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Sarah Sanders
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25.01.2022 Handmade with love. This is the topic of my upcoming workshops on 28/11 and 5/12 here in Sydney. As we start to count down the weeks ’til Christmas and turn our focus on gift giving, why not look at ways to be sustainable, eco friendly, and cost effective as well as helping to reduce yours (and those you love’s) toxic load by hand making gifts with heart! ... There is something so special about putting in the effort to make something for someone don’t you think? Here’s a great recipe idea for doing just that, which is so easy to make! It doesn’t need to be difficult at all. This is Alexx’s from @lowtoxlife beautiful Coffee Scrub to give you a little DIY inspiration. So cheap and so luxurious for how it leaves your skin feeling. Ingredients 2 Tbs used coffee grounds (or you could even ask local coffee shop for some of theirs!) 1 Tbs Celtic / Himalayan salt 2-3 Tbs coconut oil or olive oil (more oil = gentler scrub) 2 tsp vanilla bean extract Instructions Mix in a bowl. Put into a jar. That’s it. Takes less than a minute! Do you have any homemade gift ideas? If not, why not come and join our workshop on the 28/11 or 5/12 where we’ll be chatting all things DIY, low tox, eco friendly and products that are good for you! You will then make and take FIVE of your very own homemade gifts. That’s five people to cross off the gift giving list, all done for $60 PLUS you walk away with the know-how to do this for life! Spaces are limited. Secure your spot by DM’ing me or getting your ticket from S xx
24.01.2022 Ok this might sting a little but now is the time to put your money where your mouth is If you really care about not infecting others (outside of basic hygiene and social distancing) then it’s time to build a body that is strong and resilient to ANY bug! #stepawayfromthedonut Now is the best time to really check in with yourself. How have you been leading your life? Are the choices you’re making setting you up to feel vibrant or depleted?... I’m laying down six of my top tips that will move you in a direction that keeps you and your family feeling your best during these very challenging times. I’ll explore these in detail over the coming weeks! You might look at these and consider them way too simple and common sense. But newsflash! Changing your habits doesn’t need to revolve around some sexy new diet or new restrictions (I think we can all agree we don’t need any more of that!) What we need is: An abundance of beautiful colourful foods from the earth Lots of rest from the crazy, stressful days we are living in - yes that means going to bed earlier and resisting the temptation to binge watch Netflix all night! Some key vitamins and minerals to boost immunity Getting out into the sun for short breaks throughout the day Switching to cleaner, safer personal care products, including household items (ditch those air fresheners!) An intention to move our bodies every day even while we’re stuck in #iso Does that sound doable? Which one of these do you want to master the most? #boostimmunity #immunesystem
24.01.2022 I haven’t been sleeping very well lately And when I don’t sleep well, I wake up tired. You too?... As a Health Coach I don’t always have it all together eitherI’m a busy mum of two, have a business to run, study to do and let’s face it, there is a lot going on in the world right now (which I admit has made it hard for me to switch off from) Now, before you consider the convenience of taking an OTC sleep aid, just know they do nothing to address the root of the problem and don’t provide the body with that deep, restorative sleep it needs. I also want to add that while many of us can relate to waking up tired (hello snooze button) it is not normal. Common, yes. Normal, no. Side note: to my fellow mamas who are waking up regularly because of children. Don’t stress about it. That will make things worse. Just do the best you can - they are only little once! (My youngest is only recently FINALLY sleep through 9/10 times). That said these strategies can help. These are the 3 main areas I focus on that help get me back to a good night’s sleep. It’s a bonus that they also improve my energy levels the following day! Who doesn’t want that?! Swipe to read. If you commit to doing these consistently but still find you’re waking up tired, it’s possible that there are other mechanisms interfering with your body’s ability to switch off. These can include; Magnesium deficiency Anxiety and/or chronic stress Food sensitivities Thyroid problems Toxicity EMFs So tell me, what area can you focus on to optimise your sleep? Let me know below
23.01.2022 The trouble with fragrance This report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is just one of many that blew my mind and opened my eyes to the lies of the beauty industry that set me on this path all those years ago! We were having trouble conceiving and it was around that time that I had also decided to start cleaning up my diet. So this totally made sense....Continue reading
22.01.2022 Thyroid loving chia porridge Thanks to the rich source of selenium found in Brazil nuts, this is a great nutrition boost for those with suspected thyroid and metabolism issuesSee my previous post for more on why your metabolism might be sluggish or go to This recipe is big enough for 4 people and is perfect for prepping the night before for brekky on the go, OR to have as a delicious dessert.... Ingredients cup Brazil nuts 2 cups water 1 tsp maple syrup nut bag or several layers of cheesecloth (optional) cup chia seeds cup unsweetened cacao powder tsp ground cinnamon tsp sea salt 1 Tbs maple syrup 1 Tbs hemp seeds 1 Tbs shredded coconut Sprinkle cinnamon Blend Brazil nuts and maple in water in a high-speed blender until you get smooth, creamy milk. If desired, strain it with a nut bag or several layers of cheesecloth. Add Brazil nut milk and other ingredients into a bowl and whisk until combined. Let sit for 10 mins or so in the fridge (or overnight) until desired thickness is reached. Top with seasonal fruits, hemp seeds, coconut and cinnamon. Serve & Enjoy! #chiapudding #chiaporridge #healthybreakfast #cleaneats
22.01.2022 Are you ready for a gut check? Tell me what you know about gut health? (Hint: it’s a lot more than probiotics and kombucha) ... Hippocrates correctly identified that all disease begins in the gut, centuries ago, but the mechanisms of what that means still have yet to be completely understood. This is an area of research I’ve been fascinated in since I learned about the powerful connection this organ system had on my health over 7 years ago! What we DO know is that the gut plays a significant role in overall health because the majority of the immune system resides there! Learning about gut health will give you a better understanding of how the entire gastrointestinal tract functions and why it plays such an essential role in your overall health. Join me this week as I share more on this incredible part of the human body and what it could explain about your own personal health struggles
21.01.2022 July 30 was World Day Against Human Trafficking Honestly, I was a little conflicted about whether I should share more big issues with you guys, as I know I’ve been quite vocal about a lot of crazy things taking place in our world right now And although I created this account to help inspire and share the incredible benefits of natural and preventative medicine through whole foods, plants and a holistic view to health, THIS is my truth. To stand up for those who do not h...ave a voice. I just can’t stay silent and pretend it’s not happening! Three years ago I balled my eyes out at a conference as I sat and watched Tim Ballard present the incredible work that he and his team do through Operation Underground Railroad ..They risk their lives to #savethechildren by rescuing and rehabilitating those imprisoned in the abhorrent sex trade and trafficking industry. Having just one baby girl at the time, it blew me away that this was a growing industry IN TODAY’S AGE?! I still cannot comprehend the atrocities that take place against our youngest members of society. In the past few months I have been making it a point to educate myself more on this as much as poss...And as heartbreaking as it is, once you know, you can’t unknow... But we’re not supposed to unknow it right?! Having the knowledge empowers us to actually DO somethingtake action. Even if it’s just telling another person. You don’t need to share things on socials to show that you care about the horrors that take place in the world. The beauty of us all as unique individuals is that we can share in our own ways. This is just a way that feels aligned to me. To make some noise and raise some awareness about this incomprehensible reality! There is a lot of incredible information being shared right now about stats and ways to help that I will reshare on the next post But for us here in Australia... According to the AFP, Australia is primarily a destination country for people trafficked from Asia, particularly Thailand, Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia...I didn’t know that before. I’ve shared more in the images attached. #WorldDayAgainstTrafficking
21.01.2022 This is a picture from Ophelia’s FB page ‘My Sisters Keeper’ who I've mentioned a few times on my Insta stories ( What’s special about this pic is that these guys are wearing brand NEW face masks - respirators. With these fires burning weeks on end the masks they’re supplied with just don’t cut it. Ophelia has been working directly with brigades to use funds raised to literally hand deliver them these Rolls Royce of masks direct to our heroes on the frontline...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Honestly what can’t rollers do..? I use them for errrything! No-tox perfume, allergies, sleep support, emotions, muscle aches and pains, skin, health & so.much.more. And what better time to be teaching some beautiful Sydney gals all about it, in person(!), this weekend! Our focus? E M O T I O N S ... Coz let’s face it. This has been one helluva year!! (cheers Rona) Come and see for yourself how incredible these babies are in supporting your emotional wellbeing. $30 - we will ensure you are fed, taught & have roller supplies for a make and take x2! Grab a girlfriend & come hang out Sat 24th Oct @ 1pm Marrickville You keen? We only have 2 spots left! DM me now if you’re keen to learn more about how to be relaxed yet present, uplifted yet grounded, and above all...balanced Let’s learn together and have some fun while we’re at it
19.01.2022 How can stress be helpful? Two words: cognitive reframing. The technique of cognitive reframing can be helpful for managing stress when you know how it works ... Basically... Instead of letting your mind wander to negative thoughts of fear, inadequacy, unattractiveness, etc actively challenge yourself to find the most positive perspective in order to promote a greater sense of peace and control. Practicing cognitive reframing can actually change the way you perceive a situation and your experience of it. How cool is that? For example, if you’re nervous about your first day at a new job, your mind automatically starts thinking of all the things that could go wrongyour coworkers are rude, your boss will be mean, your workload will be too hard With cognitive reframing, you would start challenging yourself to think of all the positive what if’s that could happen: What if this job ends up being the best job you’ve ever had? What if you make a new friend at work that is the kind of friendship you really needed right now? What if you have a workload that is challenging in a GOOD way and pushes you to learn and grow?! When you start reframing your thoughts, you’ll actually begin to change your physical responses to stress too This is because the stress response is triggered by stress itself, which is entirely perceived. So tell me, do you consider yourself to be a relatively optimistic person or do drift more toward pessimism? How awesome is it that we get to choose? @handzaround
18.01.2022 Yes! My commitment this Christmas is to shop local and support small businesses who have been doing it tough this year! I’m not saying this to toot my own horn but rather to put my hand up and say yes. I commit to helping out the small businesses around me as much as possible as Christmas fast approaches! (And beyond the festive season might I add!) Whether it's candles, handbags, jewellery, skincare, makeup, clothes, pampering products, kitchen gadgets, nails, art, online ...voucher for their services, WHY NOT buy from those we know?? I have a lot of friends who have their own businesses. We all have goals that we are trying to reach; paying off bills...saving up for something special...saving for retirement, etc. Let's all help each other out! Share in the comments who you know that runs an awesome small biz that we can get behind! Or, if you’re a small biz what do you have on offer that we can check out?! P.S only 5 weeks til Christmas!!!
17.01.2022 2020 was hard But what if it was the most important year of our lives? Words adapted and inspired by the lovely @clairekcreations ... What if 2020 was the big wake up call we needed? What if we’ve been getting the shoulder taps & whispers from our bodies over the years about our lifestyles but we haven’t listened? What if 2021 is the year we listen, we take a step back & take stock of what we’re doing with our super-fast-paced lives, industrialised, sterile food systems, toxic cleaning products, hormone disrupting ‘beauty’ routines, disease-feeding processed food, pop-a-pill-to-fix-it culture & skyrocketing levels of chronic disease (now affecting babies & kids like never before)? What if we decide that 2020 has given us a chance to improve on what’s working & get rid of what’s not, for better health & a happier planet? I know for many it has brought them to their knees & it might seem impossible to see the silver linings But what if we set an intention? It starts with each one of us. Is there one thing you could do to take care of or improve your health right now? I’m not talking about a mask or hand sanitiserno, they won’t improve your health. Social distancing won’t improve your health. A jab won’t improve your health. By all means if you choose to do these things go for it, just consider ADDING the things that will actually improve your health like Good quality preferably organic foods (which we should all have access to regardless of budgets - one day it will be the norm & affordable for all) Restorative sleep Plenty of clean water (ie. not tap) Swapping to non-toxic cleaning & natural skincare products Movement Time in nature Human contact & connection Diaphragmatic breathing Laughter Kindness & compassion If you know 2020 has highlighted some areas you need to work on, congrats! Awareness is key. But if you’re struggling with the HOW, then let’s chat Book your FREE 30min Health Strategy Session & let’s work together to craft a plan for you to get back on track with your health in 2021 Wishing you the happiest of New Years xx
15.01.2022 My intention with this account has always been to help others on their health journey by sharing what I’ve learnt not only in my tertiary studies, but also the hours upon hours of research I have done (and continue to do) on these topics. I am literally obsessed with learning everything I can about the human body and how to make it THRIVE. WeYOUare nothing short of a miracle! I just really wanted you to know that.... You and I have been perfectly designed, each of us carrying our very own inbuilt defence system. Yep, you know where I’m going with this Currently we are witnessing a moment in our modern history unlike many others. There is an unbelievable amount of fear, frustration and panic out therebut the way I see it, we have this beautiful opportunity to respond with more control than we think. Our IMMUNE SYSTEM exists to protect us against threats. It is strengthened by eating whole real foods, as close to nature as possible, prioritising deep sleep and rest, moving the body, avoiding toxic chemicals (the ones we have control over) and supporting our body’s innate ability to function optimally. This video is the perfect reminder that MAN CANNOT REPLICATE this system. It is God breathed and God designed. This is real footage of macrophages, killer cells and neutrophils killing viruses, cancer and bacteria! Note: Even if you have underlying health conditions you still have an immune response! To me, this is all the evidence I need to know that my body is working for me, not against me. And that I owe it some respect (after many years not doing so!) Hope it inspires you. Sez #immunesystem #immunehealth
15.01.2022 What we know to be true about our immune systems is its ability to become suppressed when the nervous system enters into the fear/stress response aka fight or flight. All this fear of the unknown is on one hand completely appropriate, however it can start to wreak havoc on our bodies if we don’t start to mindfully change that state. For me, fear shows up as anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, short of breath, tight in the chest, tense, contracted and a mind racing with thoughts.... I tend to overthink things enough as it is so it’s important to me that I reclaim my space and energy by taking a step back from the noise. Whether that be social media, the news (even the alternative news) and anything else that zaps my energy! Taking just over a week away from socials did wonders for me and I highly encourage you, if you’re feeling the weight of this season, to set whatever boundaries you need to feel happy, safe and secure. I also thought I’d share some strategies I use when things start to get a little cray cray, iso or no iso. These are just SOME ways to reset the nervous system that tells your brain and body that you’re safe (because let’s face it, thinking and talking about Rona 24/7 is not a sign of a rested state!!) Close down the eyes, sit up straight and take 5 deep, slow belly breathes Meditate/pray at least 10mins a day Get out into nature!! This vid was one of the bush walks we did near home last week (w/ my chatty 3yo)! Stretch and release the tension/get on a roller Have an essential oils/epsom salts bath Put on some beats and dance like no one’s watching! Legs up the wall (instant stress relief trust me!) Watch a comedy What’s your favourite way to destress?
14.01.2022 And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the peopl...e joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed. ~Kitty O'Meara~ See more
10.01.2022 Happy long weekend Syd peeps What are you up to? Whatever it is, be sure to spend some time outside, barefoot in nature, playing. This was our intention for 2020... To incorporate more play into our days! Especially in nature No matter what.... Show me what nature play you get up to this weekend! We don’t stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.
10.01.2022 So much yes to this #onesmallact #ausbushfires #kindnessfactory #rebuild @ Australia
09.01.2022 This post has been a long time coming. It’s a big issue, super relevant for the day we live in. @alec.zeck had some profound words I wanted to restate with some additions of my own Most people are probably familiar with the repeated dogma of germ theory. That disease is a result of pathogens or germs... But what isn’t spoken enough about is TERRAIN theory. French scientist Louis Pasteur recanted germ theory from his death bed for a reason when he said: The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything." If you haven’t done your homework on this yet, please immerse yourself in the amazing science of terrain theory and how it all works. To prevent illness, Antoine Bechamp advocated not the killing of germs but the cultivation of health through diet, hygiene, and healthy lifestyle practices such as fresh air and exercise. The idea is that if the person has a strong immune system and good tissue quality (or terrain as Bechamp called it), then they will have good health. It is only when their health starts to decline (due to personal neglect, overexposure to toxins without effective detox measures, & poor lifestyle choices) that they become victim to disease. Fact is, we are made up of viruses & bacteria. We live in a delicate eco system that allows us to COINCIDE with them. God did not miss any detail in the creation of this ecosystem! The trillions of microorganisms aid our body in detoxification, decomposing dead tissue, & act as a communication mechanism to other people, providing necessary upgrades for health. Bottom line, health is not the result of zero germs. We have way more control over our health! And hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial soaps/wipes/sprays and masks are not the answer. Tag a friend who needs to hear this. S x
08.01.2022 When are we going to realise that waging war against microbes, based on the outdated germ theory is going to do more harm than good?! The fact is, we are more microbe than we are humanbacteria alone outnumber our human cells 10 to 1!!! Dr Steven Lin posted recently about some incredible research being done around the human virome which btw contains up to 380 TRILLION viruses! ... Most of us have heard about the microbiome or microbiota (the diverse range of microbial ecological communities that live symbiotically and co-exist with us) But the virome is next level. I love his points around bacteriophages, aka phages, that are viruses within bacteria that live within us and that the human body, of which I’m constantly in awe of (and love to project on to anyone who will listen!), is actually host to this beautiful ecosystem One thing is certain though, we have barely scratched the surface when it comes to what exactly these phages, or the viruses are doing. However, one thing we do know, is that viruses can kill bacteria. So when you have a bacterial infection, it may be viruses that help create the rebalance. When our healthy bacterial communities are disturbed by antibiotic use, other microbial bad guys, aka pathogens, take advantage of the opportunity to invade our body and make us sick. Any virus you come in contact with today is likely somewhere in your database contained within your own microbial database. Viruses play a fundamental role in your health and wellbeing. Let’s stop the war. #stopoversterilising #weneedthemtheyneedus #symbioticrelationship
07.01.2022 I had a little rant the other day on my Insta stories because time and time again, there is little to no discussion about ways we can actually feel empowered about our health. Headlines are scary and sensationalised, and whether we realise it or not so many of us are drawn into the fear that we have zero control over this crisis and that waiting for a magical pill/vaccine is what will save us. Please understand I’m not trying to minimise the severity of this pandemic. I respe...ct decisions being made to back our community and those on the frontline and am not here to argue against important medical treatments. But what if there was something you could do for yourself that didn’t just revolve around washing your hands and waiting for a cure?? What if there were things you could do way ahead of time to prime your body and give it a fighting chance to ward off ANY infection?! So many of us agree that prevention is better than cure yet we’re hearing nothing of it in mainstream media or from our health experts! We have to wonder WHY?! So my mission for the next few weeks is to help spread a time tested and true message. How to build stronger bodies and resilient immune systems using the power of food and lifestyle Follow along and tag a buddy who might be keen to learn more about this! To your health!
05.01.2022 If you’ve been around these traps for a while you’ll know I’m pretty gung-ho about the need for us all to reduce our toxic load. I’ve seen firsthand how doing this absolutely enhanced my health and that of my family. If you have taken the necessary steps to invest more in your health by choosing organic produce - I applaud you! This is a great first step in not only ensuring the food you eat has quality nutrients (see past posts about going organic) but also gives your liver ...a break from the crazy 24/7 job it has of trying to detox your system of problematic substances like pesticide residues and synthetic chemicals found in our food supply. The next step if you are looking to maximise your body’s healing capacity, lose weight, increase energy and vitality, as well as just look and feel younger (who doesn’t?!) is to start ditching toxins. Start small and work your way up. There’s a lot we can’t control in our environment, but there is a lot we CAN control. Stop using those endocrine (hormone) disrupting soaps, dishwashing liquids, hair sprays, air fresheners, fragranced body lotions, shampoos and creams! Please. There is a better way and it’s not hard I promise! When your liver is overloaded and burdened with the daily onslaught of these chemicals (plus whatever’s in the food you’re eating) it has no choice but to move them away from your vital organs and store them in your fat cells. This is your body keeping you safe! Problem is they need to be detoxed out of the body! But given our modern lifestyles it has a hard time doing this. Swapping out conventional personal care, home and beauty products greatly reduces the load on your liver and gives your body a chance to detox. If you want to learn more about this topic come and join our upcoming workshops where we show you how to create your own natural, effective, low-tox products that will help you for a lifetime! AND because it’s almost the festive season, you can make and take FIVE of your own healthy gifts for your loved ones! (Or yourself because they’re that good!) Early bird tickets end this weekend and spaces are limited! DM me or book via @natural_harry
04.01.2022 Public service announcement Eat a rainbow of colours everyday and ban the beige foods A mantra I try to live by that has drastically improved my health over the past 7 years. I know how easy it is to eat rice, pasta, breads, cakes, crackers, poor quality meats, cheese, milk...but trust me. Your body will start craving the colourful foods even more when you start dedicating your plates to them! ... Image credit @drmarkhyman
04.01.2022 Missing our usual time with family at this time of year... But even in these crazy times we can still enjoy celebrating the new LIFE it represents, and a love like no other Although the world is grieving for the life it had, we can be assured of the life we have in Him ... Whether you believe or not, there is a peace beyond all understanding and a hope that carries us through when we trust I pray you find the peace, truth, hope, protection, patience and kindness that exists in this season. Happy #iso Easter (Also reminiscing about Easter a few years ago and these delish chocs by my fave @pana_organic ) #happyeaster #crossequalslove
03.01.2022 One of my absolute fave nutrient dense bread/loaf recipes is this one by @lukehinesonline which I captured on my Stories the other day which so many of you asked for! It’s from his book ‘Eat More Vegan’ which is a beautiful option to have on your bookshelf for more plant based meal inspo all using real whole foods!! Highly recommend I’m obsessed with hemp seeds and their nutritional profile - think a good dose of healthy fats (great omega 3 & 6 ratio) and is a complete ...protein as it contains all 20 amino acids I amended the recipe only slightly. Dry 1.4 cups almond meal 1 cup buckwheat flour 3 Tbs psyllium husks 3 Tbs chia 1.5 cups hemp seeds 1/2 tsp bicarb soda 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp sea salt Wet 2 cups filtered water 2 Tbs maple syrup 2 Tbs apple cider vinegar (AVC) Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Whisk together the wet ingredients in a seperate bowl before adding to the dry ingredients. Stir to combine. Cover with a tea towel and leave to sit in the bowl at room temp for about 1hr. Preheat oven to 180C and line a loaf tin with no-tox aluminium free baking paper. Once dough is feeling sticky and absorbed any excess water, scoop into loaf tin and smooth the top out evenly. Remove any air bubbles by giving it a gentle bang on a chopping board. Bake for 1hr or until loaf is dark brown on top and firm to touch. Remove from oven and let it cool first before turning out to cool on a wire rack. Once cooled slice the load and keep in the fridge for up to 1 week or in the freezer for up to 3 months. Soooo good topped with avo, s&p, and some kraut Or lightly toasted with some delish grass fed organic butter mmm Yet to try Luke’s recipe for the black tahini veganmite (natural Vegemite alternative) which I reckon would go down a treat
03.01.2022 What do: Low thyroid, history of dieting, body composition, lack of exercise and sleep all have in common? Hint: It makes you feel tired, cold and sluggish (and may be the cause of your weight gain). Annnnd it’s not just because you’re doing so much I’m chatting about each of these things over on the blog here Have a great weekend! S x
03.01.2022 #realtalk Prior illnesses are playing a big roll in covid19 mortality. A paper from Italy’s Health Authority back in March ( showed that more than 99% of fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions. More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease.... Why? Because this virus seems particularly suited to create the most problems for those individuals with a lot of inflammation in their bodies. We have also created the perfect storm in the western world for illness and dis-ease of the body to manifest. From air pollution, to a compromised food system and toxic products lining our shelves. This isn’t about pills or supplements anymore. This is about getting our health together. Getting stronger. More resilient. Harder to kill. WAY LESS INFLAMED. NOW! So how do we do this?? I think you know the answer to that. It starts now by taking a good hard look at lifestyle and dietary factors. Discontinuing obvious inflammation drivers (smoking, sugar, alcohol, junk food, soft drink, dehydration, lack of sleep, lack of movement, stress) and replacing them with healthier habits (daily movement, nutritiously dense foods, adequate sleep, meditation, hydration, mindfulness, breath work, community and touch). This is my jam! I know it can seem overwhelming, but making even just a small change like going to bed earlier and prioritising REST (it literally strengthens the immune system) can make such a huge difference over time! Which area do you want to level up the most in?? #immunestrength #resilientbody
01.01.2022 Sorry mum, Tip Top is NOT the one! (Am I showing my age with that reference?!) These days wheat is not grown and harvested the way it used to be. It is treated, sprayed and nearly always linked to GMOs. The hybridisation of wheat has also led to a modern wheat we now find in most conventional foods coupled with questionable advice to load up on these kinds of foods, which has led to a reliance on it to ‘bulk up’ meals...and basically it’s not having a great impact on our g...ut health. Gluten (a protein found in wheat) is often referenced as being the reason many should avoid wheat, which can be true for some people, but I’d argue there is more at play. A story for another day. Either way conventional wheat and thus gluten are things I try to steer clear of when it comes to my diet and minimising digestive symptoms. This is an area I love educating and supporting my clients with. Helping them to work through symptoms related to their GI tract like bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, headaches, allergies, skin issues and anxiety are all symptoms I struggled with on the regular before I learnt what I know today. And honestly, it’s still a work in progressthanks to the years of (unknowingly) damaging my gut! So this is one of the reasons I try as best as I can to make my own breads and opt out of the conventional kind. I’ve hit my word count here so I’ll share one of my fave go-to recipes on the next post
01.01.2022 Signs you might be experiencing chronic stress. This list is not exhaustive btw. But let’s not panicstress is actually a healthy part of being human! It’s part of our physiology for a reason and an important part of our survival mechanisms.... However, there is a big difference between acute periods of stress vs ongoing underlying levels of stress! It’s this chronic kind of stress day in, day out, that can keep us functioning at suboptimal levels. It’s also worth considering that it could also be sabotaging your efforts to [insert health goal here] It’s also an area of health I’m passionate about helping busy, ambitious women with because I WAS that woman. And I could have avoided so many issues related to my burnout if I knew what I know now. I spent 10+ years in the corporate world, in some high pressure roles that were stressful and I just shrugged them off as being ‘part of the job’. Nothing a red wine, chilling on the couch watching my fave TV (no Netflix back then!), chocolate, and/or some partying couldn’t fixOr so I thought Truth is, our modern lifestyles are creating havoc on our nervous systems so it’s important we take stock of those symptoms we’re shrugging of as normal. What do you think? Could chronic stress be one of the main reasons you’re struggling with some of these symptoms?
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