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Sara J Levene in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Aromatherapy service

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Sara J Levene

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


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24.01.2022 Do you ever find yourself needing an instant energy shift? Not every day works out as planned. In fact most days will throw us a curveball of some kind. Whilst having a morning & evening practice is a valuable and deeply nurturing and supportive self care commitment, we are still living a human experience that shifts those feelings quickly when we realize how out of control aspects of our life and the lives of those we love, can be. So if you’re in need of a quic...k pick me up, a calming of the central nervous system, a conquering of the fight, flight, freeze response that makes us so reactive then a very simple intentional few breaths will do wonders. Place a hand on your heart, (this simple act inspires a deep sense of connection with self and feelings of care and comfort) and simply breathe. Hold the intention to calm your agitated feelings, soothe your heightened emotions, slow down the overactive thoughts and just settle into your breath. Close your eyes if you can and breath in for a count of five, hold for a count of three and breath out for a count of seven and Hold for a count of three Continue this breathing for up to ten rounds if you can, but even one round of this intentional breathing will shift your emotional state and help you to calm your nervous system, and help you feel in control once again To enhance the effects, and intensify the results, grab your favourite essential oil, (I have three in particular that I love for these moments, Frankincense, Balance or Wild Orange. Frankincense is deeply nourishing in those moments when I am feeling particularly triggered July events out of my control. Balance is perfect to bring you back to yourself when you’re caught up in outside drama and Wild Orange is deliciously uplifting and you cannot help but smile when inhaling that citrus aroma.) Simply pop a couple of drops in your hands, rub them together and hold them over your mouth and nose and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Massage the residue into the back of your neck and along the inside of your arms and then it’s time to breathe, reset & calm. Tag a friend who needs this

23.01.2022 #Repost @theblissfulcollective with @get_repost Sometimes, as a holistic wellbeing mentor and Coach and an aromatherapist, I come across tools that are so perfect as they are, that I can confidently and passionately use them with my clients and get life changing results far more quickly and with far fewer sessions Make no mistake, I love foundational Aromatherapy, aromapressure, mindfulness, gratitude and kindness practices, I mean REALLY love them and use them allday e...veryday in my home and life and with all my clients, but change, real, lasting change, takes time One thing I know for certain, to achieve that change and to put in the time, attention and intention day after day, we all need some added support, non invasive, easy to adopt and effective support and that is where essential oils come in The constituents readily available within pure essential oils enter the limbic system within moments and immediately impact neural pathways creating feelings and emotions that support peace, calm, rest, relaxation, confidence, balance, grounding, joy, pretty much all the good feeling stuff Who doesn’t want more of that? And of course the impact is experienced by the whole family, your entire home will feel calmer, more joyful, well balanced, relaxed, depending on the energy you want to create within your home ... and not only that, the fragrance is delicious, safe and all natural Win, win, win Working with me is a life changer, and I’m absolutely an advocate for mentoring, coaching and education in every aspect of life, BUT, it takes a certain level of ‘readiness’ to make change and the timing HAS to be right for the change to happen and be everlasting. In the meantime you can start supporting yourself and your family with this amazing starter kit that has all your emotional needs and wants covered So if you’re ready for some natural, safe support, that is effective, works on improving positive mental health and uplifting emotions and will make your home smell delicious, send me a DM or drop your favourite emoji below and I can happily answer any questions you have I’ll get you sorted to start enjoying them ASAP!

17.01.2022 Do you love being told what to do? I only ask because we have had a good few months of it recently and if I’m honest, I really dislike it ... a lot! I’m a lover of freedoms... freedom of choice freedom of movement freedom to speak from the heart ALL the freedom ... and whilst I love to be in charge of all those aspects of my life NOW, I have spent a large part of my life seeking validation from others to confirm my decision is the right one, the best one and the one I should make. Ultimately though, and it’s taken me a while to realize this, the best advise has always been my feelings about something. My intuitive nudge has never steered me wrong, seriously, never and so, I’ve done a lot of work around why I sought other’s input and I realized it had NOTHING to do with their knowledge or wisdom and EVERYTHING to do with being validated. As soon as I realized that little gem, it was life changing ... and it will be for you too NO-ONE knows what’s best for you, better than you do ... You might have to do a little get-to-know-you session with yourself to feel confident in your inner guidance to start with, but as you see all your decisions play out in the best possible way for you in your life, you’ll soon learn to love checking in with you and only you. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing yourself completely, it’s so worth the journey to reach that destination! Do you have complete trust in your inner wisdom and guidance?

17.01.2022 My favourite way to prepare for the new month ... connecting with self, receiving inner guidance, beautifully communicated with this stunning deck from @moonchildtarot ... Looking forward to the growth and transformation

17.01.2022 The Whole Truth Teller I am whole, with my toes buried in the sand and the ocean wrapping herself around my feet; back and forth, back and forth. I am whole, with my arms wrapped around a tree, feeling 100s of years of energy, pure and potent; hearing whispers and wisdom of times past... I am whole holding my children, close to my heart, arms wrapped around each other, hearts beating the rhythm of our soul family I am whole when I speak from my heart, from my soul, those words, thoughts and feelings that come to me, flow through me, supported by my deep connection to the earth, Gaia, my soul family, my soul mission I am a truth teller, I am whole, are you?

14.01.2022 Well I don’t know about you but I’m not going to be sorry to say goodbye to 2020 ... BUT ... I have to be honest, it’s been a truly transformational year that has seen real expansion for me! I have invested more in myself than ever before,... I have overcome fears of showing up and being seen, I have set and enforced boundaries, I have remembered my authentic voice and shared from a place of love, honestly and often! And I have let a lot go ... I’m excited to continue my expansion and transformation in 2021 and to let go of the toxic relationships which have drained my energy this year ... Tell me, I’d LOVE to know ... what are you letting go of to guarantee a great 2021? Let me know in the comments and let’s all celebrate our commitment to an outstanding 2021

13.01.2022 Who are you really? The more I live, the more I realise that so many of us are just going through the motions in life. Being who think we need to be, what we believe we should be and we’ve been doing that for so long, many of us simply do not know who we REALLY are! Too many of us spend too long doing what’s expected of us, what’s deemed appropriate, what we grew up believing was the right thing to do. ... I don’t know about you but I sense a real desire to change, a yearning to be a different version of ourselves, a more authentic is, the one that helps us embody the best version of who we want to show up as everyday. And that feels SO exciting ... True story ... I did find myself once, my best self, and I thrived until I didn’t, because I forgot myself again, I got lost ... in life. I didn’t value that true self anymore I didn’t honour that true self anymore I didn’t practice what I knew would support the thriving and instead succumbed to ... a life far from fulfilling So here’s what I learnt in the space between the thriving and the reconnecting, the remembering, the growth ... Not knowing myself made me feel resentful made me feel like I was always striving for more made me feel like something was missing in my life made me feel frustrated, fearful and angry Imagine how refreshing the shift away from those feelings is? How much of a difference feeling the opposite of those will have on you, your family, your business, your life? So the question is ... Are you embodying your true self, showing up everyday as the you that makes you really happy, that makes you feel empowered, successful, loving? And if not ... Would you like to be? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this ... Are you the real you or the one you believe you should be?

11.01.2022 #Repost with @get_repost You don’t need to do this alone. It doesn’t matter what you’re going through, there is always someone who is going through it to. Someone who has gone through it before, or someone who just wants to support you whilst you’re there ... This is why I created The Blissful Collective, this is the community I was seeking, this is the space you can come home to ... Welcome ... I’ve got you x

11.01.2022 Are you over feeling tired, unenthusiastic, grumpy, brain fog? Do you know you need to switch things up but you’re not sure where to start? If 6am boot camps, yoga or 5.30am bike rides or ocean swims aren’t your idea of setting yourself up for a great day then this perfect your morning practice program might be just what you need ... You don’t have to get dressed, you don’t even need to leave your bedroom and you can create ... expansion focus high vibe energy and supermum vibes that last allday ... Create your morning ritual, and enjoy feeling the good feels for more of your day We start our next round with weekly FB live Q&As on January 4th, presale is open now, might just be the perfect Christmas Present! You can join through Presale via the link in my bio and then click on Magic Morning Routine - 4 week program Once payment has been received you will be sent an email with further details and an invite to join the private FB group. The group will be open from January 1st, so you’ll be able to start the New Year excited and ready to embrace your new morning routine. Please message me to let me know you’re in & you’re ready to transform and leave me your email address (to make sure you receive your welcome email) or to ask me any questions/have a chat about whether this is the right program for you

07.01.2022 Nothing like a quick fix to shift that funk ... You know that funk that comes on seemingly out of nowhere? That makes you feel heavy and unmotivated, frustrated and reactionary? It’s SO annoying; you can be feeling great and then someone’s energy hits you and all of sudden you’re in a funk I mean sure, we know we can’t take on other people’s stuff right? But it’s sometimes easier said than done and energy has a powerful way of weaving it’s vibration into your energetic ...field and wreaking havoc ... We’ve all got that one friend who drains us every time we meet, don’t we? So imagine how awesome it would be to have an instant fix To shift that heavy feeling right away To lift your vibe and feel instantly lighter I have great tools and techniques that I use and share with my clients and customers, but the one I use the most myself and with my family, to navigate and support these shifts, is pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. These plant compounds are quicker than any over-the-counter pill, more potent than any affirmation and just as supportive as any breathwork technique (but they take less time and last just as long) Inhaling essential oils carries the compounds directly to the brain, where they rewire neural pathways creating better feeling thoughts, it’s that simple. So how does smelling an oil we’re not yet emotionally connected with actually help us shift our current state? Here’s where the real science comes into it ... Essential oils have different properties that interact with the brain, in this case the amygdala, in a way that encourages change, much like an analgesic will help to sooth pain, an antibacterial will help to battle bacteria, or an anti fungal will kill off that foot fungus, the oils we use for emotional and mood support have therapeutic properties that work with emotional needs, properties such as calmative, antidepressant, sedative, soporific, stimulant, even tonic, nervine & restorative. There is SO much natural support available from just one little bottle I’m curious, tell me what mood or emotion do you feel challenged by the most?

06.01.2022 Welcome the Dawn ...

04.01.2022 You smell so bad .... Those are words I NEVER hear and this picture is exactly the reason why ... In fact, it’s because I ONLY use essential oils to create my fragrances that I often get told how good I smell and at least once a day I get stopped and asked what perfume are you wearing, you smell so good I’m not going to lie, I love it and I feel a little smug because not only do I smell amazing, I’m also supporting my emotional and mental health and general wellbeing!... Aromatic dressing and PureFume created with pure essential oils are the only way I’ll put any type of aroma on my skin and ultimately throughout my body system. And I only trust the purest, unadulterated essential oils, ethically sourced and sustainabley farmed ... that’s my jam! What’s your favourite natural, toxin free fragrance? And if you’re not using toxin free fragrance yet, and you’d like to be, type ‘PURIFY ME’ in the comments, I’d LOVE to send you a couple of samples so you can experience the compliments and body love too

02.01.2022 Feeling like a pretty smug mumma right now ... I first posted this pic of my empowered mumma, all natural, aromatic health support roller, we affectionately call the ‘Flu Bomb’ back in 2019 ... A well loved roller bottle filled with 100% pure essential oils and a carrier oil, that we use when ever we feel something coming on; a tickle in the throat, or a foggy head, a hint of aches and pains you know the signs ... I know, you know, the signs! We don’t have to use it very of...ten (obviously) but today I need to refill it! What I love most about this is not my ability to take our health and wellbeing into our own hands. Not that I can limit symptoms and speed up the healing process naturally whenever I need to; Not even the fact that I no longer feel that dread and frustration at having to manage life around unwell family members, no school, no work, no break!!! No, what I love most, is the fact that this is an all natural and super effective way to support our immune system, to boost our ability to fight germs and minimize the effects of whatever is going around. I am the first responder, healer in my own and I love it! I’d love to know ... what makes you feel like a smug mum? The top five oils (and carrier oil) in this medicine-cabinet-must-have are in The Home Essentials Kit, if you don’t have it DM me and I’ll set you up

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