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25.01.2022 Sunday morning breakfast. Mung soup with baby spinach...yummmm

25.01.2022 Eating fresh whole foods is the best fuel we can pop into our bodies. The fresher it is, the more nutrients it contains and the better our digestive system can absorb and assimilate it for great health and building healthy strong tissues. You cant get much fresher than picked straight from the garden (& this is not a bad haul from my poor lil under attended patch) As I am Pitta-Vata, eating a lot of raw food or legumes and brassicas can play a bit of havoc with my digestion.... But that doesnt mean I shouldnt eat them at all...and how could I not want to eat such gorgeous coloured freshness?... Fresh peas and beans are the most easily digestible of the legumes, so a plus for vata and their sweetness is cooling for pitta and pacifying for vata, so plus plus. However also cooking them with digestive spices like ginger, cumin, fennel, cardamom, turmeric and (for my body type) a teeny bit of black pepper or fenugreek and having with a little extra ghee or oil also makes them more compatible. Blessings #healthyliving #growingfood #nutrition #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurveda #gardening #organicgardening #healthyfood #healthylifestyle See more

24.01.2022 Between now and the end of September I am offering a limited amount of appointments at a super special introductory price. Book in for a combined Ayurvedic consultation and treatment session and get the 1 hour consultation, followed by the 1 hour treatment for $60. This is a massive discount of $65 and will not be repeated. Appointment places are filling up fast and there are only 5 spots left available, so first in... Contact me to make a booking. #ayurveda #healthylifestyle #healing #wholistichealth

23.01.2022 Creating good, strong, healthy immunity goes much further than just with our digestion, but it is the first place we look at and start with when we want to improve our health and immunity. Good digestion creates good immunity and overall health. Why? Because, in a nutshell, when our digestion is working well and you eat good foods, you will digest and absorb the nutrients needed to build healthy blood, which then feeds your organs, tissues and every cell in your body. At the... same time it eliminates and prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body. And this is vital for building and maintaining a strong, healthy immune system. At this particular time there are many things we can be doing to maintain our health, to keep illness at bay or ride out any illness that comes our way in reduced time with little or no adverse symptoms. Things like; Getting plenty of good quality sleep Regular exercise and movement Regular meditation, prayer or quiet contemplation Spending time in nature Doing activities that fill you with joy and make your heart sing Reducing and avoiding stress and the things that cause you stress and anxiety (especially news and social media right now) And the list goes on. In our home, along with the above list we are also getting our regular daily dose of these 3 beauties to help keep our digestion and immunity working optimally. Chyavanprash - supports and boosts the immune system, increases strength and energy, improves and maintains respiratory health, memory and agni (digestive fire) and promotes optimal health for all the bodily tissues. CCF Tea - corriander, cumin and fennel seeds brewed into a tea to aid digestion and improve agni, increasing absorption of nutrients while also calming and soothing the GIT of any inflammation. It also relieves congestion, indigestion and gas. and my Ayurvedic version of Jamu - a well known Indonesian tonic known for its immune boosting, rejuvenating, anti inflammatory, blood cleansing and digestive qualities. Easy to implement into the daily routine and all easy on the taste buds too. If you would like more information about any of these preparations, other remedies, herbal combinations, ghee, sitopaladi or any other health and lifestyle advices, for the next few months, I am making myself available for phone, video call or email consults for $30 and less depending on your needs and current circumstances. Smiles and Blessings

22.01.2022 Manufacturing day in the Sariva Ananda kitchen. #Ayurveda #ayurvedaaustralia #ayurvedicskincare #ayurvedawesternaustralia #naturalbeauty #naturalskincare #ayurvedicherbalism #herbaldecoction #ayurvedicdecoction

21.01.2022 Bottling day for my home-brewed Kombucha! This slightly fizzy, fermented tea drink is easy and kinda weird but also interesting to make yourself. Home-brewed Kombucha (not store bought) is quite high in B vitamins and Probiotics which are great for boosting the immune system, enhancing gut flora and digestive health and even helping to regulate moods and increase energy. Its usually made with a very sweet, strong black tea, however, In wanting to keep as Ayurvedic as possib...le and apply those principles, I brew with either a gorgeous green jasmine tea (the darker bottles) or combinations of other dried herbs and fruits to make up my own herbal tea blends, depending on what I want to achieve for my body (the lighter bottles have rose, lavender, nettle, echinacea, ginger and sweet orange peel for this brew). I use jaggery instead of refined, processed sugar(sugar cane jaggery, NOT palm sugar type). And particularly important for proper digestion, I always drink it at room temperature or warm, never cold or iced. Looking at kombucha through our Ayurvedic spectacles, it is seen as acidic, so it enhances digestion and increases heat. Therefore, those of you who are more Pitta dominant or dual dosha with Pitta should drink it in smaller amounts and less often, to avoid increasing your Pitta fire too much. It is great for Vata types, who are cold in quality and tend to have more erratic digestive fire and if your Kapha type, go for a kombucha brewed with ginger, but limit for you too, as its quite high in sugars. Home-brewed kombucha is stronger than the pasteurized shop brands, so for me, being Pitta-Vata, I only put about 80-100ml in a big glass and top it up with hot water or sparkling water. If you want to know more Im always happy to share brewing instructions and where to source a Scoby from. Smiles and Blessings #ayurvedaaustralia #ayurvedawesternaustralia #ayurvedalifestyle #Ayurveda #alternativemedicine #livingayurveda #naturalremedies #healthylifestyle #kombucha #kombuchabrewing #healthyfood #healing #herbaltea #herbalifenutrition

21.01.2022 This gorgeous little ground cover growing like mad in my herb garden is Brahmi (bacopa monnieri). Todays brief harvest gave me a nice big handful to make swarasa (juice), a bunch to dry for tea blends and even some pieces to propagate. Brahmi has bitter, sweet and cooling qualities. It works on all the tissues of the body, especially the plasma, blood and nerve. ... It is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs for the mind and nervous system, being strengthening and rejuvenating for both. Brahmi helps to improve memory, learning and concentration and is considered to "increase longevity" Tridoshic, but particularly calming for vata imbalances, it has been traditionally used in conditions such as Parkinson's, ADHD, anxiety, depression, mania and mental exhaustion, stress and debility as well as insomnia, among its many applications. #ayurvedahealth #Ayurveda #ayurvedicherbalism #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedaaustralia #ayurvedawesternaustralia #herbalmedicine #herbs #herbgarden #naturalmedicine #livingayurveda #healthandwellness #naturalremedies #healing

20.01.2022 I was pondering over the last week or so about taking Isis essence. I bought it over a year ago for my practice but the time just hadnt felt right yet. So I had my kinesiologist balance me the other day and "Egypt" came up quite strongly, the following day I bought a book on a spiritual nudge and found myself reading about Isis energy and presence, so I decided enough signs, and made up a bottle of Isis essence and took my first dose. Low and behold, an hour or so later, I ch...eck my emails and find ABFE June newsletter in my inbox...with the heading and first paragraph about Isis essence! This essence is bringing all the love and nuture and connection of the Divine Feminine. I am really feeling more connected to my nurturing feminine energy, but not in the way that I am mothering everyone I love, which is my usual way of operation. I am feeling much more motherly and caring towards myself. I feel a deep sense of needing to love and mother myself as I did for my children and I am really knowing what I need to do to give myself that love. Isis "she of 10000 names", brings to you whatever feminine love and energy that is particularly needed by you, in whatever particular way you need it right now. It is a beautiful, gentle essence that is just what so many of us need right now. For the month of June you can get 1 bottle of Isis essence, or 1 bottle of any other of my spiritual essences for $10. with any consult (incl HT, Reiki and Ayurveda) See more

19.01.2022 This is Ian, our founder and CEO. He is a 5th generation Australian herbalist and has spent over 30 years of intensive research pioneering his range of Bush Flower Essences. To this day Ian is an incredibly active part of the business and the team at ABFE are so grateful to have him working so closely with them each day. The Bush Essences are a system of healing that anyone can use for themselves or prescribe for others. Although Flower Remedies have been used by many cultures for thousands of years, the Australian Bush Flower Essences meet the great need for remedies that help people address the issues of the 21st century. We are an Australian grown business creating quality natural products to support you and your family. We look forward to bringing you some exciting new products this year and continuing to create your favourites. Stay well, the ABFE team x Find out more about our Founder on the website. #AustralianBushFlowerEssences #ABFE #EmotionalHealing #bushfloweressences #bushflowers #floweressences #bushessences #flowers #australia #vibrationalhealing #vibrationalmedicine #emotionalwellbeing #naturalremedies #healthyliving #vibrationalhealing #energymedicine #selfcare #wellness #abfe #ianwhite #australianbusiness #herbalist #supportaustralianmade

19.01.2022 Appointment spots are filling fast and this is all that I left available for December. So get in quick to secure yours ... #ayurvedictreatment #ayurvedawesternaustralia #healing #healingtouch #ayurveda #health #ayurvedicmedicine #healthyliving #wellness

19.01.2022 Many people believe that happiness is having fun at a party, the excitement of new experiences, the thrill and passion of sex, or the delights of a fine meal. T...hese are all wonderful experiences but they are not happiness. Happiness is when your life fulfils your needs. In other words, happiness comes when you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Happiness is a feeling of contentment, that life is just as it should be. Perfect happiness, enlightenment, comes when you have all of your needs satisfied. While the perfect happiness of enlightenment may be hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain, happiness is not an either /or case. There are nearly limitless degrees of happiness between the bliss of enlightenment and the despair of depression. Most of us fall somewhere between, closer to the middle than the edges. Have a beautiful happy day. See more

19.01.2022 I just LOVE getting this kind of feedback. This precious little bubba has reflux and colic and 8 days ago had to have lazer treatment to release a severe tongue tie. Since day 4 post op she has had terrible pain and restlessness every night, sometimes screaming for two hours despite mum and dad's best combined efforts to settle her. So last night as she was starting to fuss, I just happened to be there. We made up a dough ball, warmed the Danwantaram oil and gave her a beautiful Ayurvedic baby massage, follwed by a nice warm shower. Mum sent through the pics a little while later saying she was so relaxed and calmed that she was sleeping...well, like a "baby" I LOVE Ayurveda life

17.01.2022 Staying calm is so important to supporting a healthy immune system, and lately this is a struggle for most of the community. Are you feeling irritated for no apparent reason, losing your temper or getting emotional super quick or just feeling like something is just not right?? All of these are signs of panic, stress and worry. Emergency essence is a fantastic remedy to assist with emotional distress, panic and fear and bring you into a calmer space within yourself.

17.01.2022 In Ayurveda, we acknowledge that there are Five Great Elements or Panchamahabuta’s. They are Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Space and these elements are present in everything in varying degrees to give everything its unique form and make up. So too, in every single person, each of these elements is present in varying degrees to give you your own unique form and make up. There is no such thing as a one size fits all. Each and every one of you is a unique individual. There is n...o one else like you, and therefore, your wellness and your illness is entirely individual to you too. My 1 and hour in-depth, Ayurvedic consultation process allows me to discover your particular body constitution, or Dosha and to have a clearer understanding of your individual imbalances or disease process, so that I may tailor your treatment plan and therapies to what you particularly need. Whilst it is not compulsory to have a complete consultation to access my services, it is necessary for certain specialized therapies and is highly recommended so that I can offer you the most appropriate and relevant advice and treatments in order to help you improve your condition. See more

16.01.2022 Intensive hair growth treatment at Lakshmi Ayurveda. We have many people coming to the clinic complaining of thinning, premature greying and scalp issues. This ...gave us the inspiration to prepare this wonderful herbal hair pack. A combination of the herbs Shikakai, Reetha, Amalaki and Brahmi powder. The hair pack may assist in: 1. Improving shine and colour 2. Stimulating hair growth 3. Cleanses and nourishes your scalp 4. Gives moisture to your hair 5. Relieves dandruff Instructions: 1. Take 3 tablespoons of the powder and add water to make a paste. 2. Apply the paste on your scalp and hair, massage it in. 3. Keep in for 20-30 minutes or more. 4. Rinse off with water. This hair pack is available at the clinic. For more information or if you would like to try it, email us at [email protected]. With love from Lakshmi Ayurveda, we hope you stay cool during this hot weather!

16.01.2022 Each week or so I make up a fresh batch of my own Ayurvedic version of the Indonesian digestive and immunity boosting drink, Jamu. Lemons, ginger, black pepper, salt, turmeric and tamarind. Simmered in a couple of litres of water. Strained, cooled, honey added, bottled and stored in the fridge. Each morning I put about 1/4 cup of this Jamu concentrate into a mug and top with hot water. This warm but refreshing drink flushes my system and kick starts my digestion, setting my G...IT up to work well for the rest of the day. #ayurvedahealth #guthealth #ayurvedaaustralia #ayurvedalifestyle #healthylifestyle #Ayurveda #ayurvedawesternaustralia #healthyliving #holistichealthpractitioner #homeremedies #ayurvedicpractitioner

16.01.2022 Naturopath and founder of Australian Bush Flower Essences, Ian White, has some great insights and tips for remedies and supplements to help cope with the emotional energy surrounding Covid19, and how to boost your immune system to keep it at bay or minimise severity. The supplements recommended, you can easily purchase from your local chemist or health food store. Feel free to contact me if your interested in purchasing any of the Flower Essences mentioned. And stay calm, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and get lots of good quality sleep.

15.01.2022 Today's Ayurvedic pottering included encapsulating herbs. Here I'm doing Triphala and Trikatu, both of which are often used to improve digestive health. And some early morning cooking up of some delicious, and most definitely nutritious, Mung Soup. Mung soup is sweet and cooling in quality and mainly pacifies pitta and vata, but also kapha. The seasonings added to this one balance out the light, astringent, drying qualities that might normally aggravate vata, making it reall...y easy to digest and wonderfully strengthening. #Ayurveda #ayurvedaaustralia #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedawesternaustralia #ayurvedahealth #health #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healingfoods #digestivehealth #healing #herbalmedicine #herbs #naturaltherapies #cleaneating

14.01.2022 In times like this, boost your Ojas, your life essence. Ayurveda speaks of many ways to do this. Healthy diet, healthy agni and healthy relationships are all vi...tal to healthy Ojas. Kindling your agni, having a good daily routine, drinking warm water, and maybe enjoying a warm glass of milk in the evenings are all great ways to boost your Ojas. Take care of yourself, take care of your community. Dr Vasant Lad

13.01.2022 Special treatment for my son in law who hurt his back earlier this week doing what men do when they are in the work zone of heavy lifting and repetitive bending. Kati Basti! A relaxing treatment that reaches deep into the muscles, ligaments, vertebrae and nerves. A dough ring is placed on the lumbosacral area of the back creating a sealed bowl where warmed medicated oil is gently pooled in, and replaced as it cools for around 30 to 40 minutes. ... The heat not only increases blood flow to the area but also assists the oil to penetrate far into the tissues to nourish and loosen tight, stiff muscles, decrease and calm spasms, and so soothing the nerves, easing pain and swelling and increasing range of movement. Kati Basti is used for a variety of acute and chronic back, hip and abdominal issues including sciatica, spondylitis, arthritis, herniated and ruptured discs, muscle spasms and radiating pain, IBS, constipation, urinary tract problems, PMT and other menstrual disorders. For this particular treatment, in combination with the kati basti, cloth packs soaked in hot medicated oil were also layed along the upper spine and neck/shoulder area and hot rocks were placed on top to keep the heat constant so that the oil could more readily soak into the muscles and tissues and do its work. #ayurveda #ayurvedictreatment #ayurvedalifestyle #treatment #ayurvedaaustralia #naturaltherapies #healing #health #healthylifestyle #painrelief #backtreatment #ayurvedicmedicine #holistichealthpractitioner

12.01.2022 Pinda Sweda Milk and rice are both nutrient rich, nourishing, strengthening and rejuvenating to the body, but you dont have to just eat them. They have the same therapeutic benefit when applied externally, especially to the bones, joints and muscles. Pinda means bolus, and Sweda means heat, and in this gorgeous specialized Ayurvedic treatment, rice and medicinal herbs are prepared in hot water and milk and rubbed and massaged over the problem area of the body. With its relaxation and analgesic effects it provides relief from pain, swelling and stiffness and is used to treat complaints such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, lumbago, sciatica, wry neck, fatigue, muscle weakness, joint, neck and spinal problems and much more. Pinda sweda also improves skin texture, releases stress, soothes nerves, relaxes the muscles, promotes blood circulation, assists lymphatic drainage and helps the body to releases toxins trapped in the tissues. #Ayurveda #healthyliving #ayurvedicmedicine #naturalremedies #ayurvedalifestyle #therapy #healing #massagetherapylife #ayurvedictreatments

12.01.2022 With all the anxiety and fear flying around about the virus outbreak, it feels like a good time to remind ourselves of our mental hygiene Louise Hay style. Of... course it’s important to take precautions in order to avoid infection but fear won’t aid our wellbeing, and the scientific evidence around this is very robust. So, as we act sensibly, we also need to pay attention to the thoughts we’re thinking in our minds around the virus. We hope you find the following affirmation from Louise helpful: 'Good health is my divine right. I am open and receptive to all the healing energies in the universe. I know that every cell in my body is intelligent and knows how to heal itself. My body is always working toward perfect health. I now release any and all impediments to my perfect healing. I learn about nutrition and feed my body only wholesome food. I watch my thinking and think only healthy thoughts. I love my body. I send love to each organ, bone, muscle and part of my body. I flood the cells of my body with love. I am grateful to my body for all the good health I have had in the past. I accept healing and good health here and now.'

09.01.2022 Christmas morning pressie time in our jim-jams...and I have new signage (thank you husband) Merry and safe Silly Season to you all and looking forward to seeing you next year.

08.01.2022 For those who are caring for others in whatever capacity and feeling the strain, or overwhelm. This brand new essence has been lovingly created by Ian and the ABFE team just for you I will be ordering some of this essence in very soon, but I also have many other essences on hand to create blends tailored specifically to your unique needs. I am doing phone or video consults for a very small fee and will do deliveries to Albany and Mount Barker area once a week. (Prices of essences and blends remain same)

07.01.2022 Such a beautiful and wise teacher. Dr Lad is the author of most of the textbooks we learned from during our Ayurvedic study and training. Here he shares some very easy and practical tips you can all implement in your daily regimen (dinacharya). He also suggests some herbal powders (churna's) that are also beneficial for boosting your agni and immune system. If you are interested in learning more about your particular body type, compatible foods and daily regimen, as well as i...mmune boosting tips and remedies, I am offering phone and video call consults during this time for the special price of $30. This is a one hour consultation and includes an individualized diet and lifestyle plan that summarizes your constitution (dosha), has a food chart, dietary advices and lifestyle recomendations including dinacharya, and easy to make recipies, that will be emailed to you. If you would like to purchase the sitopaladi herbal powder mentioned in this video or any that I recommend in a consult, I am doing a once a week non-contact letterbox drop in the Albany area (pm me for details or to order). Stay warm, stay calm and centred and stay safe. Much love and blessings to you Namaste

07.01.2022 Some very good advice thats an integral part of healing, and one that we often put lower down on our self care list. Our bodies perform the most profound healing, rejuvenation and restoration during times of rest, so make a point of including it into your daily regimen. Change your mind set from thinking that rest is "idle time" or "laziness" or "not achieving anything", instead affirm that it is, in fact, the opposite of all of those statements.

06.01.2022 This is why I love Ayurveda

06.01.2022 A few snaps of my lil Practice in process #ayurvedaaustralia #ayurvedictreatment #ayurvedawesternaustralia #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurvedalifestyle #healingenergy #health #healthyliving #treatment #healingtouch #australianbushfloweressences #holistichealthpractitioner

04.01.2022 Awesome study about one of the modalities offered at Sariva Ananda Healing

04.01.2022 There is some new skin care products on the horizon. So today in preparation, beautiful flowers from my garden, that contain their own special healing properties have been popped in to infuse into skin loving and nourishing oils. #healing #naturalremedies #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurvedalifestyle #naturalbeauty #healthyliving #ayurveda #naturalskincare

01.01.2022 I highly recommend taking this course. Dr Prasad is extremely experienced as both medical and Ayurvedic doctor and he has a passion for marma therapy and enourmous generosity with sharing his knowledge and wisdom. Ayurvedic practitioners. Massage, beauty, and other body work therapists, energy healers and more...he welcomes all who want to learn.

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