Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund in Mangoplah, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation
Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund
Locality: Mangoplah, New South Wales
Phone: +61 406 360 000
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25.01.2022 Applications for the 2020 Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund is NOW CLOSED. We wish all 2020 SLSF applicants good luck and all the best in their submission. The winning beneficiary will be notified on 2 July 2020 and an official presentation will occur on 16 July 2020.... #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices
24.01.2022 The lady tradies are all over it this week.
24.01.2022 Application Closure EXTENDED!! Extended until 5pm FRIDAY 25TH JUNE! This will give any final applicants some much needed time to finish up their applications before sending them through to us.
23.01.2022 What a way to start the day. Our lovely recipient Hayley finally received her flower delivery this morning. Better late than never #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #mentoring #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Recepient #NSW #FemaleApprentices #Congratulations #flowerdelivery #betterlatethannever #greatwaytostarttheday #finallyarrived
21.01.2022 We wish all 2020 SLSF applicants good luck and all the best in their submission. The winning beneficiary will be notified tomorrow, 2 July and an official presentation will occur on 16 July 2020. #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications... #NSW #FemaleApprentices #WhoWillItBe #AnnounceTomorrow See more
21.01.2022 Tradeswomen Australia is hosting a series of live industry panels over coming months 14 April 5.30 AEDT Mental health and Wellbeing... 28 April 5.30 AEDT Online Training during the Pandemic. Apprenticeships & Tradespeople 12 May 5.30 AEDT Leadership during a Pandemic 26 May 5.30 AEDT How to stay resiliant during this pandemic 9 June 5.30 AEDT Finance and fitness 23 June 5.30 AEDT How to stay productive, How to keep your workers productive 7 July 5.30 AEDT Preparing for a post-pandemic world
21.01.2022 Sarah Carmel Lloyd 16/07/1998~12/08/2017 Today marks 3 years without you. We all love you so much and miss you more and more everyday. Gone, but never forgotten ... We thought of you with love today But that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday and days before that too. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. All we have now are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake with which well never part. God has you in his keeping we have you in our hearts. A thousand times we cried. If love alone could have saved you you never would have died. In life we loved you dearly in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place no one can ever fill. It broke our hearts to lose you but you didnt go alone. For a part of us went with you the day god took you home. -Author unknown
19.01.2022 To our amazing supporters, volunteers and followers. Happy Easter May this day bring you blessings of love, joy, peace and hope. The Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund Team ... #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #easter #easterbunny #eastersunday #happyeaster #chocolate #easter2020 #easterathome2020
19.01.2022 Are you a 2021 Female Apprentice in NSW in a male dominated trade ?!?! APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN All you will need to do is head to our website and follow the application instructions.... We wish all 2021 SLSF applicants good luck and all the best in their submission. Applications will close 5pm AEST June 14th. #education #training #ladytradie #scholarships #scholarshipopportunities #scholarships2021 #nontradtional #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #mentoring
18.01.2022 Yes we are a bit bummed out. Can’t be helped. It’s for the good of the realm BRING ON 2021
18.01.2022 Happy Tradesmen / Tradeswomen Day. #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #mentoring #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Recepient #NSW #FemaleApprentices #nationaltradesmenday #nationaltradeswomenday
18.01.2022 Without further ado, we would like to announce that the Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund Shop is OPEN FOR BUSINESS. As part of our continuing fundraising efforts, we have some "merch". Everyone loves merch To start off with we have the ever popular car sticker. We would love it if you shared a pic of your sticker. And Fridge magnets. ... We also have Beautiful Eco friendly bamboo bookmarks. A big Thankyou goes out to Grava. Made with Love and Laser Beams, for their support. Stubby Holders are coming. Just have to hold your horses a little longer. We are continuing to source a range of products. If you have any suggestions, please let us know. In the mean time, Happy Shopping #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #mentoring #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Recepient #NSW #FemaleApprentices #shop #merchandise #stickers, #bookmarks, #magnets #fundraising #thankyou #foryourcontinuing #support
17.01.2022 Have you got your application in ? You have till 5pm Friday 25th June to get your apps in. No late applications will be accepted.... You can email your applications into [email protected] Best of luck #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #mentoring #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #NSW #FemaleApprentices
17.01.2022 More car stickers are hitting the post today. Please allow a few extra days for delivery. Share a photo of where you place your sticker. We would love to see.
16.01.2022 Head over to Tradeswomen Australia and enter!
15.01.2022 Have you got your application in ? You have till 5pm, Sunday 14 June 2020. Are you a female apprentice in a non-traditional trade or know one. NOW is the time to get your app in for the 2020 Sarah Lloyd Scholarship. Stop procrastinating. ... The applicant must be working in a trade where the female employment rate is less than 25% of the selected trade. #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices #ApplyForTheScholarship #ClosingSoon #GetYouAppIn #FinalDays #LastDays
15.01.2022 Please share with everyone you know we want as many as possible to apply
15.01.2022 I was a bit surprised that there is only 16 female motorcycle mechanics in Aust. Knowing how many ride road, dirt or both and do the work on their bikes themselves. #tradies #tradieladies #nontraditionaltrades #femaletrades
13.01.2022 Are you a 2021 Female Apprentice in NSW in a male dominated trade?!?! APPLICATIONS OPEN SATURDAY MAY 1st 9am AEST!! All you will need to do is head to our website and follow the application instructions.... Applications will close 5pm AEST June 14th. #education #training #ladytradie #scholarships #scholarshipopportunities #scholarships2021 #nontradtional #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #mentoring
12.01.2022 Couldnt make it for the online seminar on Tuesday? Heres the Catch Up.
12.01.2022 Do you know a Female Apprentice in NSW ? Applications for The Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund 2020 Opening Soon. SLSF awards a scholarship of $2,000 and mentoring to a successful female candidate every year on the 16th of July Sarahs birthday, a very fitting time to celebrate, support and recognise female apprentices in non-traditional trades.... Check back very soon. #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices #ApplyForTheScholarship
12.01.2022 Woot weekends here! Make the most of it. . Dont forget still time to get your scholarship application in. #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices #ApplyForTheScholarship #HappyWeekend #MakeItAwesome
09.01.2022 3 fabulous nights.
09.01.2022 5 important points to consider, before you get behind the wheel. Always be fit to drive Stay focused on the road Scan the road ahead... Keep a safe distance Drive to suit the conditions See more
09.01.2022 Did you know we have Beautiful Eco friendly bamboo bookmarks ? Available now in our store
08.01.2022 Are you a female apprentice in NSW in a non-traditional trade ? Or you work with or know one. Here a wonderful opportunity to help with their career. The 2020 Scholarship recipient will receive mentoring and $2,000. To assist with the purchase of tools and other expenses related to their career. Download the application and apply today. ... Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund 2020 Application Terms and Conditions #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices #ApplyForTheScholarship
08.01.2022 Hello Winter Well ! Wasnt that first half a bitch ? Onward and upwards. Positive things to come and look forward to.... And our future 2020 Scholarship Recipient is just one thing to look forward to. You have till 5pm 14 June to get your apps in. The applicant must be working in a trade where the female employment rate is less than 25% of the selected trade. Detailed list on Application Form Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund 2020 Application Terms and Conditions Youve got this #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices #ApplyForTheScholarship #HelloWinter #FirstHalfDone #GetYourApp
06.01.2022 Look @ Daniel go. What a star
05.01.2022 These Tradie Ladies are getting on the tools & Having A Go.
05.01.2022 Our 2020 Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Presentation was, to say the least, challenging. With social distancing being just one hurdle to over come. Zoom to the rescue. And with that, we would like to congratulate Hayley on being the 2020 Scholarship Recipient.... Thank you to all who zoomed in for our presentation. Hayley sent us a little thank you video. Once life returns to "normal" A road trip is in order to meet Hayley. PS: Happy Birthday Sarah. #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #mentoring #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Recepient #NSW #FemaleApprentices #Congratulations #presentation #withadifference #zoompresentation #happybirthdaysarah #22today #19forever
05.01.2022 THIS IS NOT A DRILL! 2 WEEKS REMAINING TO GET YOUR APPLICATION IN!! Are you a 2021 Female Apprentice in NSW in a male dominated trade ?!?! APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN... All you will need to do is head to our website and follow the application instructions. We wish all 2021 SLSF applicants good luck and all the best in their submission. Applications will close 5pm AEST June 14th. #education #training #ladytradie #scholarships #scholarshipopportunities #scholarships2021 #nontradtional #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #mentoring
04.01.2022 It’s that time of year again! 24 HOURS REMAINING! Have you got your application in?
04.01.2022 Who plans on being there in October, In the crowd and part of the Daniel Lloyd cheer squad ?
03.01.2022 Yes we are a bit bummed out. Cant be helped. Its for the good of the realm BRING ON 2021
03.01.2022 This year ANZAC DAY 2020 will be very different. No gathering for the morning service, no street parades. BUT we just can not let this day go by. Let still get up, put your finest pjs on. Turn your phone torch light on, tune into a radio station so the Last Post can still be heard & stand in your driveway for a minutes silence. Lets line the Nations streets. ... #anzacday2020 #Anzac #respect #lineyourstreet #turntorchon #morningservice #supportyourcommunity #coffeinhand #LestWeForget #Australia #NewZealand #diggers #LineTheNationsStreets #ADifferentAnzacDay
02.01.2022 2020 Scholarship Announcement. Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund Committee are extremely excited to announce our 2020 Recipient. Congratulations HAYLEY KESBY. ... Hayley is undertaking a Certificate III in Cabinet Making. The scholarship of $2,000 and mentoring will be used to assist with the purchase of tools and other expenses related to her career. We had a HUGE number of applications this year and every single one certainly didnt make our process of deciding an easy one. Unfortunately due to the coronavirus, we have only been able to give one scholarship out. We would also like to highly commended the following recipients, and give special mention to Georgia Stephenson Jessica Drady Allicia Richards Morgan Purdie Phoebe Arnold and Katelyn Lyddiard We are currently working on all the logistics for our Presentation on the 16 July The Committee also highly encourages previous applicants ( upon still meeting criteria ) to reapply for 2021 Scholarship #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #mentoring #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Recipient #NSW #FemaleApprentices #Congratulations
02.01.2022 APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN Female apprentices in New South Wales, Australia can now apply for a scholarship, thanks to the Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund Incorporated and Apprentices Trainees Employment Ltd (ATEL). The scholarship of $2,000 will be used to assist female apprentices in any Non-Traditional Trade with the purchase of tools and other expenses related to their career. The Scholarship ... The Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship of $2,000 and mentoring to a successful female candidate every year on the 16th of July Sarahs birthday, a very fitting time to celebrate, support and recognise female apprentices in non-traditional trades. Applying for the Scholarship To apply for the Sarah Lloyd Scholarship, send an email, complete with documentation that addresses the following criteria to Cathy LeCerf at [email protected]. Applications open on 1 May 2020 at 9:00 am AEST and close at 5:00 p.m. AEST on 14 June 2020. The Fund committee will select the recipient of the scholarship after reviewing all applicants. The winning beneficiary will be notified on 2 July 2020 and an official presentation will occur at a local ATEL on 16 July 2020. Selection Criteria The application must be completed in full. The applicant must be female and reside in New South Wales at the time of application submission. The applicant must be working as a full time apprentice at the time of application submission. No member of the Fund Committee or his or her family may apply for the award. No member of the Defence Force or his or her family may apply for the award. The applicant must be working in a trade where the female employment rate is less than 25% of the selected trade. Detailed list on Application Form Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund 2020 Application Terms and Conditions #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices #ApplyForTheScholarship
02.01.2022 Meet our previous Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund Recipients. 5 scholarships awarded in 4 years. Who will be our 6th in 2021 ? Download your application NOW from our website and submit your application.
01.01.2022 APPLICATIONS CLOSING SOON - 5pm, 14 June 2020 Female apprentices in New South Wales, Australia can now apply for a scholarship, thanks to the Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund Incorporated and Apprentices Trainees Employment Ltd (ATEL). The scholarship of $2,000 will be used to assist female apprentices in any Non-Traditional Trade with the purchase of tools and other expenses related to their career. The Scholarship... The Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship of $2,000 and mentoring to a successful female candidate every year on the 16th of July Sarahs birthday, a very fitting time to celebrate, support and recognise female apprentices in non-traditional trades. Applying for the Scholarship To apply for the Sarah Lloyd Scholarship, send an email, complete with documentation that addresses the following criteria to Cathy LeCerf at [email protected]. Applications open on 1 May 2020 at 9:00 am AEST and close at 5:00 p.m. AEST on 14 June 2020. The Fund committee will select the recipient of the scholarship after reviewing all applicants. The winning beneficiary will be notified on 2 July 2020 and an official presentation will occur at a local ATEL on 16 July 2020. Selection Criteria The application must be completed in full. The applicant must be female and reside in New South Wales at the time of application submission. The applicant must be working as a full time apprentice at the time of application submission. No member of the Fund Committee or his or her family may apply for the award. No member of the Defence Force or his or her family may apply for the award. The applicant must be working in a trade where the female employment rate is less than 25% of the selected trade. Detailed list on Application Form Sarah Lloyd Scholarship Fund 2020 Application Terms and Conditions #sarahlloydscholarshipfund #nonprofitorganization #slsf #nontraditionaltrades #femaletradies #ladietradieclub #tradieladyclub #scholarship #strongwomen #womeninthetrade #2020Applications #NSW #FemaleApprentices #ApplyForTheScholarship #ClosingSoon #GetYouAppIn
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