Sarah Kenner | Website
Sarah Kenner
Phone: +61 413 307 078
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23.01.2022 Love this Just imagine. People that lift others up, that’s my kind of people
19.01.2022 There are so many preconceived ideas of what people think I do in my business. And over 90% of people that join the business actually admit that it’s so different to what they initially thought!! They are so glad they put there initial thoughts aside long enough to check it out! If you are lacking time or money or confidence, these are not excuses to hold on to.. they are actually amazing reason why you need to join me! If you are looking for an opportunity or your next adv...enture project, or focusing on your health in 2020, we need to chat. I want to talk to you . We have crossed paths for a reason!! . #bizbuddies #lifegetsbetter #onlinebusiness #joinme #newyeargoals #newyou #whocanyouhelp #liftothers #enhancewhatyoudo #workfromanywhere #newteammembers #reachout #letschat #workfromhome #choices #healthgoals See more
17.01.2022 Starting today I’m running a 12 days of Christmas Arbonne sale. If you would like to be added to the private VIP group, just comment below! 12 days, 12 gifts and loads of cheer!
13.01.2022 New Products just arrived. Thank you Arbonne Santa
12.01.2022 I just arrived home to a surprise parcel in the mail from my awesome business mentor and gorgeous friend @amandamartinmakeup You always make me feel so special and appreciated and ALWAYS have my back. With you I feel like I can conqueror the world and all of my life goals. You’re one in a million beautiful woman Thank you so much #somuchlove #bizbuddies #lifefriends #mentor #onlinebusiness #arbonne #arbonnesisters #family #ilovewhatido
11.01.2022 #gtc2020 @arbonne global conference virtual style into my living room, pj’s and all!! With all the technology too haha I’ve got the live conference conference on one screen, tuning in with 33000 others from all over the world.... and have our team zoom on the other screen so we can share the excitement together. Arbonne is getting creative and so are we! #lovethisbiz #lovemyteam #businessofthefuture #embracingchange
09.01.2022 One of my most favourite leaders shared this post with us today . She is such an inspiring lady and always leads with her heart. This is why she is our #1 Income Earner in Arbonne. We couldn’t be in be in better hands. Cecilia Stoll.. As I reflect on our Maui Leadership Retreat, I am overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude. This company. The people. The journey. All of it. My life has forever been changed, and if you have the slightest desire to change yours, let me just ...tell you that the time is NOW. Our company experienced 20% growth last year. Let that sink in for a minute. How many businesses would be happy with 5% growth? But our company is different. We are about changing lives and making the world a better place, and there is something very special about people coming together with the purpose of helping others become the best versions of themselves. So many people think it’s too late for them, yet there were 75 Arbonne Consultants who promoted to the top level in our company last year alone, and joined us in Maui for our NVP Leadership Retreat. They reached the top level because they had DECIDED HEARTS and they chose to make their dreams bigger than their excuses or their fears. So many people have been letting other people write their life stories for them! Maybe because it’s just comfortable. Maybe because it’s all they ever known. Maybe because they have stopped believing in themselves. If that’s you, but you would love to do something daring and significant, let me just ask you this question: If there were a book being written about your life, how would you want it to end? Here is the good news: You can take the pen NOW and start writing the rest of your story, because this can be the first page of the most amazing chapters in this book about your life. As long as there is breath in us, there is potential. Make a pact with yourself that you will not leave this earth with one ounce of potential left inside you. This business is life changing and it will not only stretch you to your potential, but it can bring you time and financial freedom, if you are willing to work hard and not quit. Come do this with us. Your life will never be the same!
07.01.2022 Up with the sunrise again this morning for Day 2 of conference #gtc2020 Very cosy on the couch and missing you all but love that we are sticking together. Thank goodness for our team video calls with the arbonne family, this sure is pretty special! Making the magic happen no matter what comes our way! Arbonne #arbonnelife #stickingtogether #onlinebusiness #teamwork #conferencefun #lovemybiz #bettertogether #creative #arbonne #makingithappen #arbonnefamily #flourish #shine #allinthistogether
06.01.2022 Happy 40th Birthday Arbonne We are celebrating with a new flavour FIZZ STICK DRINK This is super super exciting and I am absolutely bursting to order these tomorrow when they are released and I’ll be waiting for the postman to arrive ASAP that’s for sure!! These are tipped to sell out quick so if you would like to guarantee you get a box let me know and I’ll order yours with mine I’ve got your back! If you haven’t tried fizz before this is definitely your time ... you’re seriously missing out!! Happiest of birthdays Arbonne, I am truely blessed to be one of the team! I am so grateful to have been shown this incredible Opportunity to build my own business with this outstanding company. It truely has been life changing in so many ways but the best is all the amazingly gorgeous people inside and out that I get to share life with and grow with.
01.01.2022 Calling all my ‘MALE’ friends ....incase you didn’t get the memo, Christmas is precisely 20 sleeps away ....What are you planning on giving your loved one/ partner/ friend/ significant other.....??? I’ve got you covered ....PM me and I can help you out with the perfect gift idea from my online business for that someone special...any budget and/or wrapping included