SJ ACTIVE | Sport & fitness instruction
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25.01.2022 Why do I train? I train because its my choice. It’s my choice to show up every day as the best possible version of myself. I train because there is nothing that compares to the feeling that training gives me. It’s my practice. It’s what sets my soul on fire and fuels me to do more and be more every day.... I train because I’m obsessed with the process; I’m obsessed with the dedication, the hard work, the time and the effort that goes into building a stronger engine, a stronger body and a stronger mind. I train for the fulfillment of knowing that every day, I am giving myself reason to change, to grow and evolve. I train because I believe it’s a form of self-love and respect. I train to compete against myself and my perceived limitations. I train because there’s no finish line, and that’s what excites me most. There is just nothing that can replace the feeling of giving yourself, YOUR ALL. What do you train for? SJ ACTIVE 2021 @jasonminilee @underarmourau SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
25.01.2022 FULFILMENT IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF GROWTH In order to gain fulfilment we generally need to make a change. The point of this change isn’t to make yourself happy. The point of change is to grow, to show up for yourself, to express yourself, to be an example of what's possible, to test the limits and to have new experiences. You can be happy and grateful for where you are and still choose to change everything, just because you want to. My goal has always been to make peopl...e do BETTER. Be BETTER and feel BETTER. To prove true CAPABILITY and the POWER of CHANGE. Because for me, the quest to reaching my own level of greatness is never ending, forever expanding and always evolving. For me it’s about embracing my true authentic self, finding personal fulfilment and joy from life’s opportunities, challenges and experiences. People who want MORE out of life or want to improve their current state of mind and physical capabilities put themselves through discomfort because they know that it’ll take them to the GROWTH ZONE. So I challenge you to try something new. Change your routine, shift your perceived limitations and become curious about trying something different. There is always a lesson to be learnt in order to become resilient. You will be surprised at what you’re capable of. Don’t wait for approval. Take charge of your life, grow, own yourself, be yourself and be comfortable with doing something different. POWERED BY @underarmourau @rebelsport - Performance gear specially made for the HARDEST WORKER IN THE ROOM. SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE. @ Rec Gym Kirrawee
23.01.2022 Not sure if you’ve heard, but @bodyscience have a fresh new look and we’re all pretty stoked about it If you haven’t heard about it then I suggest you head over to @bodyscience and check out their latest product range now. The product range that speaks innovation, performance and empowerment to their athletes I’m feeling very grateful to be part of a team who only believe in your best and in making you your best. ... The @bodyscience team are committed to redefining the limits and continuously push a performance orientated culture to ensure their athletes are always committed to going the extra mile. For anyone seeking a product range that supports health, fitness and lifestyle nutrition then please use SARAHJ15 at checkout for 15% off and feel the body science difference. : @astuteagency SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
21.01.2022 Your competition isn’t other people. Your competition is your procrastination. Your ego. The unhealthy food you’re consuming.... The knowledge you’re neglecting. The negative behaviour you’re nurturing. Your lack of creativity, effort, and commitment. Complete against that. @underarmourau @rebelsport SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
20.01.2022 Just a few short important reminders for the day 1You belong here just as much as anyone else. 2Giving your all doesn’t mean you have to do it all, and you’re allowed to pace yourself.... 3Even when others don’t understand what you’re creating, that doesn’t mean what your creating isn’t meaningful. 4You attract what you think. Once you establish yourself as independent/ business minded, people like you will come your way out of nowhere. This is the universe reminding you that when you see something beautiful in yourself, others can see it and admire it as well. 5Rather than being vulnerable by default, try being vulnerable by choice. Being vulnerable and open to exposing your humanness can expand your world, strength your mind and teaches you to truly love yourself. 6Each conversation and every interaction throughout everyday should be an investment that adds to your life in some kind of way. Prioritise your energy on what matters. 7Don’t be afraid to close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere. 8Do your best today while remembering: your value is not attached to what you accomplish.
19.01.2022 When you finish a workout and remember there’s food already prepped and ready go What’s your go to post workout meal? If you’re anything like me and think of food the minute you finish training then I suggest you see how truly great it is to have a variety of meals there waiting for you thanks to @mymusclechef ... Interested to see what it’s like to have meals prepped and ready to go after every workout?Then give these 3 steps a try: Step 1: Place an order with @mymusclechef and use code SARAHJ20 for $20 off your first box Step 2: Get into the gym and give me 6 ROUNDS FOR TIME 12 Front rack reverse lunges 9 Push press 6 Heavy deadball over shoulder 3 Heavy deadball bear hug squats Step 3: Walk a couple of metres to the fridge and choose from a variety of fully prepped high protein meals Stay on track Stay focused Stay fuelled SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE @ Parc Fitness Australia
18.01.2022 Right now She’s proud of the person she’s becoming. She’s proud of where she is even if its not exactly where she wants to be. She’s embracing her true authentic self.... She’s in love with the process of becoming. She’s focused. She’s determined. She’s excited about where she’s headed. She has so many goals, so many dreams, so much ambition and she’s constantly finding new passions. She’s creating projects and work that reflect the future-self she hopes to be. She’s learning to be spontaneous. She’s learning to take more risks, and she’s constantly stepping outside her comfort zone. Right now, she’s just chasing the things that make her happy. She’s chasing the things that feed her soul and fuel her fire. She’s staying away from half ass things, half ass stories, half ass people, being half ass there. She’s surrounding herself with the inspired, the passionate, the motivated, the grateful and kindhearted. She’s on a mission. She’s on a mission to be a living example of what is possible. She wants to remind you to truly LIVE. To live a life that truly INSPIRES YOU.
18.01.2022 Coming into the new week, how are you going to measure your success? Here’s some ideas 1Presence: How present were you with the people you spent your day with? Did you look them in the eye? Did you listen well? Did you put down your phone when they were speaking to you?... 2Service: Were you in service of others in some way? Did you show up for someone? Did you offer something? Did you give a gift or buy a coffee? And what about you? Did you do something in service of your soul and own self care? 3Gratitude: How much was there to be grateful for? What went well? What as beautiful? What did you appreciate? 4Courage: How much of you day was spent staying true to yourself? Did you prioritise your authenticity? Did you speak up and put yourself out there? 5Recognition: Did you tell someone how much you care about them? How they made a difference in your day? How much they matter? Did you seize every opportunity to recognise others? 6Forgiveness: Did you forgive yourself well and often? Did you put petty bullshit to bed and forgive others fully? 7Generosity: Did you share what you have? Did you go the extra mile? Did you show value to others? 8Joy: How many hidden treasures of happiness did you unearth today? How many moments of remembering your freedom? Did you smile? Did you laugh? Did you allow yourself to stop and realise how good things really are? Let your day, your week, your life be tallied up with all the GOOD things. Out grow yourself. Love the process of discovering what your life is truly all about. SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
16.01.2022 Nothing like a weekend sweat in the sun followed by a post workout refuel thanks to @mymusclechef What actions are you taking this weekend that align with your health and fitness goals? Lets start off by MOVING today.... EMOM: 15 Min 200m Run 6 DB Hang clean into push / arm 12 American Kettlebell Swings 3 min Rest EMOM: 15 Min 10 Cal Row 6 DB Clusters 12 Burpees Here are a few other things you can focus on this weekend to ensure you’re on track and prepared for the week ahead: Calorie intake: Calorie deficit for fat loss, calorie surplus for muscle/weight gain. Water intake: MORE than you had last week. Aim for 2-3L / day Your intentions: Go into absolutely everything you do this week with intention, know what you want to get out of every situation, and know what you want others to get out of it also. Give your body a reason to change: Step outside of your comfort zone this week with your training, give your body and mind a reason to change. Push a little harder, go a little longer, feel uncomfortable. Learn: Learn something this week. That may mean listening to a podcast, reading a book, learning from your mistakes, listening to advice from someone who has done what you are trying to achieve etc. Plan: Set a game plan. Know when you are training. Know what you are eating. Know when to prioritise time for yourself. Talking of planning ahead plan ahead with @mymusclechef and stay on top of your nutrition this week. Don’t miss a meal or a macro Receive $20 off your first box using my code: SARAHJ20 at checkout. Happy Sunday Team! SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE. @ Sydney, Australia
14.01.2022 WE ARE GIVING AWAY 4 WEEKS FOR FREE: ENTER NOW FITDISTRICT DISTRICT 2153 This is not your regular outdoor bootcamp. This is training that will change you, transform you and make you stronger.... FITDISTRICT is a group fitness bootcamp primarily focused on building fitter humans through MOVEMENT, CONNECTION AND INSPIRATION. It’s an environment that will push your limits, test your mental stamina and leave you walking out feeling accomplished and craving more. A fitness experience that is personalised and inclusive. NOT SURE WHETHER OUR BOOTCAMPS CATER FOR YOUR FITNESS LEVELS? THINK AGAIN Our Functional Fitness Training format for our bootcamps allow people of all ages and fitness levels to participate. As qualified Coaches, we are able to use our programming to enable anyone to start no matter what stage of their fitness journey. Progressively we will build your fitness levels through the functional movement patterns we put together that will effectively challenge you and help build your strength, fitness and overall confidence in how you approach your own training. After all, our goal is to BUILD FITTER HUMANS so that our athletes can tackle every day life with a newfound fitness that will grow with them through the years to come. But above all else, FITDISTRICT is about community; a community who will support you, test you & push you further. We are a community of people who are all moving for all the right reasons. TO BE BETTER. To help build on our already fast growing community we want to giveaway and welcome 2 NEW Athletes with 4 WEEKS FREE + FITDISTRICT TANK. HOW TO ENTER: 1Head over and give @fitdistrictau fitdistrictau + both our Coaches @sarahjenkinson and @bpx_fitness a FOLLOW 2LIKE our latest GIVEAWAY POST on @fitdistrictau 3TAG A FRIEND who will be joining you for the next 4 WEEKS FREE 4BONUS ENTRY: SHARE this post to your STORY and TAG US NOTE: *Both entrants must be following @fitdistrictau @bpx_fitness @sarahjenkinson to WIN *Both entrants must like @fitdistrictau GIVEAWAY POST *Winners will be drawn Friday Aug 21st 3pm HAPPY FRIDAY TEAM! GET TAGGING
13.01.2022 Where have you put in the hard work this week team? Remember: Anyone can start something. Very few people can finish. When you crave the result more than you care about the long hard work, the hard work becomes irrelevant. And on that note .. I have a spicy one to share with you guys. Tag a friend below and finish the week off with this burner ... E4MOM x 10 Rounds 400m Bike erg 6 Deadlifts 8 Bar facing Burpees 10 Heavy Deadball over shoulder *Time remaining in the 4 minutes = Rest Enjoy SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
11.01.2022 Inspire your performance.. @fitdistrictau home studio is officially in full swing Whats there not to love about a home gym stocked with @bodyscience sups and a training partner that only pushes to go harder and longer until it hurts... @bpx_fitness ... There is just nothing that compares to the feeling that training gives me. It’s my practice. It’s what sets fire to my soul and fuels me to do more and be more. This is me and this is what I live for. Here’s to those that live for that same feeling. That turn up knowing what their in for. The effort, the discipline, the dedication. The ones that show up every day to build their character. The ones that put in the work to be stronger for tomorrow. Here’s how we kicked off our training week today. Definitely worth saving this little burner TEAMS OF 2: 30min CAP Air Bike Max Calories *After every effort 10 Kettlbell Swings + 5 Burpees E6MOM - 200m Team Run POST WORKOUT REFUEL: @bodyscience Shop the Bodyscience range now with 15% off at checkout: SARAHJ15 SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
11.01.2022 THE CHOICE IS YOURS We’re so busy watching out for what’s ahead of us that we don’t take the time to stop and enjoy where we are. Yes.. life can be hard, but it can also be very easy. The difference is how you choose to look at what’s happening to YOU. ... Where ever you are on your journey. Trust the wait. Trust the process. Trust that the hard choices you have to make align with who you are and who you want to become. Trust that your decisions and actions will only bring you closer to your purpose. It may be hard to believe that life has so much to offer you right now, but believing in yourself; your POTENTIAL, will be your greatest achievement. Take NOW for all that it is. Embrace the uncertainty and enjoy the beauty of BECOMING. THE CHOICE IS YOURS SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
10.01.2022 You don’t need to have it all figured out You just need to know your NEXT BEST STEP. And then do it.... As a coach it’s so rewarding for me to be that ‘next best step’ for so many people. Through training, movement, inspiration, education, support, accountability, trust and guidance. I think the most fulfilling part about being a personal trainer is hearing clients tell you You’ve changed my entire life, You’ve helped me become the best version of myself, Because of you I aspire to be better every day. They say my most recognisable qualities come from my APPROACH. Why because my approach is REAL. My approach is GENUINE and AUTHENTIC. When you come to see me and train, I want you to feel like you’re coming to workout with a friend. A life coach. A personal trainer that truly cares about what you’re doing. What you’re eating, how you’re feeling, how you’re progressing and how you’re investing into yourself to achieve those results. Its never been just about getting my clients in for a hour session; its about seeing my clients push themselves closer towards their goals. It’s about changing my client’s lifestyle, changing the way they view themselves and the things around them. It’s about how my clients progress, change and grow. Its about taking the NEXT BEST STEPS. I truly consider myself so extremely lucky every single day to be able to change the lives of so many people. The opportunity to help people and push people to be their best self every single day would have to be the most incredible feeling in the world. Are you someone looking for the next best step? The right person to guide you towards you next best self? Shoot me a message lets grab a coffee, discuss over your goals and get you involved in a community that only wants to see you at your BEST. SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
10.01.2022 EAT WITH PURPOSE I hate to say it but you truly are what you eat. And if you want to lose weight (or gain weight), the first thing you need to do is take a long, hard look at what you eat. The reality is, times have changed and so have we. People are slowing down. People are falling into the trap of misleading information. People are uneducated. People are taking the easy option. Most of our population are living a predominately sedentary lifestyle which means we need LESS... calories, and we need to ensure the calories that we are eating are NUTRIENT DENSE and adequate for our daily nutritional needs. What I mean by that is: EVERYTHING YOU EAT SHOULD SERVE SOME SORT OF NUTRITIONAL PURPOSE IN YOUR BODY, FUEL YOUR WORKOUTS AND (BE) GEARED TOWARDS OPTIMISING YOUR BODY AND IT’S FUNCTION. What do I mean by ‘Nutrition dense’ foods and why are they important: The nutrient density of food refers to the amount of nutrients our bodies can extract from a particular food given the number of calories it contains. Nutrient dense foods have lots of nutrients for little calories compared to processed foods of low nutrient density that are high in calories (AKA: EMPTY CALORIES - WHICH SERVE LITTLE TO NO PURPOSE). An easy way to think about ‘Nutrient dense’ foods: -They haven’t changed much from their original state -They don’t contain any additives and preservatives -The packaging does not contain a food label that has a long list of ingredients -They don’t last for months on shelf (if they do they probably have additives) -They don’t contain sugar (apart from natural sugars found in fruits) No, I’m not telling you that the foods you love are off limits completely, I just want you to start becoming more mindful about how you’re eating, and how the foods you consume can affect your daily nourishment, performance, energy and bodily function. Start making some simple changes this weekend and take note on how this makes your body feel. SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE. #SJACTIVE
10.01.2022 How do I approach my training and nutrition? Food is fuel. I fuel my body with intention and purpose. I fuel my body so that I can go all in on each and every single training session. I don’t eat just because I’m hungry. I eat so that my body is prepared to perform at its best. I remain committed to a structured training routine that applies progressive overload and gives my body reason to change. Every week that program gets reviewed. Things that could’ve been done bet...ter, get better. I consciously seek improvements and progression. I put my self through repeated discomfort for my body to adapt. It’s never been about fancy complicated workouts, it’s always been about building the fundamentals, training hard and doing the things I enjoy. Listening to my body has always been key for me. I have as much discipline in resting as I do training. When my body starts to slow down and fails to perform at its best, my priority has always been about bringing the body back to its baseline. Focusing on rest, mobility and stretching. Prioritising the right fuel to rebuild the blocks, to grow and go again tomorrow. Training and nutrition has never been about perfect. It’s been about progression and improvement. The journey towards becoming my best and feeing my best has always come down to the solid foundations built over time. That being my habits on a daily basis. My commitment to training, my attitude towards my food, my goals and my priorities. There are no days off. This stuff is maintained on a daily basis. Day in and day out, I’m committed to the process. But what’s most important is that I’m committed to a process that I love and enjoy. SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
09.01.2022 Body science aren’t wrapping things up just yet. We got 24 hours to go. Incase you missed it. @bodyscience have up to 60% right now But here’s the better news.. the bigger the cart, the bigger the discount!... How are you stacking yours up ? A crew favourite on sale right now - HydroxyShred Ultra .. the product committing us to that extra mile Don’t need a stock up right now? Don’t sweat it, SARAHJ15 at checkout will help you out when you need it
08.01.2022 That’s more like it Sydney This is what we needed to kick off the New Year. A bit of sunshine, positive energy and a clear mind to refocus on what we aspire to do with the next 365 days ahead of us. For me 2020 was all about setting, strengthening and nurturing the foundations of my life. That being the foundations of my business, the foundations of my goals, my health, my relationships, my training, my nutrition and my mindset.... This took a lot of patience, a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of repetitive work over and over again.Every day, there was something to work on. When I felt like I didn’t want to do it, it had to be done. These were the habits I suck to, the nonnegotiables that came without question. There were tears, there were challenges and there were things that went wrong. Was it all worth it? Yes. Why? Because I’m now moving into 2021 as a better and self improved version of myself. Not only that, I’m commencing a new year with set foundations that will only continue to help me grow and outdo a number of areas of my life. A lot of people tend to believe that the life we want justhappens to us, it doesn’t. It comes down to the foundations you choose to set yourself. The areas of your life you choose to work on and improve every day. This year give yourself the opportunity to do just that. Get excited about your goals. Choose goals that inspire you. Grind like you’ve got a point to prove everyday. Build stronger relationships. Stay consistent AF. Step out of your comfort zone. Do the things you love and the things that spark fire within. Take on new challenges with courage. Adapt to your environment and resources. Choose faith over fear. Let go of what no longer contributes to your joy. Create better habits. Move often. Stick to a routine. Rest when required. Encourage positivity in your circle. Count your blessings daily. Work with passion and purpose. Try new things. Upskill as often as possible. Take good care of your mind body and soul. Meditate. Write shit down. Be humble.
07.01.2022 To my community, my clients, my friends and to all those who have shown support in me this year, I just wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU. Without you all, there is no way I would’ve been able to get through this year the way I did. Thank you for adapting to our ever-changing environment, thank you for your support, thank you for encouraging me to keep pushing forward and thank you for giving me the confidence to venture out on my own and take on all the 2020 presented to me. I’ve not only grown as a person over the past 12 months but I’ve also grown as a coach, I’ve grown as a business owner, I’ve grown as a friend. As we look back at 2020 a lot of us think about all that went wrong and all that we couldn’t do, however I choose to look back at 2020 to recognise all the incredible things that went right. The opportunities, the valuable interactions, the experiences, the lessons learnt, the breakthroughs. For me, this year has moulded me into the person I needed to become. It has prepared me for the best and has opened my eyes to a world of endless opportunity. As we say goodbye to 2020 and step into the new year I’d like you to leave you with this: Always be true to who you are, who you want to be and where you want to go. Keep pushing forward, keep working hard and let your magic and success find you. Always plan to outdo your past, not other people and only continue making choices that align with your future self, your dreams and your goals. But most importantly, be grateful, be kind and be gentle with your progress while you learn to make sense of this season of change. Be proud of your growth no matter how small and slow it might seem and don’t ever stop trying. Whenever it all starts to seem hard remind yourself that this year has tested your strength in so many ways. There were days that felt weak to carry on but you managed to find a way through them in your own courageous ways. This year you have the choice to take a completely new direction with your thoughts and your actions. It’s all within you now to see greater in everything that you do and to believe in the unexplainable possibilities ahead of you.
04.01.2022 IMAGINE THAT YOUR HEALTH AND ENERGY IS A BUCKET OF WATER This week I've been tapping into the importance of rest and recovery with my clients and have a number of them set on a de-load week. Meaning, their focus is on nutrition, sleep, stretching and mobility as opposed to high volume training loads. This is to ensure that they are allowing their body to adapt to the stress of exercise and allows the body to replenish energy stores/repair damaged tissue. These weeks are als...o a great opportunity to reconnect mentally and realign with our goals. I want this post to remind you all to do the same. In your day-to-day life, there are things that FILL your bucket up. These are inputs like sleep, nutrition, meditation, stretching, laughter, and other forms of recovery. There are also forces that drain the water from your bucket. These are outputs like lifting weights or training, stress from work or school, relationship problems, or other forms of stress and anxiety. The forces that drain your bucket aren't all negative, of course. To live a productive life, it can be important to have some things flowing out of your bucket. Working hard in the gym, at school, or at the office allows you to produce something of value. But even positive outputs are still outputs and they drain your energy accordingly. These outputs are cumulative. Even a little leak can result in significant water loss over time. If you want to keep your bucket full, you have two options: 1Refill your bucket on a regular basis. That means catching up on sleep, making time for laughter and fun, eating enough to maintain solid energy levels, and otherwise making time for recovery. 2Let the stressors in your life accumulate and drain your bucket. Once you hit empty, your body will force you to rest through injury and illness. Recovery is not negotiable. I want to encourage you all to either make time to rest and recover now, or make time to be sick and injured later. Keep your bucket full Team! SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE. @ Sydney, Australia
03.01.2022 My biggest take aways from chapter 23. Every year I take my birthday as an opportunity to look back and reflect on where I was this time last year. I reflect on my personal growth. I reflect on the people who have come in and out of my life. I reflect on my choices, the changes, what I’ve lost, what I’ve gained and what I’ve accomplished. I take this time to reflect on the person I’ve become and set my path towards the person I want to be. Here are some of the important le...ssons I’ve learned and some of my biggest takeaways from chapter 23. Growth is uncomfortable because you’ve never been there before. If you are outgrowing who you’ve been, who you’ve been with and what you’re doing, you are right on schedule. Keep evolving and trust the transition. Connect , connect, connect. With every ounce of whom you are. Connect with people who make you feel deeply. Connect with the moments that bring tears to your eyes. Embrace the moments that make you aware of just how lucky you are. When its time for something new you will feel it. You will decide to let go, to shed layers, to move and recreate. Trust this process. Know that life does not take from us anything unless there is something else awaiting its replacement. When you feel ‘stuck’ trust me on this, you’re not. You’re just committed to certain types of behaviour because they have helped you in the past.The reason you aren’t moving forward is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life. Change the formula and you’ll get a different result. Be loud about the things and the people that are important to you. Spend time with the ones you love with no distraction. Be with them only with the intention of simply being present. Remind them how important they are to you. Show love, show kindness and simply give them your time and attention. Ignore what everyones doing and achieving. Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live your best life. You are not in competition with anyone else. Plan to outdo your past, not other people and only go about your days making choices that align with your future self, your goals and the dreams in your
02.01.2022 Focus, dig deep and earn it Happy Sunday Team I don’t know about you but I’m ITCHING to get into another big training week this week. ... How about you? Are you going to make choices that will better you and raise your average or lower it? For the next 7 days remember, each action is a CHOICE. Your next workout. Your next meal. Tomorrows warm up. The extra steps. That 10 minute stretch.Your interactions with people throughout the day.The extra round. That push past the comfort zone.Every rep. Is an opportunity to get better. Focus, dig deep and earn it. Lets up the ante and finish this next week stronger together. @underarmourau @sarahjenkinson Give this one a SAVE to kick things off EMOM: 12 MIN MIN 1: 50 Double Unders MIN 2: 5 Squat Cleans 2 MIN REST EMOM: 12 MIN MIN 1: 10 Cal Airbike MIN 2: 10 DB Push Press 2 MIN REST EMOM: 12 MIN MIN 1: 10 Cal Rower MIN 2: 10 Deadball Over Shoulder Wearing: UA’s Latest Women’s Meridian Range - Softer than soft ladies. Thank me later SWEAT. FUEL. INSPIRE.
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