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Sarah Ormerod Holistic Healer

Phone: +61 415 622 231


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25.01.2022 F L O W E R E S S E N C E S I use flower essences in my daily practice, they are powerful and can help you in a multitude of ways: Releasing things that are no longer serving you, help counteract a negative emotions and even help you work with issues within your self. They are very potent, natural and very safe to use on the family, they work on your entire self (spiritual level, emotional and mental levels and physical level). They are a wonderful tool to use for stuck emo...tions as well! They are NOT like essential oils (although you can use those too in conjunction). Flower Essences are otherwise known as vibrational remedy or energy medicines, which means that they hold a specific vibration. They are taken orally via a dropper and specific blends can be made to your individual requirements and what you need assistance with.

24.01.2022 Some times it begins to hurt when we keep pushing down the woman we are meant to be, the one who walks an authentic life, the one who speaks her truth and lives in her power - you know the one. She's not just a daydream, she's right there inside you waiting to be let out. Denying her this, shows up as: tiredness, sickness, feeling lost and not knowing the next direction, the endless longing for the other life, the craving! Are you ready to stop pushing her down inside and sh...ow up as the divine being you truly are? Let me take you on a journey to connect with the very essence of your soul bridging together the trinity of spirit, mind & matter. Clearing & shifting limiting beliefs with an extra focus on where you are holding fears, doubts & anger. This package includes: Session One Which focuses on releasing resistance, limiting belief systems & pockets of fear, doubt and anger that are holding you back from stepping into your power. Clearing it mulidimensionally from your DNA and entire nervous system. Session Two A powerful guided process for you to see, sense & feel the very essence of your own soul! Remembering who you really are while bringing that remembrance back into your physical life, allowing you to live more aligned with your truest self and able to make choices and decisions that serve your best and highest. Part Three Involves a unique intuitively designed digital art image, infused with even more healing energies. If there are any special colours or images that represent your souls essence we can include these as well as any thing significant that presents itself in our sessions. Over time this image will be a reminder of these sessions, your connection with yourself and also serve as a reminder of how limitless you really are! Pm me for bookings and enquiries

23.01.2022 What is it that you would like to energetically let go of? What would make you FEEL FREE??

22.01.2022 THIS! yes, yes and yes! But I equally love sitting in nature under the trees, feeling the grass beneath my toes and absorbing the stillness and the silence.

22.01.2022 Up and at it early this morning, I have one lady signed up (before even advertising!) for an 8 week 1:1 soul expansion training! Which is super exciting, I cant wait to watch her transformation unfold. I still have 2 available spots for energy healing sessions (human or pet) TOMORROW and 1 left on Monday this coming week. Pm to book :) P.s check out my feline helper checking on my plants and crystals, mr Moon loves my clinic room and cant help himself from intruding on my sessions - addicted to the high frequency energy!

22.01.2022 This little monkey has been trying to reintroduce her day nap, days she naps she doesn't sleep till about 12am... this weekend gone she went to bed at 5.30am! I called it quits at 4am and woke hubby up, are your kiddies quirky like mine?

22.01.2022 THYME (Thymus vulgaris) from the Lamiaceae family. Below is a recipe for a restorative bath that can be used after a period of illness. This herb is thought of as a cooking herb, however it's very effective in treating coughs, respiratory infections such as asthma and bronchitis. ... This herb has many herbal actions such as: Antitussive: Due to the phenolic content thyme is used for treating respiratory tract infections to clear excess catarrh eg. Bronchitis & whooping cough. Expectorant: The saponin content is believed to aid in expectorant and mucociliary clearing which in conjunction with the antitussive & antibacterial qualities helps the upper respiratory system. Antibacterial: Thymol, eugenol and carvacrol, the main volatile oils found in thyme have proven effectiveness against a range of common bacteria such as E. Coli, salmonella, listeria and streptococcus. Astringent: The tannin content provides the drying/astringent qualities that work in tandem with the other actions. This is especially good for drying wet coughs and aiding diarrhoea. Also amazing for skin disinfection when applied topically. Anti-inflammatory: Thymol has been found to help with inflammation. The active constituents in thymus vulgaris are volatile oils (1-2.5%), thymol (30-70%), eugenol and carvacrol (3-15%), flavoniods, saponin, tannin, rosemarinic acide, caffeic acids and calcium. #plantoftheweek #herbal #sarahormerod #healingherbs #herbsforhealth #herbsforlife #healingjourney #makeathome

21.01.2022 Self doubt - it creeps its way in & slowly grows, wrapping it's tentacles around your thoughts. It convinces you that you aren't worthy or aren't good enough. Everyone has doubts at times and EVERYONE fears they aren't enough at some point in time.... but what if we stopped right there with those tentacles of uncertainty wrapped firmly around us? NOTHING great would ever be accomplished. Sitting stationary in doubt is a sure & fast way to diminish your light while sucking t...he life out of your energy and nervous system. What can you do to get in tune with your soul's calling today? ACTION: Close your eyes, visualise your dreams or goals as if they were happening right now. How does it feel to live this life, how does it feel driving that fancy car, working this dream job. Let those feelings completely wash over your entire body, moving its way through every single cell. Notice the things that need tending to in order to have this life/dream/goal, what can you do today to move closer to that? Dive right in with both feet and let those doubts float away. MANTRA: "I am not my feelings. This is temporary. I make small steps that I am proud of" Or "You are sunshine and sparkle brightest when you don't cloud yourself with negativity. Speak to yourself with kindness and the clouds will clear, you deserve to shine" Would you like to work with me? We can explore other things that are energetically holding you back & shift it so you can drive straight into being your glorious self! Send me a pm if you'd like a chat :) #sarahormerod #squashselfdoubt #energyhealing #rechargeyoursoul #sacredwoman #selfdoubt #HelpHeal #healingjourney #healing #Healer

21.01.2022 Beach and full moon intentions! My middle girl "oh you can feel the beach walking up to it!" So in tune with energy, I love it!

20.01.2022 does this speak to you? What makes you fall in love with being alive? Dancing shifts so much stagnant energy by the way! Ah, star gazing.. I love looking at the stars.

20.01.2022 I love getting feedback like this from fellow healers! Feels like a gold star sticker for me I love it and I love my work!

19.01.2022 Just for a bit of fun

18.01.2022 Oh I love this! What are you doing to nourish your soul?

16.01.2022 I haven't done herb of the week for a little while but check out this beauty.. Althaea officinalis! Otherwise known as marshmallow plant. It is so versatile it can be used as demulcent, urinary demulcent, expectorant, diuretic, emollient or as vulnerary. TOPICALLY is used as a emollient to soothe and soften the skin or vulnerary to heal wounds (varicose ulcers, wounds, burns, abscesses)... But it can also be taken INTERNALLY to treat and sooth a variety of different issues such as: GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT - Gastric irritation - Gastric ulcer - Oral irritation RESPIRATORY - Dry sore coughs - Bronchitis - Pharygeal irritation URINARY TRACT - Cystitis - Urehritis - Urinary gravel - Urinary tract infections What a powerhouse herb! *correct procedures for manufacturing medicine and doseage is essential, contact your naturopath. #plantmedicine #sarahormerod #herbalhealing #herbalmedicine #naturopathy #herbalhealth #loveherbs #herbgarden #holistichealth #holistichealthcare #holisticliving #naturalgarden #healing #healthyliving

16.01.2022 Recipe in comments for my Ouchie Healing Balm!

15.01.2022 LAVENDER Latin Binomial: Lavandula angustifolia From the Lamiaceae family. Parts Used: Aerial parts... Long-used as an antiseptic in ancient Arabian, Greek and Roman cultures and by the British in WW1. Used for the pains in the head following cold and cramps, convulsions and fainting’s. CONSTITUENTS: Lavender contains over 100 constituents including: Volatile oils (1-3%), phenols camphor, triterpenes, flavonoids, coumarins and tannins. ACTIONS: Antimicrobial, antibacterial, sedative, carminative, antispasmodic, anxiolytic, antineoplastic, thymoleptic (mood enhancer), cognitive enhancer. INDICATIONS: Sleep disorders, anxiety, nervous stomach, dementia, agitation, menstrual pains, states of mental stress, alopecia, dyspepsia and bloating. There are no restrictions known for external use during pregnancy; safety of internal use has not been scientifically studied though historical use suggests lavender is safe. NEED SOME IDEAS ON HOW TO USE? Add some (pure, 100% not the cheap one from the supermarket) lavender essential oil to a bath and soak for 15-20 minutes before bed to unwind and sooth your nervous system. Otherwise check out my Oil infusion directions to help with soothing minor skin irritations and eczema. It is also suitable for yeast infections or for insect bites (works a treat on bee stings - helped stop the pain for my littlest who accidentally stood on a bee ) Pm me if you would like to order quality, ethically sourced, 100% pure essential oils :)

15.01.2022 Have you lost sight of yourself lately and not sure where on earth to start? Gorgeous, It's time to come back home - home to your most authentic self so that you can find your way and embrace your path. You arent just a mum, not just a wife or partner, not even just a business woman, there are many aspects that make you YOU! A gorgeous soul with so much more to offer. I want to help you find your way & show you who you really are. ... What you get: Session One focuses on releasing resistance. Any pockets of fear, doubt & anger that are holding you back from stepping into your power and clearing it from your entire nervous system. Session Two is a powerful guided process that give you the opportunity to see, sense & feel the very essence of your own soul! Remembering who you really are and closing the gap. Bringing that remembrance back into your physical life. PLUS a very unique digital art piece intuitively designed just for you, So you can look back at it and remember just how glorious you really are! This package is just so liberating, my team and I cant wait to share this with you. You are ready to come home! Send me a pm to secure your booking

15.01.2022 Making a new batch of chest rub for the kiddies and a calandula ointment using the same base plus using this beautiful calandula infused oil that I made. Calandula has so many wonderful healing properties, so much love for this versatile flower!

14.01.2022 For who ever needs to read this -we're all made up of star dust. Trust me, when I work with your energy I see all of those beautiful kaleidoscope colours and its the best part of my work trying to show you how to see them yourself - you are absolutely LIMITLESS

13.01.2022 Monday's my kiddies are all either at school or daycare, I've just opened up my Monday's for energy healing sessions, card readings and pet sessions. Once they get used to daycare more I can fit more of you guys in during the day Otherwise I am available late afternoons through out the week and Saturday's. ... Pm to book your spot

12.01.2022 The healy is device that is being used to treat anxiety and depression (amongst so many other problems!). I purchased one so that I could help my special needs girl with her extreme anxiety. There are programs for literally everything! Hormone balancing, learning, immunity support, skin health, energetic protection... you name it! PLUS, you can scan your chakra system and then it applies certain frequencies to help boost and harmonise the ones needing extra TLC. Its like a energy healing device that you can use to help your own family. Drop me a pm with emoji and I can let you know how you can get your hands on one to start your own at home healing journey.

12.01.2022 Fast heart coherence, this is super quick and easy to do. A very useful tool to come back to center and feel fresh again, Flooding your body with positive feelings and elevating your vibration. Let me know if you try it!

12.01.2022 When was the last time you sat down to connect in with your own soul? We are always running and rushing around and seem to never make time for ourselves. So I want you to take time out to connect with your soul this week. If you aren't making space for yourself - how can you expect to feel: Better More aligned... Recharged Free More balanced More guided We all seem to find so many "reasonable" reasons why we can't find the time to put aside for oursleves .. But filling your own cup really does allow you to be in a better space to help others and achieve what we need to. This is a part of your wellbeing! Book that massage you've been dying for, set some time to read the book you bought and thought you'd read, if restrictions permit wonder along the beach and sit alone with your thoughts for a while. Take yourself on a date, it doesn't have to be long even 30 mins to start with. Take time to get to know your own soul song again #rechargeyoursoul #energy #energyhealing #fillyourcup #soulwork #loveyoumore #lovehealing #healing #wellbeing #energywork

12.01.2022 The flower essences are a powerful vibrational medicine that works to remove resistance from your subconscious and conscious mind and brings balance to the mental, physical & energy bodies. Our bodies are always trying to reach a state of homeostasis, however sometimes it needs a helping hand due to stress, busyness & emotional or energetic blocks. For example Black-eyed Susan essence is used for people who are impatient or always 'on the go'. These people are continually r...ushing and their lives are always overflowing with commitments. This Essence enables you to slow down and to reach that still centre within - finding calmness and inner guidance. Relieves negative conditions: Impatience "On the go" Over committed Constant striving Helps reach positive outcomes: Ability to turn inward Stillness Slowing down Inner peace It is important to know that these are not the same as essential oils, essential oils are the extracted oil from the flower where as flower essences are the vibrational imprint of the flower. As you can see flower essences pack a punch in shifting negative patterns and allow you to move into a more positive state, blends tailored to your individual needs can improve these outcomes even more so! Pm me for your very own customised blend today #flowerpower #sarahormerod #healingjourney #flowers #floweressencetherapy #flowertherapy #flowerrescue

11.01.2022 Let's talk about the Healy device! In Europe and USA it's a registered medical device for chronic pain / fibromyalgia AND mental health - depression / anxiety It’s also amazing for supporting the body to be at its most healthy vibration.... It runs programs for Sleep, allergy, stress, pain, emotional pain or instability, hormone imbalances..... basically bringing balance wherever it is needed! Personally I got it to improve my own health and for my family, with a special needs child I have found my own anxiety is through the roof most days as is my daughter's. I knew I would use it with the kids a LOT, For all sorts of things such as skin programs to aid in healing when my daughter bites her fingers and toes until they bleed. There are even focus/learning programs too. Its amazing little device! I'd love to share more about it so feel free to pm me questions :)

09.01.2022 Who are you really? And I don't mean the roles that you play, you're SO MUCH MORE! Are you ready to find that sparkle of your soul's light again & bring all aspects of you back home? My TRINITY energy session focuses on just that! By removing resistance caused by fear, doubt and anger anchored in your body & nervous system, bringing the pieces of you back home into full coherence on a cellular level. Together we will explore where you are holding on to this resistance and r...emove it completely allowing you feel lighter, more joyous and free. This is the missing piece to your puzzle. My team and I are ready to help you through this next step of your journey. This is my brand new session that I've been working on, I'm so excited to share it with you here.

09.01.2022 There are so many ways we internalize trauma, have you heard of fawning before? I liked how this article breaks it down. My sessions are a safe place to work through trauma and help energetically release the hold it has on you.

09.01.2022 The magic in the mundane.. Parenting.. its a tough gig at times, am I right?! It can be frustrating, frazzling, overwhelming and utterly confusing sometimes especially with a child who has additional needs.. there seems to always be a lack of time to take care of yourself! Although some days it feels like my sanity has gone for a casual stroll, there are many times that I've dreaded doing it all again tomorrow.. and the next day. BUT let me tell you, its also worth all the c...rap days for the moments when a lottle voice says "Mumma I love you so so so so so (times 100) much!" And the morning cuddles are seriously second to nothing. Motherhood has tested me like nothing else and sometimes I've stood up to the challenge and kicked butt, other times I've kinda sucked at staying calm, cool and collected while being every thing they need me to be - which is cool, I'm human too. These three beautiful children have taught me an abundance of life lessons such as; tomorrow is a new day, love can be shown in so many different ways, how to have an open heart and most importantly.. TO LOOK FOR THE MAGIC AMONGST THE CHAOS! This is the most important lesson they are teaching me (still.. because its definitely an ongoing thing.. a choice I have to make every single day), focusing on the beauty instead of the shit because our experiences hold the meaning we want it to, there is ALWAYS a choice and living in the present moment right now is the very first step, even when it feels like life is pulling you in the other direction. When your stuck in the cycle of focusing on the negative, you only call more of it in which makes for even more suffering. How will you start noticing the magic and stop missing all the beauty right in front of you?

09.01.2022 The world needs to experience your light, the magic ruminating within every cell in your body. Here is your sign to stop dulling your glow with those disempowering people, experiences and even the habits that are not serving you anymore. This is your reminder that you are worthy of being seen, heard and felt. When you're authentic you're simply INCREDIBLE.

08.01.2022 One of the quickest easiest tools you can try yourself, I reccomend doing this daily or at least weekly. If you want to switch up the words to what feels right for you, go for it! I just suggest keeping across all space and time to allow any energy stuck with you to find its way home. I find I change it a lot during sessions to what we need to work with and its a bit of an adaption from my mentor. I LOVE doing this and I feel it helps me a lot because I take on a lot of my daughters energy who has special needs and finds herself in a rage very often, It helps me stay a bit calmer in those situations or just feel better after shes cooled down and I do it.

05.01.2022 Would you like to align yourself with your highest vibrational self and timeline? Let's go EVEN further and make her a part of your spiritual team so that you can ask her for guidance when ever you want to! Your spiritual team are concerned with information regarding the big path changes & overall details etc, where as having your highest vibrational future self on your team means she can guide you through all the little things in life in order to have the opportunities that want, the abundance your striving toward and help with the small choices that create the most perfect & ideal outcomes. This is an amazing opportunity to expand your team to allow for a different kind of guidance! It is a very unique experience and is run a little differently to my regular sessions, you will need to be somewhere comfortable where you will not be interrupted during our session.

04.01.2022 My littlest (3) learning to tap into her heart space :) If you've had a session with me before you know im all about heart work. Why? ... Because MAGIC happens when we tap into our heart space.. we take trip down from being tied up in our cranial brain where we need that thing called logic in order to act (Which can sound like the smarter choice but hear me out). Our heart IS the gateway to our intuition. We recieve messages from our own soul which comes in and literally lands in our heart space and appears to us as "just knowing" what choice to make or how to respond to certain things or situations. The trouble is, we don't seem to access this space often enough to trust it, but the more you do- the more you will be able to receive these messages and respond to things in a heart centered way (Which WILL pay off!). And to tell you the truth, it simply feels nice to drop into your heart space, win-win!! To do it: Close down your eyes and take a deep breath, place your hand on your heart, this signals to your physiology that you are safe and that this is where you want your awareness to go. Or if you like to visualize, you can imagine a mini you in your brain jumping in an elevator down to your heart, visualize this space as a room to explore and hang out in there as long as you like. No need to go back up into your cranial brain though, we dont want that :)

04.01.2022 I had a wonderful distance session with Rachel, she has booked my Trinity package to take a look at her personal energy bodies and also the energy body of her business. I was able to clear some heavy, dense resistance that has been manifesting as physical symptoms for her over a very long period of time. I love that I was able to see what was going on energetically within her bodily systems and offer a release for her. Some of those blockages were extending themselves into ...her business, it is pretty liberating to be able to help people in this way. Here is what she had to say:

03.01.2022 The flower essences are a powerful vibrational medicine that works to remove resistance from from your subconscious and concious mind and brings balance to the mental, physical & energy bodies. Our bodies are always trying to reach a state of homeostasis, however sometimes it needs a helping hand due to stress, busyness & emotional or energetic blocks. For example black-eyed susan is used who are always 'on the go'. People who are continually rushing, their lives are always... overflowing with commitments. This Essence enables them to slow down, reach that still centre within & find calmness and their inner guidance. It helps avoid total burnout. Negative Condition: -Impatience -"On the go" -Over committed -Constant striving The Positive Outcome this essence can help achieve: -Ability to turn ineward and be still -Slowing down -Inner peace It is important to know that these are NOT the same as essential oils, essential oils are the extracted oil from the flower where as flower essences are the vibrational imprint of the flower. Pm me for your very own customised blend today #flowerpower #sarahormerod #healingjourney #flowers #floweressencetherapy #flowertherapy #flowerrescue

03.01.2022 A nice little reminder :) food impacts so much of our being

02.01.2022 Are you feeling stuck, stagnant, unmotivated or even held back? Are there stupid patterns and cycles replaying over and over in life around you that are causing you dis-ease? Are you ready to take the next steps gracefully, with ease and with confidence? My energy healing sessions are a safe place to work through any resistance and blockages that are stemming from your current/past lives. I am here to help you discover and embody your natural healing abilities and find your w...ay back to being your limitless, expanded, authentic self. There are also many other wonderful benefits of energy work including (but not limited to): Anxiety relief Improved sleep Feeling lighter & more expanded Feeling clear & balanced in the physical, emotional and mental bodies Release fear and trauma patterning on cellular level I like to also teach you tools and processes so that you can keep helping yourself. One hour sessions on zoom for $95

02.01.2022 I am offering 6 women who are ready to increase their intuition to come together in circle. A safe place where you will be swaddled in sacred support by myself and our teams of guidance. I have spent the last 6 weeks working with a client undergoing one on one spiritual development training, we have covered so much and I have loved watching her grow. This time I will be opening up the space for more women to join and experience this together. Since starting she has:... Strengthened her connection to her own spiritual guides and is receiving so many more signs and messages. Learned tools and processes that she can easily use to shift energy for herself and her children and keep herself in a wonderful coherent state. Gained access to her individual gifts and abilities - we are strengthening her mediumship skills currently but we can help you find your unique skills. Recoded patterning of very old limiting belief systems that were holding her back from truly exploring her talents. Aligned with her highest vibrational timeline and made her a part of her very own team. Significantly increased her vibration. Learned how to manifest in the quantum field. Reconnected with her very own soul essence - this one was huge! Allowing her to stand in full sovereignty of her being and show her most authentic self. Format: -6 x Weekly group sessions that will be recorded for anyone that misses them. -Group setting for open discussions and Q & A -6 x modules that correlate to the weekly session -6 weeks of support If you’re keen to get in on this powerful journey or need a chat, drop me a below or in my pms #rechargeyoursoul #sacredcircle #energyhealing #intuitiondevelopment #sacredwoman #authenticsoul #sarahormerod #lovefrequency #LightFrequency

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