consciously inviting the body to alter that reactive pattern. This can begin with as simple a step as noticing when fear is present for you, and pausing to observe: Where in my body do I most strongly feel this emotion? If I could visualise it, what does it look like? If I could hold it, what does it feel like? How does it want to move through me? (there's no wrong answers here, but examples can be helpful if you're new to somatic release: swaying, shaking, throwing something soft away from you, stomping, pressing against a wall or floor). Once the fear has been expressed and mobilised, it's easier to hear the message that the emotion had. What needs to change, what steps need to be taken, what boundary needs to be established. What are your reactions to fear? Do you welcome fear or avoid it? Has fear ever caused a big shift in your life? Let me know below @wearesoulsparks is packed with juicy wisdom like this quote.
09.01.2022 Funky shapes friends, if I were to run scheduled online group classes rather than single bookings, what times are most convenient for you? Do you like invigorated mornings, sweaty afternoons, relaxed evenings, maybe a 20min office-wear friendly chair yoga at lunchtime? Let me know in a DM or in the comments!
08.01.2022 Midweek holiday feels
08.01.2022 I already have enough perfectionism in my life. I don't need it in my asana practice. Controversial opinion, but if your school/tradition doesn't support allowances for menstruation, injuries, post partum, disabilities, anatomical differences, and just the general individuality of humans, throw it in the bin. When discernment is developed, through meditation, self study, routine, and a fuckload of self love, you'll know if a posture is right for you during that moment practice. You'll know the difference between genuine rest and slacking off. You'll know if you're benefiting from a deeper variation of a posture or if you're just emulating the person next to you. You'll know if something will take you further away from, or closer to, union of body-mind-spirit, (often considered the "purpose" of yoga). I treat my yoga asana practice like I do my eating habits. Once upon a time, I let other people dictate every minute aspect of it, regardless of whether it served me long term. I handed over responsibility. I wanted someone else to do the hard work of figuring out what is best for me. I believed others knew better. In short, I refused to take ownership of it. Then, I grew to trust my internal compass. I sampled from the smorgasbord. I tried lots of different things. I genuinely listened to my body-mind-spirit to figure out what made me more balanced, more joyous, more authentically ME. Then I gave myself permission to do that, and to do it imperfectly. I aligned with teachers who'll give me the nudge when going further will serve me, and respect my modifications when I'm dealing with injury or fatigue. I created the environment for my students that I value in my own practice too. Basically, I invested in my sovereignty. The concept that I'm the ruler of my own kingdom - I'll happily give the royal visier counsel, but it's still my decision whether I act on their advice or not. After all, I don't believe there's anything glorious about asana-induced injuries - savasana is just as worthy a pose as any other. #yoga #goldcoastyoga #goldcoast #asana #yogaposture #HAESyoga #bodypositiveyoga #curvyyoga #quotes #practicenotperfection #yogapractice
07.01.2022 What would I tell the woman I was three years ago? That teaching yoga is going to be simultaneously the most challenging and most fulfilling thing you've done with your life so far. It's going to be gut-wrenching, heart-melting, and filled with joyous tears. That are more capable than you could possibly imagine; and, in the same breath - it's absolutely okay to be a beginner. In 30 years you've never given yourself a chance to suck at something, preferring to abandon things t...hat you don't immediately excel at. Well, as @trinskyyoga told us during the very first try at teaching one another during YTT - it's the first pancake. It's gonna be messy and weird. That's completely fine. You're far more aware of and critical of your own shortcomings than anyone else could possibly be. That all ships rise with the tide, and that there's a teacher for everyone - so even though right now and while you find your teaching feet you might be seeking to emulate the treasures your teachers impart on you - @bessyyoga's effortless control of the room, @kimberleybargenquast's softness and grace, @laurahumphreysyoga's intelligent sequencing, @clare_merrifield's mesmerising and poingnant soliloquies, @cassieleeyoga's precision and humour - you'll learn, slowly and clumsily, that your authentic voice and offerings are distinct but no less valuable. That literally nobody is going to care that you don't personally practice handstand or urdva danurasana and that not once will you be scoffed at at a gym for your size. In fact, your biggest insecurities are going to become an amazing asset, because your study of theory to try and make these poses happen in your anatomy is going to help you make them accessible for others - people who have left other yoga classes injured, ashamed or unwelcome. People who otherwise wouldn't have reopened their connection to their own internal union, yoga. What a bloody privilege you'll have, to bear witness to that. And that you'll love the title of yoga teacher but you'll be humorously frustrated with the knowledge that that's really ego identification. Truly, what a ride you're about to go on, Sarah from 2017.
07.01.2022 Let's talk about STEP-THROUGHS in vinyasa yoga. For ~years~, I didn't understand how other students could step from a lunge to the top of the mat in one movement, let alone do it silently or heel-toe like teachers would ask. Important: repetition didn't help. Yoga teachers: please stop telling your students "practice makes perfect!" if you're not able to provide STEPPING STONES for them to work incrementally towards the motion. It's boring and inaccurate. No amount of an inefficient, clumsy and unsafe motion was going to improve my step-through. Two stepping stones that I've worked on and offer my students to make this motion easier: Abdominal and hip flexor strength. People who practice yoga often have long but weak hip flexors. The simplest way I've found to bring attention to my hip flexor is to imagine dragging the back knee in a lunge, forwards as if I were going to rumple up the mat, and pulling my frontal hip bones upwards. Get higher off the ground! This is especially important for people with arms that are shorter than their legs/torso () Adding a bolster across the top of two blocks is my favourite way but even lifting up onto the back toes and fingertips helps. #yoga #vinyasayoga #vinyasa #stepthrough #goldcoast #yogateacher #goldcoastyoga
06.01.2022 Dreaming of entertaining, houses full of friends, and big ol' trays of potato skin nachos we'll be back into it soon enough. In the meantime, tag me in your culinary creations and let's have a virtual house party
06.01.2022 Been hibernating like the little root vegetable I am Planning to get Gold Coast group yoga classes happening again soon, for now you can book privates or small group classes in person or Zoom via my website, link in bio. #goldcoastyoga #yogagoldcoast #goldcoast #yogaforbeginners #yogaforall #accessibleyoga #chairyoga #HAESyoga
05.01.2022 Concept: sunflower seed porridge. This one is part of my ebook, releasing next week, full of delicious savoury porridges that keep you warm and nourished from the inside out! Plenty of #keto, #GAPS, #AIP and #paleo options alongside traditional grain-based dishes like #kitchari and #congee. Drop a comment below to receive the link when it's published
04.01.2022 Some days are gonna be "homegrown and made from scratch with love!" days and some days are going to be Gas Station Sushi days. We can't do everything all at once. Well I mean, I certainly can't. Not while maintaining my mental health and preserving my adrenal glands so I can have a happy menopause one day in the distant future.... I have to choose my battles. If I decided to, I could find a thousand things wrong with this meal... too high in carbohydrate being cold / Damp potentially contributing to slavery of ethnic minorities (if you'd like to lose faith in humanity, read about kidnapping in the commercial Tuna industry in Thailand) Having no qi/prana because it was prepared well before I ate it But for the sake of my sanity, I chose to send this meal some blessings... I am grateful to the many hands who brought me this meal Thanks Tuna for giving your life to nourish mine, I don't take your sacrifice lightly What a privilege to have easy calories I don't have to forage/hunt for This meal allows me to attend to my body's needs efficiently so I can then attend to extra things in my day that I wouldn't have had time for otherwise My favourite plate and my favourite dry chilli - an absolute treat! Getting yourself out of the "all food is bad" pattern requires constant vigilance. Constant correction of course. It also doesn't happen in a vaccuum. ED thoughts and other thinking patterns around food that cause distress deserve a support team. Send me a message or click the link in bio
04.01.2022 Taking care of your body can be a balancing act. It's sometimes hard to know whether we're trying too hard, or not trying hard enough. And certainly if we listen to the cultural messages women in particular receive about "letting themselves go", we'd be tempted to restrict further, diet harder, work out more. But if trying to wrestle your physical body into a certain ideal is impinging greatly on your mental, emotional or spiritual health, then I encourage you to reassess. A ...lesser-known but very prevalent disordered eating pattern called Orthorexia Nervosa is especially insidious because it masquerades as culturally acceptable and sometimes quite valid behaviours, like preoccupation with "clean eating", intense exercise or fasting as a compensatory behaviour for perceived "cheating", or severe restriction like raw veganism or carnivory. But we've pretty much all done these things, right? As always with diagnosis, the difference lies in whether there's also distress. Is someone just interested in learning the macros in foods so they can more efficiently fuel their day; or are they experiencing a obessesion or pathological preoccupation? Are they losing social life because of turning down invitations that involve food or drink consumption? Do they suffer anxiety from having broken their perceived rules? Do those rules lead to malnutrition rather than the holy grail of health? It's very important to note that diagnosis of eating disorders is disgracefully low in patients with higher bodyweight because of weight stigma among health professionals. What this means is that if a patient in a smaller body presented with the same emotional distress and the same malnutrition, they would be more likely to receive treatment than a patient in a larger body. Happiness and body peace isn't dependent on a certain size. In this body I have fitness, strength, energy and social + mental well-being I never experienced in my slimmer days. If you need support to release anxieties or restrictive behaviours around food, I'm here for you. Send a DM or book via my website - link in bio.
04.01.2022 Time for a reintroduction! I'm Sarah (she/her), I live and work on Kombumerri land, the Gold Coast, Australia. I have a degree in Health Science (Nutritional Medicine), and a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. I'm studying a Masters of Speech Pathology with a view to help yoga teachers take care of their voices, and to use my nutritional knowledge to support feeding difficulties in children. You can follow that part of my life @speech_pathologist_sarah. I've also recieved in Somatic Stress Release, nutritional support for oncology, and permaculture principles. I'm a firm believer in inclusive wellness spaces - non diet, Health At Every Size, LGBTIQ-friendly, trauma-informed. I want everybody to feel safe and welcomed in the spaces I create. When I'm not at uni or teaching yoga, you can generally catch me tending my veggie patch, talking to my pet frogs as if they'll reply, or buying yet another house plant Keen to catch some yoga goodness? You can find me @bohemeandbody : Monday 6.15pm yin at Kirra Wednesday 7.15pm yin at Varsity Friday 5pm slow flow at Varsity Want an online Nutritional Medicine consult or zoom yoga session? Send a DM or book on my website via the link in bio.
04.01.2022 Topped up the Free Seedlings box at my front gate today. I hope the few dozen or so that have already left over the past few weeks are healthy and happy and giving joy to their caretakers choy sum, salad mix and rapini from @boondieseeds, germination rate so high I've had to thin the seedlings constantly the best type of gardening problem to have. . . . #foodisfree #goldcoast #urbangardening #urbanpermaculture #permaculture #gardening #vegetablegarden #veggiepatch #urbanfoodproduction #rentalgardening #rentalgarden #isogarden #isoproject #victorygarden #buildingcommunity #containergardening #containergarden #seedling #broadbeans #rapini #choysum #boondieseeds
03.01.2022 Exploring what it means to be an advocate for yourself and your health, and how you're also responsible for your wellness even when seeking second opinions.
03.01.2022 Tree Climbing - provides an opportunity for proprioception through the surfaces of the feet and toes - tests balance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness - builds problem-solving skills and spatial awareness - is available for most able-bodied people, as even dense cities often have freely accessible public parks with mature trees... - offers an opportunity to connect with your inner child - guaranteed to get you out of your head and into your body . . I highly recommend climbing trees as lifestyle medicine. "But won't people look at me?!" Yeah, probably. They're jealous of all the fun you're having. Invite them up. . . . #nutritionist #goldcoast #integrativenutrition #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #naturopathicnutrition #HAESnutrition #onlinenutritionist #onlinehealthcoach #integrativehealth #holistichealth #holistichealing #naturalhealth #healthyliving #naturalmedicine #igersgoldcoast #healthateverysize #normalizenormalbodies #yogaeverywhere #holisticmedicine #wellnesscoach #holisticliving #holisticwellness #holisticlifestyle #climbing #climbingtrees #treeclimbing #naturalmovement #movementmedicine See more
03.01.2022 An evening of self love, to fill your own cup... In Love with Me, Tonight. Over 90 minutes, Sarah will guide you through: Intention Gentle somatic movement A meditation for self-love and loving-kindness Followed by aphrodisiac herbal tea and cacao. Open your heart to true love - the love of your perfect self. All genders welcome. No yoga or meditation experience necessary. Sunday 14th February 6.30pm Kirra Beach Limited Spaces Available tickets via our facebook page or website See more
02.01.2022 Astute words from @elenabrower. Has anybody read "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens"? I stumbled across it in high school and I'd count it in the top 5 books that changed my life. (I've also tried several times to read the original, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and found it dry and unreadable. Go figure, right?! But it doesn't matter as they're the same habits). The first habit is "Be Proactive, Not Reactive". That was a GAMECHANGER for me, and began my shift out... of the victim mindset I'd already wedged myself into by my tweens. Now, not to appropriate the intention of either author, but in the interpretation as it lives in my mind, they're kind of getting at the same thing: stimuli will happen, and the way we behave next is our choice and our choice alone. Proactivity can only come from a place of calm response. As opposed to the unconscious and erratic nature of Reaction, Response is measured, conscious, and proactive in and of itself. One of the reasons the practice of yoga has been so helpful for me is that it grows the capacity to respond. Practicing while on the mat the skills of patience, discipline, abstentions, slow steady breath, and calmness during chaos, strengthens my resolve to use those skills when I step off the mat and into the world, which is where it really counts. . . . #innerwork #mindfulness #meditation #peacewithin #growthmindset #7habits #reactivity #proactivity #mindhack #yoga #yogateacher #yogaphilosophy #goldcoast #HAESyoga
01.01.2022 New website is live including ONLINE BOOKING SCHEDULING Book now to be supported by a compassionate and qualified Nutritional Medicine practitioner. Some of my favourite conditions to support clients through are acne, high cholesterol, NASH ("fatty liver disease"), menstrual concerns including endometriosis and PCOS, digestive concerns including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, sexual health, fertility and preconception care, thyroid concerns, and transition to or from a vegetarian/vegan diet.
01.01.2022 To the ones who say "I don't have time for a cooked breakfast", I counter: if you've got time to clean a post-smoother blender, you've got time for porridge! 10min from pot to my mouth: leftover rice, chicken bone broth powder, ginger and salt, left simmering while I got dressed, then topped with all the things: seeds, spring onions, Fried onions, sesame oil, soy and vinegar, and frozen tofu + frozen peas (I don't defrost these - the heat from the porridge cooks them and they... reduce the lava-like heat of the porridge!). Quick and simple. One pot, one spoon, one bowl to eat from. And also, on top of cooking not taking anywhere near as long as what it does in people's imagination, making time for a proper cooker breakfast is self-care. It shows yourself that you are a priority! That your health and starting the day with a calm mindset matters. You matter. So have yourself a hot breakfast and watch your mood/energy improve #greensmoothiesareover
01.01.2022 PLOT TWIST dropping the facade of perfection has given me so much more energy for things that actually matter. The people who count ~know~ we're only human and they love us FOR that, not in spite of it. I'm good at treating acne BECAUSE I have acne.... I've been able to pick the brains of the most interesting people because I've admitted I don't know things and asked the probing questions. Just last week I got picked out for a private teaching gig ~because~ I'm a bigger-bodied teacher. (Imagine the power in me being able to go back in time to that meltdown I had before yoga teacher training about potentially being the only chubby person there and shaking myself to say "THAT'S EXACTLY WHY YOU'RE MEANT TO BE HERE".) I read a thing - I can't remember who wrote it - that said something like "I don't wear shapewear cos everybody already knows I'm fat, why be fat and uncomfortable" WHAT. SHE CRACKED THE CODE. I haven't bought another pair of shapewear since. Releasing the concept of "perfection" is one pathway to incredible freedom. @jennadaku 's feed has heaps more astute insights and pearls of wisdom.
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